Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1817329-Rap-Challenge
Rated: 18+ · Other · Crime/Gangster · #1817329
I write raps but I was in a real serious rap mood, so this kinda came out.

Fox here

Bring it

You comin to me bitch time to play

I'm here to battle now whaddya say

You think yer tough damn girl that's pathetic

I'm here now time to be apologetic

They listened to you and damn they regret it

Yer so lame everyone wants to forget it

Duelin here bitch you got no game

Those rhymes you brought they're pretty lame

Spittin words like my AK-47

Ugly mug like yours ain't goin to heaven

I want you gone outta my hood

You're just sad girl even if ya could

Rap for shit and I'd be surprised

Don't see no fire fillin yer eyes

Scared of my ryhmes I don't blame ya

Think yo're so wild here to tame ya

Fox an animal didn't ya know

Guess you don't watch that AP show

You're lackin in a brain it makes sense

After all all you are is a past tense

I'm the new thing and your time is past

Not sittin around now that yer in last

First place it's a race get some mace

You scarin kids with that rat's face

Back up now real skillz here

I'mma be the first to teach ya fear

You bow down or you gonna regret it

Btitch you're gettin real pathetic

You got two good eyes good ears too

So shut the damn mouth bet that's new

Sit down yer schoolin's in session

Alright class here's the first lesson

You wanna rule you gotta do it in style

Watchin me my moves drive ya wild

For a geek I'm pretty damn slick

Don't ask me to suck that limp-ass dick

No I don't wanna see yer pant's tentin

Get it straight I ain't a hoe yer rentin

I'm A-class bitch and I don't play with boys

Ain't what I like dog don't got the right toys

As for you girls you think you got what it takes?

Come on and try me don't like no fakes

I'll kick yer ass out to the fuckin coroner

Born here in the US of A no forgiener

No pretendin I ain't black so don't think

I'm gonna smile back when ya wink

A white rapper fuck it ain't too strange

You rap as well as a dog who got mange

White black don't really matter do it

I got the skills to help see me thru it

So get out my turf I got no time

Schoolin you's so easy it should be a crme

© Copyright 2011 Sionnach Aonair (blackfox24 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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