Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1866962-The-Lost-House--CHAPTER-1
by ZMP26
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Horror/Scary · #1866962
When Billy, Derek, and Greg go into the abandoned house known as the Lost House.
    Billy Hawkenson is one of the most known students in Hemsville High School.  He is a good student and has many friends, with few enemies.  His short brown hair showed that he was an honest person, but wasn't afraid to lie to save him or a friend.  His build was that of an athlete, although he rarely participated in school sports.  He usually wore outfits that consisted of blue jeans and a t-shirt.  Billy was a normal kid, except he had an intense passion to find out about the unknown. 

    Billy lived in a ranch-style home with a very large yard with a lot of vegetation in it.  He spent days in his yard as a small child, itching to dig up ancient remains or to find the lost city of El Dorado.  His childhood was exactly what was expected for an only child. 

    All of the advanced classes offered are the classes he took, yet nobody considered him a nerd.  All of his teachers adored him because he had a burning passion to learn because of his curiosity.

    The night of Friday, June thirteenth was the first night off of school for the summer.  Billy and his friend Derek had been planning a party for this night since the beginning of the school year, and it had finally arrived. 

    "Hey, Derek.  I need you to come over now and bring some firewood for the bonfire."

    "Sure, no problem Billy.  I'll be there in about fifteen minutes." 

    "Okay, thanks man.  This party is going to be amazing!"

    "I know!  It is going to be the best party I've ever been to.  Luckily you have a big yard for the party, otherwise the party would be stupid and overcrowded."

    "Yeah, I guess so.  Maybe we could go 'investigate' the house at the end of my street.  You know, 'The Lost House'?"

    "I don't know Billy, it sounds kind of creepy.  Besides, isn't that trespassing?"

    "Yes, but only if we get caught."

    "Well, I guess I'm in.  We can go after the bonfire."

    "Sweet! I'll tell the legend about it for anyone who has never heard it!" 

    "Okay, well I'll be over to help setup, after all, the whole grade is coming!"

    "All right, see you then Derek."

    Derek was a tall person.  He had short hair, and it was naturally brown, but he always had it colored Hemville High School colors.  He always wore a sweat shirt, even in the middle of the summer.  Derek had an ever changing personality.  He could be funny and serious at the same time.

    Fifteen minutes had passed and surely enough, Derek comes down the road and pulls into Billy's driveway. 

    "Hey Derek."  Billy yells.  "Come back here and help me set up chairs and tables around the fire pit."

    It took a good two hours to set everything up.  Luckily, they had an hour to spare before the party started so they headed inside.

    "The next hour is going to feel like a millennium.  The party is going to be beast." Said Billy.

    "I know!  What should we do?"  Replied Derek.

    "We could go get the fire going.  Did you bring any firewood?"

    "Yes, I put it with yours.  We should go into the woods and get some kindling though.  It'll be much easier to start a fire that way." 

    "I'm okay with that. Let's go before anybody shows up."

    They headed into the woods, constantly picking up small branches, dead leaves, and other good fire starters.  "Hey Derek, do you believe in the legends about the Lost House?" Asked Billy.

    "You know, I'm not exactly sure.  It seems fake, but it could be true  I'd be surprised if people actually got 'lost' in it, but you never know.  I guess tonight will make me believe or not.  I don't believe right now, but I wouldn't call myself a skeptic, not in the least bit. What about you?" 

    "I am a firm believer in it. The stories all add up.  But then again, if nobody has ever come out of it, how would anybody know about the stories, especially the ones that tell of the endless staircases and forever-ongoing tunnels?"

    "I guess it is just an urban legend somebody made about that abandoned house.  One thing still makes me shiver with fear though."

    "What is that Derek?"

    "Well, its just that the lights come on at night.  There is no power but there are lights.  And the shadows.  People- no, creatures- are always walking around in the house.  I'm not a believer in ghosts, but there are by no way humans in that house."

    "Yeah, I know.  I think the same way.  Let's talk about this over the campfire later.  We have to get a lot more kindling to get a good fire going all night long."

    An hour later, the party was started.  Like expected, much of the grade was there. Even some upperclassmen showed up.  Most people were around the campfire or by the food, but there were also people around the yard as well.

    "Okay everyone, let's go to the bonfire to exchange stories!" Yelled Billy.

    In the background, you could hear people walking to the fire from all around the yard.  It took less than a minute for everyone to assemble.

    After about twenty minutes of story telling, Derek stood up.  "Okay, I think Billy has a story to tell."

    "I do.  It is a story about a house at the end of this very road.  It is supposedly abandoned, but anyone who has seen it at night would say the exact opposite.  The lights turn on without the presence of power, and the shadow of people- no, creatures- appear.  The tales of people going in the Lost House always end up the same, never coming back out.  There are so called 'endless staircases' and 'forever-ongoing tunnels' that people get lost in.  There are so many of these stories that it has been given its name, 'Lost House'.  People say when someone gets lost, they die and their souls are punished by an eternity of darkness in the tunnels and climbing never ending staircases.  There are sinkholes that appear out of nowhere, and close up just as fast after getting a meal of an adventurer in the house. So, tonight is going to be on of the most known nights in history.  It is the night that I, Bill Hawkenson, will venture into the unknown, into the 'Lost House' that no person has ventured back out of.  Who would like to join?" 

    Nobody responded, leaving only the soft sound of crickets in the background.

    "I said, 'Who would like to join?'"

    A short guy stood up and said, "I'll join, it is just a fake story anyway."

    "That is what the people who went in and never came out said as well." Responded Billy.  "But I, I think that it is a work of nonfiction, a true story with no end.  Tonight, we will either end the story and declare it fake, or we will simply add to it."

    "I'll come too." Said Derek.

    "Anyone else?" Questioned Billy.  "Nobody?  Okay, I guess it is just us three, me, Derek, and...?" Asked Billy.

    "I'm Greg."  There was a slight chuckle among the rest of the people. Greg realized this and his freckle-less face blushed.  His medium length blonde hair seemed to not stop moving.  His short body was just shaking with embarrassment.

    "Me, Derek, and Greg are going to the 'Lost House', and the lights are on now, beckoning us to have three more spirits as never leaving-company that can forever roam the endless corridors.  Tonight, us three will attempt to find out what is fact and what is fiction.  Tonight, we make history." 

    And with that, the three people left.  The party continued, but in a grim fashion.  It is as if the people knew they just saw their 3 friends for the last time ever.


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