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Rated: E · Other · Death · #1787599
This is the beginning to my story. Idea's and critizism welcome...but dont be mean.
The last words he spoke to her echoed in her mind. Every word a fresh wound to her soul, making her wince with every syllable. She was muttering them to herself over and over again making the wounds deeper each time, not able to stop or get them out of her head. Barely aware of her surrounding, the only thing she could feel other than the pain was the cold, wet foliage underneath her. He had left not five minutes ago, but it felt like she had been lying there for at least an hour. As the waves of pain began to subside and her heart became numb, she became aware of the growing pain from having her back curled the way it was. She also realized that there was a throbbing in her right leg, she remember tripping over a stump in the ground running after him. She sat up slowly, her back popping in the process and she wimpered in pain. Reality hit her like a speeding train and she knew that he was really gone, it wasn't a dream. He had told her that he wasn't in love with her anymore because he could not deal with her emotional issues and that he wanted to seek another girlfriend. She felt too sorry for herself to feel any anger towards him. She knew that losing her mother was putting a strain on her relationship but she had expected him to be the one person in the whole world who she could count on to always be there for her, but obviously expectations are just a setup for a heat break.

         Ira barely noticed when the teacher threw her paper down on the desk. Her eyes fell to the desk and she saw that she had received a D+ on her latest history assignment. Ira knew that she should be concerned but she just did not care anymore, her life fell apart everytime she tried and she was tired of it falling apart. Ira looked up at the teacher in enough time to see him shake his head and walk away. She could understand his dissapointment seeing how she used to get straight A's but since her mother passed away and her boyfriend dumped her, her grades have slipped increasingly. It wasn't that she didn't want to have good grades, she just couldn't concentrate on her work.

         The bell rang, signalling the end of the day, Ira grabbed her paper and her swung her backback onto her back. Ira sulked out of the room and went to her locker, crumpling up the D+ and threw it in her locker, not wanting to trouble her father with her most recent dissapointment. She knew that if she were to take the paper home and her dad saw it she would get a very stern talking to, not that it would change anything. Ira sighed at the sight of all the crumpled papers and torn up notebooks. She had given up organizing her locker almost immediately after losing her mother.

         "Mom would kill me if she could see this mess." Ira thought to herself. She looked around and watched as the rest of the student body dispensed from the school. She saw a group of her old friends look back at her as they left and then looked at each other. They were too far away for Ira to hear what they said but they laughed as they walked out the entrance. Ira's anger boiled up slightly and she slammed her locker closed, the loud sound making several of the teachers look out their classrooms door's. Ira ignored them and walked down the hallway and out the door, the sunlight making her squint her eyes as they adjusted. Reaching into the front pocket of her backpack she grabbed her sunglasses and put them on.  Ira looked up at the cloudless sky, resenting the sun, she preferred it to be cloudy and rainy.

         Walking home, Ira stopped at the park like she did every day. She went to the swing set and sat down, not swinging. Ira loved to people watch at that time of day. Watching people's happy moments at the park almost gave her a glimpse of hope. Familiar faces of the families that went to the park regularly smiled at her as they walked by and it was only at the park did Ira ever smile back to anyone. There was a little girl that liked to sit next to Ira on Wednesday's and Friday's when she visited the park with her father. Ira didn't mind the little girl's company mostly because the little girl never seemed to feel like talking, which was usually the mood Ira was in. It was a Thursday though and the little girl was with her mother who lived in a different town. Scanning over the crowd, Ira's eyebrows rose when she saw a new face, a very unfamiliar face. He was wearing all black, like Ira, and was sitting at the bench right across from Ira on the other side of the park. Ira looked down, only realizing after that she was wearing oversized sunglasses so he probably did not even know that she was looking at him. She scoffed to herself and looked back up but he had stood up and was walking inan indirect line toward her.

         Ira couldn't help but feel her heart flutter just slightly. The boy was good looking and she couldn't help but swoon ever so slightly. She kept her face pointed forward but she followed him with her eyes, watching as he slowly made his way to her. She nearly turned her head involuntarily as he stood beside the bench, but she was able to restrain herself as he slipped into the seat beside her.

         "Hope this seat isn't taken, it was getting lonely over there by myself." He stated, turning his head to look at Ira.

         "I don't care if you sit here. I'm just sitting here." Ira said, gazing at him with her periphial vision as he sat down next to her.

         "I'm Alistair Mason, just moved here. I'm watching my little brother play today." He said, gazing at Ira.

         "I'm Iradesa Jamison, but I go by Ira. I'm watching everybody play today." Ira said, motioning with her hands to the other people in the park. He looked where she moved her hands and nodded.

         "I see. So do you have any brothers or sisters?" Alistair asked curiously.

         "Well, I have a brother and sister who don't even know about me. Xander and Avay. Does that count?" Ira asked, carelessly. She was a little concerned as to why this boy was asking her all these questions. Ira adjuste4d herself to take over her backpack and she accidentally brushed Alistair's hand. The most amazing sensation came over her, pinpointed at the spot their skin touched.
© Copyright 2011 Bri Hope (bri_hope16 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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