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Rated: 18+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1772183
Jenn's Birthday.
Jennifer's seventh birthday was one to remember, for many reasons. The morning
began with Uzriel and Jenn's daily tea party. Goldie woke up even earlier than
them, filling their modest home with a medley of mouth-watering aromas that
made Uzriel breathe in often and quite deep. Chocolate chip cookies, lemon cake,
cinnamon rolls and then as the morning went by she cooked pot roast and a very
cheesy lasagna.

         "Mmm, can I marry you again?" whispered Uzriel, his lips brushing Goldie's
left ear. She shivered from his touch, but even then his hand sneaking to the lemon
frosting was noticed. The wooden spoon made a dull thwack as it smacked Uzriel's
pale hand. "Hurts so good," he said with a smile. Goldie rolled her eyes.

         "You have to wait just like everyone else," said Goldie. He laughed softly
and turned her to face him. Her blonde hair, with a fair amount of gray strands,
was tied back into a ponytail. He placed his hand under her petite chin and gently
lifted it. "That's fine, you taste better," a slight deepness to his voice, he kissed
her firmly, twice, and a third time. Goldie smacked him upside the head lightly, her
cheeks a rosy red. She sighed.

         "This is the kitchen, not the bedroom, you ass," she said. Uzriel had a goofy
grin as he backed away somewhat. "I know, had to preheat the oven for later," and with
that she covered her face with her small hand. "I'm grabbing the frying pan, you better
run," she muttered. Uzriel's grin faded and he edged toward the door, retreating to the
next room.

         Laying down on the oval, burgundy rug with her feet kicking back and forth in the
air was Jenn. Uzriel crouched beside her, admiring her latest painting. A hill with dark
and light blades of green grass, a stout oak at the crest. The sky was clearly nearing
sunset, lively pink and burning orange hues amidst the clouds. Under the oak he noticed
four shadowy figures, all different heights. Pondering, Uzriel stroked his goatee in a
clichéd manner.

         "What do you think, Dad?" asked Jenn. He thought it was magnificent for her age,
but he said, "I think..someone wants a sister." She giggled, set aside her brush, and
gave him a rather enthusiastic hug. "Almost right, daddy. I want a brother, so he can
protect me!" she breathed out quickly. He mussed her blonde hair and stood.

         "We'll see Jenn," and with that, the house burst into flames, wood splintered
and shot across the room. Uzriel heard the most demented, high-pitched laugh before a
piece struck his left temple.

         Goldie's screams jolted him awake. "Jenn!? JENN!" His lungs burned from the
dense smoke, he couldn't see his baby. Despite the inferno, he felt so cold with fear.
Uzriel charged into the kitchen door, flames licked at his hair and clothing when the
hinges gave. It felt like hell, not knowing if they were safe. Everything wood smoldered
and spat flames. Nothing! He rushed to Jenn's room, all her toys were consumed. For the
first time, Uzriel cried. But the heat dried his tears instantly.

         Only outside remained, he sprinted to the front door, coughing raggedly. Downing
another weakened door, the sight he saw broke him. Jenn lay face down on the ground in a
pool of blood, her left arm not far from her body. The tears flowed freely now, his pale
hands clenched to the point of bleeding.

         "UZRIEL!" He felt nothing, but reacted to his love's voice. He never ran so fast
in his entire life. Nearly one hundred feet in three seconds, he tore at the first man
that was raping his wife. Gripping dirty brown hair, he spun his head full circle and
ripped head from body, then rose and used it as a weapon. Blood rained and another man
fell from the bludgeon. Uzriel smoothly stole a dagger from his belt as he dropped, turned
and enjoyed the sound of metal dragging through throat. The fourth tried to fight, but
Uzriel tossed the crimson dagger into his forehead.

         Adrenaline faded and the misery set in hard. He fell to his knees and held Goldie's
weak body in his trembling arms. "Our baby. Our baby.. Goldie I-" She pressed her one clean
finger to his quivering lips. "L-love," Goldie gagged on her own blood, spat it out. Chills
seized Uzriel's spine, "I'll always love you honey, don't leave me! I'm sorry I made you mad,
I'll behave.." Goldie held his cheek in her right hand, his tears made dried blood drip once
more. Uzriel lifted her up, kissed her like it was their first time as his fingers ran through
her blood-soaked hair. He tasted copper mingled with his wife's scent as their tongues danced
one last time. And then..nothing. She went limp.

         Fury came back as he covered her naked body with his singed, long-sleeved shirt. Uzriel
yanked the dagger from forehead, stomped over to the one beast he had left alive. To wake him up,
he grabbed his big, right hand, pressed it to the rocky ground, and split his index finger into two,
from knuckle to fingernail.

         "AHHHH!" he shouted, Uzriel punched him once in the throat, the second smashed his fat nose.
"Who the FUCK are you?" Left arm shot towards Uzriel's face, he caught it with the point of his knife,
hilt shoved to palm. Another scream. Uzriel jammed the man's halved finger into his mouth to silence him.
Five more punches, his face gradually becoming mush.

"You think this hurts? It's only going to get worse. If you give me information, I'll kill you. Otherwise,
I'm going to make sure you live a long, long time."
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