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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1883300
A short story I wrote for a contest with some of my friends when I was like 13
center}Do You Remember The Little House We Loved In{/center}

The pain rushed through me and out of me like a wave. My father looked at me in sadness and then at the small human that had just come out of my body in disgust. My mother sat by me, stroking my hair as a nurse took the baby away and started to clean it off.
“Shh.. Its over now hunny, it’s all over now.” She whispered.
“Miss.” The nurse said to me. “Would you like to hold her?” her.. A baby girl.
“No, she would not like to hold.. It.” my mother said glaring at the nurse.
“Mom, what are yo-“my words where cut off. And not by my parents, not by the nurse, and not by the baby. But by him..
“What.. What are you doing here!” I yelled.
“I-I came here to see my baby.”
“Get out of here John!” my mother walked over to him and slapped him as hard as she could.
“How dare you come here. Knocking her up wasn’t enough, now you have to come here and bother my little girl again!” my mother yelled.
“Look, I know you’ve never like me. But I don’t care about any of that anymore Shannon. But that baby over there, that baby isn’t only Danicas kid. Its mine to!” he yelled. That was what he did to cross the line.
“Oh, so now its yours! Now, when you want her to be yours! No, you don’t get that privilege. You decided to stamp me as a whore and you are not going to just show up and say that baby is yours. You gave that up a long time ago.” I yelled. John looked at me and shook his head.
“I was scared. Scared out of my mind and I’m so sorry. But that baby is as much mine as it is yours.” My head began to hurt and my through clamped up. And then he said those words.. Those words I never though I would hear again. “Danica, I love you.”

Everything started when I was three. My parents had heard about a summer lodge in Oregon by some people at church. They decided it would be good to go. So that summer we packed our bags and drove up to Oregon for a week long vacation.
That’s where I met John. He was four at the time and he became my best friend. I found that he lived just a few blocks away from my house in Montana.
My mother though it was odd that I only wanted to be friends with a boy and not any of the girls there but my father convinced her to let us be. As the years passed by and John started to date I couldn’t help but feel jealous. But, the girls he went out with where nice, and I had no reason to hate them before they started dating him. But when I saw them with John, my John. I couldn’t stop myself from disliking them. And when they broke up, I was secretly happy. And I knew that John could see that. But he never said anything about it. And then when I was 13 I started to learn about sex and I started to think about it, and I began wishing John and I could do that together.. That want was a good thing, as much as it was a bad thing. And I would learn that, after a little midnight hike, in the middle of nowhere, where this all started.

“Come on Dani, it will be fun.” John said as he put two water bottles into his backpack.
“I don’t know.. It’s so late, if my mom wakes up and sees that I’m gone I’ll be in so much trouble.” I whispered not wanting anyone to hear us.
“It’ll be fine. Everyone is sound asleep. They had a lot to drink and they’ll be out for a while.” He said and then tossed me a bike helmet. “Now get on.” he said, already mounted on his dads motorcycle.
“Can you even drive that!?” I yelled. He was only fourteen, still a year older than me, but he isn’t even old enough for a learners permit.
“My dad has been giving me lessons for a while now. Just get on.” he said holding his hand out for me.
“H-how well can you drive that thing?”
“Well…. I’ve only crashed it twice.” He said with a cocky grin.
“TWICE! No, I am not getting on that thing-” John grabbed my arm and brought me closer to him.
“Just have a little fun.” He whispered seductively. My eyes widened. Fuck. He sat a little bit back in the motorcycle seat and sat me down in front of him so I was facing him. “Now, you can ether voluntarily sit the right way, or I can keep you like this and most likely get into a wreck.” He said, his face and inch away from mine.
“I... fine, I’ll ride on it with you. But the normal way.” He let my arm go and I got off of the motorcycle and sat behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
“Hold on tight.” He halfway yelled and then turned on the cycle and started driving away from the lodge. Once we where far enough away he started screaming ‘woo-hoo’ and acting like an idiot. But I found myself yelling with him and having as much fun as he was. After a while he stopped in front of a trail near a large mountain. “We’re here.” He said before getting off of the bike and helping me off. “Now hurry up, I want to get to the top before 2.”
“Wait, you’re planning on us being here ‘til 2 in the morning!”
“I’m planning on us being here probably all night.” He said as if it where nothing.
“No! Take me home now, I’m not going to be here all night.” I yelled.
“Come on, you’ll be fine. And no one will notice we’re gone.” He said and then began to walk up a trail near the parked cycle.
“John... John! Come back here.” I called out for him.
“Relax and come with me, it’ll be fun, I swear.” He said. I hesitantly followed behind him in to the dark forest.

After a while of hiking I was beginning to get very tired. But I kept trailing behind John, because he obviously knew where he was going. But after a while I couldn’t help but start to whine.
“John~ how much further do we have to go? I’m getting really tired.”
“Do you want me to carry you?” he said back at me, not in a sarcastic remark, but as a genuine question. I knew he could keep on hiking while carrying me and it wouldn’t faze him at all. Him being on the football team and the wrestling team at his school, and me, only weighing 97 pounds.
“Uh... m-maybe, I mean, it would make this a little easier, but only for a little while-“ again, I was cut off by him lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder.
“You know, you’re a little to small.” He whispered.
“Sure I am. Gosh everyone is obsessed with being thin and I need to gain weight.”
He laughed.

After a bit I started to doze off while still being carried by John.
“Hey, we’re almost there.” He said before setting me down. “You want some water?”
“Yeah.” I mumbled. The hike mixed with the late time was draining me.
“Catch!” John yelled and then he threw a water bottle at me. It was open. I tried to catch it but it spilled all over my hands and arms.
“JOHN! What the heck was that for?” I yelled. John just laughed and started to walk again.
“It woke you up didn’t it?” he called back at me. I glared at him and then he disappeared from sight into the vast darkness of the surrounding forest.
“J-John? St-stop playing around John.” I said, scared. I didn’t know where I was, and it was so dark that I couldn’t see past seven feet from my eyes. “John! C-come back here... please.” I called out. My heartbeat began to speed up as I franticly looked around for a sign that he was still there. And then I felt arms wrap around my waist and I jumped. “J-John?” I whispered, on the verge of tears.
“Yes.” He whispered in my ear.
“Pl-Please don’t scare me like that!”
“Okay, gosh I was only playing around with you.” He said and then let go of my waist.
“Just... how much longer will this take?”
“We’re almost there, two minutes at the most.” He said.
“Fine.” He began to walk away and I followed, closely, behind him. After a little while things became brighter and the trees disappeared and were replaced by grass and flowers with a trail cutting through the middle.
“Why are we here?” I asked looking around.
“ ’Cause, there's something I need to show you at the top of this trail.” He said and then continued walking. I followed behind him until he stopped. “That’s what I want to show you.” He said before pointing at a little house at the top of the hill.
“Why?” I asked, clueless.
“Just come with me.” He said and then began to walk towards it. I stupidly followed him until we where in front of it. He opened the door and walked inside. At first I didn’t want to go in, but for some reason I went in anyway. The house was old and there was dust almost everywhere. I looked at John with a puzzled expression.
“John... why are we here?”
“Because... I need to do something, and it has to be with you.” He said, and then walked closer to me.
“D-Do what?” he grabbed my arms and bent down a little until his face was almost touching mine.
“This.” He whispered and then lightly pressed his lips against mine. I was frozen. John, the boy I love is kissing me. Holy curse! My eyes closed and I began kissing back.

After a while of kissing John lifted me up and laid me down on a dusty table behind me and got on top of me. His hands traveled around my body and before I could fully comprehend everything we where both naked and he was spreading my legs open.
“W-wait, j-john, we-we cant do this.” I whispered. He looked into my eyes and kissed me lightly.
“Why not?” he mumbled. I could feel his erection pressing against me thigh and I quivered.
“B-because, what if someone finds us?”
“There’s no one around here for miles.” He said and then began kissing my neck. “it’ll only hurt for a moment and then you’ll love it.” he whispered.
“N-no! Why are you doing this? You don’t have any feelings for me, I cant do this with someone who doesn’t“
“I love you Danica. I’ve loved you for a very long time and I know you love me too.” He said, looking me in the eyes yet again. I could tell that he wasn’t making that part up at all, he cant stair a person in the eyes when he lies. He kissed me again and I could feel pressure around me lower body. I quivered and lightly cried out as he slowly slipped into me. He kept close to me and kissed my cheek and stroked my hair as I adjusted to him. I gripped him tightly as he began to thrust in and out.

After it was over we just lied there, on the table, in a house on top of a hill in the middle of now where.
“You okay?” he whispered as I clung to him.
“A little sore.” I mumbled against his bare chest.
“I’m sorry.”
“I-its okay... I’m the one who agreed to it.” I said. That was our first time. But it definitely wasn’t our last.

Through out the years we kept going to our little house on the hill, and we grew to be more and more in love with every passing day. But we where a secret. And when I was 17, I got sick. I didn’t think anything of it. Until my time of the month stopped. That’s when I panicked.
“John... I whispered as he started to put his shirt back on.
“Yeah Dani?”
“What... what would you do if I where pregnant?” I looked down, afraid of what he would say.
“Well... I don’t know. I’d probably have to leave the country ‘cause your dad would try to kill me.” He said. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.
“John... I’m serious! What would you do?” that’s when he got a worried expression.
“No... Danica, please don’t tell me your... FUCK, Danica!” he yelled and then kicked a wall. “How did this happen?!” he yelled.
“We had sex John! We do it a lot, its not my fault.” I said, crying hysterically.
“Fuck! Do you know how screwed we are now!”
“You’re not the one who has to carry this baby, I am! Don’t you even care about how this is going to affect me? I thought you where different!”
“I am. But I can’t do this! And what if that thing isn’t even mine?” he countered. That’s when I lost it.
“What do you mean by that!? Do you think I’m just some slut that sleeps around? I’m not, you know that!”
“Do I?” he yelled. “You know what, forget this. Goodbye Danica.” He said, and then left. And that was the last time I saw him until that day in the hospital.

I looked at John in disbelief.
“You... you what?”
“I love you. I’m so sorry for being an ass that day, but... do you know how scared I was? I was planning on having a kid with you yes, but not for a while. I had just gotten my acceptance letter from Harvard. An idiot like me got into that place! And I was planning on proposing to you. But... I got so scared when you told me that. I wanted to move forward but I wasn’t ready for that.” I started to cry.
“Nether was I! But hey, I had to do it anyway.”
“I know, and I’m so sorry you had to be alone. I’m so sorry that I did this to you. But, I was so scared I couldn’t handle that news. I’m so sorry Dani.” He whispered.
“John, I think you should leave.” My mother said, pointing to the door.
“I have a right to be here too. That is still my baby.” He said shaking his head.
“I said get out-“
“Mother! Just... just shut the hell up for once in your life! You know what. Mom, you need to get out of here! You’re always so negative about everything! I don’t want to deal with your shit anymore. Just get out!” I yelled.
“Excuse me? No, I don’t have to leave-“
“Yes, you do. It’s my hospital room and I’m 18 and I want you out!” I yelled, breathing hard. She looked at me astounded and then grabbed her purse and left. I looked over at john, glaring. “I don’t forgive you, at all! What you did wasn’t right. But that baby is also yours... and... You should be part of her life.”
“I want that so badly, but I also want to be a big part in your life too. Please, I know what I did was wrong, but I love you. Please, take me back, I promise I wont screw up again.” I looked at him and sighed.
“It’s not going to be that easy. You’re going to have to work at it.” I said.
“How ever long it takes, I don’t care. Just please give me another chance.”
“Okay.” I whispered. Nurse?”
“Can... Can I see my baby?” I asked hesitantly. She just smiled at me.
“Yes.” She picked up the little baby girl from the crib like thingy and brought her over to me. I held my daughter for the first time. She was so little, so fragile, it felt like she could break in my arms if I held her to tight.
“Do you want to hold her?” I asked John.
“Y-yeah.” I handed him the small baby and he held her and smiled. “Hey there... you’re my daughter.” He said, sounding like he was king of the world.
“Miss, would you like to name her now?” the nurse asked me. I looked at John and then back at her.
“Yes... Her name is... Summer.” The name fit her, seeing as she was born in the middle of July. A summer baby. My summer baby.

© Copyright 2012 Deizha Marina (deizhamarina at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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