Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1855836-A-Love-Never-Known-Before
by lexy
Rated: · Novella · LGBTQ+ · #1855836
Two women face the world struggling and fighting at every crossroads
Chapter 1

I remember it like it was yesterday. I never even heard my mother come home from work. As a matter of fact I didn’t even hear my mother until she was knocking on the door, but of course by then it was way too late to cover. The two of us naked as the day we were born in a very questionable position sent my mother over the edge. Her eyes bulged out of their sockets and a vein in her forehead pulsed violently. She was speechless but the disgust was clearly rolling of her in huge waves. I guess the sight of her nineteen year old daughter face between another girls legs rubbed her the wrong way. That was my birthday last year.

Laila and I have been together since we were fourteen. I know its crazy but from the time we met we were inseparable. Play dates with our moms. Sleepovers every weekend and everything else in between, but when we turned fourteen a strange feeling came over me. We were having another one of our sleepovers. I was laying on my back looking up at the ceiling and she was on her side facing me. I thought she was asleep but when I looked over at her , her beautiful eyes were burning into mine. She looked so deeply that I became mesmerized and without knowing I began moving in. I turned to face her and I pressed my lips gently against hers. She closed her eyes as our lips met. Her breathing grew rugged and I felt her hand make it ways up and down my side before softly running her fingers over my breast. I caressed the small of her back and held her close to me. That was as far as we went that night. I made her my girlfriend and we decided to keep our love indoors away from the ridicule that we would have experienced otherwise.

We took our love to the next level when we turned seventeen. I remember holding her in my arms and rocking her. Her grandmother was very sick in the hospital and they didn’t think she would make it any longer than a week. She cried all night long, and I just continued holding her tightly and whispering that eventually everything would be ok again. I can still see the specks of light coming through her blinds as the sun began to rise. I leaned in and kissed her full lips. She ran her fingers in my hair and kissed me back. She inched her body as close to me as she could get. Her eyes were glossy as she stared up at me. She pulled at my shirt struggling and I pulled it off. I pulled hers off too. She dried her eyes and pulled her shorts off, she then went after mine. The feeling going through my bones was something I had never felt before. I was changing and I new for a fact that it was for the better. I wanted to be everything to her. I wanted to see the sunrise in her eyes every single day. I can still remember the way the goose bumps covered her body as I tasted her for the first time. The sounds that came from her mouth were so beautiful. Just like her. She truly loved me for me. I was over weight with a horrible skin problem and she saw right through it. She saw perfection in me.

So how did I get here? In this emergency room. Waiting impatiently to hear from the surgeon. Why am I here? Why is she here? How come it wasn’t me instead? Where did that truck come from and where was she running to that she wasn’t paying attention?

I knew the answer to every question. I was here because the love of my life Laila was ran over by a truck. She was running full speed because she was late. Today is my birthday and we had reservations at Eleanor’s Soul. Ms. Eleanor promised us a special dinner on our birthdays. Laila ran and didn’t see it until it was too late. What she didn’t know was that I saw the entire thing unfold before my very eyes. I saw her leave work. I was going to pick her up. She stepped of the curb a minute too soon. My legs went numb as not only did I see the impact I heard it as well. Her whole body was sucked underneath the truck and everyone of its wheels touched her. I sprinted toward her lifeless body. She looked so broken. She looked dead. Her blue eyes stared up at everything, seeing nothing. A second later they eyes closed.


I peered up through my wet eye lashes and tear soaked eyes “Yes?”
The doctor looked very remorseful. My heart sank and I braced and locked down for the worst blow ever. I held my breath as he spoke.
“I‘m so sorry”

I let the tears that threatened to overflow run down my face. My cheeks turned hot and I could no longer see. I was blinded by waves of emotion. I tried to wipe my face but it was to no avail. Fresh tears continued to fall.

“We did all that we could do, but she slipped away”

It was so quiet that everyone in the waiting room could hear my heart cracking in half. I could tell by the agonized look on the doctors face.

“So she‘s gone?” I couldn’t hear my own voice

“I‘m afraid so”

“I never even got to say goodbye. May I see her for a minute please?”

The doctor seemed to hesitate but he motioned for me to follow him. I followed close behind him to the room where she laid pale as the whitest sand, I reached down and grabbed her hand. Still warm it felt so good. I placed her hand against my cheek.

“Laila” I wailed “Baby why? Why didn‘t you look?” I buried my head in her stomach “I can‘t go on without you baby. Please don‘t leave me. I cant do it alone. I need you” I opened my heart and let every ounce of emotion pour out. I cried until it hurt.

“Emma” A light voice called

I looked around but saw no one. Then I felt a weak grip on my hair. I pulled up slowly and almost fainted when I saw Laila’s lips move. She was rubbing my back. Trying to comfort me.

“Emma” she winced in pain

“I‘m hear baby” My heart slowly began to melt

I turned and signaled a doctor who came running in with an astonished look on his face.

“Well I‘ll be dammed. Get a team in here!!”

I kissed her and then backed up while they worked over her. My eyes never left hers. I couldn’t believe how today played out. I was informed that even though she had many fractures she was very stable. They believed she would make a full recovery. One of the nurses told me that I was her guardian angel. I wished her back from heaven and God let her come back. That alone had brought me to tears. After they had brought her to her room I rushed in. refusing to leave. I held her hand and cried silently thanking God. She woke up in the middle of the night.

“Emma, are you there?”

I didn’t know I fell asleep “Yea I‘m here baby. I never left”

“Happy birthday baby” she smiled as wide as her bruised cheeks would allow her

“Thank you, but my birthday was over three hours ago”

It broke my heart to see her face fall like that

“I don‘t know what got into me baby. I didn‘t even stop to look”

“Its ok baby. The most important thing is that your ok”

“I know. Thank you for being here”

“Where else would I be”

I leaned over and lightly kissed her lips

“I love you so much Laila”

“I love you to Emma. You’re my rock babe”

“You know I had a surprise for you last night”

Her eyes lit up “For me? On your birthday?”

“Yea. I was going to get down on the floor on one knee and show you this”

I pulled out a diamond princess cut solitaire, and held it up to her. “I would have asked you to do me a favor and love me for the rest of our lives. To build a forever with me, and to put up with my bullshit a little longer until I grow out of it.” I couldn’t help but to laugh as I saw the smile spread across her face. “Laila Camille Williams will you be my wife?”

I watched tears well up in her eyes and when she opened her mouth to speak they over flowed drenching her face with a cascade of emotion.

“Yes” she cried “I love you so much. Yes I will marry you”

I slid the ring on her finger and sealed the deal with a kiss.

“It‘s going to be a long and hard road ahead, and I’m going to continue to be there for you no matter what happens”

“Emma I‘m going to do whatever it takes to get better so I can walk down the isle and stand beside you. I am going to pledge my eternity to you. I will be Laila Camille Preston”

I smiled at how determined she was. She’s a strong and beautiful woman. She will definitely make it through. She’s a fighter and I love her so much for it. As I stared into her bright blue eyes I saw her cheeks flush and the look she had in her eyes changed. I raised my eyebrow at her and she bit her lip. I knew what she wanted. I leaned in and she grabbed me with her good arm and pulled me closer to her. She seductively licked and sucked on my lips. She pulled her robe open exposing her very fail and battered body. I pulled away and looked her over. Her nipples were hard and she rubbed on of them with her free hand. I took the chance to look at her waist and her legs.

One of her legs were fully cast while the other was bandaged up from cuts and scrapes. She was still able to move it and she moved her leg aside and ran her hand over her belly and down across her clean shaved vagina. She rubbed between her legs and bit her lip as her body trembled with desire. I didn’t know what to do. She was still so mangled and broken for the most part, and secondly we were in the hospital. I didn’t want a night nurse coming in and catching us and on the other hand I didn’t want to hurt her more than she already was. She looked so tempting though. Her buttery complexion and smooth skin was calling my name.

I ran my hand over her breast and heard her suck in a deep breath. She licked her lips as I ran a trail from her breast down to her thighs. A soft moan escaped her lips as my hand settled between her legs. I massaged her there and then the temptation came over me. I wanted to taste her. I pulled my hand away after I felt her flow of ecstasy run over my hand. I got up and washed my hands and grabbed a towel and cleaned her up. I pulled her robe closed and tossed the towel in the soiled linen hamper. I sat down beside her as a nurse came in and checked on her. It was the same nurse that called me her guardian angel. She smiled as she looked at us

“Ms. Williams how are you doing? Your up I see”

“I‘m doing great. I don’t feel any pain”

She looked happy to see us together and then her eyes zeroed in on the ring newly placed on her finger.

“That’s a beautiful ring you have on you finger dear”

She beamed “Thank you. My fiance just gave it to me”

“That’s so sweet. You guys look so good together. She came closer and sat on the edge of the bed. You know I been married for 20 years and I couldn’t imagine being with a better person. She makes me shine and she loves me for exactly who I am.”

She pulled out her wallet and showed us a picture of her and her wife. It was their wedding photo. They both looked stunning in white. She had on a white pants suit and her wife had on a short white dress. They both looked very feminine.

“You guys look so happy”

“We were and we still are. Just like you two. I want an invitation.” she laughed as she rubbed Laila’s leg and my shoulder. “Are you guys hungry? My treat” she waved her credit card in the air. In that instant both our stomachs growled like lions

“YES” we said in unison.

“How about domino's ?”
We almost started drooling. I hadn’t noticed that we hadn’t eaten all day. She took that as a yes and ran off to go get dinner, or should I say a midnight snack.

It only took a half an hour before she came back with and extra large cheese pizza, two bacon and jalapeno cheesy breads and a bottle of soda. The rest of the night was spend eating and discussing wedding ideas and different venues. Catering and decorations. Themes and what we were going to wear. The nurses name was Zahara Nielson. She was officially our wedding planner. She exchanged contacts and promised to keep in contact like best friends. She was so fun. We were going to meet her wife after Laila got better.

I learned that God deals us certain hands and then just as we believe the worst is above us he works his miracles and changes the very direction our life was going in. he introduces new people and weeds out the unhealthy relationships. I will forever be thankful to him.

* * * * * *

I arrived at the hospital in time to see a nurse helping Laila into a wheel chair. We were moving her to a rehabilitation center to help her strengthen her arm and legs. I watched her walk around a bit yesterday. I was so proud. She recovered so quickly that all the staff thought it was a miracle. Three weeks went by since the accident and her bones had already healed normally.

She looked up and smiled when she saw me. I gushed at her enthusiasm. She raised her hand and told me not to come any closer. I eyed her cautiously as she pulled herself up from the wheel chair. Her left arm shook violently as it fought to hold up he weight. When she stood straight up she smiled and took a very deliberate step toward me. When she felt comfortable she took a few more steps and right as she was a step away from me her legs gave out. I reached out and caught her as she fell. I held her upright as she poked out her lip playfully.

“Your getting there love”

“Yea well not fast enough”

“That’s why your moving to the new place. So you can start working your arm and legs and building muscle. Soon you be walking fine. Like nothing ever happened”

“I hope so”

Just then transportation came to take her downstairs. I grabbed her things and followed close behind until we got outside. He helped her get situated in her seat and then looked back at me. I watched his eyes look me up and down.

“Are those her things?”

“yes they are”

“Well give them to” me because I don’t have enough space for you”

“What do you mean? I registered to ride with her”

“Yea you did but the didn’t inform me of your size. I have two more people to pick up and you would need at least two seats. I‘m sorry but I don’t have the space”

“Cant I sit in the front with you?”

“I have way too much stuff up there and no where to put it.”

My face fell. Laila was ready to jump out of her seat. I handed her things to her and without another word I turned and headed toward the train station. As I walked away I heard him asking her who I was. She simply answered “My wife”.

It took me two whole hours to get to the rehab center, all because of train traffic. It gave me a lot of time to think. I was appalled. Never had anyone ever commented on my weight before being an issue. I mean sure I was a big girl. I wore a size 20, but that doesn’t mean I require two damn seats. That pissed me off so much. Then I looked at myself in the reflection on the train. I felt like people were staring at me. I was getting self conscious about my weight. I didn’t like the feeling at all. I shook my head as I suddenly became disgusted with myself. I held back tears as I approached the center. I quickly found the room Laila was in. She was sitting up in her bed. When her eyes met mine they were full of anguish and sympathy.

“Don’t look at me like that”

“I can‘t help it. That guy was rude and that comment was very unnecessary and
uncalled for. After I got here I call transportation back and asked to speak with a manager. I told her about her employee and the things he said. She was speechless. The guy came back here and asked for you. I told him that it was probably going to take her an hour and a half to get up here. He looked like he felt bad. I didn’t care of course . He said he was fired until he apologized to you. I told him that was good for him.”

I smiled because my baby always had my back. I didn’t want the dude to get fired because maybe he had other responsibilities to take care of. Maybe he had kids at home, but nonetheless he was rude and needed to be taught a lesson.

“Thanks baby”

“Your very welcome baby. You know I love you for who you are.”

“I know” I wrapped my arm around her “I always want to be good for you. That doesn’t mean having to miss out on things because I‘m too big”

I back away and sat down in a chair by her bed. I buried my head in her sheets. She ran her fingers softly through my hair.

“Emma if you‘re going to change anything about you make sure you‘re doing it for you. don’t do it for me because I love you just the way you are. don’t do it for anyone but you babe”

Her soft voice echoed in my ears. I looked up at her beautiful face. Her blue eyes sparkled. Her buttery complexion shimmered against her jet black hair. I got up and looked in the mirror. I looked at my hair it was my best feature. It was long and black. Full of life with bouncy curls. Then I looked at my face. Spotty acne that was trying to go away. Not fast enough. My cheeks were so fluffy they looked swollen when I smiled, and my uneven lips. Enough said. How did I ever manage to be with someone like her. She completed me and made me think that there was actually something worth living for.

I walked back to her side and took her hand. I kissed the ring that sat upon her finger and then held her close to me.

“I cant wait to get you home”

“Why is that” she purred

“You‘ll see when we get there” I winked at her

She let out a very loud but playful laugh. I love seeing her like this. She would just beam from ear to ear. Her face was completely healed and shining brighter than ever. I was truly head over heals in love with girl. She was my heart.
© Copyright 2012 lexy (cyiane at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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