Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1848249-Always-a-Price-Chapter-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1848249
Chapter 2 in the book
Chapter 2: Hope for the Best

         Staring at the school schedule set up for me, I spotted the words Advanced Algebra two and French. Why I was placed into French and an advanced math class is a question I cannot answer, because I have no clue. The only reasonable explanation was that there were no spots left in any other language classes and I had requested for a language. The advanced placement on the math still confused me. Kingsdale Highschool were know for their tough curriculum, training their students to become brilliant kids, not that all of them became one, mind you. Still staring at the schedule I began to walk to the school office, wondering if I could change into a regular class. I didn't notice the tall figure before it was too late.

Oomph I heard as I almost lost my balance. A strong hand grabbed my arm before I fell, rescuing me from complete humiliation. Looking up, I stare into soft hazel eyes that twinkled with amusement. I felt a blush forming, feeling the blood rush up to my face. "Oh great" I thought, "what a great way to start your school day."

         "I'm so sorry!" I blurted out, realizing that he was still holding my arm.
I probably bumped into the son of a multi-billionaire. That would be just my luck.

         Letting go of my arm he replied, "It's fine, it was mostly my fault anyway." He tilted his head, staring at me with open curiosity. Suddenly my shoes became very interesting. I never noticed that I had a hole on the side of my converse.

         "You're the new girl right? Skye Heather?" he asked. I looked up again, and relaxed when I saw the friendly smile on his face.

         "Yah, that's right." I replied. At least the multi-billionaire son wasn't mad, what a relief.

         "So how are you liking Kingsdale High? Not that you really spent any time here." He said, a sheepish grin on his face.

         "It's really great. A lot better than my other school." I said. Looking at him more closely, I realized that he was actually cute. A boy that any girl would be happy going out with.

         It's only been a few minutes since I met him and I was already thinking about this! I wonder what's gotten into me.

"Oh, sorry. never introduced myself. Name's Collin. Collin McClairen."

         McClairen, oh shoot. I just bumped myself into the son of one of the most famous billionaires. I must have had a funny look on my face because the next thing he said was "are you ok?"

         "Uh yah. Completely fine. I have to run now. I'm really sorry." I rushed out, wanting to get out of this conversation as soon as possible. He looked confused making me feel a bit bad about it until a girl walked up. She seemed to be one of the popular girls in at the school, wearing the latest designer clothes, her hair styled into a perfectly messed-up ponytail. The kind that looked messy but cute at the same time.

         "Collin, I was looking all over for you." she said, a sweet smile on her face for Collin while shooting daggers at me with her eyes. Looks like I already made an enemy.

         "Hey Izzy, just talking with Skye." Collin said, unaware of the situation. "Izzy, meet Skye. Skye, meet Izzy."

         With a smile like a snake, Izzy put out a hand to shake. I grabbed it, and felt her nails dig into my hand. "Hi Skye. Nice to meet you."

         "Nice to meet you too Izzy." I said, lying through my teeth. I hope it wasn't too obvious, my dislike for her.

         Izzy turned to Collin, saying "Lets go honey, or we're going to be late."

         She just called Collin honey. I hope they aren't dating, Collin seemed like a nice guy while Izzy, not so much.

         "Well, I was thinking of showing Skye around since she's new and all." Collin began.

         "Oh, no need for that." said Izzy. "Another student is supposed to be guiding her."

         I never knew that, and I was pretty sure she was lying but better to stay silent.

         Collin looked indecisive, unsure if Izzy was telling the truth or not. Not wanting any more attention, I decided to go along with Izzy's lie.

         "It's fine. I think I know how to get around here and I don't want to hold you up." I said.

         "Yes, okay Collin, you heard her. Lets go." Izzy spoke, a smile that looked more like a sneer showing on her face.

         He looked reluctant but agreed saying "I'll see you around Skye. It was really nice to meet you."

         Glad that was over, I started my journey to the office again, hoping that there would be no more incidents. A few guys standing by their lockers whistled as I passed and girls glared at me. I had no idea why they hated me so much. They didn't even know me.

         Finally arriving to the office, I opened the door and began to immediately regret my decision to come here. A grumpy-looking lady sat at the front desk. Her little beady eyes zipped to mine as I entered the room.

         "How may I help you?" she said. Grimacing as I heard her voice, I explained to her my position.

         "I have advanced class for math, but I really don't think I belong in that class." I began.

         "Can't do anything about it." was her immediate reply.


         "Nope, can't do anything at all." she said with a nod. "Better get ready, first school day begins at seven."

         I gave up the fight, you can't even call it one, and exited the office. Looking around for a clock, I realized there was only ten minutes left until school started. I sprinted to my locker, all the while looking for any wandering teachers that might spot me running, and opened it. Grabbing my books, I closed my locker and leaned my head on the cool metal, calming down my nerves. A slight tingle on the back of my neck made me look behind me.

         Dark blue eyes stared into mine, unwavering. Dark hair framed his face, strands falling into his eyes. Leaning on the wall, his hands in slightly in his pockets, you would believe that he was unaware of anything, but looking closely,I realized the tenseness in his shoulders. He seemed to be waiting for something. I couldn't seem to break away, his gaze holding me prisoner. The smirk was what broke the spell. It appeared on his face slowly.

         That smirk!

         It told of someone who thought he was better than everyone else.

         I glared at him, horrified that I thought he was actually good-looking. My glare changed his smirk to a grin.

         "Well," I thought, "that completely changed his face."

         Realizing that I had been staring at him for quite some time, I turned quickly and walked to my class, restraining myself from looking back.
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