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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1837490
The duke dies and Elizabeth get's kidnapped and Wolfram finds out the news.
Disclaimer: I do not own KKM even though I wish I did. I only own my own stories.

Note: For those of you who are wondering yes I am taking a little bit long on some of these chapters. That is mostly because I’m going to keep them long if I can also I am researching on things for the chapters to come. Yes it does follow along some of the legends of Japanese mythology on the elemental part but not from which they come. I just changed the part of them coming from these elements to being born from a person with this element. Thank you for reading and please review.

Chapter Seven

Yuuri walked into the room and held up a hand for the others to fall back. “Excuse me, Lady Elizabeth. But I am here at your request. And yes I did think about what you wanted me to. My brain has wondered exactly how did you come across this notion?” Yuuri asked as he sat down in the chair besides the bed. Elizabeth laid there, her face pale and her smile weak.

“Because I have had a dream about them, Heika. I told Enerund about it and he said it would be best for us to come and tell you about it.” She said, sounding as weak as she looked. Yuuri smiled and touched her hand. He sensed that she was growing weaker with each word.

“Okay, Elizabeth. I am not an evil King. So for now we will let you rest to gain your strength back. Rest well.” He smiled and him and the others left the room.


In one of the infirmary rooms the duke toss’ and turns in the bed. His dreams filled of darkness. His brows furrowed while he steadily is calling out a name. “Elizabeth…” Sweat formed on his brow. “Elizabeth, no…” He cried out and shot straight up in the bed. “No!!” He looked around the room with shock in his eyes.

“Elizabeth!” He got up weakly and staggered out of the room. He stared around the corridor and moved down the passage to the right. He didn’t know where he was going but his heart was leading the way. As he staggered down the passage he kept on bumping into the walls. He stopped at the doorway down the passageway from his. He looked at the door with a worried look on his face. His hand pushed the door open and his face showed shock when he saw the woman standing by the window.

“You…!” He staggered back. “Help guards!” He heard them rushing from the other end of the passageway. “Intruder!” The woman then appeared right in front of him.

“You really don’t know when to shut up, do you?” She then touched the side of his neck and the skin turned black. The breath started rushing out of his chest as a smile formed on his lips and he landed on the ground with a hard thud. She heard a small squeak.

“Enerund, no…” Elizabeth cried out weakly.

“Heh, do not worry. I just hastened his death. No one would have been able to heal his injuries anyway.” Eve said as the soldiers ran closer to the entrance. Conrad ran inside with some of his men with him.

“Who are you?” Conrad asks after his gaze moved from the fallen duke to look at Eve with a frown on his face. “Why are you doing this? What does your master tend to do with my brother?” Conrad’s questions shot at Eve while his hand clenched around the hilt of his sword.

“Yare, yare, aren’t we so full of questions tonight?” Eve asked with a small smile on her black lips. She flicked some of her black hair over her shoulder. “He is not my master. He is just my father. Unfortunately, I cannot disobey him because of this collar on my neck. He treats me as if I were his slave instead of his daughter.” Her heavily darkened eyes teared up. “But now I have to go.” She pops up quickly and moved Elizabeth’s blonde hair away from her neck. She smiled sadly at Conrad. “For all that it is worth, I hate killing even though I’m the element of death. I just hope the Maou will notice that when he comes.” She touches Elizabeth’s neck and both of them disappear.


“Nani?” Yuuri said while he is still in bed when Conrad came in to tell him that Eve has kidnapped Elizabeth as well. “Go and wake up Gunter and Gwendal.”

“But, Heika. Don’t you think that I should be gathering up the soldiers now?” Conrad asked.

“Hei, I do. And it’s Yuuri, Conrad. I will go wake them up.” Yuuri said as he got out of bed and started getting dressed. They went their separate ways when they stepped out of the bedroom. Yuuri’s back stood rigid with worry as he thought about what might happen to both Wolfram and Elizabeth. He stopped in front of Gwendal’s bedroom. He raised his hand to knock on the door. Then he heard what sounded like Gunter giggling with a girlish tone. Yuuri’s eyes widen and he was wondering if Gunter has been meddling with potions again. So he continued walking right to Gunter’s door which was cracked open. His brow furrowed then he saw Gwendal’s kitten pop her head out and meowed at him. Mind you it has been years since Gunter gave Karia to Gwendal but she still almost looked like a kitten minus her fat belly.

“Gwendal and Gunter have been feeding you a lot now haven’t they?” He bent down and pet her head. She purred and licked his hand. “I’m going to check on Gunter and tell him all that is going on.” The cat waddled off the way Yuuri came. He smiled and opened the door to what sounded like more giggles. Yuuri walked towards the bed pulled aside the curtains and his eyes widen at what he sees. Right in the middle of the huge mattress lay Gunter tied to the headboards, with Gwendal nibbling at Gunter’s almost feminine physique. Yuuri coughs into his hand trying to get the couple to notice he was in the room. You could hear Gunter squeak as he looks up at Yuuri.

“H-Heika…” Gunter said and Gwendal froze and turned his head around to look at Yuuri. His face tinted red. And Yuuri’s quirked.

“Y-Yuuri—” Gwendal started but Yuuri held his hand up to stop him from finishing.

“You two can finish that later. We have an emergency. So if you could meet me in the conference room after you get dressed.” Yuuri said with a huge smile on his face.


Wolfram woke up with a hand touching her face. Her eyes fluttered then opened. She saw Elizabeth above her with a smile on her lips and a worried tone to her violet eyes.

“Good morning, Wolfram. It seems that my dreams are correct. You really are a woman now are you not?” She said as she leaned back to let Wolfram sit up. Wolfram covered her mouth and Elizabeth helped her to the basin that was set up on the table in between the two beds. “There is another sign that is correct. I feel sick, too.” Wolfram looked at her with an odd look on her face trying to figure out what the other woman means. Elizabeth put a hand to her stomach and a small smile came to her lips. “Us mazoku women tend to get really sick in the beginning of our pregnancies. I guess it is Shinou’s way of finding out if we are worthy of bearing children to carry on our mazoku blood.” Wolfram’s eyes widen in shock.

“Your pregnant, Elizabeth?” Wolfram asked as she wiped her mouth on the cloth besides the basin.

“Yes and so are you, future Queen.” Eve said as she walked out of the shadows.

“What?!” Wolfram shouted and turned back to the basin to empty out more of her stomach.

“Don’t worry, you two.” Eve said as she rubbed Wolfram’s back. “I’m not here to hurt you. Although my master wants you to bear more elementals for him. I just want to stop him. He has hurt too many people on this foolish quest for more power. Yes both of you have not only a babe inside of you but an elemental as well.” She put her hand over Wolfram’s stomach and a glow appears under her hand. Eve smiles and looks up into the emerald eyes looking at her. “Yes they are both strong and well. I’m hoping the Maou takes my hint very well. I don’t want anything to go wrong. You two and another that I’m not sure of are the most treasured thing right now. You are carrying the world’s strength.” Eve walked over to the window. Her purple eyes have tears in them while her black lips were trembling. The two women seated on the bed look worried. “I might e the element of death. But I hate seeing it. I hate pain and suffering. That is why I made sure the dear duke did not suffer. He knew it too. That is why he smiled.” She turned back to them. “One of you will give birth to my counterpart.” She said with a smile appearing on her lips. “I hope that us elementals will be around to create a new race. One that is there for everyone. Not just the Maou.” Elizabeth smiled and lay down on her bed. Wolfram rolled onto her side.

“I’m really going to be a mother?” She asked her voice full of wonder. Her eyes stared at the cream walls but they were out of focus like she wasn’t really staring at them. She sighed and her hand came up and gently covered her belly while her eyes softened and her lips part in a smile. Her eyes then widen and she looks at Eve who was staring at the girls. “What about Yuuri? Is he okay? Does he know about this?”

“Yes, Wolfram, he does. He wasn’t even surprised when hearing that I am pregnant as well. In a way it is like his subconscious knew all along.” Elizabeth mimicked Wolfram’s movements. The smile on her lips turned sorrowful as her eyes teared. “I am also glad that Enerund didn’t suffer. Because I don’t know if I could watch him the way he was.” She turned her eyes to Eve and twin tears ran down her cheeks. “I thank you for that, Eve. I also would like for you to protect us. Even if that means you have to betray him.” Eve smiled at her and opened the window. She looked around at the grounds below. Flocks of what looked like huge macaws were feeding on the giant fruits. One landed on the roof above her head. A feather floated down and she stretched her arm out then touched it. As she did it glowed and duplicated to make a replica of the bird it once belonged to. She touched the birds’ head to implant a message. The bird then shrieks out and flies off making the whole flock take flight with it.

“That way no one can suspect that it is a hidden message.” Eve says as she quietly shuts the window.


“Okay, from what Conrad has told me when Eve took Elizabeth she asked for my help in defeating her father. So I wonder how to come across that considering we do not know where they are.” Everyone heard a cawing sound outside the window. “What is that?” He asked and Gwendal walked to the window. His eyes widen when he sees the large flock of Great Caws out front. He opened the window and two of the birds flew in. One landed on Gwendal’s arm and the other landed on Yuuri’s.

“Eve created me to be a messenger for her. I speak only to the Maou until the message is delivered.” The bird said with a beautiful voice.

“Okay, beautiful one. What is this message that she wants me to hear?” Yuuri asked with an emotionless face.

“I am Eve. The daught6er of the Demon King of the lost lands. I bequeath thee Maou of the first race to help free me of my bondage by ways of killing the one that imprisons me. I have been protecting your fiancée and friend by distracting father with two doppelgangers. They are really hidden in my sanctuary in the Holy Air Temple of Auria’s Temple. They were both briefed of what is going on. And they wish you would help as well so that we do not have a demented King on our hands. So please come break the soul chain he has put around my neck and please come at once.” As soon as the imitation Great Caw finished it returned to its former form of a feather. Yuuri turned to the others and quirked an eye at the bird perched on Gwendal’s arm.

“Well, I guess we have a personal guide.” He said as he brought a purple apple to feed the bird. After it ate it, it grabbed some of Yuuri’s hair and tugged gently. Yuuri smiled and stroked the birds’ feathers. “Okay let’s go now before it is too late.”

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