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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #1810926
Chapter 10.
**Aubrees POV*
The doorbell rang. I GOT IT I GOT IT! I yelled. Erin started racing me too the door. ERIN I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOUU GET IT I KILL YOU!!! I screamed. I beat her to the door and i flung it open grabbing Mikey and squeezing him to death as if I havent seen him in a year. Even though its been less than a week lol!! I let go of Mikey after about five minutes and hugged everyone else. I introduced Erin and my aunt too everyonne and showed the boyz their room, Geo his room, and the girls their room.
After settling in we all went toothis random park we found and acted like we were 7 years old. Me and Mikey were swing by each other holding hands when I spotted Erin in the blue tunnel sitting by herself staring at Madison and Alyssa. I told Mikey about Erins crush on Madison and he thought it was cute. I didnt want too break Alyssas heart but I knew that Alyssa loved Chris too so I told Mikey too fly Chris out here so Alyssa and him could get together and Erin wouldnt be a loner.
Turns out Chris was already on his way in the first place because he didnt want Alyssa too fall in deep love with Madison before he could tell her how he feels. Perfect timing I thought. Chris came running into the park and grab Alyssa pulling her too the side. I ran towards Madison saying,, "Dont get mad Maddie cause Alyssa loves Chris.. BUT I know someone who really likes youu.." I waved toward Erin telling her too come here. She came over and I whispered in her ear "Hes single now;) Go get him tiger!" We cracked up laughing and i told Madison "treat 'er right;)" I walked back too Mikey and we sat under the big tree in the middle of the park staring at the clouds and holding hands until i got a text, *New text message from Aunt Brandi*-- Hey its time for dinner,, youu and your friends and Erin need too head back home, Love yuhh-- I gathered up the others and we headed home.

Erins POV*
Aubree was soo nice with what she did with Madison. I really like him and I think he likes me too*Heart* Im gonna get Aubree too ask him since im too shyy... But im hoping that I can get used too everyone and have them like me.. Aubrees friend Natalie is UBER nicce and is very close too someone that she just met (me). I got nervous when me and Madison were sitting on the bench on the long side of the dinner table and he put his arm around me. Aubree wasnt in there so i was really nervous. I set my food down and told Madison I would be right back and I ran upstairs. I heard a knock at my door. It was Natalie. She sat beside me on my bed and asked me whats the matter. I told her that I was just nervous that Alyssa might hate me because I like Madison. But she told me how Alyssa is in love with Chris. It was hot in my room and I saw Natalie roll up her sleeves. i saw scars. What are those from I asked her.. She told me how it was a miracle that she is alive. I was crying at her story because it was just miraculous and inspiring. I wish Aubrees parents could have lived.... After i fixed my make up and wiped my tears i went back down stairs with Natalie. I felt as if she were my new best friend.

3+ likes?? Favorite line??? Do youu like it so far? Thought on how too make it better??? (I like creative critisism) ~Aubree

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