Rush Limbaugh .. and other crooners. |
Rush Limbaugh has always been a wonderful public speaker. Why? He is concise and he presents logical arguments; if you except the facts supporting his premise. Who listens to AM radio in the middle of the work day? Old folks and shut-ins and folks, who can do what they please on the clock. Oh, and the soccer moms are big fans. I can write about how the economy is manipulated by short traders. I could speculate that the Federal Reserve is owned by the World Bank, i.e. the collapsing European Community. Before there was the Brotherhood of Islam; there was the United Arab Emirates. So, what? AM Radio is about selling Rogaine and prostate meds to angry middle aged white guys. A talk show is just trying to get ratings. I think Glen Beck is the funniest. He sounds like Bing Crosby and talks like Jerry Falwell on crystal meth. I met Jerry Falwell. He had some really nice callone on. Any-who, Glen Beck thinks Japan had a tsunami, because they don't believe in God. They're Buddhist. He wrote that in his book. So, Rush doesn't like feminists. What a shocker! His audience are mostly hen pecked men. Does Rush tell his wife to have dinner on the table when he gets home? Ahhhhhhhhhhhh NO. Do you remember LEAVE IT TO BEAVER? That's the America Rush fantasizes about. "Hey Wally. Mom got a job at the 7/11. Cause dad got laid off." Da-da-dat-da-da-dum... Lets bring back deregulation! How many more companies can a corporate raider raid? Poor people are lazy! That's why they can't afford insurance and bleed to death in the emergency room. Who needs them? Were all rich! Right? Oh, those were the days! We could use a Herbert Hoover again! Remember Jim Crow? "Don't tell me what to do with color folks! Her-ya!" Yup, every state has its own customs... So, what's Affirmative Action? Communism! Glen-Glen your young and insane. Please come back to us Bonnie Glen. THE BLAZE! "We thought it would be funny. If we asked some college kids .. if basket ball should have Affirmative Action." (Jimmy Stewart answers) "B-but, I thought Affirmative Action was s-suppose to help m-minorties?" You know the folks that were being lynched, during the Civil Rights Movement. "Hey, t-thats not f-fair!" How to get kicked off Fox: tell a network audience the President hates white people. Very clever GGGlen Bah-Beck. Wasn't Fox founded on tabloid baloney? Wow, that's like getting kicked off a porn site. I think that's special. Clearly, the reason for the trillions of debt in this country is lazy poor people. They just take and take. That's why they're so poor. And just stop paying for public education! Poor people are too lazy to learn! They just want a free meal. Nope. According to Rush and Glen and the other right wingers. The purpose of government is to deregulate the market place and smoke out the terrorists. How do you smoke out terrorist? You bomb Libya! Invade Iraq! Did anyone consult the Russians on Afghanistan? The problem with terrorist is; they are fanatics. I know this is politically incorrect, but I don't think the United States can afford to be the policemen of the world. How much are these wars costing? A billion dollars a month in Iraq. The military contractors are making billions on government contracts. No money is trickling down to the tax payers. It's all Obama's fault! He just wasted to much cash on Affordable Health Care. He doesn't understand government like George W. Bush did.... or George H. Bush... or Clinton? Government is for making Haliburton richer. Cause when big companies get richer, they hire more people ... in Mexico. And Americans can be proud to serve you pancakes at the International House of Pancakes... Let freedom sing .. like a screeching eagle! Sean Hannity, "Obama is letting Libya burn.... we should get out now!" Of course Sean thought the President was too slow to respond to the Libyan crisis. But, who the hell is Sean Hannity? He owned a restaurant . Naturally, he knows how to handle Libya. His employees were Libyans. Let freedom ring! But, not in Libya! He is so right. Let's pull out of Iraq! "I live in Manhattan and my taxes are too high." Sean squawked. I feel so sorry for the you. Can you get a good seat at Spider Man? "The most profound musical ever." Glen Beck said. I will prophesy! Obama will be reelected, because the Republicans will blow it. And the Middle East will explode and this twerp: Bryan Reynolds on the cover of my Entertainment Magazine will get herpes all over. LET FREEDOM RING... on BRYAN REYNOLDS' HERPES! Did we learn something? :) |