Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1861603-A-Wedding-on-Christmas-Eve
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1861603
A winter errand on Christmas Eve for Cerys
“I can’t believe I’m doing this, our Rhiannon,” Cerys muttered into her scarf, her head bent low against the driving snow.  “Who gets married on Christmas Eve?”

Mam had forecast the snow a few days ago and the girls had laughed heartily at their mother’s prediction. For years, she had sniffed the air around Christmas and told them that snow was on the way.  In all of her 19 years, Cerys had never seen a white Christmas and now, on Rhiannon’s wedding day, blow me down, there was three inches of snow on the ground and a sky full of it yet to come.

It was already dark at half past one in the afternoon but without the glow of the street lamps, Cerys had to tread carefully.  Everything was muffled as only it can be with a blanket of snow, cocooning everything it covered.  Rhiannon had asked her younger sister to collect her fiancé from the merchant ship, Geminus and Cerys knew she should hurry, if they were to make the chapel in time.


Cerys approached the slippery dockside and cast her eyes around for the Geminus.

“You can’t miss it.  It’s the only green ship in dock,” Rhiannon had instructed.  “If you ring the bell at the dockside three times, Patrick will know it’s you come for him.”

“How will I know what he looks like?” Cerys asked.  The only photograph that Rhiannon had of her fiancé was one of them together and Patrick had taken it with him last time he had been in dock.  He said he wanted to do something special for their wedding with it.

“I forget you’ve never met him, Cer.”  Rhiannon took on a dreamy look as she described the man she had met and fallen in love with just six short months before.  “He’s tall, dark and handsome.”

“You describe everyone as tall, dark and handsome.  I mean, what’s he like? His hair, his eyes, his face?”

“He’s very tall, over six feet.  He’s got strong arms and firm hands, but they’re very gentle.  His chest is broad and his heart is big.  He says it’s overflowing with feelings.  His hair is brown, but soft like down, with curls.  He says it’s too long for the merchant navy, but I like it.  He’s clean shaven and he has the widest smile.”

Cerys had fallen a little bit in love with her sister’s man as she described him to her, but knew that Rhiannon was prone to exaggeration.  As long as Patrick loved Rhiannon and provided for her and took care of her, Cerys would be happy.

Now, Cerys’ eyes came across the bell, just as her sister had described.  Taking her hands from the warmth of her coat pockets, she gasped as her skin met cold metal, but she made herself grasp the metal chain hanging from the clanger and rang the bell three times.

A tall man appeared almost instantly at the top of the gangway and as Cerys looked up, her breath was taken from her once again. The man met her eyes and didn’t take his gaze from her all the way down the steps.  Even from a distance, Cerys could see that they were blue, but it wasn’t until he stopped just a foot from her that she saw how very deep and dark they were.

They stood in silence and looked at each other.  Cerys’ knew she should introduce herself but her lips would not move to form the words.  His eyes searched hers, her face, swept over her with an intensity that warmed her from within.

“You must be Cerys.”  His voice was deep but filled with a smile, that touched the corners of his lips. 

“I am,” was all she could manage, still not able to take a complete breath.  He was magnificent, as tall and broad as Rhiannon had described.  His hair was nearer to black than Cerys had imagined and he was not clean shaven; his stubble made him seem rugged and more handsome than the man of her dreams.

“I’ve been waiting to meet you.” He whispered against her cheek as he placed a soft kiss there.  “We’ve a wedding to attend.”

Cerys’ fingers touched the hot spot on her cheek where his lips had lingered.  He was her sister’s man.  She shouldn’t be feeling this way.  He strode away and then turned to look at her with that smile when she did not follow him. He reached out his hand and took her cold fingers in his. “Come, Cerys.”


As they approached the chapel, Cerys could see her brother waiting outside with friends and family. Everyone seemed to be happy despite the cold.

Conscious of her hand still in his, she tugged it free and felt his curious gaze on her as she practically ran through the snow to Billy’s side.

At that moment, a car pulled up and a tall man got out clutching a small package. The man looked very familiar and she watched Billy greeting him with a warm handshake and a smile.

“You must be Cerys.  I am Patrick, your sister’s fiancé.”  Patrick shook her hand politely and then looked over her shoulder.  Her gaze followed his.

“I see you’ve met my twin brother, Callum.  I’m sorry I couldn’t meet you at the Geminus, but I had to collect Rhiannon’s wedding present.  Shall we go in?”

“Come, Cerys.” Callum took her hand in his and she willingly curled her fingers around his.

She smiled at him and let him lead her into the chapel.  Perhaps a Christmas Eve wedding was not such a bad idea after all.

© Copyright 2012 Tasha Taylor (tasha.taylor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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