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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1840782
Covered in scars, young with knowledge ancient, who is Terran?

The Marked One
2012 A.D. - A new school, new people who will eventually want to kill me. Great, more drama I thought as I walked into my new school. A bus pulled up behind me, and a flood of kids came out. Even disguised as I was in the middle of the high school crowd a teacher still managed to see me. She yelled, “Off with the hood indoors!” I reluctantly drew back my hood as I walked into the main office; the familiar expression of surprise lit their faces, “Are you Mister Terran?” I nodded as they proceeded to give the long lecture on school rules, handed me my schedule and a map, and sent me to my first class, Earth Science, how ironic. As I walked in with the late slip in my hand my new classmates saw me for the first time. The round of gasps and whispers were pretty normal, most are surprised when someone so young is so heavily scarred. The map work of scars on my body weren't scars at all, they were runes. Ever since I was born, I had power, power to give, or to use. It's rather normal for all the surprise. What was not normal for a new school was to have the teacher turn around and scream. Loudly. Barely flinching, I walked over to the only empty seat and sat down. I smiled at the guy beside me and said “Hey, I'm Terran, what's your name?” I was rewarded with him moving the chair to the other side of the room. Ignoring the white noise of whispers, I turned around, not really surprised. I went from class to class, reactions pretty much the same. The only weird thing, everyone I met either cringed or flat out avoided me. It is pretty annoying spending the whole day trading my “Hello” only to get rejected.
A few months later I had been verbally abused so much I actually turned rather paranoid. I refrained from using my powers, but only just. My power, my curse, started a long time ago.....

1500 B.C.-A small boy is born to the Pharaoh of Egypt. Of course he was sent straight to the clerics, the demons of blood had to be purged. The Pharaoh was celebrating, thinking of a fitting name for his new born heir. He was pondering this when the head cleric came through his door, unannounced! By Anubis how high they thought themselves, he was about to teach the arrogant snob a lesson when he blurted out, “Your son has the Mark! By the power given to the clerics by Anubis, we take him as our own.” The Pharaoh staggered, realizing what his son was, what he would become. Quickly composing himself, he considered this rather disturbing news. The clerics would try to take him, to isolate him to "Teach him", more like dissect. So he quickly came to decision, the Pharaoh stood, smiling at his plan, and stated with all the power of his stature “He WILL live in this temple with me, you may bring who you wish to train him, but I will be a part of his life, he will NOT turn into one of you ignorant pigs!” The cleric began to argue, Anubis they are arrogant! Before he could slip away the Pharaoh drew his whip and stated venomously, “You will not question your Pharaoh again if you value your life!” Hours later the cleric was dragged out by the healers to be tended to. After considering the additional information he had "persuaded” the cleric to give, the Pharaoh decided on a name, Terran. Ironic, his name means earth, but he will forever be bound to the sky.......

20 years later- The Pharaoh watched as his son practiced his hand to hand combat, combat was forbidden to clerics, but he was not about to let his immortal son spend the rest of his life untrained. Such was the curse of the Mark, live forever with near-infinite power. The power of Runes....
Sweating, I fell into pure instincts as I battered my opponent away, a small novice that I was training as part of my training...or something like that. Anyway, I fought the boy, revealing his mistakes to him, and eventually he started to correct them. Later after a swim in the river, I joined my master in the stuffy tower room he calls home. I sat on the floor and waited. Finally, we began our session. I was nearing completion all of what the masters in the temple could show me. Soon I would be kicked out, to live out my immortal life. I learned new runes every day. Runes are the basis of a Marked man's power, by drawing these symbols; I could access the immense pool of magic and shape it. I was slowly learning to make my own Runes, draw what I see, I decided to test one on my servant. The moment I finished the Rune, his whole body convulsed. It was not supposed to do this! I watched as the servant was twisted into a demonic imp.
2012 A.D.-I started as I woke up from the dream, the memory pressed down on me, taking hours to dispel. Looking around, I wondered how the world has changed; magic is all but forgotten, replaced with the new magic, technology. I looked around my “house”, made from twisting trees into shape, it still lived, but now grew in a design I wanted, creating a literal “Tree house”. I sighed, not 100 feet from campus, and the mortals are so close minded they do not even notice it. I leaped lightly out of the window, letting my innate ability to take hold and lift me into the air. Had my father known how ironic it was to name me Terran when I was so bound to the sky? I thought back to a lesson a long time ago, where my teacher had said “All beings have innate abilities, you see them around you, the slaves that push the stones for the memorial pyramids, women whose food is always hot, all innate ability. Your ability, flight, is so rare, so powerful, you will be great someday, mark my words...” Well I was great and powerful now, nothing awake could even touch me. Although, if something ever woke up....

200 miles away, in the center of the forest-Chuckling, a claw swiped over the globe of sight as it deactivated. “Poor Terran, so powerful, but doesn't have a very good mental block, I slipped in without him even noticing, him! An all-powerful Marked one. The small imp coward as his master’s sharp scaly hide drew closer to him. "Send out Marik, let's see what this so called Immortal Marked one is made of...” the imp scampered away as the claws lifted it's brother to it's open maw and gulped it down whole.......

Terran's Tree house- It was a Saturday, so there was no class. Meditating, I simply gathered my power and waited. It wasn't long before I sensed what had set me on edge; there was something powerful, something very powerful heading straight for me. Something was awake. Of course next to me...

2 Hours later- “This is Jessie Goodman at the scene of an amazing site, the remains of some sort of large creature was found here at the docks today. It's completely indescribable, even with it's head chopped off it seems to be a humanoid winged reptilian figure outfitted with medieval melee weapons such as a pole-staff, whatever it was it was brutally murdered by some” click. Laughing at the mortals panicked reaction, I wiped the blood off my spear-staff. Admiring the 3-foot blade topping the Maplewood staff, I grinned, Marik had been far too easy. Although, none of these mortals could do more than scratch his scaly hide, so he wouldn't have bothered with them. That meant that he had come for me.

Back in the forest-The roar of anger shook the forest, sending creatures scurrying to avoid the titan's wrath. “Damn! I awake after two hundred millennia only to find out the oldest immortal alive is within 200 miles! How did Terran hide that from me?Agghh!!” The lair was a black scorched mess from the angry flames flooding from it's maw. “We will have to plan this more carefully than I thought, if he finds me before I’m fully restored....”

School- The loud ring of the bell hurt my ears as I strode into class. It would be better if I just sat in the corner rather than deal with these fools. Trying not to laugh as the biology teacher was ranting about the draconian that had been in the news.
“Terran, pay attention! As I was saying, I have been given the honor of dissecting the creatures along with several others to find out more about this creature. Any student wishing to join who is qualified may come after school today,” The teacher lectured, oh boy, this would be fun. I should probably go so they don't burn when they cut open his poison sack, that stuff ignites on contact with air.

3:30 PM-I was calmly waiting when they opened the doors to students, somehow I remained at the front of the massive mob of students who wanted a look at the creature. Only about 5 where let in, the rest where shunted into a room with a tv so they could watch. Quietly I walked up to the professor and asked to talk to him in private.
“What do you want Terran?” he nearly screamed at me, clearly there was a lot of pressure on him.
“That draconian your dissecting has a”
“The what? Since when did you name the creature?”
“it's had that name for centuries”
“I don't know what you’re trying to pull, but you are talking nonsense boy.”
Sighing, I tried again, “Professor, if that thing is reptillian, couldn't it have a poison sack?”
Frowning, the professor thought about this, “Well, I suppose so...”
“And couldn't a poison aerate on contact with air?”
“I never thought of that, we should look for a poison sack.”
The small mez. spell(hypnotic spell that implants a suggestion on the brain) I used on the professor would wear off quickly, I should move.
“I'll go watch in the other room, good luck!”
Striding out of the building, I took a leap and landed on the roof, everyone was too caught up in the dissection to notice anything. Sure enough, an hour later, there was a small news broadcast celebrating the quick thinking of the Professor for finding the poison sack before it burned the school down. The professor would never admit to being given the idea by a student, he took all the glory for himself, fat pig. Not that I care, I wasn't going to show up to school tomorrow, telephone them to say i'm dropping out. I had some hunting to do.

The Forest: “NO NO NO! How powerful can one man be!? You mean to tell me that you are refusing to help me?!!!!” Fire was dripping from it's jaws as it quivered in anger. The dark shadow slipped into the light.
“I mean to tell you I am not ready to reveal myself, I need to test him more, compute his style, his abilities. Why is it so important he dies?”
“He is a threat to the opening ceremony, it is only a month away, if he were to discover the plans, he could set me back years, if not kill me!”
“Do you have no faith in my protection spells? I specifically crafted those shields and hiding devices for you. He will not find you until he knows what to look for.”
“Fine. Send out whom you wish, I need to gather my power.”
“As you wish, my queen.”

The Tree-house- The sounds were garbled, the images undecipherable, but it was clear something was planned in a month, and that something was indeed pushing me. The image faded from the water I used to scry, turning black for a moment before resuming it's existence as water.
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