Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1804592-The-Last-Breath
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Entertainment · #1804592
this story follows a year after Shepherd's betrayal. (A Modern Warfare story)
Price said that they were holding a meeting in the usual place. We only had a few members of our small "resistance". It was myself, Price, Nikolai, some Rangers named Foley, Dunn, and Ramirez. Price said eariler about finding new recruits, but we had no idea who they were. Price knew them. Fought with them once. So I considered them to be older. I walked down the old metal walled hallway leading to the meeting room. I showed my card to the secruity at the door then let myself in. I guessed Price just started. Dunn and Foley stood beside each other as they waited for me to sit down.Price pulled up five different files on the glass screen.
"Gentlemen. I know it's been a harsh year. But we will get the bastard who started this all. I know some friends who are willing to help that. Agent Rebecca Abhrams, codename "Ducky". She is our best undercover agent. You may know her from some of our recent missions. She helped us find Makarov's rumored location."
He showed a tall woman with wild curly red hair and slender frame on the screen. She was walking through what was the remains of a bank. She aimed her pistol at the security camera and shot it down. Then another as a waitress at a bar. She watched one man from behind the counter. The man eventually pulled out a gun and spoke in rapid Russian. Before he could pull the trigger, a deli knife was thrown across the room and landed on his forehead. He fell back dead. She spoke in a low voice that the camera surprisingly picked up.
"You're busted, bitch." A smile playing on her lips.
Price went to the next. The next was an older man. Somewhere around his late thirties or mid forties. Gen. Mavelinn. Then another of two men. Both Sargeants. For the last, he showed nothing, but spoke.
"Now, gentlemen, this last one. I can't really show you anything. No one knows his real name or true gender. But all we know of this agent is the quick in and out missions he pulls out of his ass. Clean kills, no evidence, gets away with murder. One word to describe him, dangerous. That's why he's perfect for this mission. He and Agent Abhrams will be coming today. We don't know what our little friend here looks like. So be careful. He'll probably remain alert. So I suggest who don't walk around alone or unarmed. He won't trust us at first. But he'll just have to."
Just as he finished the doors hissed open. The woman, Agent Abhrams, walked in. She wore normal civilan clothes. I noticed a gun holster on her hip. Just in case. She took off her dark black sunglasses, revealing dark brown eyes. She wore light make-up. She pushed her wild hair back and spoke.
"So Price, looks as though this Makarov really is a bitch. Leave him to me and he'll be in a corner crying for his 'momma'." She said in a confident voice.
Price smirked. "I believe you, but for now I suggest you get to know the team. You are stuck with them for now." He said glancing at us.
She just stuck the glasses back on and sat down. "Cool." Was all she said. She sat closer to Dunn. He extended his hand, but dropped it when she continued to stare forward as if she didn't see him. She crossed her legs and kept a protective hand near her holster.
"I don't expect Gen. Mavelinn, Sgt. Brakes, or Sgt. Marks, to be here anytime soon. And Rebecca-" Price began
"If ya don't mind Price, I go by Becca or Ducky. I killed the last person who called me Rebecca. Relationships, aren't they a bitch." She said with a laugh.
"Ducky, like I was telling the others, our next member will be arriving shortly. It's a good thing you always have that pistol of yours, it's Mouse."
She pulled off her glasses. She actually looked shocked instead of over confident. "You got Mouse here? That physco could kill us all as soon as look at us. You must be out of your mind." She said.
"Maybe, but I am willing to do what it takes to end this war."
They stared at each other for a second then were interrupted. The alarms were on and red lights flashed.
"That must be our missing member." Price said aggravated. "Everyone, grab a gun. If he doesn't stand down willingly then we'll have to make him."
I was the last in the room and saw the security footage above me. A small figure walked along the hallway leading to underground headquarters. He wore a dark long trench coat and long black tight jeans. And bright purple converse. The size looked small. Who was this a kid? I quickly shoved the magazine on the gun and ran out with the others. We passed the security station. Two dead guards lie there. No blood.
"What the hell happened?" I said reaching up to Price.
Becca answered my question. "I told ya, the man is crazy!" She said looking pointedly at Price.
Price turned back and stared at her for a second then continued off. We passed a corner.
"Soap! You and Dunn take the west wing. We're going to have to trap this crazy bastard." Price said poiting towards the west. I ran down the west wing with Dunn a setp behind me.
"Check you corners, we don't know where this maniac is." I said slowing down to a walk as we went pass another hallway. I heard a smack and saw Dunn clutching his face on the ground. A figure pounced on him and then he turned to me. I shot his arm as he pulled out a knife and tempted to throw it. He didn't even scream, he just groaned and clutched his arm. I pulled Dunn up and behind me and pulled my gun on him. He smiled. His full pink lips revealing spotless straight teeth. Blood ran down his arm and fell to the ground.
"Soap, I thought I heard something from your direction, what happened?" I heard Price's voice come through the comm.
"It's alright. We got him." I said not taking my eye off him.
"Well done, take him back to the room. We'll meet you there." Price ordered.
"Yes, sir. Soap, out." I said pulling my gun back and quickly taking ahold of the man's wrists. He had small soft hands. Who the hell was this guy? I dragged him back to our previous room. He didn't resist at all. I guessed he "came quietly". Good for him. Once in the room, I threw him into one of the chairs.
Price stood near the corner. "You gave us quite a scare there Mouse. Didn't believe you were that crazy." Price said walking towards him.
"You were absolutely crazy to convince him to join, d-." Ducky stopped for a second. "Price."
"In time, you will find that some of the most craziest people are also the ones who last longer." Price said looking down at her.
"Lucky bit of information you have there don't ya?" I said looking at Mouse.
He looked up at me. "Stick it Scotland." He said.
But the voice sounded to young and light to be a man. I reached down and threw the hood off of him and pulled back the glasses. I dropped them. Long brown hair fell down and rested over her breasts. She glared at me with her large deep brown eyes. Her face was small and angelic. It didn't look like she wore any make-up but she had smooth looking skin and dark eyelashes. Price was the only one who didn't seem so surprised at the news.
"What you're acting like you've never seen a female agent." She looked over at Agent Becca. "I stand corrected." She said. "You know if this is the welcome I get then I'd hate to actually like you guys. Price, would ya?" She asked pulling pointedly at the ropes around her wrists.
Price walked over and cut her loose. She stood up. She and Price stared at each other for a second. She threw out her hand. Dunn and I tensed. She just took Price's hand. Price threw an arm around her with a laugh.
"You're the craziest bitch I know, you know that." He said.
I looked over at Dunn. He just shrugged. Clearly as clueless as I was. I didn't like it.
"Sir, can you explain what the hell is going on here?"
"Well, it's quite complicated. Mouse why don't you explain." Price said looking down at her.
She shrugged and sat on top of one of the tables. "Well, I guess it really started about a couple of years now. Back when I was just eighteen, nineteen I did something that really made Makarov TO. It was funny. But the only ones laughing were his men when my sorry ass got thrown in the Gulag. Well, after making fun of some of the dumbass guys there, they got a little defense. So after they kicked me around a couple times this crazy old man came to my rescue. To make this long story short, went a little crazy in the Gulag and haven't been able to return Price's favor. That is, if I'm sane enough to not kill him myself first." She scoffed.
"Great, now we have crazy soldiers on your side." Becca grumbled. Price glared at her and she looked down at her feet.
"So that's why you wanted her here? Your little speach makes much more since now." Dunn said remembering Price saying to be careful around her.
"Now you get it?" She laughed.
I rolled my eyes. Then, a knife flew right by me landed a couple of inches from my head. She sat there with her elbow on her knee and she gave me a look.
"Don't you ever roll your eyes at me. Unless you want to keep them." She said. She stood up and walked over to me. She came up to my shoulder. She stood on her toes, leaned into my face, then reached out and dug the knife out of the wall and stuck it back in it's carrier on her hip. "And never lose focus." She said. I could feel her warm breath on my face. She turned and walked out of the room. I watched her walk away.
"Where is she-?" Dunn began.
"She'll find her way around. She's been here before." Price said. His voice almost sounded somewhere between annoyed and sad? I wanted to know more about this strange woman who clearly would kill you as soon as look at you.
"Well, we better be like Mouse here and head off to get some sleep. Becca, come with me. The rest of you know where to go." He said looking at Foley, Dunn, Ramirez, and I.
"Yes, sir." We said.
While walking back, Dunn kept talking about that Becca girl. I could tell him must have liked her. I barely listened to them. I let my mind wander a bit. I had to stop myself because everytime I tried to think about something, I wondered what would Mouse think about it, or react to it. I had to stop that now. I couldn't have distractions like that especially on missions. I walked into my apartment and slammed my head against the wall. I know it was stupid, but it was the only thing I could think of at the moment. I took off my shirt and no matter if I didn't want to, I saw the dark scar on my chest when Shepherd stabbed me in Afganhistan. I hated him even more for that. Even if he was dead. The whole world thinks that we're the criminals. All because of Shepherd's lie to them. And Makarov is hiding in the shadows like a coward. I couldn't wait to find the rat's location. Maybe Mouse and Becca could be some help. Who knows.

2 Mouse's story
I walked outside in the streets. I knew Price would kill me, but I couldn't stay in my apartment anymore. Too many...memories. I shivered thinking about them. It was cold out tonight. I wrapped my arms around myself more and walked into a bar. I wasn't planning on really drinking, I just knew 'he' would be there. My long brown hair was now washed and brushed out and I pulled it back in a slick ponytail. I wore a long-sleeved lavender T-shirt, long tight jeans, and my purple converse. My old charm braclet hung on my right wrist. It was the last thing I had of my real parents. They both died fighting against Russians when I was about six or seven. Then I was sent to foster parents. Geoff and Sami. God, I hated them. They abused me all the time. My foster dad, Geoff, raped me when I was younger. Nine and around thirteen. He treated me as a toy. One he continually played with. After that, I became a little violent. I couldn't trust anyone, couldn't get real close to anyone. My mind played tricks on me. Told me love was a sham and hate and anger was the only one to get anything. Any real joy and that satisfaction of revenge. I hungerd it all the time. My life was shit and I didn't deserve it. I still had bruises and scars from my brutal childhood. I saw the one I came for sitting in back in the corner sipping a cup full of beer. I walked over to him and sat across from him, watching the people dance on the dance floor to a fast song.
"What the hell is so important?" I asked with an aggravated tone.
"We both know what that is. Melody." He said reminding tone.
"You know that it's Mouse. Melody is a thing of the past. Bring her up again and I will kill you. Right here. I don't care." I said turning to him.
His dark green eyes threatening to reveal my secret. "He'll be looking around here you know? I suggest we make this breif unless we both want to get caught. Now, do you have his money?" He asked placing his his glass down and leaning towards me. I sat back in the booth to avoid his liquor tainted breath.
"Yeah, and tell him the usual." I said pushing the thick long envelope towards him.
"Fuck off?" He asked with a deceiving smile.
"You betcha." I said.
He watched a girl that appeared to be staring at him and winking.
I rolled my eyes. "You're a pig. You're not actually thinking of going after her, are you?" I said crossing my arms annoyed.
"What are you talking about? You know I'm Krista's." He said looking back at me.
"Yeah that's real convincing considering Tiffany and Brittany. I bet you didn't even tell her that you had sex with them both. I still can't believe you. She was going to her mother's for her birthday. And the second she's gone you go after some whore." I said knocking over his glass of beer.
"Hey!" He said immediately reaching for it.
"That's my sister you're married to, remember that. The second you cheat on her and you better be running. You say good-bye to the sluts and stay with her. Especially since she's pregnant. With your baby!" I said reaching over and grabbing his collar.
"Let go of me, you bitch!" He said pulling on my fist.
"Not until you swear!" I barely screamed in his face.
"Alright, I swear! Not get off of me!" He said knocking my hand off his collar.
"Right. I better not get a tearful call from her. But you are going to tell her. And apologize. She loves you, you know. She told me. She said that you were her world. She was glad that she was pregnant with your kid. Couldn't wait to have another you. God, I hope she's wrong." I said standing up trying to calm down. I could feel it coming, that anger that got me locked up in jail once.
"I will. It's probably best you get back to your apartment, 'sis'." He said grabbing my jacket and handing it to me.
"Fine. But do me a favor." I said putting it on.
"Yeah, what?" He said watching me.
"Don't be a major douche when you tell her. Add some tears if you can. I love her,but she's a complete sucker for the tear factor. How do you think I got all my homework done when I was a kid." I said with a smirk.
"Okay, and Mouse."
I looked at him.
"Be careful out there. I may hate ya sometimes, but you're still that kid I grew up with." He said touching my arm.
I flinched and moved my arm.
He remembered and looked at the ground. "Oh, sorry." He said.
"Yeah, but I will. Can't make any promises, ya know." I said.
We didn't say anything after that. I just walked out the bar. I felt like someone was watching it. I didn't like it. I looked back a couple times to see if anyone was. But no one was behind me. Maybe I was just being paranoid. Then I heard his voice. Calling out from far back behind me.
"Hey, uh, Mouse!" Said Soctland.
I spun around reaching to my hip, but remembering that I didn't have my gun. "Shit Scotland. Don't do that." I said placing my hand on my chest.
"I saw you walk out your room. So I followed you." He said walking slowly towards me.
"Wrong decision there, Scotland. What's your name? And don't give me any nickname crap, I want your real name." I said taking a deep breath. He was alot bigger than I was, so I was cautious as he approached me.
"John. John MacTavish. What's yours?" He asked finally coming close to me.
The second he did, I grabbed his arm and pushed him to the ground. I shoved my knee in his back and leaned to his ear. "That's classified Scotland. Now tell me, why the hell did you follow me? Why don't you keep your damn nose out of people's business?" I growled in his ear. I didn't trust him. Unknowingly following me around. Watching where I went and asking what my name was. What did he want!
"Mouse let me go and I will give you an explanation. Just calm down." He said turning his head halfway to my direction.
I looked at his face. He had deep blue eyes and a nice accent. And he was actuall not afraid of me. Most of the guys I met were. Hm. What the hell? Stop thinking like that! I releashed my anger at myself on him.
"No way, tell me now, damnit!" I said pressing my knee harder.
He winced. "Fine!" He huffed. He quickly turned over and knocked me off him. I fell over to the sidewalk and he took my arms in one hand and pressed his other on my mouth and loomed over me. I didn't like this postion. The exact same postion Geoff held me in before.. I growled at him and kicked and tried crawl out of his grip. He stared at me with cautious eyes.
"I believe you need to lighten up." He said. His hot breath blew in my face. I didn't like it, but somehow I felt calm. Some relaxed. Well, like I wasn't trying to kill him. "Now, I'm going to move my hand. Don't scream." He said looking at me straight in the eyes.
I flinched under his arms and craned my neck as if I was trying to pop it. Geoff told me not to scream either. God, why won't he shut up and let me go! I just wanted to escape. Get away from this person who kept throwing painful memories at my face. He slowly moved his hand and I ehld my breath so I wouldn't scream. I knew I wanted to, but I knew that if I didn't I would be able to get away from him faster. He took both of my arms in two hands, still not trusting me with them. Smart man.
"Will you just let me go, Scotland?" I asked with an almost begging tone.
I could tell he was surprised to hear that come out and gave me a look then answered. "Promise you won't try to kill me?" He said loosening his grip some.
I nodded. "Promise, just, please, let me go." I said with my eyes closed. I felt like a coward, childish. Begging him like this like I was some weak girl that he probably thought of me as. But all I could see and hear was Geoff. I didn't want to remember that.
He let me go and I sighed. I felt stupid, but that was a relief. He stood up and left out his hand. I stared at it and at his face.
"What? Just helping you up." He said a little annoyed.
I wrinkled my eyebrows confused. I took his hand and stood straightening my shirt. I looked up and looked at him in the eyes.
"What the hell was that for!" I demanded, walking away.
He followed behind me. "I knew you were going to try and kill me. Just defense. Same as you were doing to me." He said walking infront of me now. I stopped. He stopped and looked back at me.
"Why were you following me anyway? Scared I would get hurt." I said with a teasing smile.
He looked disturbed by that. He looked down at his feet speechless then back at me. "Of course not. Just curious." He said looking at me.
"Don't ya know curiosity killed the cat." I said arching an eyebrow and crossing my arms, a smile tugging at the corner of my mouth.
"Right, can we just get back to compound?" He said grabbing my arm.
I violently ripped my arm from his grip and angrily walked beside him.
He stared at me at first then found focus on something else. After ten or so minutes, I was calmed down and it felt awkward. I placed my hands in my pocket and cleared my throat. I pulled my long brown hair over my shoulder, I was that bored and awkward. He eventually started talking. I hoped he didn't say anything that made me want to kill him. Sometimes, I just wanted a decent talk with someone.
"So, Mouse, will you kill me if I ask for your background. No one really knows." He said looking down at me.
I brushed aside the usual anger and tried something new. Actually opening to someone. Not opening all, but some. I wasn't ready for all. "Well, my parents were both in the war and stuff. They died when I was seven. My younger sister, Krista, and I were taken to different homes. But we actually lived like five minutes away from each other so I did get to grow up with her. Even if we didn't live together. But, while she went home to two loving new parents, I got stuck with Nightmare on Elm Street's most wanted. Don't get me wrong, I am really glad that she didn't have to live with this. I'm glad she has Tracy and Brad as her parents. But I guess I can't help to be angry and, well, jealous. Right?" I asked looking up at him. I desired his answer. I've kept this question bottled up for years. I needed a answer from anyone but myself.
"Well, I'm sorry about your parents and your life, and I think so. Your life was-" He said scratching the back of his neck.
"Shit." We both said.
I looked up at him, then looked down at my feet again embarrased when I looked at him longer than necessary.
We walked for another awkward second. "Yeah, shit." I said looking at my feet and I peeked over at him from the corner of my eye. He almost looked amused. I grinned. That was weird. "So, uh, what about Scotland. What's your back ground. John." I said with a half-hearted grin.
He grinned. "Not as interesting as yours." He just said.
"Hey, I told you mine. It's only fair. No secrets, how else am I supposed to trust you, if I don't know anything about you." I tapping his arm with my elbow. I would allow that much of touching from him.
"Fine, I grew it up in Scotland. Two parents, not like yours. Grew up, joined to Army, met Price years later and went through hell and back and became Captain of a special Task Force. Got betrayed by our General, Shepherd, and Price, the guys and I, have been in hiding since then. End of story." He said looking at me.
I stopped, looking at him. He noticed I did and stopped and turned to look at me.
"What?" He asked.
"The details were very choppy. Your officially the worst story-teller ever alive." I joked with a crooked smile.
I could tell he tensed because he thought I might go beserk again, then relaxed when I smiled.
He grinned. "Well, it's not like you spent a long time on details in your story. It's only fair." He said repeating me.
I made a face and smiled. I walked back to him and we continued our little conversation. I thought it was nice. Actually just talking with someone, making jokes. Not having to be serious and worry about what they would think about this or that. Not having to worry if I could trust him or not. I could feel that I could. I don't really know how I could, I just did. We talked about small things. Like what he thought about Makarov. Easy to answer that. He despised him. Thought he was filth. We agreed. He asked me for any comments. We spent forever thinking over my thoughts.
"He spinless coward who hides in his mens' shadows. Afraid to show his ugly face to anyone. While we're being marked as most wanted, the real terroist is hiding and planning World War III. God, I so want a chance to kill the bastard." I said with an aggravated grunt. "He's just so, so. God, there's not even a word to describe him!" I clenched my teeth together and turned and punched Soap hard in the arm.
"Oi!" He yelled.
I snapped back to my "sane" self and immediately apologized. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I just get so mad sometimes. My mind just goes far off and all I can think about his anger and hate and I just want to hurt someone. I'm sorry, another side affect when Geoff raped me." I gasped and threw my hands over my mouth. He caught what I said and stopped and spun around to me.
"What the hell did you just say?" He demanded.
"I...I...I. Shit!" I screamed angrily and broke away from him and ran as fast as my legs could go. I could hear him run after me, but I was faster. I was the fastest in all my track teams. It was pointless to chase.
"Mouse! Mouse, wait, come back!" I could hear his voice call out to me. But I just ignored him. I couldn't talk anymore. That was my reason why I never wanted to get close. Things slip, friendless is better. I stopped long enough to grab the sides of my head and scream. I needed that. I could hear his footsteps behind me. I ran again. I kept running. I ran across a walkway. Angry drivers honked at me as I ran out from the light and sped across his green light. That should loose Soap. I looked behind me. Soap was standing there at the sidewalk. He wasn't risking stepping out when cars flew by. He just stared at me as I ran away and back to the compound. I dug out my keys. I did something I hadn't done in forever. I started crying as the keys fumbled in my hands. I got so mad I kicked the door. Becca's apartment was across from me. She heard me and stuck her head out the door. My face was pale and tears ran down my cheeks. I looked terrible. Probably like I was just raped.
"Aaagghh!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I don't know why I did. I was keeping them bottled for over ten years, they demanded to be brought to life. Becca ran over to me. I sat there practically hyperventilating. I leaned against my door. I was panicked, stressed.
"Geoff, the bastard!" I screamed. I was getting lost in a memory. Becca came over and sat on her heels next to me. I tried everything I could to push her away.
"Mouse, calm down. Mouse you have to stop, here take my hand." She said trying to calm me by holding my hand. I was dangerous, I hated her, I hated everyone. I grabbed her hand and bit her. She pulled, but my grip was stronger. I felt her blood on my lips. I was crazed. She slapped me, hoping I would snap out of it. It didn't work. I got angrier. I took ahold of her throat. I pressed my fists against her smooth, small neck. My hair hung over my shoulders and I smiled. My screaming attracted everyone's attention. I saw Price running towards me. He immediately tried releasing my grip on her neck, but I wasn't letting go. Someone was going to pay what he did to me.
"Melody let her go! You're killing her!" He yelled at me.
I didn't let go and turned to him with a crazed look. "Don't ever call me that. Price, if you call me that again I will fucking kill you!" I yelled visciously at him. The other stood watching me. I saw Soap run up, he looked shocked, almost horrified at the scence.
"Melody!" He yelled at me.
"Arrgghh!" I screamed letting go of Becca and jumping on Price. He tried to take my arms, but I was faster this time. Thank you Soap. I shoved my elbow in his face, breaking his nose. Blood ran down his face and I wanted him to hurt more. I didn't deserve this. This shit of a life, they were abusing there prefect lifes. Complaining if one little thing wasn't right. I felt two arms wrap around me and pull me off of Price. I kicked and screamed at whoever this was.
"Let me go! You bastard! Don't fuck with me!" I screamed my hair flying everywhere as I went even crazier in his arms.
Soft almost kind words whispered in my ear.
"Mouse, you have to calm down, right now. We both know you wouldn't be doing any of this if you weren't stressed. Calm down, it's going to be alright. Ssshh." Soap said calm. I kicked less and tried to slow my breathing. No one ever talked to me like this before. Calm, kind. They screamed and yelled and were rough. It was what I was used to. I didn't like it, that's why I lashed out when someone did. But, with Soap. It was different. He spoke slowly and softly. Telling me I was fine, everything was going to be fine. I think he even stroked my hair, trying to reassure me. Price now stood up. Dunn helped Becca to wake up and made sure she was alright. Everyone looked as me as if I were a animal in a cage. The ones that growled at you and beat against there cage bars. I got mad again.
Soap gripped me some tighter again and whispered.
"Hey, hey. That's enough. It's fine no one is trying to hurt you, we're trying to help." He said.
I took a deep breath. His hot breath on my neck made me numb and relaxed. It was like a drug. I wanted more, to feel calm.
"I don't like how they're looking at me, John. Make them stop." I said childishly. I felt like a child, something I never had.
"I know, I know. Here, look at me." He said putting me on my feet and turning me towards him. I felt numb, my arms, my legs. They refused to come awake. They relaxed at his touch. Everything was calm. My cheeks flashed crimson when I realized I enjoyed his touch too much . Stop thinking like that, soldier. I told myself. I looked at him. Looked into his eyes. Two deep bowls of clear blue. I kind of got lost. I felt dizzy, like I wasn't hear. Like someone ripped all the air out of me. I didn't know what to feel. I wasn panicked, stressed,...scared. I took deep harsh breaths. I watched his lips move and looked in his eyes. My eyes rolled back under my eyelids and I fell limply in his arms.
© Copyright 2011 Shelby E. Hall (lives2write at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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