Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1798785-snow-white-ribbon
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1798785
a messed up way to meet someone when your different.
As the blur came into focus the yellow sun dress she wore fluttered around her lower thigh. Her brunette hair was loosely tied up by a snow white ribbon as her bangs framed her lightly frekled face. a pair of small rimless glasses sat on the bridge of her nose. her light green eyes were closed as she talked to the person on the cell phone to her ear. small blotches of red doted her yellow dress as it lightly blew from a gust that came in from the window. she was about 20 and beautifully pail. she pulled the phone away from her ear with a deep sigh. her lips started to move as if she was talking but no sound was heard. she opened her light green eyes and looked right at me. a smile struck her face like dawn does on the tip of a mountain srouded in winter. she begain to walk towards me when everything started to get fuzy. i felt a smile hit my face as she reached my bed. my hand felt the warmth of her unnoticed hand as she nelt over me on the bed. befor everything became dark i felt warm rain on my forhead and cheekes. and then there was nothing. no sound, light, or any sensation of touch. i was alone in myself.

as i came to the buzzing of a fan came from a distince. there was no light on but the moon light came though the window and brightly lit the room. as i blinked away the brightness i felt the heat of a breath on my shoulder. i turned to see who breathed on me. the women in the yellow sun dress laid asleep next to me. the straps of her dress slid of her shoulder and revealed a little more then she would like to. one arm laid across her stomach as the other made a limp fist infront of her mouth. her glasses were off. the bow that was tied to hold her hair was laying on her neck. a strand of hair laid across her delicately structured face. i pushed it behind her ear. she fidgeted lightly and opened her eyes sleepily. as her eyes focused on me they slamed shut. her hands came to cover her face as she shoved it deeper into the bed.

"whats wrong?" i spoke with a more raspy voice then i was used to.

"this is another dream isn't it?"

"i dont think so... i feel awake."

she pushed herself up to sit on her legs where she was laying. her hands layed limp in her lap as she slowly begain to cry. her chest quivered lightly as she breathed in her sobs. " I didnt think you were going to wake up." tears ran down her face and darkened the yellow in her lap." after you pulled me out of the car... i didnt think anyone was around to help me... you sheilded me when the car exploded... there was a large gash in your back and you still walked me to my house... you fell on my porch and didn't get back up. i could see the blood on your back. i cut your shirt off to see how bad it was. i had my phone in my hand ready to call the hospital when i saw the wound close up to fast to be normal... i didnt think you want a lot of people to see that so i put you in my bed." her sobs slowed as she told her story. her cheeks were flush from her crying.

" how long was i out?"

" for four months. you opened your eyes once two months ago but for only a minute or two. you couldnt hear me ether. what are you?"

" what do you mean?"

" are you.."

" human? yes. im just a little different." her face flushed with embarrassment as i finished her question. her eyes only one her hands. she never looked at me wile we talked.

" why do you look away like that? are you afraid of me?"

" no, no its just that your naked and i feel wierd now that your awake." as she spoke she looked over at me bitting her lip. " i dont know why. ive seen you naked but it just feels awkward now." she moved over to me. placing her hand on my chest and laid down next to me. she rested her head on my chest and spoke.

" sorry, for the past month ive been using you as a pellow since you took mine. i hope you dont mind now that your awake."

the sent of vanilla filled my lungs as i started to drift to a normal sleep. her sleeping on me felt far more comfortable then i had thought it would be. i felt a small breeze on my legs as she pulled the covers up to slide under the sheets with me. her skin felt like velvet as her legs rubbed againts mine. sleep came over me like a waterfall as the warmth of her body heated mine.
© Copyright 2011 uncle T (toasterboi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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