Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1795884-A-Sledding-Adventure
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1795884
Three kids set out on a cold winter day to experience a sledding adventure.
                          A Sledding Adventure                   

  Christmas was just around the corner and every one was feeling the joy of the season. The weather was quite cold, but that did not stop most folks from continuing their preparations for the coming holiday. This was truly a busy time of year for most every one, although for those that lived in the country things seemed almost the opposite. Michael, Christine and Josiah were finally settled into school and the cold weather kept every one inside most of the time.The snow seemed to call to the kids every day but the chill of the weather seemed to chase them in by the fire place. Twice a day it was a must for the kids to head out and make sure all their animals were fed and warm. Otherwise, they stayed in the rest of the time. Finally one fine Saturday morning three kids gave into the snow's calling and took on the cold to go sledding.
  Now, I must introduce to you the three country kids of our story today. These three kids were all siblings and truly blessed with both a mom and a dad that were still together.
  Michael was the eldest and so being, fulfilled his role as group leader. Being such, every one must obey him or pay the price.
  Christine was the middle child. Though the only girl, you would not tell for she was harder on those boys than they were on her.
As for Josiah, he was the youngest of the three and had the hardest role. He was not doubt spoiled by Michael and Christine while younger, but as time moved on that wore off. When older, Josiah was the one who did all the unwanted tasks. Today was no different for he was the one who was ''unanimously'', elected to pull the sled.
These were truly siblings, for it seemed they could do nothing without some one getting in a fight or getting hurt, and today was no exception.
    The kids were extremely excited about trying  out a brand new sled made for them by their dad. It was a unique  sled, for it was made of wood with a sheet  of metal screwed to the bottom to make it go really fast. Today was to be the christening. There was not a hill close to the house suitable for such a sled or so daring of kids, so they set out on a mission to find the perfect hill for their sledding needs.
There was a ridge 1/2 mile behind the house where they knew they would find the hill of their dreams. Thus, with a smile on their faces and a spring in their step they set off in search of the hill of all hills.
  When they reached the top of the ridge, they started walking along the crest of continuous hill. They tried a few spots, but found none to their liking. Michael finally yelled out to the others, who were slightly behind him, ''Hey guys, I think I found a good spot. This looks perfect.''
Christine and Josiah picked up their slow walk to a fast trot, and joined Michael at the edge of the hill. What a great hill it was too! Steep as ever and literally peppered with sage brush. They stood there catching their breathe for a minute, and they all were wondering, 'Who would go first?'.
It was indeed a steep hill and quite intimidating to them all. None of them felt like being the hero and going first, but it didn't take long for Michael to come up with an idea. He was the eldest and would have normally gone first, but this time he generously suggested that Josiah go first.  ''Yeah Josiah you can do it.'' Christine said backing up Michael's idea, for she did not want to go first either. ''NO'', was the firm answer they received to their suggestion. They told him that he could be the FIRST down that great hill, and that he would be braver than Michael. Thus after a little coaxing and a promise not to push, Josiah agreed to this dangerous feat to be braver than Michael. I believe the latter was the big seller.
Josiah seated himself securely in the sled. He then got a good grip on the  rope, which they used to pull the sled. Michael and Christine  would not want the rope to fall under the sled and slow down Josiah's ride at all. Josiah looked once more down the hill which he was about to go. Suddenly, fear struck him for the hill looked much scarier inside the sled then it had out. Quickly, Josiah objected. Michael feeling his control slipping reached down, without even a second thought about the promise, and pushed that little sled as hard as he could. The look of suprise, betrayal, and anger  on Josiah's face could not have been recaptured. The little sled leaped into the air and started its decent down that great hill, with the unwanted passenger. Michael and Christine stood at the top of the hill watching on as the whole thing took place. Slowly smiles appeared on their face and the smiles soon turned to laughter, as they observed this amazing feat.
It was as though the little sled had wings, for it flew down that hill faster than any other sled had ever gone. The poor passenger was not as excited however, for he was to busy hanging on to the rope for dear life. Although I do not think it helped him much, it did some how give him a little comfort. Josiah was doing his best to stay in that little sled. For between the speed at which the sled was going, and the sage bushes over which is scaled, it was quite a difficult task.
What a site it was folks! To see that little sled accelerating down that great hill at an unbelievable speed was truly amazing. I believe that sled bounced off every bush on its way down. It jostled its poor passenger in such a way that if he were cream, butter would have been the result when it reached the bottom.
The little sled slowed to a stop upon reaching the bottom of that great hill. Hoots, hollers, and  yells came from up the hill, but there was no reply from the silent passenger. Josiah sat stunned in the sled, still trying to straighten out what had happened. It all had gone by so fast that he had not had time to think of any thing, but simply try to stay in the sled. Michael was the first to descend the hill after the sled. When he reached the bottom, Michael asked Josiah ever so  gently, between laughs, if he was okay. ''You broke your promise!'', Josiah said angrily, as the tears started to flow. ''Oh come on Josiah, it was just a joke. I'm sorry.'', Michael said shrugging off his guilt.
Josiah did not reply. He simply got out of the sled and stormed off toward home. Christine reached the bottom of the hill just as Josiah was leaving.
''What happened?'', She asked Michael. ''Oh, he's just a little sore but he'll get over it.'', Michael said, trying to push away the guilt he still felt. Feeling guilty her self Christine add, ''Well you did break your promise, and I don't think either of us would have liked that.''
''Yeah I guess your right, but no use trying to apologize to him right know. Let's wait till he cools off a bit.'' Michael said as he grabbed the rope of the sled. Then they both turned and headed home. The whole way back they conversed their imitaions of Josiah's great ride, and laughed the whole way home.
They reached home and put the sled away then  went inside to warm up. After letting an hour or so go by they both went and apologized to Josiah. He forgave them and he also apologized. There was once more peace for a short time in their home until the time came to feed the bum lambs at midnight, but that is another story for another day. And that folks is the conclusion of my story. This is a story that brings a smile to my face every time I think of it and I hope it brought one to your also. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Goodbye for know.

By: Annalyse    12/5/10
© Copyright 2011 Annalyse (annalyse at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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