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Rated: E · Article · Political · #1814634
Insight into Osama's ideology, and the lost souls called terrorist.
Based on translations of Osama bin Laden's own written words, are al Qaeda members terrorists, a common criminal or brainwashed mindsets of radical religious ideologies?  . . ."America, nor anyone living there, will ever enjoy safety until we can first see it as a reality in Palestine."

And so, the planning and destruction of free enterprise and the economic system of America began ten years before the downing of the Twin Towers, which radical Islam believes was an appropriate strike against awesome symbolic towers that spoke of liberty, human rights and humanity. 

The ideologue on American safety and security, its control and protective implementation starts at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the house of American democracy, and what Osama bin Laden refers to as the great Satan. . .of paganistic values.

Though the president is a hopeful visionary, he appears lost as to the mindset that created 9.11 and the reasons why we are hated.  Thank goodness super technology reducing collateral damage is being used today to level the playing field in our favor.  Still the terrorist exists.

The following reasons show the mindset of a terrorist, and radical beliefs of religious inherited rights handed down to the Islamic community by the Torah, taken from little known Arabic translations referenced later. 

1.  Meet the terrorists:

"I am the enemy.  What would you do to stop me?  Do you believe I can't invade your little world for my benefit, my cause, my self-imposed reasons?  Reasons, that do not acknowledge your humanity, rights, democracy and morals. . .this thing you call Freedom.  I am the epitome of everything America is not.  I am the embodiment of radicalism and religious fervor.

I can infiltrate subtly or in an explosive manner and force.  I do not reason, but trust in Allah.  I am uncompromising and have an enthusiastic religious blind zeal.

I will take away your right under your Constitution and substitute sharia law, because I choose too and because I can with the blessings of Allah.  You are infidels of immoral values.  Most of all, I place no value on life itself, least of all yours because of your transgressions.

I blindly care only in my cause.  I do not question the rules of the game and play to win against the infidels at any cost.  And, I thrive in part because others become complacent in their fragmented worlds and choose to allow me to exist in power to create havoc and project my sadistic ideology on human kind.  I am a Terrorist, I am a Fanatic, and I am Radical."  (reprinted by permission)

2.  Why al Qaeda hates America:

In 2007 after years of research, historian and writer of the Arab world and Islam, Raymond Ibrahim translated heretofore unknown Arabic documents, treatise, books, excerpts and letters written by Osama bin Laden, Ayman al Zawahiri and other al Qaeda. 

Ibrahim an Egyptian Coptic states in his translations in The Al Qaeda Reader, published by Double Day a division of Random House: "...most of their writings and speeches neatly fit into two genres-religious exegesis, meant to motivate and instruct Muslims, and the propagandist speeches, aimed at demoralizing the West and inciting Muslims to action." - a mantra to this day. 

The al Qaeda war is literally a holy one. . .a wake up call to the naive Western culture the enemy still exists and may be lurking around some remote corner.

Unless the bitter truth is faced, jihadists will continue to enact their agenda that makes America vulnerable to the radical use of theology as a rationalization for revenge.  As we now know, patience is one virtue radicals possess.  The infamous attack of 9.11 was in the planning for ten years.

Ibrahim translates Osama bin Laden's "Letter to Americans" written on dozens of grievances against America with two recurring themes. 

Bin Laden writes: "The blood out of Palestine must be avenged," . . .due to the American support for the state of Israel and the oppression of Palestine and the land now occupied by the Jews, which has been inherited by the followers of Moses and Islam through the historical religious endowment of the Torah.

Jihad of the Koran against the infidels continues.  Radicalization is brought about by brainwashing under the guise of a holy war with great rewards for personal sacrifice in the hereafter, that belies all forms of democracy considered by Islam to be of pagan origins.

Osama bin Laden and Islam calls Americans to embrace Islam ruled by harsh sharia law.  A law which gives a legal rights status to everyday issues such as politics, economics, finances, business and contractual laws, dress codes, dietary laws, familial obligations and sexual ethics as translated from the Arabic.

Under the sharia mandate, punishment for disobedience is swift and barbaric at times, as noted in the media coverage on more than one occasion.

In translation, Ibrahim makes clear: any type of democracy around the world rebels against and prevents the sharia law of Allah from becoming established law.

Much of the law is based on the tradition of words, habits and practices of Muhammad supposedly recorded by witnesses, which supplement and provide context for the Koran.

In October 2002 the mujahid lion (holy warrior) of Islam, Sheikh Osama bin Laden sends a message of an "eye-for-an-eye," . . . "Why should fear, killing, destruction, displacement, orphaning and widowing continue to be our lot, while security, stability and happiness is yours?"

Ibrahim's translations indicate Americans have a choice at all levels to refuse government policies even working to change them.  Bin Laden writes: "This is why the American people are not innocent of the innumerable crimes committed by the Americans and Jews against us."  He further expounds how through the grace of Allah and through ignorance of the U.S. leaders they shall prevail.

It is apparent Osama bin Laden takes religion and the Torah to an extreme supported by man made traditions of sharia law.  Islam considers the democratic Christian nation of America false to its beliefs holding a "double standard in both manners and values. . .one for America and one for the rest of the world."

Islam calls Americans not to be hypocritical as bin Laden writes: "Reject the immoral acts considered pillars of 'personal freedom,' debauchery acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, drugs, gambling and usury."

Osama further lists many grievances where Islam believes Americans are "too weak" to enforce and bring about change, while economic greed hastens to secure American interests and profits.

'Leave us alone!"  Bin Laden continues: "We also advise you to pack your luggage and get out of our lands.  We desire for your goodness, guidance and righteousness, so do not force us to send you back as cargo in coffins."

Al Qaeda has no bridges of communication with the West other than what they believe we understand -- force.

If the white man speaks with a forked tongue, has the U.S. government considered the all important act of Taqiyya, based primarily on Koran 3:28 and 16:16, which permits Muslims to dissemble there "true beliefs" when fearing persecution, permitting "lying" in order to advance any cause beneficial to Islam?  U.S. combatant interrogation comes to mind as an American tool in helping to reach the truth to save U.S.lives.

3.  Read the all inclusive reasons that answer the "why," and America's response.

Read the full November 24, 2002 text of Osama bin Laden's letter to the American people translated by Raymond Ibrahim and printed also in the Observer in the U.K.  Visit: http://observer.guardian.co.uk/worldview/story/

Visit: http://www.americanvalues.org/html/wwff.html for America's response by 60 scholars who make the moral case for the war on terrorism by the Institute for American Values February 12, 2002.

Those interested in the al Qaeda phenomenon, grab a cup of java, and review the shocking answers in The Al Qaeda Reader by Raymond Ibrahim. too numerous to discuss in this forum.
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