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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1810920
Chapter 9.
Aubrees POV*
My heart suddenly lit up when I knew I was living in a mansion. But then I remembered my friends and how i will never see them again, or atleast, not for a long time... I asked my aunt where I would be staying,, she told Erin too help me to my room. I was amazed and astonished of how my room fit with my personality EXACTLY! My room was ZEBRA!!!!*Heart* It also had ICON posters! I looked in the closet and in the drawers and it was full of amazing clothes and ICON sweats and shirts. I had a flat screen, a computer, a new Iphone, and a roof over my head. I had my numbered changed so when I texted Mikey I had too explain who I was haha. After a while I fell asleep but i woke up to Erin shaking me too come down for pizza.
I walked downstairs following Erin too the HUGE kitchen, MTV was on the mini flat screen built into the kitchen table. It was the auditions for ABDC.And there they were,, the ICONic Boyz. I screamed in delight when I saw Mikey and the boyz putting their heart and soul into the audition. Erin and my aunt looked at me puzzled. I explained, "Thats my boyfriend!" I pointed too Mikey on the screen. Erin pointed too Madison, "Whos that hottie?" "Haha! That Madison, but hes taken by my friend Alyssa." "Ohh.." Erin said in disapointment.

*Mikeys POV*
During the audition I put everything I had into the routine because I knew we would be in L.A. where Aubree was. I wanted her back SOOO bad! After the audition I checked my phone *1 new message from Aubree*-- OMG!*Heart* I saw youu on MTV!! You did ABSOLUTELY A M A Z I N G!:) Youu guyz will make it fo sure!!!-- I had a smile on my face and I texted back --Thanks*Heart* I was doing it for youu since the show will be in L.A. where youu are*Heart* I wanna see your beautiful face again:)!-- She replied, --Awww*Heart* Your so sweet,, and I miss you SOOO much! But hey,, I gtg text youu later Mikester*Heart*-- I didnt text back because i was sooo excited too hear the audition winners. I went home too relax with the guys, but first i went too aubrees house too put flowers on her parents memorial,, everyone wanted a picture with me because I was "the town hero". At my house me and the boyz invited over their girlfriends,, Gloria, Alyssa, Natalie, Emily, Angie, and Ana so we could talk about Aubree. We talked about how they are totally coming with us too L.A. if we make it so they can be with Aubree for a few weeks. Everyone loved my idea,, of course;)

The next day at dance class Geo got a call. He went into his office and 5 minutes later he came running out screaming, "WERE GOING TO L.A.!" We all screamed with joy and I ran home and called Aubree and told her the great news. She said that her aunts house was ENORMOUS and her aunt offered too let them stay with her.
We were both excited. The NEXT day we got on a plane to L.A.

3+ likes?? Favorite linee?? Do youu like the story so farr?? ~Aubree
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