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Rated: 18+ · Essay · Opinion · #1841686
The unlimited need of importance and luxurious lifestyle can ever satisfy?
From the beginning of the birth of human being, we all try to improve our present conditions with only one intention to give our future a better perspective. To make this real we stretch our thinking, will power, high skilled services, reshape our habits and many more.

This 'always little more can be done' type attitude make us to drive in a bottom less abyss to search for better future. If you go through the history of last one or two decades of any of the cities, you get a drastic change on the life of individuals. Especially those who are born between last 4 or 5 decades are unable to match their early age lifestyle with the present one. It creates some difficulties for orthodox people, who either blame their siblings or accept the changes.

My life reflects the same. When I was a little only the age of 5, there is only a black and white TV set in our house, the only means of home entertainment. Then the words entertainment meant to play the outdoor games like Cricket, Soccer, Kit-kit, Cobaddy, run race etc. At that time there was no problem with the space. No child preferred to stay at home in the afternoon. Some boys from the prestigious schools were irregular, when they had coaching classes. We all played according to our ability in a harmony. When I reached at the age of 12 our favorite field became the residential place. One by one our fields were occupied by the personal houses or housing projects. There was very little space remained and from that most the spaces were occupied by different local clubs. They never allowed little boys to play in their field. Our only play ground became the road and many leaved the play totally. When I was 14, only cricket was played occasionally, between the terms and in vacations. The only entertainment was the television. Some of my friends leaved cricket completely, when their father had bought computer for them.

Orthodox thinkers always came with new ideas. They didn't verify its logical acceptance. Some people said about the bad effects of the computer. Some said that the machine, which took away all our good feelings and made us robotic. Some people described very harmful effect of radiations to the computer user. Whatever their conclusion, computer took a big part in our life.

Apart from the entertainment, it makes our lives easier. We remove several other old junk gadgets from our life and replace with this one. The best thing offered by computer is its capability to create a virtual world, the concept of internet. The unlimited size of this virtual world makes a revolution to human civilization with its contents. This makes people mad to reshape it. This connects everyone with everyone in this world. Technology gets polished touch with limitless possibilities.

The knowledge hunting people start to spend hours to sharpen themselves. It challenges new thinkers, competitors from different professions to put their brainchild and make it more generous.

The touch of this magic wand makes us logical and absorbs our natural emotions, love and hampers our resting time. Make us to think about a more organized and time precise life style. It seems we have to work more through the nights and day, but a little time for sleep to make ourselves more productive. It becomes an addiction for some people. Some people use internet to put wrong values in our life and wants to destroy our natural thought processing ability. Generally terrorist organization tries to imprint wrong values.

In support of the destructive effect of the internet a daily newspaper demonstrate an example of sex appeal of the internet. The story says, how a person waste whole day by visiting sex websites and loss all his working capabilities. We all know this anecdote 'Great power comes with Great Responsibilities', but we have to do something to prevent our greatest asset from being misused.

In this competitive, computer dependent world nothing is secured. To sustain in this very fast progressive world, we all need to be competitive. I believe that the winners are the good thinkers, they think differently than other. Generally these people are the most skilled people. They are able to sharpen their talent effectively. To compete with them you need to be very skilled and polished. Sometimes it seems a thirty miles race you have to complete in just three minutes for a new beginner. To enrich with new ideas, beginner has to consult more and pull out new thought by means of books, internet in a very less time.

Some people think that this type of overload comes very frequently if we don't have passion for our work. But sometimes modest person feels weary by this life style. Actually, this type of life style makes us to oppose natural habits. Our mind becomes overflow with similar kind of thoughts. It is unable to bear this burden of thoughts with lack of relaxation.

The world famous pop star MJ died to maintain this type of burden. May be he was little dependent on this virtual world, but his sad ending could be a good example of this type of burden.  He took pills for the very basic natural habit of sleeping, though he had everything that we all search for.

It is my personal appeal to those professional, who stretches their hours of work that how he feels when he thinks of chains of sleepless nights without speaking. How long will the five minutes be for them?

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