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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1837434
The elves appear and Yuuri makes everyone explain what they know about their situation.
Disclaimer: I do not own KKM although I wish I did. Teehee. I do want to thank all of those reviewers out there and to let them know that it will get even more interesting as you read on. No I don’t have any clue on how many chapters this one will have.

Chapter Four:

“Now dear, how do you like that one?” Cheri asked Greta as they sat in the girls’ room. Greta walked out of the dressing room in a new blue silk dress that flared out from her waist. The girl walked over to the room mirror and twirled around. Her face lit up as she looked at her reflection.

“I love it, Grandmother Cheri!” The girl gushed enjoyment.

“Now, now, just call me Cheri.” The woman said and giggled. The little girl twirled around again and was about to run to the maid Doria who was helping Greta try on the new dresses Cheri got for her. They all hear soldiers running around in the hallway. All three of them heard the soldiers say something about a dragon. Greta looked worried.

“I need to find Chichue Yuuri.” And before the two women could grab Greta the girl bolted out into the hallway and disappeared.


Yuuri’s eyes open when he hears a rawr. He yawn’s and stretches then looks at the angel on his chest. Even though Wolfram is now a woman Yuuri didn’t feel like there was a change at all. He kissed Wolfram’s lips gently. He heard running in the hallway and was about to get up from the bed to see what was going on. Before he even moved Greta burst into the room and bailed onto the bed landing on Yuuri and accidentally kneeing Yuuri between the legs. Yuuri quickly cried out in pain, which woke up Wolfram. Greta then noticed how Wolfram was no longer a man. Her eyes lit up with confusion.

“Ne, Papa Wolf. How come you are now a girl?” Wolfram started rubbing her eyes groggily then looked at Greta with an even more confused look on her face. Then Greta’s face lit up as she thought of something. “Does this mean I can call you hahaue?” Wolfram’s brow furrowed from confusion. And after she looked from Yuuri, who was curled up in a fetal position she turned her eyes back to her daughter.

“What in Shinou’s name are you talking about, Greta?” All three of the occupant’s didn’t notice that Wolfram’s mother and Doria the maid were standing in the doorway. When Doria saw Wolfram she almost gasped but Cheri put her hand over the maid’s mouth, muffling the sound so they couldn’t be heard.

“Well for one you have breasts and another your hair is long.” Greta said with a huge smile on her face.

“Euh!” Wolfram cried out. She looks down at her chest and puts her hands to them and squeezes. She winces when she felt how tender they are. She then hesitantly looks under the slacks she is wearing. He eyes go wide and she screams loudly. The scream can be heard through out the castle.


In the office everyone is crowded by the windows seeing a huge dragon out front just waiting patiently.

“Why is it here?” Conrad asked. Before anyone could answer they heard a scream through out the castle. The voice that screamed sounded like Wolfram’s but a slight bit higher.

“I take it that the princess is finally awake.” Yozak said laughing.


“Wolfram, calm down.” Yuuri said as he starts walking towards his fiancée. Wolfram was too angry to notice this until Yuuri was behind her. She turned around and held out her hand where a ball of fire appears.

“Get out of my way, Yuuri. Yes, I do love you but I can’t and won’t stand it if you look at me in displeasure.” Her lip quivered. Yuuri couldn’t see her eyes. With his hand coming up he surrounded the fire with some water and turned it into ice. Wolfram’s eyes opened wide. She looked back into Yuuri’s eyes. “Ne, Yuuri? When did you learn how to do that?” Yuuri looked at her hand and the ball of frozen fire.

“I don’t know.” His hand reached out to grab hold of Wolfram’s jaw. Made her look into his eyes. “Besides. There is no way in this world or the next that I would ever stop loving you.” As he said this, his eyes shined full of love. Wolfram’s eyes fill with tears. Yuuri’s eyes close as he kissed Wolfram’s lips gently. Brown eyes shining as she watched her parents kiss.

“I don’t mind having Wolfram be my Mommy instead of my Papa Wolf.” Her little voice said breaking the couple apart. Both sets of eyes fall onto Greta’s small form. Wolfram walked over and picked the small girl up to hug her to her breasts. Although she doesn’t do it as rough as her mother does.

“I’m glad that our family won’t change. But there is still the fact of how I turned into a woman and why. I just want to know.” Wolfram said getting angrier with each second.

“That can be solved by going to my office. I made everyone stay put in there. Everyone that I know of anyway.” Yuuri said, as his face grew angry.

“Oh really?” She storms out. With Yuuri and Greta following behind. Yuuri and Greta stopped and exclaim at the dragon sitting out front of the castle.

“Ne, is that Pochi?” Yuuri asked and the dragon looked up to the window that Yuuri is standing at. He let out a happy growl.

“It’s Lisele.” Wolfram corrected. All three of them stood there as the young dragon made himself comfortable. As if he is waiting for them.


Everyone was getting anxious and bored waiting for either Yuuri or Wolfram to come. Gwendal’s forehead had a new wrinkle added while Conrad and Yozak looked out the window at Pochi. Murata and Shinou were in the corner observing everyone while Gisele and Cheri were acting as if it were a tea party. To the little elf that is floating patiently above the room. She kept looking to the door, which gave away her impatience.

Everyone jumped when Wolfram slammed the door open. She looked at everyone in the room and if looks could kill they would be ashes. Yuuri calmly walked into the room and everyone was shocked at the furious expression on his face. Gunter started running into the room but ran into Yuuri’s back. Usually he would have knocked him down but since he is in his Maou state and is furious the purple haired man just bounced off of the stone hard back of the Maou. He landed with an oof.

“Would you mind getting off of me?” Came a small squeak from underneath Gunter. Yuuri turned around at the voice. Underneath Gunter looked like a smaller version of Yuuri. Wolfram and Yuuri’s eyes widen at what they saw. Wolfram has seen the pictures of Yuuri as a child.

“Oh, you purple haired meanie, get off of my fiancée!” The small girl starts pushing at Gunter. Wolfram’s eyes widen at the small girl. The girl couldn’t push him off. So her face scrunched up in anger. She kicks Gunter really hard on the shin. Doing this made Gunter cry out in pain and he starts running from the little girl as she produces fire from her hands. Gunter hides behind Yuuri and Wolfram with two scorched spots on his cape. The girl turns around and kneels besides her fiancé. Yuuri walks calmly over to the couple and holds out a hand to the boy. The boy looked at the hand and put his small one inside of it. Yuuri helped the boy up and got down so that he could be at level with the others eyes.

“Who and what are you?” Yuuri asked with an impassive look on his face.


A/N: It is time for me to ask you guys to vote on something. I have decided that having my viewers as part of the story makes them feel as if they in the story themselves. So here is the pole. I have two poles going right now for two subjects. One is how many babies should there be? And what should their sexes be.
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