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Rated: 13+ · Essay · Educational · #1796963
This was an Essay I had to write for my English 101 class.


         If one has bullied or been bullied then one should know what bullying feels like. Bullying is very negative and creates major problems for our society. Nothing good comes out of bullying. It could very well change or ruin a person’s life. In fact, it does ruin many people’s lives. Kids can be mentally scarred if they are teased often. Even worse, they could be killed or fatally injured if the bullying gets extreme. There are many causes for bullying which must be taken care of before bullying can be stopped. T.V. violence, families in poverty, and miss-teachings are just several of the many serious causes for bullying. Bullying must be stopped or prevented no matter how long it will take:  Because lives are ruined, mental health is threatened and everyone deserves to feel safe.

         Bullying does not always have to be childish play, it can be extremely violent. People may be bruised, injured, or even killed. Kids under this influence may turn very violent. Parents, relatives, friends,  and music may all influence people, especially when they are depressed. Violence on T.V. is a very big influence, particularly the wrestling and fighting shows. Also, several television shows are quite readily available for anyone to watch. Kids may try “moves” on people at school because they believe it’s cool. As well, full cooperation from the child's parents is important; some parents actually encourage their children to fight to look cool or don’t teach them properly. Kids must take their own initiative. They must find out what’s wrong and what’s right for them. Many kids don’t take bullying seriously. However, when a real incident occurs, they are unprepared, shocked, regretful, or dead. Bullying must stop, for it is destroying the lives and futures of many innocents, perhaps not killing them, but ruining them. People may end up physically distorted, paralyzed, or dead because of bullying.

         Aside from physical harm, there is also mental harm. This is equally as destructive. Victims may become extremely depressed from being bullied. As a result, they may refuse to eat, become suicidal, or in return they bully other kids to make them feel better. Although some of the examples of effects may not seem too serious, they really are. Commonly, there are incidents where bullied students go to school and slaughter many people and eventually kill themselves. For example, in 1999 The Columbine High School massacre happened    because, two students who were bullied walked into their high school with several guns and bombs they knew exactly what they were doing. Dozens of innocent people have been killed in these types of incidents because one or several students preyed upon another student. Most of these incidents occur because a group of kids thought it was cool to bully, or just to show off. These peer pressure incidents caused a great deal of harm and suffering. However, peer pressure is just one of the many reasons bullying occurs. Other reasons include: Dysfunctional families, being attacked, negative self- worth, not being taught what is right and wrong.

         As bullying runs amok, many people will lose their morale, self-confidence, and determination. These people will become lost in despair and may find themselves bullying others which will only create more problems. We must put a stop to bullying. The results of bullying are all negative and very serious. In reality, many victims  end up with serious physical injuries because people do not know the extent of bullying. Beyond that, targeted people may remain in suffering and cower in their homes in fright of their attackers. Many of these people have disorders which will “eat” at them until the day they die. If people are not aware of the potential consequences of bullying, they may have their lives ruined or shattered, or even worse, they have to see their family or friends suffer.


         Lives are ruined, mental health is threatened and everyone deserves to feel safe and also be safe, whether it be in school or at work. This issue with violence against one another must be stopped and prevented before more lives are taken because it is a deeply concerning matter.


         From personal experiences, I would recommend parents must become, more pro-active in their child's life. Monitoring what sites they are on, and what movies they watch to keep them from becoming a bully or a victim. There are several websites, and phone numbers they can contact for more information on these issues.

Some of the websites that they can look up include:

www.StopBullying.gov, www.bullying.org, www.bullystoppers.com, www.MayocClinic.com, www.parenting.com, www.ronitbaras.com/focus-on-the-family/parenting-family/bullying-15-how-to-help-bullying-victims/

Some of the phone numbers include: 

Mental Health of America

(301) 657-0270


Anti-Bullying Hotline

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