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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Experience · #1873976
A woman has been contacting a girl for a few decades to get her help from in her dreams.

The Divine Encounter - Inspired by a true story
By - whoeverknew

         Over the years, a young teenage girl, Kate (who had a natural gift of being able to easily remember her dreams since childhood) kept having a very real and vivid dream every now and then that involved an elderly woman.  These dreams of the elderly woman seemed to have started after Kate had seen a large, slightly elevated home that was due to it having been built, directly on top of a small hill in the neighborhood near by Kate's home.  Rumor has it, that a near by home, right near that one on the small hill in the same area, was being haunted by a group of Native American ghosts.  A family near by told the teenage girl's friend that their home was being haunted by this group of ghosts, that would occasionally be seen sitting altogether in a circle in this one family's house.  Kate and her best friend at the time, went into that other family's home to see if they could see what that family said was there at one time, but had no success.  Perhaps it was only a rumor then?  Or, perhaps not.  There are many areas in Illinois that did at one time or the other have Native American tribes inhabiting it, and perhaps that area where Kate had once lived at was one of them.  Maybe it was the Pottawatomie tribe?

         When Kate started having dreams of an elderly woman, she would for some odd reason, keep going to the home that was elevated on a small hill in the neighborhood while she was in her dream.  Kate went inside of the home and had on occasion, kept seeing a woman who was slightly heavy set, a bit short, wore eye glasses, wore her hair in a bun and wore a long dress.  The woman would never speak or say a single word to Kate and hardly ever even seemed to have acknowledged that Kate was even ever there in her presence which Kate thought was odd.  Kate had these dreams for many years, and had even kept asking her family if they might have ever known such a woman to have ever existed in the family, but no one ever said they knew anyone who resembled her.  But there was a chance it could have been someone's Mother on her Father's side of the family as Kate was told, but that was it.

         What's interesting, was not long after Kate and the family moved out of the location that they were in for over a decade, Kate stopped having dreams of the elderly woman.  Was the woman perhaps a ghost, that was haunting the elevated home?  Why did Kate keep having dreams of this elderly woman, what was the point of this?  Kate never knew why or understood why this kept happening to her which in a way drove her crazy!  Kate knew that there was something special about this elderly woman though for some odd reason even though this was a dream.  She felt that perhaps there was something more to it, but never knew, what.

         As Kate continued on with her life, she eventually stopped thinking about the elderly woman and due to no longer having a dream about her.  She basically forgot about her altogether.  But oddly enough, one day out of the blue in the year 2012, she and her boyfriend, Arnold spots an elderly woman, standing and staring into space at nothing along side a highly busy road.  Kate and Arnold didn't think about it too much, and just for the heck of it, decided to drive by again to see if the woman was still standing there or not.  To their surprise, she was.  And, didn't seem to have moved an inch either from when they had passed her the first time.  It was different this time though, she was holding her heart.  Arnold and Kate thought, it's really hot out and she's standing there all alone and is possibly having a heart attack.  No one stands on the side of a busy road, let alone on a hot day holding their heart as though they're having a stroke.  So Arnold and Kate went around an expressway to turn around to go see if they could assist her since they believed she might have been having a heart attack and was all alone.  Of course, this could have been a dangerous set up and they could've been attacked, but since it was such a busy road with so much traffic and since there were too many witnesses, Kate thought why would anyone be stupid enough to have pulled something on them, that plus it was an elderly woman without a vehicle near by her too which was also odd in the first place.

         Kate thank goodness, was CPR certified and thought that she needed to put her training to use if she had to.  The woman was behaving as though she was dazed, confused, had a shortness of breath as her face appeared to be flushing.  Kate felt that something had to be wrong and spoke to the elderly lady softly, being certain that it was alright for her to help assist her.  Kate insisted on helping her get away from the busy road, because it was very dangerous for her to just be standing there, let alone stay in direct sun light like she was.  The elderly lady was being supported by a 4 pronged cane too and noticed that after she got permission from the elderly lady to help her walk and get away from the road, that she could hardly even walk at all.  Kate wondered how the elderly woman was even able to get there in the first place since she seemingly could hardly even move.  Kate and Arnold were both given permission to help assist the lady away from the road.  After they were both able to get the lady near a curve, Kate went to get her car to help let the lady sit in the passenger side to get her into air conditioning.  Prior to this, before Kate and Arnold even got there, they called the police because they told them that they had seen the lady just standing on the side of the busy road, holding her chest area which could have been a sign of a stroke.

         After a short while in finally getting the elderly lady to sit down in Kate's car, Kate spoke to her making sure that she was alright.  She also kept speaking to her to find out more information about her, such as if she was diabetic and needed something to drink.  Kate also done this to be sure that the lady wouldn't fall asleep or pass out and tried to keep her conscious until help arrived.  Kate got her name, which was Julianne.  Kate believes that this was the same name that she kept feeling was the name of the elderly woman she use to have dreams of!  That surprised her!  The lady also told her that she was diabetic and Kate had a cold pop in her car.  Remembering that a few coworkers at work were also diabetic and could have a little sugar here and there was alright, Kate offered the lady a sip of her pop.  This kept Julianne from going into a diabetic shock as well as from possibly passing out from heat stroke.  Kate knew that it was also good that she got her into the air conditioning, since she heard Julianne making an unusual, struggling breathing sound.  Kate strongly believed she had done the right things to help Julianne.

         After the police and an ambulance showed up, Kate already missed Julianne.  Kate had a strong feeling of her having felt that she knew her, as though she was a long lost family member, that she was never able to get to know for some odd reason.  Maybe, someone on her 'other' side of the family?  Kate felt sad that she couldn't have done more for Julianne, but at least she was able to help save her life.  After all, Julianne at one point did mention to Kate and Arnold that she was praying for someone to come help her.

         Later that same night, Kate had a dream, of what appeared to be Julianne.  Kate remembered all of those times that she kept dreaming about an elderly lady.  Kate believes, that this was possibly Julianne, and that perhaps the elderly woman wasn't a ghost, and was reaching out to Kate on some level, in some way for help, to someday help her in that instance with her situation.  How wonderful is that?  And what a beautiful, soft spoken and sweet elderly lady she was!  Thank God there still are people like Arnold and Kate to have helped Julianne left on the world!  May God continue to bless her!

The End

© Copyright 2012 whoeverknew (whatwouldyoudo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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