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The pages stole away, slipping through my fingers. A lot like the prayers that I had been praying lately. I didn't feel like reading my Bible. The daily Proverb just seemed pointless.
I continued to pray though, but my prayer life hadn't been the same since. It was tainted. God was still listening, and I was still calling out to Him in full faith that he would answer me, but it was different.
It kind of rocks your world when you get the news that there was another pastor found sleeping in the same bed as one of his parishioners. The news carries added weight when you add in the fact that there wasn't a shortage of beds at the latest conference or the that it wasn't one hotel room with two beds for four people. There's nothing wrong with that, nothing to rock your world in that scenario.I wish that it was that innocent.
Fact is: it's not. The burden increases when you find out that the pastor is married, and the parishioner that he was sleeping in the same bed with was not his wife. And they weren't just sleeping or taking a nice little cat nap before another rigorous session of street ministry. Nope.
His wife--my aunt-- found out that he had been sleeping in the same bed with a parishioner of the female persuasion. And they weren't just sleeping. The pastor had been actively involved in an extra-marital affair with a mother at his church.
She has kids. Two of them, I believe. Little girls, I think, first or second grade maybe. And lucky for those little children, they have a close connection with their pastor and they can tell him about all their little problems that they had with Timmy at school during recess. Oh yes, they can show him the pictures that they drew of him, and how he looked a lot like Jesus the way that he helped mommy; except for the fact that Jesus had a little more hair than he did. And Jesus had curly hair and blue eyes, that's what mommy told them anyways.
I actually don't know the woman that the pastor is involved with. I know that she goes to his church and that she does have two little girls. But I couldn't tell you her name, age, hair color, place of residence, etc. I have been wondering about her lately. I'd like to sit down with her. Maybe have tea and discuss how the church has impacted her life and Christian ideals and the father of her kids and such matters. Friendly conversation. Just small talk, really. Get to know this excellent specimen of a women that stirred the pastor so, that he would leave his four kids and his wife of somewhere around twenty years.
I often wonder if the pastor thought about what he was doing. Or if he ever looked for scripture to support his decision to move on with his life. Maybe he read Proverbs 5 or 6. Maybe he didn't. Probably not though. Because if he would have read those chapters and continued the way that he did, he surely would have had to be a fool.
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