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Young man newly blind, has a hard time with women. |
Sense – itive Jason was standing nervously in front of the mirror. “Jason? Whatcha doing man?” “I’m checking my appearance before I head out for the evening.” “Ah ha, funny guy routine tonight huh? Is this your device for coping with nervousness?” “Nervous, who’s nervous? Are you nervous Jeremy? Are you afraid you’re going to totally screw this up and no one will ever talk to you again because they think you’re a complete freak? Is that what you’re nervous about?” “Whoa dude, you really need to calm down okay. Let’s try to get a drink in you before she shows up. Your cane is 11 O’clock, three feet.” “Jeremy?” “Yeah dude?” “You didn’t say it, but you thought; if she show’s up. Not many girls our age are really into blind psychos.” “Look man, don’t pity yourself okay? Not tonight. You’re blind but you’re not a psycho. Look you got a bum rap. You lost your girlfriend and your eyesight to an asshole too drunk to drive and too stupid to know it. Anybody would have issues with that okay; that doesn’t make you a psycho, it makes you human.” “Thanks bro. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” “Well you’d never get out of here on time for a date, that’s for damn sure. Come on let’s go.” “Yeah okay, hey you know what really sucks.” “What’s that bro?” “Not being Daredevil.” “Huh?” “You know, in the comics the dude loses his sight he gains superhuman hearing. Me I get no sight, my hearing is average at best. Let’s see what are the other senses? Smell, well I could probably tell you if there is smoke from a fire in the room. Taste, I still can’t tell red wine from white. Touch – now there’s a super hero sense for you. My fucking fingers tingle all the time, if I brush up against something the wrong way it feels like an electric shock up my arm.” “Dude you’re whining like a little girl! Come on man, door . . . now.” ***** “Here we are. Let’s get a drink and calm you down the girls should be here any minute now.” “Jeremy, what’s this girls name again?” “Oh dude, so uncool. Man if you pull that shit, Shellie’s going to kill me and you both. Her name is Marsha. Shellie says she is really pretty, she’s seen you around and is interested in meeting you.” “Well at least she didn’t say she has a great personality.” “Dude, if she did, she’d have one up on you. Here they are; wow, dude. This girl’s a knockout.” “Hi guys, this is Marsha; Marsha this is Jeremy – he’s mine; and this is Jason his twin. Guys this is Marsha.” “Hi Marsha I’m Jeremy and I’m hers, so that must mean you’re here to see him. With that Shellie and I are going to take off. We were just here to see that you both made it to the same table. Bye.” The look Shellie shot Jeremy could have stopped a train in its tracks; “Jeremy quit being an Ass.” Her temperament warmed considerably as she turned toward the now seated Marsha and Jeremy. “Look you two; we’re going out but you both look great. Jason, relax she’s not going get up and run screaming. At least not if you’re nice. Both of you have our phone numbers if it gets too weird give us a call.” “Shellie thanks for setting this up; I think we’ll be okay. You two go have fun.” Marsha moved closer to Jason and took his hand. After Shellie and Jeremy walked away Marsha turned to face Jason. “Okay Jason, so you’re blind. Are you afraid that they’ve set you up with a real dog and I’m going to embarrass you or what?” “Huh, no just the opposite actually. I’ve been told you’re beautiful; I’m afraid I’m going to spill something all over you or hit you in the nose with my elbow and embarrass the hell out of myself.” “Well how about we just have a drink, talk for a bit and see how it goes?” “That sounds great, but just so you know I’m not cheap. I mean I’m perfectly willing and able to buy us dinner tonight . . . you know, I mean I just didn’t want you to think that I’m . . . ah crap. Help I’m babbling and I can’t shut up!” “Hahaha I heard you had a sense of humor; I’m glad to see it coming out.” “Ah cool someone who’s actually willing to pass off my idiotic nervous babble as humor; I like it!” Jason was amazed to find that he could actually feel the temperature starting to rise in her hand, he also felt a slight shift in her posture and quickly realized that she had raised her left hand to get the waitresses attention.” “Can we get a couple of MGDs please?” Jason was irritated by the sound of pity in the waitresses voice when she replied; “sure hone, I’ll be right back with those for you.” He decided to leave it alone, “so you’re a mind reader too?” “Huh, who me? Why? Oh the beer! No I know Shellie remember, she wanted to make sure I was well prepared for tonight. I probably know more about you than I did my former fiancĂ©.” She regretted it before it was even out of her mouth good. “I’m so sorry, that was very insensitive of me.” “No no, forget it. It’s nice to have someone to talk to that is actually honest with me; I guess everyone is so busy tiptoeing around all the taboo topics that it just really makes me mad. It’s nice to just talk and not worry about it.” While he was talking Jason had noticed that her skin temperature had instantly gone down a lot, when she temporarily freaked out over mentioning the word fiancĂ©; and now it was gradually coming back up again. The waitress came back with their beer and he felt Marsha wave her off without so much as a word. Jason was enjoying her company and conversation when he felt her temperature drop again and goose bumps suddenly began forming on her skin. “What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong? Did I do something? I knew I was going to screw this up somehow.” “No, no you’re great.” She was talking very quietly. “There’s a guy who’s been staring at me for a while now. I think he’s drunk and is heading this way to start trouble.” “Ah great, and me without my daredevil costume tonight; okay here’s what we’ll do. When he stops here by the table you tell me his height; then using the clock method tell me his position related to me. If I get into something I can’t finish you run like hell and call Shellie and Jeremy they’ll . . . “Well lookie here, little blind boy got himself a sympathy date.” His arrogance was obviously amplified by his current level of intoxication. “Five Eleven, Ten O’clock” Marsha whispered just barely loud enough for Jason to hear. Her voice then rose to a conversational level as she addressed the drunk. “Now see you’ve wasted this entire evening trying to think of something cute to say and you’re obviously not equipped for that much thought.” Jason felt her tense up when the drunk grabbed her left arm. His cane came up fast, because it was under the table the guy never saw it coming; contact with his crotch was completely unexpected and hard. He didn’t need daredevil hearing to locate the asshole’s head; the groaning was loud enough that he couldn’t miss it. Jason let go of Marsha’s hand reached across the table and drove the guy’s face into the edge of the table and listened to him crumple to the floor. A bouncer was there in an instant and Marsha only needed a few seconds to clear up the situation. Despite numerous offers of free dinner and drinks by the manager; Marsha assured them she was done for the night and wanted to leave. She took Jason by the hand and began leading him out of the club. Jason leaned in close “I’m really sorry I’ve upset you. Maybe I’m overcompensating for being blind or something; whatever the case is I just wanted you to know that I had a really good time tonight and I don’t blame you for wanting to get rid of me.” Marsha spun on him quickly; Jason didn’t know if he should expect to get hit, screamed at or both; but he didn’t raise his hands to defend himself. Whatever she was going to do, he was determined to take it like a man. He was completely unprepared when her lips met his; her fingers grabbed him by the back of the head and pulled him in tight for a passionate kiss. The crowd in the club went wild with applause and cheers. “Just shut up and come with me Double D” she whispered. “Double D?” Jason’s head was spinning. “That’s Daredevil’s symbol right, two D’s one on top of the other.” “Oh yeah right – wow, the lady knows Daredevil.” They made it out of the club and she pulled him up the street. The air was considerably cooler than when they’d come in earlier and to Jason the humidity was palpable. “Rain’s coming” he said without even thinking about it. “Not according to the weatherman” Marsha said a little out of breath from walking so quickly, then she slowed a bit “but I think I’d believe you over the weatherman.” Jason again felt the temperature in her hand start to rise. “Here’s my car, I thought maybe we’d go back to my place; I’m really a good cook and since you just skipped out of buying me dinner, we can eat and you don’t have to worry so much about embarrassing anybody.” “Oh man she’s got a sense of humor . . . well I guess so.” He pulled her to him for another kiss. “That actually sounds great; I guess I really don’t do well in public yet.” ***** “Here we are Jason; it’s small but its home.” “Marsha this is going to sound weird but can I touch you . . . your face.” “Sure, Shellie told me to expect this once you got comfortable. I’m glad you’re comfortable enough to ask me.” “It’s better if you put my hands on your face to start out, that way I don’t poke you in the eye or stick a finger up your nose.” “Or accidently brush against my tits on the way to my face?” Jason could feel his own skin blushing profusely, “Yeah, something like that.” Marsha took his hands and brushed her breasts with the tips of his fingers as she brought them up to her face. He began with the top of her head, felt the texture and cut of her hair, next he moved to her face starting at her forehead and systematically working his way down. He lingered and paid particular attention to her eyes, ears, nose and especially her lips. He kissed her lips gently as his fingers continued over her cheeks, chin and then he stopped at her neck. The farther from her forehead he got the higher her skin temperature went. Her breathing was shallow but rapid when she spoke; making it apparent she was trying hard to control her breathing. “I’d be really disappointed if that’s all you’re interested in” She moved his hands down to her breasts. The dress was some sort of silky like material in a figure hugging design. The dress had thin straps and a low plunging V-neck. He had no problem finding her erect nipples through the shimmering slick material. Taking this as a really good sign, he continued on. He traced her sides down to her hips and even through her dress he could feel her temperature rising. Continuing on he followed the outline of her hips until he reached the hem of her mini-dress. Jason knelt in front of her. As he touched her skin just below the hemline he was aware of how much more he could feel now. He’d never been able to feel such subtle changes in body temperature and moisture before, now he could feel hers going up. As she got more excited he could feel the moisture on her skin increase. It was so slight, yet he could feel it as plainly as if she were raising her arm. His fingers were on the outside of her legs and his thumbs were lightly touching the inside of her thighs. As he started to move his hands upward she shivered and reached down and grabbed his hands. “Ohhh, Okay. Why don’t you come up for air Daredevil?” “Sure, I’m not going to push you into anything you don’t want.” “Jason, you’re too much of a gentleman. There’s nothing I don’t want from you, I just want you to start a little higher up.” Jason kissed her eagerly as his hands cupped both breasts and he began to roll her stiff nipples between his fingers. His hands moved slowly up to her shoulders, making sure never to let his fingertips leave her body. He cupped her face in his hands kissing her even more passionately than before and moved his hands down her neck to her shoulders ensuring the dress straps were pushed gently aside. The straps fell and dangled by her arms. Jason again moved his hands downward applying only the slightest pressure with his fingertips. He followed the mounds of her breast until he encountered the material of the precariously hanging dress; one more little push of his fingers, and a subtle shrug of Marsha’s shoulders, and the dress finally fell to the floor. Jason couldn’t see their color but he imagined the whisper thin strapless bra he now encountered to be the same color, black maybe, as the dress that now lay on the floor. The bra was even thinner in the front than the sides or back and as he played gently with her nipples he could barely tell there was a layer of material between them. He gave her nipples another quick squeeze and was rewarded with a quiet little whimper; he pushed in and up amplifying her already proud mounds of cleavage. His fingers made quick work of the clasp and let the bra join the dress gathered at Marsha’s feet. As the bra fell away he was amazed at the sudden difference in her skin, the temperature shot up as did the moisture. He took first one and then the other gravity defying globe into his mouth. It was amazing; he could feel every time he hit the right spot, which was constantly moving. He never knew that a woman’s skin could tell you so much. She pulled him to the sofa and fell on her back. He followed her down and let her skin tell him everything he needed to know. Now she was almost pushing him down in front of her. He found her lacy little panties and pushed them to the side. Marsha was so far beyond ready it was incredible; Jason’s thumbs spread her lips slightly and leaned forward letting his warm breath precede any further physical touch and build her anticipation. Following a couple of husky breaths Jason’s tongue finds the source of her flowing juices. Using his tongue like an artist’s brush Jason distributes her love juice up and down the length of her now moistened slit. His tongue continued to move up and down the length of her slit, his thumbs applying slight outward pressure and just the slightest bit of penetration. His tongue follows her lips edge from bottom to top, this time he doesn’t immediately reverse direction but circles around the shy nub trying to hide beneath the folds of skin. Jason leans closer surrounding the little bulb with his own lips and sucks lightly. Marsha was panting heavily now so Jason continued to let her skin be his guide. The fingers of his left hand spread her lips, two fingers of his right hand penetrated her deeply as his mouth continued to work her clit. In less than a minute she grabs the back of his head with her hands and tightened her legs around his face. Although it was obvious she was trying to maintain some type of control a scream of ecstasy escaped her lips followed by another and then another. Jason was actually a little afraid a neighbor would call the cops. “Oh my god, I’ve never cum so hard in all my life!” She panted for a couple of minutes, Jason kept giving her just enough attention to keep her excited but not so much that she couldn’t control it. After she had time to catch her breath she pulled his face up away from her soaked slit. “Okay stud, you deserve a very special reward for that little performance.” Marsha pulled his face to hers and kissed him furiously. “Okay Double D, your clothes need to come off now!” She made quick work of the buttons on his shirt grabbed it by the collar and pulled it half-way down his back. “I think that’s good right there.” She stood still holding onto his shirt and pushed him down on the sofa. With his arms and hands held behind him by his half removed shirt Jason lay there wondering exactly what she had in mind. She made sure to keep physical contact with him at all times so he knew exactly where she was. She stripped off the long soaked panties discarding them unceremoniously. Marsha had one hand on each knee, as she kneeled in front of him her hands slid slowly up the inside of his thighs. As both hands slid over his crotch she traced the outline of his rock hard shaft through his pants. Now it was Jason’s turn to begin panting. She unbuckled his belt, unhooked his pants and then slid the zipper down slowly. She freed his now throbbing cock and kissed his helmet tenderly. It only took her a few seconds to get his pants the rest of the way off. Jason’s staff was generating plenty of lubricant all on its own, so all Marsha had to do was use her hands and mouth to distribute it the full length of his dick. Marsha purred as she took it deeply in her mouth. As she released it slowly her teeth drug gently along the entire length, but when she got back to the soldiers helmet Jason thought he would explode. “Don’t hold back baby. You go ahead and enjoy this without worrying about anything. We’ve got all night and I promise you’ll get the opportunity to cum inside me later, right now you just enjoy.” Jason’s new found extremely sensitive nervous system ensured that he didn’t last long. Every time she came near the end of his cock he felt as though he would explode; finally, maybe a minute later he could take no more and he erupted in her mouth. Marsha was no pro, so taking this kind of spunk in her mouth was not a common thing; she tried but gagged in spite of her best effort. Embarrassed she let the rest of it flow back out onto his dick and began to massage it again. Jason groaned loudly. “Oh wow, that was phenomenal. Can I have my hands back now, ‘cause I really want to touch you.” “Just another minute or two sweetie, then you can touch anything you want.” She continued to massage his shaft, then leaned down and took it in her mouth again. A very pleased sounding moan escaped Jason’s mouth and he was at full attention again. Marsha continued to hold his dick in her hands as she straddled him. Now sitting straight up over him she lowered herself to where the tip of his dick just barely spread her lips. She began rocking back and forth allowing him to spread her sex juice completely over her slit. Just as Jason tried to sit up she lowered herself suddenly taking him all the way to the hilt. She rocked her hips back and forth as she leaned over and kissed him passionately. He lowered his head and bobbed around looking for her tits hungrily. Marsha removed his shirt without breaking their connection; he reached up grabbing her tits in both hands, massaging the entire globe while periodically tweaking the nipples between his fingers. They kissed feverishly and in just a few minutes they exploded together. Physically depleted they laid together. After a few seconds she turned over to look at him and they kissed. He repositioned himself so that his head was now at her chest, if he moved his mouth at all his lips would tickle her nipple; then he slid his hand down between her legs where his finger and thumb was resting firmly against her warm wet pussy. “I can’t stare into your eyes so this is the next best thing for me. We’ll sleep now, but not for too long.” Just as he’d planned the movement of his mouth caused his lips to brush lightly against her nipple, causing the nipple to stiffen and the temperature to rise throughout her breast but mostly centered on the tip. He flexed the muscles in his thumb and finger quickly, felt the expected response of heat and quickly fell asleep. |