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Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #1861803
Revenge full cycle; another problem occurs.
Hypno-Tryst Ch. 04 - 3598

         It suddenly became clear that things were NEVER going to be the same, for either of us.

         Standing, I picked Linda up in my arms, and walked to my bedroom just down the hall a bit, and gently lay her on my bed. Removing my shirt, I got onto the bed next to her and began the process of kissing my way down her body, relishing every part of her I could reach. Nibbling on her hardened nipples again elicited the moans and groans from her that so entranced me earlier. Moving slowly down her belly, stopping briefly to dip my tongue into her navel, I then quickly moved my lips down into my ultimate goal.

         Inhaling deeply, I slowly slid my tongue from the bottom of her pussy to the top, flicking the tip across her clit. I heard a satisfying squeal as her hips bucked up into my face, and a deeper groan as I sunk my tongue as deeply as I could into her very juicy pussy! As I savored the taste and heady aroma of her aroused passion I sought to reach every spot reachable between the crack of her ass to the top of her cunt! I was in sexual heaven!

         From the way Linda thrashed about the bed under my touch, I knew she was enjoying herself as well. The only command I’d given her was to obey my commands, and to tell the absolute truth whenever I questioned her. Beyond that, if I gave no command, she was free to react as she wished. Finally, after flicking her clit a couple more times with my tongue, I moved down just a few inches and tried to jam it into her asshole as far as I could!

         With a loud breathless groan, she grabbed the sides of my head and tried to pull me into her crotch as hard as she could, arching her back, and digging her heels into the bed! She held that position for a few moments, shuddering through a massive orgasm before she fell back onto the bed, exhausted. Finally able to take a breath, I pulled my head reluctantly from between her thighs, sitting back on my heels to admire the results of my work, and her beautiful body.

         She lay there before me on the bed, breathing heavily, her flawless skin lightly covered with a thin layer of perspiration. I just knew that I had to keep seeing her, but things had gotten complicated of late and I was uncertain now what might happen once this night had come to an end.

         There was only one thing left to do, and the call of my body was getting much too strong to resist. Lying down beside her once more, I leaned into her face and began to kiss her softly, first her eyes, then her nose and finally her mouth. Looking back down her body, I slowly caressed her breasts, alternately tweaking her hardened nipples between my thumb and forefinger, just enjoying the sounds of pleasure that softly blew through her pursed lips.

         I moved my left hand softly down to the golden delta between her thighs, rubbing my fingers through the warm damp center of her pussy. As I continued to stroke my fingers between her vaginal lips, Linda increased her moans, blowing them in puffs against the side of my face. Then, she brought her arm up to pull my body over onto hers.

         Once I had settled onto her body, she spread her legs, raised her knees and reached between us, grasping my cock to direct it deep into her body. From this point on, it was a real test of my will power to keep from exploding on the spot! I had to restrain the hip movements she had begun in order to keep myself from filling her too quickly. I wanted this to last as long as possible, but it was soon looking as though this performance was going to have to be a ‘double-header,’ as stopping the strokes was as erotically compelling as moving.

         Without warning, my balls convulsed, and spurt after spurt of my come began to fill the vision beneath me, releasing a tremendous wave of pent-up sexual tension from my body! I was disappointed with my performance of course, but the time for regrets was for later. I supported my body on my elbows, trying to keep my weight from bearing down on her body while I tried to catch my breath. I was too exhausted to even pull out of her, and I vaguely wondered if she had any protection from my rather ‘spontaneous’ outburst.

         The realization that her heels were still buried in my ass-cheeks made me a little more comfortable about that situation however, as it occurred to me that I couldn’t have pulled out if I had to! Resting there a few minutes, still embedded in this wonderful lady, I was surprised to feel a very gentle massage around my semi-deflated cock! I was beginning to feel that my traitorous cock had probably met its horny little match!

         Glancing down at her face, I found her looking straight into my eyes. Her hands came up to the sides of my face, and she pulled me into a deep passionate kiss, her tongue tracing a tremendously sensuous path inside my mouth! That, and having the fingers of her hands begin running through my hair began to have powerful effects on my ‘monster below,’ and I soon began to feel myself swelling into her delicious cunt once more!

         This time, I decided to allow her to be the director of this act, as she was managing to get all the right action into our scene! I was not disappointed, and soon the magical muscles in her cunt had massaged my cock into yet another ‘take!’

         As if we were designed for perfect, synchronous rhythm, we soon began to move in unison, stroking slowly in and out, also exploring each other’s bodies with hands and lips. Having already surpassed my quota of ejaculations for the week, I felt supremely confident that I could give her a much better account of myself than before! Pumping my cock in and out of her pussy with slow easy strokes, I noted that she had no difficulty matching me. Neither of us was in any hurry to bring this delightful exercise to an end.

         After several long minutes of trying to crawl inside each other’s bodies, I took note of Linda’s acceleration in hip movement, and I had no choice but to complement it, the rhythm having bound me to her through pure pleasure. I could think of nothing more important now than maintaining my contact with her. Her whimpering was sounding softly in my ear, with more and more urgency, and I could tell that her time was getting close.

         Not surprisingly, my time was getting close as well, as I could feel the contractions of her pussy massaging my cock with stronger and stronger intensity. I was determined that she would launch first, as my first performance had left much to be desired, but I knew that it was going to be a ‘crap-shoot!’

         Suddenly, her legs wrapped around my waist, with her heels digging once more into my ass, and she convulsed into a wonderful orgasm, sending me over the edge as well. My exhaustion was complete! My pleasure as well. After the years following my ex-wife’s departure, I’d seen little outside my own house, with the sole exception of the route through which I ran each morning for exercise. I REALLY needed this!

         As I wondered what my life was going to be like after tonight, I rolled off Linda, and relaxed completely! In a moment or two, Linda curled up next to me, her knee across my legs, her face in the crook of my neck, her hand slowly moving down my belly to settle on my cock, which was twitching in grateful exhaustion! The perfect scenario, I thought. Just before everything faded out, I thought I heard her whisper against my ear; “I love you, Russ! More than you know!”

- - - o o o - - -

         Ringing! Damn the ringing! My head! Vaguely I remembered the events before I went to sleep. I snapped up, awake, quickly looking around to see what was going on! The phone was trying to get my attention; that much was sure. I was in my bed, naked, and alone… That last observation however, caused me some considerable disappointment.

         Picking up the receiver, I heard Lennie’s voice wanting to know if I would be able to return his apparatus this coming Monday night! Since this was Saturday morning I really couldn’t think of any objection to his request. Of course, there was an ulterior motive to his request; my attendance to a long awaited dinner the following Monday evening that his wife Elaine had insisted upon, citing my long absence from their circle.

         Mumbling my acceptance, I made up my mind to make sure that he removed that ‘word’, whatever it might be, from affecting me. Flopping back down in bed, I started to review the events of last night when I suddenly smelt the marvelous aroma of fried bacon, and the bracing aroma of freshly brewed coffee! Tossing the phone back onto the bed stand, I pushed myself up against the headboard and glanced towards the bedroom doorway.

         I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I soon saw Linda struggling through the doorway, balancing a large tray containing a plate of eggs and bacon, and a large mug of what had to be steaming coffee! She was dressed in one of my old T-shirts, and apparently nothing else as I could definitely see her nipples poking out from beneath. The T-shirt was long enough however, to cover one of her principle attractions, my erotic playground of the previous night, but just barely.

         Setting the tray down next to my phone, she turned to me, hands on hips and said, “If you’re going to be able to keep up last night’s level of performance big guy, I’m going to have to keep you well supplied with energy food!” I must have still been wearing my ‘stunned’ look, because her face suddenly showed some concern, and a small frown began to appear between her eyes.

         Before the mood could be broken, I managed to recover enough to grab her wrist quickly, and pull her across my body onto the bed. With a little squeal, she flew to my side, and to make damn sure that she didn’t misunderstand my move, I quickly covered her mouth with mine, and wrapped her up in my arms. We were on even ground now; no hocus-pocus, no hypnosis, no tricks or gimmicks, and I wanted to make sure that she didn’t get away!

         The food remained on the bed stand, forgotten, as Linda and I renewed our passionate relationship from the previous evening. Once we had again exhausted ourselves with each other, we began catching up on all that we’d missed over the past few years. Her life, mine; likes, dislikes; compressing what would have been considered a ‘courtship’ into an intense weekend of physical and intellectual immersion with each other.

         During that time, we took a bit to analyze the process by which we managed to reach our present situation; the hypnosis and mild deceptions of both. I had to agree with her that the likelihood of her gaining access to my isolation was remote without some ruse, and she had to agree with me in my choice of countermeasures to bring things to a head. The ‘punishment’ fit the ‘crime,’ so to speak.

         I did confess to her that I still had a ‘thing’ about being ‘put under’ without any recollection of the act, but she taught me a little trick that, while it wouldn’t prevent me from ever being put under, would allow me to recall having been so. With that knowledge, I could take whatever steps I needed to protect myself in the future.

         For the first time in my life, I found myself looking at Monday morning as an opportunity to rest up for the coming weekend. I… was… exhausted! But overall, I felt better than I had in years! Since my weekend distraction, I’d accumulated a much larger workload of tech-writing assignments than I’d like, so I buckled down to complete as much as possible before my dinner date with Lennie and his wife later that evening. Linda had to attend a professional seminar on the west coast for the week, so I figured that I’d have ample time to catch up on my work, and my strength!

- - - o o o - - -

         I’d dismantled the light set-up that Lennie had loaned me, and boxed everything up so I could return it to him this evening. I’d also made up my mind not to tell him anything about any of the events that I’d gone through the past couple of weeks. No point in encouraging him to get entangled in trying to rescue me at my stage in life.

         All too soon the time for dinner loomed before me. I’d picked up a bottle of really good wine (so they told me at the liquor store) as a present, dressed up a bit (no shorts, logo T-shirts or my usual loafers) and set off for Lennie’s place with the light-show box under my arm. Pulling up to their home, I made a last minute check of my appearance, and knocked on their front door.

         Elaine met me at the door, swooping in on me to give me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. Taking the items I’d been carrying from me, she escorted me into their living room, all the time chatting away about how long it’d been since we’d been together. Relieved that I didn’t have to carry the conversation, I took time to look her over, as I’d not seen her in several years. Lennie had begun to show the effects of both his job and the years, having developed a sizable paunch, and he’d gotten pretty bald.

         His wife, on the other hand, seemed to have discovered the Fountain of Youth! She now stood before me in an evening dress, bright red, cut deeply down the front of her still vivacious body, exposing her smooth, white skin down to her waist. Her long, black hair hung down to her shoulder blades like a smooth, shiny blanket. Her breasts obviously didn’t need a bra, as they stood out proudly to adorn her perfectly proportioned body.

         Once she’d led me to the living room, she turned to look at me, and I could almost swear I saw her run her tongue across her lips before she called out for Lennie. “Dear,” she said loudly. “He’s here!” She then beckoned me to a sofa just in front of their TV, asked me what I wanted to drink, and when I told her, she went on towards their kitchen.

         Lennie burst out of the kitchen the moment that Elaine entered, apologizing for not being at the door to greet me. Wiping his hands on a towel, he shook my hand and pressed a drink into my hand. Sitting down next to me, he chatted a bit about his work, and other stuff that had transpired since the last time we’d talked the week before. I had a feeling where he was going, but I let him blather on… Finally, he ran out of small talk, and moved right into the subject that he, and apparently Elaine were most concerned with.

         Women… Had I chanced upon anyone who had captured my interest over the past few years; at least since Kathy had taken off? I needed to get back into the action, he began… My solitary life-style was not healthy, etc, etc, etc. I came prepared for this conversation, so I smiled to myself and let him ramble on. Soon he began to run out of helpful advice, and finally asked me about the ‘research project’ results for my article on hypnosis.

         That question caught me a little bit by surprise, as I’d simply made up that story so I could get an edge on Linda’s manipulation of me. Sensing that I had to bring this story to a plausible conclusion, I kept to the truth wherever I could, without revealing Linda’s participation in any of it. Curious about the flashing sequence that I’d researched for induction, he asked me how I’d managed to test it for effectiveness without a suitable subject. Finding myself being backed into a corner, I was relieved to hear Elaine announcing dinner being served.

         As the dinner progressed, the conversation turned once again to my social life, or lack thereof. Lennie’s wife however, seemed to watch my responses to their questions very carefully, as if weighing the truthfulness of my answers. I had no intention, at least for the moment, of filling them in on my most recent, most successful re-entry into the ‘land of the living.’

         As the dinner progressed, I noticed something in Elaine that I never recalled seeing before. Aside from her natural beauty, she seemed to have acquired a kind of hungry look, almost predatory. Of course, my social contact with Lennie and his wife was restricted to that period from when they had nearly finished their courtship, to a couple of years after they had gotten married.

         At that time I had been dating Kathy and had just proposed to her. Elaine had some previous experience with Kathy, apparently not very cordial I gathered, and they had advised strongly against our getting hooked up. . Of course, their concern had proven prophetic, and Kathy and I had gotten divorced just two years after our marriage; citing incompatibilities. I hadn’t paid much attention to Elaine during that period, simply because I was bound up in my own problems at the time.

         Lennie however, was Lennie. Laughing here, probing there, telling anecdotes about our romps during college, and generally being the all around gracious, entertaining host. I soon had no problem recalling the reasons that had caused us to become such good friends over the years. I immediately regretted my decision to withdraw into my own, solitary world once my divorce with Kathy was complete. My mind was made up to change that situation as soon as I could, hopefully with Linda’s assistance.

         We had just finished dinner, and Elaine was stepping into the kitchen to retrieve the bottle of wine that I’d brought for the occasion, when their phone began to ring. Elaine turned to answer it, and a brief but animated conversation took place. She seemed to be insisting that her husband should not be bothered on one of his rare nights off, and that whoever was on the other end of the call should call upon someone else to assist them.

         Finally, she handed the phone over to Lennie, who listened intently for several minutes, interjecting a brief comment from time to time in response to some remark. Finally, he hung up the phone, turned to us and said, “My apologies Russ. Something has come up at the hospital that apparently requires my direct intervention. . I’m afraid that this situation will take some time to resolve, so I’ll have to postpone our little ‘catch-up’ session until some other time. In the meantime, please finish your wine and Elaine can see you out.” Slapping me on the back, and firmly embracing me, he then kissed his wife and took his leave.

         Once the door slammed shut, Elaine and I turned to each other, and a long silence settled between us. I had never gotten to know Elaine very well, Lennie and I having been acquainted through college and beyond. I did however, notice that Elaine had suddenly settled into a much more relaxed, sultry pose before me. Smiling, she passed me the glass of wine that she’d poured, and leaned back in her seat, just watching my face.

          “Well, Russ,” she said. “Do we need a toast to encourage you to have a drink?” Casually running her tongue across the rim of her wineglass, she took a small sip, raising her glass to me in a gesture of salute. Nervously, I clinked my glass to hers and took a sip myself, keeping my eyes on hers. I wasn’t sure why, but the moment was becoming somewhat uncomfortable, so I quickly finished my wine, and got up to leave.

         Rising with me, Elaine put her forefinger to her lips, and then pointed it at me, getting me to stop for just a moment. She then came around the table and put her mouth to my ear, obviously intending to say something to me. After she had done so, I had no recollection of anything having been said. Puzzled, I turned to her just in time to hear her say aloud, “Well, Russ, it’s been a really long time, but…I think it’s time again for the ‘games to begin,’ don’t you?”

         As I tried to ask her what she was talking about, I noted that she had begun unbuttoning my shirt with one hand, and with the other she’d begun stroking the front of my pants, awakening the traitor within. My most immediate problem of course, was the fact that I couldn’t say anything, much less move under my own power.

         Suddenly, all I could think of was “Shit! What now?”

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