Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1797918-DragonWing
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1797918
Chapter eight, Xerox finds the pros. and cons of being a hero.
Chapter Eight.

I fled, the building swiftly departing the uptown going batman, and heading in the opposite direction. I let my raiser sharp eyes peek into all windows, and I broke into every empty where house that I knew of. “Offices next.” I grunted and slammed myself into a rather large window and sped around the building. I stopped noticing something different about this building compared to the others, this one smelled of gasoline. I dove to the basement, there sat a young woman, grabbing her in my mouth I tried my best to go up, I had one more minute left till curtains for both of us. She was protesting, I shot strait though a window and curled around her as the bomb went off. Fire pelted my fur and it seared my skin I kept around her thought because I wanted to protect anyone who is a victim of my father.  It seemed to be over when the rocks stopped hitting me. I let the girl go and I rolled on the ground trying to get the fire to go out.  Then I transformed so less area fire could catch but it went out when the transformation was complete, only my clothes were black. I rubbed suit on my face so she wouldn’t know who I was then I asked, “Are you Selina Kyle?”

“Yes.” She answered; She looked like a total nut job.

“We better get you to the hospital.” I said kindly.

“Nah, I’m good,” then she ran off on all fours into an alleyway.

“Ok that wasn’t odd at all,” I flew into the air, and went up town to see how much damage my dad managed this time. Six building were on fire that I could see from the sky. I took off fast rushing into each and every flaming building, finding dead bodies and severed parts I gathered as much as I could and put them outside the building. Eventually if found enough parts for six bodies. I stood over the bloody mess big dragon tears falling onto the pavement. It’s all my fault I thought, I could have got more people out. I’m a dragon, I can do anything, I’m fast, and have a I Q of at least 200. OH, I’m such a dork I only saved one person. I bet batman saved more than I did.

“How many did you get?” came a rough voice from behind me.

“Six dead, one alive, but she ran off.” I replied to batman. “You?”

“One alive, It was Harvey I sent him to the hospital he had horrible burns.” Came his dark reply.

“Well now I don’t feel so bad for only rescuing one.” I muttered, changing into a tiny dragon and curling up on his shoulder. “Let’s go home please.” I groaned quietly. The ride home seemed to take hours, and silence was never broken in the car. Once we got home though another explosion was set off and we just had to turn back around and speed back to the jail where it looked as if it had happened from. 

People were running everywhere screaming helping others to safety, I jumped out the window, to get a view from above. Nothing was visible because of all the smoke. Shoot, that was the plan to, I circled lower and went to the jail. Limbs were everywhere and fire jutted from windows. He escaped. Was my guess, I went back to Batman. “He’s gone.” The rest of that night we pulled people from the fire, and tried for information.

© Copyright 2011 PoetSai (dragonesssai at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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