Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1792526-Dragonwing
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1792526
Chapter two of Dragonwing, Xerox fights to become known in Gotham.
    Chapter two
      Who would want to take a random injured girl off the streets, I thought. Batman for one, the Joker is another, and I think I'd rather die than have either pick me off the streets. It seemed like years since I was laying dying on the street but probally only hours went by. Lots of converstation and paniced voices since, but everything was slured, I kept my mouth shut, in case I might hear myself speaking jiberish, one of the many signs of death. More time passed and I didn't fight the handling of my wounds, how could I, I couldn't even open my eyes. Now though, things began to come to focus, the voices were of two men, one had a butler's sort of accent, almost a little boring, the other's voice was deep, and paniced. Nether sounded the least bit Jokerish.
      The door opened with a creak before long, and chairs scuffed the floor, no escape was the only thing I though, time to see my captor. I snapped open my eyes, I didn't know why but I was freaking out, I had been thinking yet it wasn't really my head, maybe the mutant part? Blinding light pearced my eyes, and I closed them again. "Gah!" I exclaimed, now with hands covering my pained eyes. I went to sit up, the same gentle hands pushed me back down, "Let me up!" I groaned, voice a little distorted, and eyes still closed.
      "Just lay there for a bit, you've been shot pretty bad, rest." Came the gentle hands man's voice.
      " NO DUH!" I grouched, now fighting him to sit up, "DON'T CALL AN AMBULANCE, I CAN'T GO TO THE HOSPITAL!!!"
      "OK, we won't send you to the hospitle, just calm down!" My eyes now staring him fully in the face, despite the pain, the stars and fuzzies blocking it.
      "Where am I? The Wayne house?" I suddenly felt strangely calm, who knew the only thing you had to do to calm me down was say we won't send you to the hospital.
    "Yes, your in the Wayne house, I'm Bruce Wayne, how did you get shot?" Bruce came into focus.
    "I was protecting citizens from terror." Then I shut my mouth. As he looked at me with a "what were you doing that for" look, the butler man came in, holding a tray of food.
    "Hello," I waved at him trying to be friendly enough to get the meal, "Alfred, right? I live in the alleyway by here, so can I have some of that food you hold so lovingly in your hands? COME ON MAN I'M STARVING! Sorry." He looked at me, smiled, and ploped the tray on the night stand. Imeadiately I began stuffing my face. They sat watching, I continued eating, if it was poisoned, who cared, not me! Soon it was gone, and I felt a little sad, no more food. "I'm Xerox," I said, holding out my hand to each, "you know like the office supply company? Thought it was a cool name and didn't have one at the time." They watched me closely, like I was supposed to be dying, and I probally was, but I'm not normal.
    "Who's your parents? Won't they be missing you, Xerox?" Asked Alfred.
    "If I told you who my father was, would you put me in jail?" I countered, with as much of a smart alick tone as posible.
    "I don't know, depends on who your father was, and if what he did rubbed off on you." Bruce jumped in with chilling coldness.
    "Good answer," I grinned darkly, "Ok, my mother is dead so her name doesn't really matter, and my father is a mass murderer, called The Joker. He captured my mother as a hostage, and when no one came looking for her, he raped her and sent her on her way. He made sure he followed her, killing anyone she tried to go to for help. Soon she fell in love with him, and he took to injecting her with strange substances trying to create the ultimate human. This lasted for like ever aparently, she left in a huff the night she figured out what he was doing, she had no where to and to go so she ended up staying in the alleyway for the night. Though she didn't know she was due. That night she had me in a dark alleyway and died. I've been living in alleyways ever since, unwanted, and starving." I stopped not feeling the least bit sorry for myself, I never had to listen to anyone, and made my own rules. the only down side to not having someone to look after me is, no house to go back to, no sanctuary. "I've tried to get known as a hero, but it is hard, being the daughter of the joker, and having Batman taking the credit for any little thing I do, no matter what I do, how i'm seen, that batman dude gets the fame." They watched me for a while, probally thinking i'm strange for not liking Gotham's best superhero.
  "You can stay here as long as you wish, do you want anything food wise or anything at all?" I nodded to the food, then he smiled, "We'll bring that to your right away miss." Then left the room, Alfred following close behind.
© Copyright 2011 PoetSai (dragonesssai at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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