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When nobody is on your side and all seems lost... |
Walking in the night, the ground shaking beneath your feet! The path that you walk is as dim and unclear as the murky water soaking your toes and feet. The stench of blood fills the entire atmosphere, leaving no room for a pleasant aroma. With gun in hand and bullets squeezed between, there is nothing left to lose. The entire area was like a graveyard, yet could not compare to the masses she slayed. Teary eyes and blood stained, she even thought of eating a bullet, end the sorrows and pain. But only such thoughts were for cowards! And she was no coward! No matter how hard things may seem, suicide is not the answer. Even while knowing this, Raven had to constantly remind herself of her reason for living. Because no matter what, she WILL save her sister, even if it meant selling her own soul. Alassandrae will be saved! It took about two minutes before she was down in tears, chewing on dead bullets and wishing for them to explode. Because if her head had blown up, there would no longer be any pain. She could be free at last, her sister might even be there, waiting to hear her pitiful apologies. And she had enough apologies to shake your heart!! She had even more regrets. Regretting the things she did do, regretting the things she didn't finish, or even start. The emotional baggage! The feelings that only a dying heart to know and love! The mystery of her sorrow and anguish. "DAMN IT ALL!!" she screamed in agony as the heavens watched from above, mocking her. One hand on the trigger, she raised the gun to her own head. Bloody, bitten fingers with pale, dead flesh; a similar color to chalk, or to clouds. She lowered the gun once more, thinking of her living, breathing sister. What would she say if she had know about this? If she had known about the suicide that would take place here. With that in mind, she replaced the gun with her smaller bag. Reaching into in, she grabbed onto a small chain. Hanging from this chain, a pale amethyst. Holding it tight, tears rolled down her cheeks. While biting her lip, she put it around her neck and prayed for her sister's safety. Even though she had never believed in "god", she hoped he would accept it. Then she stood up, and continued to move forward. Walking through the bloody, murky waters, and with gun and hand, she will receive her sister. Save her from the possible tragedy. With tears in eyes and bullets in teeth. Because she will do whatever it takes, even sell her own soul. Thinking on it once again, she will not regret taking this path. Choosing her sister's life over her own. Drunk with joy, she takes off in a sprint. All doubt from before are now being washed away like the mud will wash away after a bath! The air finally felt free and light, like she could really breath at last! The air also smelled less like blood and more like freedom! Because the taste of freedom tainted her tongue and filled her lungs! Letting it all out, she thought of her sister. Oh how happy will she be!? Free from her shackles, free from the sickness called "time" and free from herself! And what a wonderful feeling it will bring, to set a loved one free! To see them spring with joy and dance in gardens! Or sing mystifying songs like a canary, or rough sounds like a crow! Whatever the case may be, the thought of light in a dark tunnel, how breathtaking! When still in deep thought, she almost tripped and fell over a dead body. Looking down in horror, she didn't realize just HOW many bodies there had been. Not one, but thousands! Spread as far as the eye can see. Her face went pale, then grey, then blue! It happened so fast that you couldn't predict it! The feeling of freedom turned into pure terror! The kind of place this world is... How terrifying! The thought was almost electrifying. All she could do was wonder 'who did this' and 'why?' but she couldn't come up with an answer, she could only stare forward and let out long sighs. Until a wild thought shoved its way into her heart. WHAT IF ONE OF THOSE BODIES IS MY SISTER!? That thought clouded her mind, as painful and deadly as poison. Even the idea was toxic to her newfound foul mood. Walking carefully, she stepped over each body. Trying not to bloody her already disgusting shoes, stepped over as many as possible. While continuing, an odd sensation spread throughout her body. It almost made her forget the mission. But she must not!! After all, she would even sacrifice her own soul to save her living sister, Alessandrae. -end |