Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1792388-Dragonwing
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1792388
Xerox, a young girl dragon mutant, fights to become known in Gotham...
        Chapter One (INTRO)
          I lay dieing, warm blood now flooding from the wound in my stomach. I didn't move for fear of losing more. but,slowly things faded, and I wondered, was death really a safe haven from pain, or endless torment. I was on my own, living in the snow blanketed streets. I was fourteen, and now dieing, which truely sucked, but I learned a lesson from it. If you hear gunshots don't look for where they came from. Which is what happened to me, there I was, watching the mayor give his christmas speach, when gunshots were fired, the mayor ducked, and the crowd screamed, two people lay dead on the pave, I ran, looking for the danger. Batman wasn't going to take my glory this time, I thoguht. I needed the publicity, I needed a home. People scattered, screaming, as terrorists chased the citizens, guns, machine guns, bombs, and knives all held in their hands. A girl of about the age of six stood, tears flowing, calling for her mother, and one of the thugs steped closer, aiming his gun. Now, is my moment, I thought. Quickly, I transformed, my form, a magnificent, long furry dragon, no wings, but still able to fly. I darted, wrapped myself into a protective barrier around her. The gun screamed agian, and I felt the bite of the bullet.
        Taking action now, I raked my claws down the person's back, and left the little girl in safty. I looked to the sky, the batman only just now swooped in. Oh, how I wished to take him out. I swirved around, taking out many viliains, and taking many shots. Soon tired, and weak from blood loss, I swirled around to see HIM, running to take me out, believing I was one of the evil. It was my flaw, the one bad thing about being a freak, I was frightining. When he was but three yards from where I stood bleeding, I changed back, and darted off. Like lightning into the shadows of the alleyways, and now that was where I was, in the alelyway not a mile from the Wayne House. Laying in the blood soaked snow. I heard a car stop in the street near my alleyway home. Yells were called, but I couldn't make them out. I was already fading into nothingness, even the cold snow seemed warm now. Gentle hands lifted me, I couldn't seem to wake up to defend myself, so I let them take me. If they wanted to bring me somewhere else to die, then so be it. After a slam from a car door near my head, I was lost, in the darkness of my mind, nothing was real, nothing was fake. I felt no pain, but I did feel the blood begin to harden on my skin, and warm hands holding my head. I was neither in Gotham, or in the next life, I simply existed.
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