Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1855855-Bend-Me-Break-Me-Shape-Me
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1855855
A story of rape that begins with a peculiar young woman and a suave, mysterious rapist.
  She awoke to a surrounding of pitch black around her. Squinting, she found she could make out nothing. Not even the bed she could feel beneath her. One she knew was not her own. A chill crept over her and she found that she wore only lace underwear and a lace bra. Feeling slight panic begin to swell inside her, she called out into the darkness.

"Hello?" she called, pausing for a moment, fore she was sure that the sound of footsteps had just made themselves known to her left. Shuffling back to brace herself against the headboard, her heartbeat filled her ears like thunder.

"Hello?" she called once more, reluctantly, before continuing, "I know someone is there. Who are you? What am I doing here?" She jumped and almost screamed when she was answered.

"Awake at last," she heard. The voice was smooth like velvet and wrapped around her, emitting an involuntary shudder. Before she could speak the voice continued. "I have been waiting for this moment for a long time... Savannah. Such a sweet Southern belle name. Savannah." Her name seemed to roll right off his tongue and it sounded like he relished it.

  Edging away from the voice she reached out for the opposite side of the bed, remaining silent. It was already clear to her that this was not a place she should be. She didn't know who he was or where she was but she wouldn't let panic and fear overwhelm her. She had to remain calm.

"I'm sure you're formulating a plan at the moment," he began. "If there's one thing I've noticed in watching you, it's that you're clever. Oh so clever. And I admire that quality." She slowly slid off the bed, her bare feet meeting cold hardwood flooring. She reached out blindly, her fingers coming in contact with a wall. The thought that he had been watching her was particularly unnerving, but she decided she could analyze it later. For now, she would only keep her mind on one thing. Escape. Feeling along the wall she attempted to block out his luring voice. Trying to keep it from taking a hold, but he didn't stop talking.

"I knew, from the moment I laid eyes on you that I simply had to have you," he said pausing with a sigh. "You see, Savannah, we are so very alike, you and I." By this time she had felt her way to a door. Cold hard steel met her touch and the knob wouldn't budge. Stopping for the moment, she knew she would get no further without at least some light. Turning towards the haunting voice she denied the tears that threatened to choke her and spoke out, "Go to hell."

  His laughter, deep and rich, met her ears, taunting her. "Oh yes. I like that. Willfulness. Spirit. I was counting on that from you, you know."

"Who are you?" she asked, bewildered by his suave approach to the situation.

"Dear me. It seems I've forgotten to introduce myself. Apologies. You may call me Denim," he answered and she could hear the amused smile on his lips.

  The sound of his footsteps clicked loudly on the wood floor as though he were wearing boots. Backing up against the cold metal of the door she found herself trapped as he drew ever closer. She felt his presence near on top of her and could feel his arms move out to brace on either side of her. He stood mere inches from her and his breath was hot on her face. Instinctively, she brought her knee up hard to his groin but was easily blocked. He had been expecting it. "Ooo...," he drawled out. "That was naughty."

"Fuck you," she hissed out from behind clenched teeth, then spat out, blindly aiming for his face. Within seconds she felt the sting of a harsh slap as he backhanded her and the force of it knocked her to the ground.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now that is no way for a young woman to behave," he remarked casually from above her. Without warning strong hands grabbed her shoulders and threw her back onto the bed. She made an attempt to scramble back from him but his hands clamped onto her ankles like iron, pulling her back kicking and thrashing to him. She let out scream of frustration in the face of his superior strength, to which he merely laughed.

"Come now. You think you can best me?" he taunted, throwing a leg over and straddling her her hips while taking ahold of her hands. He wore denim jeans that were coarse against her skin, creating unwanted friction. She maintained her struggle beneath him, bucking her hips and squirming beneath him.

"Mmm yes. Don't let me stop you," he added, rubbing himself against her. Realizing that she was only fueling his arousal she ceased her struggles and glared upward into darkness. Slowly he leaned down until his breath lay hot on her ear.

"We are going to have so much fun, my little belle," he breathed out, slowly rolling his hips and grinding against her. Her mind tried in vain to run through her options, searching for a way to escape, but she knew she lay powerless. She felt him move her hands above her and grasp them both in one hand. Thinking this was her chance she suddenly pulled on her hands, but they remained in his grip. He was strong. Far stronger than her. Silk ties suddenly carressed her wrists and he wrapped them around then pulled tight, stretching her arms up to the head of the bed. She struggled once more aware that if she was tied it lessened her chances considerably.

"Now, now my belle. Surely you must realize this is futile? You are mine now," he spoke out in a husky voice, before pressing a harsh kiss on her lips. She stopped her struggles as the silk only tightened further and she could feel the situation begin to overwhelm her. Tears fell unbidden before she could stop them and she turned her face, as though to hide her weakness.

"There, there," he whispered, hearing her quiet sobs. "You have been so brave. Just as I knew you would. But the time for heroics is at an end." His hands came down to caress her face and he wiped away her tears with his thumbs. Continuing the caress of his fingers, he slid them down her neck, over her collarbone, and against the swell of her full breasts. His light touch rose goosebumps on her skin causing her to lightly shiver. Inhaling a shaky breath she calmed herself down and moved to pleading.

"Please. You don't have to do this. Please... Denim," she began, repulsed by his very name, "I'll give you anything you want. Money? I have money. Then we can pretend this whole thing never happened."

"Mmm, my belle. My belle," he lamented, "I would've thought such actions were beneath you." Rising off of her as he spoke she felt him crawl upwards and bring his lips to her ear. "I have everything I want. Right. Here." Without a second thought she brought her knees up sharply to attempt to catch him in the groin but the dark room prevented good aim. Connecting with his solid mass, she knew she hit something, but wasn't quite sure whether it was anything vital or not. It was good enough to pull forth a string of curse words from his lips and he fell off of her and by her side. Twisting herself away from him to face the headboard, she scrambled upwards and worked in a frenzy to loosen her bindings. A low growl of anger made itself known behind her and before she could rip herself free she was crushed against the headboard.

"Now I thought we could do this the easy way," he growled out, gripping her arms tightly. "But it seems you like to play rough." Moving one hand up to tangle in her long blonde hair, he jerked her head back against his shoulder and licked a long line up her neck. She squirmed away from his tongue, but pinned as she was, couldn't move an inch.

His free hand, rough and bruising, moved down her body, squeezing and stroking. When it reached the line of the panties she wore, he slid his fingers inside the waistline then ripped them free of her, letting them fall lightly. Stroking over the smooth now bared skin he moved down to caress just above her center. Her breath quickened and she couldn't help the feeling of heat that came with his touch. Perhaps it was her body's way of coping with the situation or perhaps she really wanted it, but there was nothing more her body screamed for, than for him to touch her.

"Is that desire I hear?" he asked her tauntingly. "If I didn't know any better I would say you wanted this." Feeling his words ring true, she rebelled against herself.

"Don't flatter yourself," she replied harshly through gritted teeth. Responding to her with a sharp laugh he delved his fingers into her folds, finding her more than wet. Her hips jerked up into his hand in reflex and a low groan left her lips as he pushed two fingers inside her. Her eyes closed in humiliation as pleasure coursed through her system. Abruptly his fingers removed themselves and she worked hard to keep herself neutral.

"I know you liked that. No lying can cover for you," he began, bringing his hand up to her nose so she could smell her own arousal. "However, you've been terribly naughty, so I don't believe I will make this as nice for you as I'd planned. At least not this time," he whispered against her cheek. Despair and panic settled in eliminating the small amounts of desire that had begun to build. The thought that he would be keeping her past this was too much. Renewing the struggle she attempted to push him away from her with no avail.

"Bastard!" she screamed out, thrashing uselessly before him. Keeping her pinned with the weight of his own body he moved his hands down to free himself from the tight confines of his jeans. Her movements and struggles in such a hopeless situation only inflamed his lust and with one quick moment he grabbed her hips and thrust himself into her, until no space separated their bodies. The intrusion tore a cry from her lips as his thick length seemed to split her wide open. Had it not been for the earlier pleasure making her wet, she had no doubt she would've torn. As a groan of pain left her lips, a sigh left his.

"My precious little belle. This is more than I could've imagined," he breathed out, holding himself still inside her. As her body accommodated his girth her breathing was quick, as though she'd been running a marathon. The pain slowly subsided to nothing and her breath lessened. Taking this as a sign she was ready he withdrew and slammed into her again, pulling another cry from her lips. However, this one was not entirely out of pain. Her body acted of its own volition, now welcoming the intrusion.

She allowed her head to slump against the headboard, fighting back the sobs that she knew would be pointless. His left hand trailed up from her hip and stroked her hair lovingly. The motion brought mixed thoughts of revulsion and, strangely enough, a small feeling that could perhaps be described as acceptance. She almost thought she might not mind the gentle touch. Until her rational thinking caught up with her and she cast such thoughts aside, causing her to once more stiffen under him. Surely this man was monstrous! Why on Earth would she accept his touch?

"Oh belle," he lamented, stopping in his motions and leaning forward to press a gentle kiss into her hair. "I can sense the war inside yourself, mademoiselle." Reaching his hands down, he moved her leg, widening her stance. Pulling out he thrust deep into her once more. "Indecision. Does. Not. Suit. You. Belle." He punctuated each of his words with a hard thrust, pulling involuntary moans from her body. He fell silent then allowing his movements to do the talking. With slow steady thrusts he pumped into her body and brought his arms up around her, slipping his hands under her bra and caressing her lightly. Overwhelmed by the whole situation, she let herself go. Her head fell back against his shoulder, causing her hair to spread over his back in a golden sheet.

A hum of appreciation left Denim's lips and he moved down to claim her mouth, drinking in her acceptance. Though the room remained dark he could sense the change in the air. He massaged and kneaded her breast then grasped her fully, pulling her from the headboard and pushing her down to her knees in front of him. She flattened herself prone in front of him, her backside raised in the air as he continued his assault, sliding his hand over her back and unclasping her bra. Pleasure and a sense of feeling whole as he filled her, made her feel new and complete.

"Oh......," she moaned into the bedding beneath her, "Don't stop, don't stop." His chuckle above her was both teasing and a bit degrading but she found she didn't mind.

"No, no my belle," he spoke, his voice a soft caress, "I wouldn't dream of ending this moment." His tempo increased as their desires heightened, pulling them both into the pleasurable embrace. With a lustful growl he stopped and flipped her onto her back, pushing her legs up and pounding into her once more. He leaned over her, wishing he could see her face through the impermeable darkness.

Her eyes almost closed, rolling back in pleasure, before it was as though she could feel his heated gaze. Opening her eyes she peered into the darkness, wishing she could see his face. The thought pulled the heat from the pit of her stomach and spread it through her body. Pleasure pulled her forward and she brought her hands up over his on her thighs, crying out as her orgasm crashed over her and gripping his hands tightly. He answered her cry with a growl of his own, unable to hold back as his own climax shook his body. Straining against her as he rode out his orgasm he finally allowed himself to slump over her.

Incoherent thoughts drifted through her mind, disbelief at her own acquiescence being forefront in her mind. Tired by her ordeal and comfortable under the weight of a strong man she allowed unconsciousness to overwhelm her and peace to take hold.

Denim hummed in contentment. This could be going better than planned. He had Savannah and he wasn't letting her go. Ever. He moved off of her as he heard her breathing deepen, signaling her slumber, and stepped off the bed. He looked at the spot he guessed her to be for an extended time before taking his leave of the room, thinking on the other things he still had in store for her.
© Copyright 2012 EspritduLouve (espritdulouve at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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