Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1807201-Mystery-Girl
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Other · #1807201
Just when you decide to give up on love, someone always come along and changes you.
As I laid there half asleep,I felt something small and warm tap my nose repeatedly. I groaned softly and reached to my nose to stop whatever it was. It did stop for a few seconds then it tapped my nose again. A small voice came with the tapping.

"Kyle? Uncle Kyle! Time to wake up." It whispered in my ear.

The voice belonged to my young niece, Evie J. Her real name was Eve Janet Mccain, but she didn't like it and we all started calling her Evie J. since she seemed to like that better.

I rubbed my eyes and I could see Evie J. Her usually straight sandy blonde hair was curled and she wore small tiara on top of her head. I guess her mother either gave her body spray or just bathed her because I could smell the scent of some blossom. She sat on her knees on my bed near my chest. She wore a poofy ligth purple dress with bright while small heels. I was confused at first until I saw my brother standing back from here near the door tapping on his watch. He also was dressed up in a sleek black tuxedo.

"oh, crap!" I said rushing out of bed and on my feet.

My brother followed me into my large closet while Evie J. carefully ran into the living room and sat on her favorite chair. My brother, Peter, tossed me my tuxedo and leaned on the wall.

"Yeah, you better think 'oh crap' Michalea is so going to kill you if you're late. She was in her room freaking out becasue she thought her baby brother wasn't going to be at her wedding. I can imagine she's going to at least beat you when she sees you. Can you imagine what could of gone through her head!?" He practically yells at me.

I pull my arms through the sleeves of my shirt and begin to button it when I answer him.

"Pete, Mickey worries about everything. he always has and probably always will. But I am sorry about over sleeping. Mom called me last night since like in forever and then she started talking about you and Michalea."

Pete looks at me with a pained expression. "Ok, what did she say?" He asks as if it's going to hurt him to know the answer.

"Well, I would say the usual, but this was way out of the ordinary. She went on and on about you and Michalea. She kept saying how you got married a year after you graduated high school and have Evie J. And about Michalea and how she's getting married and she's only two years older than me. And then she went on and on about how she wont be around forever and she wants to see at least one grandchild form each of her children before she dies. And the weirdest thing happened. She started talking about all her friends and how their daughters are my age and still single. And about how nice they were and wanted to have kids of their own someday. I swear, she almost ran two blocks to let me talk to one of them." I said pulling over my jacket and grabbing my tie.

Peter chuckles. "So what did you say to her?" He said fixing my tie for me.

"I told her that I actually didn't want a girlfriend or anything at the moment. And I don't want a wife. I'm building my career and I just made it through making payments and everything for the house and myself. We'd be living at your house or mom's in week's." I say

Peter arches his eyebrows. "You didn't really tell her that did you?"

"Yup." I said flatening my hair.

Peter tightens my tie right to my throat.

"Hey, watch it!" I say losening it.

"Kyle, I swear, you can be such an idiot." He says stepping out of my closet and cologne and other (as Evie J. would say) "smell good) stuff.

"Here, since you already have your suit on and it's too late to shower, might as well use this. Cover up the smell." He says tossing me the plastic bag.

I take it and look inside. It only contains some cologne with a French name and many other things I have no idea how to pronounce. I arch an eyebrow and look up at him as he stands in front of me with his arms crossed and an impatient look.

"What smell?" I ask defensivly.

"The smell of pathetic." He says looking out at Evie J. who was now channel surfing the TV not really looking for anything but to pass the time.

"Ha ha, very funny." I says with a fake chuckle.

"Just go clean up." He says waving me off and walking out to Evie J.

I smile and walk into the bathroom.

I pick up one small glass bottle holding copper liquid. The instructions confused me, but what I got out of it was to dab it on my face. I read the long list of warnings. I arched an eyebrow.

"Oh my God, Peter is trying to kill me." I whispered to myself.

I unscrewed the lid and grabbed a cotton pad and put some of the "deadly" stuff on it. The second I opened it, an awful smell filled the small air around me. I gagged.

I can hear Peter call out from the living room.

"Terrible smell I know, but it really does work. How do you think I got married, besides my looks." He chuckles.

I roll my eyes and dab it on my face.

"Except there is one small side effect." He says with a warning tone.

I wrinkle my eyebrows. "What is it?" I ask a little wary.

But when I ask, I feel it. My feels like its been caught on fire. I surprise myself and yell.

"It burns like volcano a minute after you put it on." He says matter-of-factly.

I splash water in my face and the burning begins to go away. I purse my lips and step out of the bathroom. My face was a little red. I walk out to the living room with an arched eyebrow.

"Ya, don't say." I say crossing my arms.

Evie J. puts her hand on her mouth and giggles.

Peter gives me a devious smile. Clearly trying to hide the laugh threatening on the corner of his mouth.

"This is for the being late thing isn't it?" I say not asking, but telling.

"That and so many more." He says pretending he has an itch on his chin, but is covering the smile.

"Huh." I say and turn back into my room.

"Wait, Uncle Kyle!" Evie J. says jumping off the couch.

"Yeh, munchkin?" I say turning back to look down at her.

"Can I help you with the rest of your smell good stuff? Please!" She says folding her fingers and pouting.

I look back down at her pretending to give a serious face. "I don't know, do you have what it takes?" I joke.

"Uncle Kyle, a professional couldn't help you. I might as well."She says crossing her arms annoyed.

Peter loses it and starts laughing.

"And mom says I'm not raising her right. Nice one sis." He says high-fiving her.

"Ok, I will ignore that comment and let you help me. But under one condition." I say showing her my index finger.

"Yeah?" She asks a little wary.

"No more listening to your dad about the jokes. Ok?" I smile.

She giggles. "Promise."

She shakes my hand and runs into the bathroom. I help her up and sit her on the counter beside me. She picks through the bag and picks each up and looks at the back as though she could read all the longer words.

"Here, use this one." She says holding a long thin bottle.

I take it and looks at it. "It looks like woman's perfume. Was this your or your dad's?" I say giving it back.

She just shrugs her shoulders and looks through the bag.

She eventually picks out three different body sprays and cologne and sprays them on a towel. She smells it and smiles.

"Here, use all of these!" She says handing me a handful of bottles.

I just laugh. "Kid, I'm supposed to use one bottle. Not all of them together."

"Please, Uncle Kyle! Please!" She says.

I let out a depp breath. "Fine, I'll use them." I smile at her.

Once we get that out the way, I brush my teeth and fix my hair. By the time we're done Peter is pushing me out the door and Evie J. immediately grabs a hold of my hand.

"Daddy, where are you two going to be?" Evie J. asks looking up at both of us. She stands in the middle of us, holding both of our hands. I didn't like it when she did that because people would give us a strange look and I knew what went on in their heads. But I didn't want to explain it to her because I knew that would be the first thing she would ask if i asked her not to.

"Well, since your grandpa passed away, your Aunt Michalea wanted me to give her away instead. And since Kyle knew your soon-to-be Uncle and were really good friends, he is going to be his Best man." He says

"Oh... ok. I can't wait to be the flower girl! I wish mommy said I could wear this more often then just today. It' pretty!" She says letting go of my hand to pat the side of her dress.

Peter gets her into the car and I sit up front.

"Your mother won't let you wear that more often is because you like to play with your cousins too much and get dirty." Says Peter looking back at her in the rearview mirror.

She opens her mouth, but closes it knowing he's right. We talk more about the wedding and Peter asks me if he will want a ride back. But I told him i will walk back since i brought a extra pair of clothes with me.

When we got to the park where they were having it, I can see my mother standing there waiting for us. Her black hair was was fixed nicely for today and she wears a cream white suit dress. She wears some make-up. She has an angry look on her face and stares right at me. I lean down in my seat and look down at the floorboard. Peter gets Evie J. out and she runs to mom. She hugs her back and kisses her head. A woman comes up and takes Evie J. to clean her up some and make sure her dress is alright.

I hesitantly step out of the car and look at mom.

"Hi mom." I say with a nervous smile.

She just arches her eyebrow at me. "Kyle Andrew Mccain. You are late. Everyone was worried. Especially Michalea. We have been waiting for you for thirty minutes and this wedding was supposed to start almost an hour ago!" She slightly yells.

"Mom I'm sorry I was late, but-"

She interrupts me. "No buts Kyle, now get over here so we can get started."

I nod and walk over beside her. She slaps me in the back of my head hard.

"Ow! Mom!"

"That's for being late." She says taking hold of my arm and leading me down the hill to where I can see our place. It was large and filled with light colored flowers and silk tablecloths on each table. The chairs are covered also and I can the the four layered cake inside the barn like pavilion. I smile at it.

"So you guys weren't going on a low budget." I leaned down to whisper in mom's ear.

"Well, of course we did. Your father thought that it should be high budget. It's our little girl's wedding. Don't worry, you will have a nice wedding too. That is, if you do ever swallow your pride and marry.
© Copyright 2011 Shelby E. Hall (lives2write at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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