Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1780613-Vampire-Supremacy
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Erotica · #1780613
A vampire decides to wait before taking his pet's innocence.
Just a little nip. It had been all he had taken before. Before I became of breeding age. Before my birthday. I had one of the kindest, most generous masters. He didn't abuse me like many did their pets. He even taught me. He made sure I knew I was a person with rights as well.

He often went on political rants about how things should change. Go back to the way they were. Before the fight for Vampire rights took a turn to Vampire supremacy. He said there can't ever seem to be true equality on Earth. Someone always has to be oppressing someone else.

And now the Vampires were oppressing the humans. Many years ago, before my birth, before his turning, vampires were only spoken of in stories. As if they were imaginary. Then, the Outing came. That's when huge panic hit the humans. They slaughtered Vampires. Eventually, though, they learned that most Vampires didn't kill their "victims." They just fed a little and let them go. They also preferred the act to be consensual. But in the time before, it wasn't safe to reveal themselves. So they had to use trickery and the special skills in their mind.

The world had reached an equilibrium for a time, at least with Vampire and Human rights, but the Vampires took their trickery and special skills and got into high places of power and soon, supremacy started.

Humans were made into slaves and pets. Anyone too much trouble to train was killed. Torture, feeding to the point of near-death and brainwashing got to the first generation so much, that by the time they died out, the current generation, mine, could imagine no other life.

My master also touched me in different ways now. Made different sounds. Something had changed between us. He still loved me. But a look in his eyes and how he looked at me would send shivers down my spine. As well as other different sensations in parts of my body.

Many girls are able to breed well before their breeding age, but my master fought hard for a legal breeding age to be put into place. He often seemed exhausted as he would talk to me of all he had to do to replace balance.

Of how he wished he, as all Vampires, didn't need blood to survive. He would touch my face and stroke his feeding spot with tears in his eyes. Apologizing to me profusely. I didn't understand. I loved my life. His bites stung only a moment, and then he would hold me as I fell asleep. I felt loved. Never used as he would say he was sorry for.

You see, my Master is one of the few new Vampires. After the Outing, non-consensual turning became illegal. There were classes to take, forms to sign and so much more for one to be turned. Many weren't willing for such a life and even if they were, it was too much trouble. Of course, there were illegal turnings in the Vampire underground.

That's also where a lot of the Killers are.

I don't like to talk about them...

Then, since Vampire Supremacy, it was decided it would take away from breeding stock and the slaves. You see, Vampires are nocturnal and SOMEONE has to run the world during the day. Many slaves barely feel it. They are CEOs and well-cared for. Yet, they must do -everything- their Master bids. Whether or not they agree. Human CEOs are merely day-time faces for the real CEO. Every management job is like that. Few jobs are merely humans doing self-willed tasks to keep the world going.

Some pets are made to adjust to the nocturnal sleeping patterns. Which is hard for humans. We need sunlight. There are actual nutrients in it. Sleeping while it's sunny goes against our very nature.

Master lets me keep my natural sleeping pattern. He feeds on me just before I go to bed and goes about his night. In the morning, he wakes me and gives me breakfast before he goes to sleep. Then I do some chores and some lessons. That's what he spends some nights doing, preparing lessons for me.

We get a few hours before I go to bed and some mornings, especially in winter, when the sun stays away longer, he stays up until I finish breakfast.

Sometimes I hate the sun. Sometimes I want to be up when Master is. He says that would not be healthy for me. I'm still growing and I should do what humans do.

Last night, I didn't sleep well thinking over how Master had changed. This morning, he didn't stay up with me even though the sun wouldn't rise for another hour.

I wasn't sure what was going on and it hurt me. Perhaps breedable age meant I would no longer be treated the way I was. My chores had increased, including running errands. He always made sure my card stating my name and his name as my master was on the table with the keys.

He didn't want me to be arrested. It was such a hassle to reclaim a pet. He didn't want me to go through the blood tests. I heard it was only a needle, but he wanted to protect me from so much.

So why was he hurting me now? I was so confused. I opened the folder for today's lesson without eating when he had left and I heard the basement door close. I blinked as I read the print outs and saw the pictures.

When I got my first period and started developing, he had given me lessons about anatomy and even explained reproduction. These lessons were like that, yet different.

I put the folder down then. Was he sending me away to be bred? Humans aren't allowed to marry and have families like we once were and, due to that, our population has dwindled. So, they started breeding facilities. Most times, males are sent there for life and females until menopause. And those females usually go to different masters afterward.

My heart sank. I didn't want to leave him. But I had no choice. If I were to breed, I'd do my best for him. Not bring shame to his name.

But in all the papers and books and videos, it only mentioned a few were good for chances of reproduction. Some of them lacked the one thing that was needed for reproduction. Several times, the male put his penis in the wrong places.

At the end of the last video, I was feeling warm and breathing heavily. I was trembling with some craving. I wanted to do what I read about and saw. From my mind to my body, I felt an odd hunger. I had learned how to do things to myself, but I was scared.

So I went about my chores very absentmindedly, feeling a moistness build between my legs and an ache that wouldn't go away. Finally, the sun set and Master emerged. I swallowed as our eyes met. He was wearing just pajama pants and it made something below my stomach jump to see his toned chest and arms. I swallowed.

It didn't help that a look was in his eyes. It was different than the look just before he bit me. It had a similar feel. The same look that made me shiver. But ... this look... this look, made me feel as if I were giving the same look.

I swallowed again. He sniffed the air and came closer with a smirk on his lips. "Little one, I trust you did your lessons today?"

I nodded, still looking into these eyes. My voice was barely a breath as I asked, "Why wasn't there a worksheet?"

He touched my cheek and another shiver went through my spine, "Because I have other ways to test your knowledge."

I tilted my head in curiosity and I blinked hearing a soft growl come from him.

He kissed my forehead, "The innocence always tastes so sweet."

Watching me blink, a shift happened in his face as he backed away. "And you are young yet. No need to take it just now. Please, my pet, forget the lesson."

As he turned to prepare supper, I went after him, "I can't! They've been nagging me all day. I feel... bothered."

He sighed and looked at me, sniffing the air again, giving a growl and then what I thought sounded like a pained groan. "Yes, I should have thought before giving that to you. I was too eager. I'm sorry." He took a deep breath and looked back into the refrigerator. "Just refer to the masturbation lessons."

I gulped and stepped away, feeling my face grow hot. "I'm scared."

He looked at me curious, "Why? Did you see how good it could feel?"

I looked down, not sure how else to explain it.

He nodded and took my hand. He was trembling as well, "My dear, you will enjoy it. After I feed, please do this to yourself. Otherwise, it will bother you and you will have aches. I will hide the lesson until another time. We will do work with it later."

I pouted, "Can't you help me? Like in the lessons."

"That would be taking your innocence. I don't want to do that to you yet."

"But I don't want to be alone. Please be with me when I do."

His trembling grew worse and he closed his eyes, "My pet, I am fearful I would take your innocence were I to watch you."

"I trust you. I need you. Please, my master." I put my arms around him, feeling a stiffness against my abdomen. I could feel the vibrations of his growl and groan. When I looked up, he had closed his eyes.

He pulled me away from him, "Very well, pet. But I must do something before supper. And perhaps after supper as well. Also I will still feed on you first. Then I will sit in the far corner as you... pleasure yourself. I will sit in the dark, perhaps doing things myself, but you cannot see. And, my pet, it will be hard, but when you do those things, please do not make a sound."

I wasn't sure why it seemed to so complicated, but I nodded. He would be with me as I explored this lesson. He was gone for moments before coming back for supper. As he put the dishes away, he told me to get ready for feeding. By the time I was in bed, my neck freshly washed, he had returned looking spent, but still trembling. He didn't touch me as he fed. He just gripped the comforter and groaned as he released me. He licked the wound a bit longer than normal.

He said he would be back, again. He told me to remove my underwear and stay under the covers. He was back a few moments later, took his seat in the dark and said, "Go on, Pet. Explore yourself. Just do not let the covers come off."

I reached down and gasped as I felt hot, moist and swollen flesh. Touching it made the feelings stronger. I gulped and wriggled, holding back the moan, remembering his request. After several moments, I was feeling a need, but unsure what. I moaned out, "Master."

I heard the growl and groan come from him, "My pet, I said to be quiet." I heard him shift in his chair. "But, my dear, what is it?"

"I... don't... know." I was writhing as I touched myself.

I heard a sigh that turned into a moan. He cleared his throat, "The little nub. I heard you almost yelp earlier, so I believe you touched it without expecting it. Touch that, gently. Rub it."

I did know what he talked about and rubbed it. Oh, the wondrous sensations. Everything was that. Nothing else existed. Not even my master's requests. I moaned without thinking as my legs spread, not realizing I had kicked off the covers.

But a door slam shocked me into reality. I called, "Master?"

Getting up, not putting the panties back on, I walked out, "Master?"


He barked at me and I could see him rubbing his penis. That caused the sensations to shoot through me and I moaned.

He shot his eyes at me. The look frightened me, but caused me to ache between my legs even more. Suddenly, I knew what I wanted. And I couldn't leave until I got it. I moved to him.

"This will not happen tonight! Go back to bed!"

He slammed the door and I knelt before it, crying, "Master!" I cried and called out until my voice was raw. Then the sun shone through the skylight and I heard the basement door close.

There was no lesson and I did my chores in rote. The ache grew between my legs and in my heart.

After what felt like eternity, Master appeared fully dressed and looking like I felt. He didn't speak to me as he prepared supper. "How are you, Pet?"

"I ache."

He growled. He sniffed the air and let out a curse. "Go, complete it. Now."

"I need you."

"No, you do not. That is the point of it."

"I'm too sad."

"Pet, if you do not, the ache will continue." He sounded tired and frustrated. Like the times when I was sick but refused to take my medicine.

"I... I'm sorry. I... don't want to."

"Didn't it feel good?"

I blushed, "Yes, very."

"It gets better. Please. Go do it. I must go out tonight. All night."

He never went out all night. I blinked, "Why?"

"None of your concern. I will be back to give you breakfast. And please, complete what you did last night."

When he left, I tried. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I needed him there.

When he came back, he looked at me sadly. He looked ashamed. Like the time he accidentally ran a kitten over before running an evening errand. "Master, I tried, but..."

He nodded, "I tried too." He sat by me, "I bought a hooker tonight."

I tilted my head, "You've done that before. When you were needing more feeding than you took from me."

He shook his head, "It wasn't only for that. It was for sex."

I still didn't understand.

He smiled at me and kissed my forehead, "You are my tenth pet. Never before have I cared so much for one. Never before did I want to make a pet my sole lover."

My confusion seemed to amuse him, "I believe I have gathered enough self-control. I cannot be with another, but I will not be with you, yet. However, I will help you reach completion this one time. Then from now on, you will need to take care of it yourself. Do not tell me. We will wait to be together."

I tilted my head again.

"More of that later. Lie back, spread your legs."

I did that and he seemed to be straining against himself. "Touch your clitoris like you did before."

I did so, beginning to writhe and moan. I gasped and jumped when I felt something enter me. I looked up and Master had closed his eyes again, but I looked down and his fingers were inside, moving. Oh, how it felt. Oh, how my heart swelled.

I rubbed again and it wasn't long before I was screaming and spasming. Crash after crash and finally I lay breathing heavier than I ever have. Once my mind cleared, I looked over and he had his head in his hand and his other hand was gripping his own thigh. I saw a wet spot on his pants and I touched his thigh. "Master?"

"Please don't touch me pet." There was a deep groan of hunger, like when he hadn't fed for a few days when I was sick.

I frowned and he shook his head. "I cannot move, my need is so great. But please do not touch me."

I was about to ask what he meant when he released a magnificent large penis, throbbing and shifting so much it looked like it would explode.

And if the videos were any indication... it would.

He stroked it and soon, white liquid shot forth, hitting my rainbow poster. He stood, pulled up his pants, kissed my forehead and went to the door.

"Master! You didn't feed!"

"I cannot feed now. Feeding... feeding is different now, pet. I will need more control and I do not have it right now."

He eventually did feed on me again, but he always left abruptly. He no longer held me until I fell asleep. I did as he told me and pleasured myself. But my heart still ached to be with him while I felt such wonderful sensations.

His eyes held a sadness too, but master is very determined. Several years passed and one night as we ate dinner, he smiled, "In the old days, you would be getting ready to go to college." He sighed, "In the old days, I could not have helped you learn of your sexuality."

He frowned thinking of such changes in cultural protocol, "Of course, in days much older, I could have. But we would have had to have been married."

He chuckled, "Oh, times have changed." He looked at me and smiled seeing my same amused smile that said I didn't really care what he was going on about but enjoyed hearing him talk. "My pet, tonight. Tonight, we will finally be together."

I jumped up and hugged him, "Oh master! Thank you."

I felt him swallow, "Now." It was a demand. A tone he didn't often use on me. He kissed me and I felt the sensations flare up inside me, moans came from me as his hands ripped my clothes off.

His lips surrounded my breasts and I jumped, needing my legs to surround him. I could feel the stiffness and I moaned, "Master, I ache to feel you inside."

He growled and threw me onto the couch as he undressed. I spread my legs as he did this, touching myself, already writhing and moaning. He knelt between my legs and gently entered me just a little.

He closed his eyes and seemed to compose himself, "My pet, this may hurt."

I nodded, "Please Master."

He thrust in and I screamed in pain, but he kept moving and the pain went away. I found myself in an ocean of pleasure ebbing and flowing through my body.

Then he bit me. Oh, the familiar nip and flow of blood. It made the sensations stronger as well and soon, before I realized it, I was crying out his name as a wave of pleasure took over.

But he continued and wave after wave took me over. Soon, he tensed and I felt a hot liquid fill me. He moved and held me tight, licking my neck before kissing it and resting his head against mine.

"There, my pet." His legs wrapped around mine, "Now we are complete. Our life will be full of love and pleasure."

I blinked sleepily and made a little purr sound and drifted into a happy sleep.
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