Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1889012-Emoticon-challenge-Day2
Rated: E · Other · Family · #1889012
day 2 emoticon challenge angel army...
As the first *Waterdrop* hit the windshield, immediately following the bolt of *Lightning*, I silenty said a prayer. We had eagerly been anticipating this *Babyboy* or *Babygirl* for eight months now. My due date wasn't for another four weeks but this child didn't want to wait much longer.

Jim had his heart set on a boy, so we had decorated the nursery with a pirate theme. There were blankets with *Pirateship* *Pirateship* and *Skull**Skull* with *Pirateflag* *Pirateflag* in the crib and *Hook* with *Boat2* on the walls. If we had a girl she would most likely be a tomboy with the gamble we took decorating the room. Our four year old son Jake really liked it, and had taken to sleeping on the *Pentagram* shaped rug in the nursery. We would put him to bed in his own room, only to wake up the next day with him and his Spiderman blanket in the nursery.

Jake was in the back seat now, as we rushed to the hospital. I could hear him in the back singing a song about *Car* *Car*. "There's a *Carr*, *Carb*,*Carbr* there. Following us everywhere." "One passes us now, here come a few more. The *Carg* one there, has a blue door. *Carv*, *Carbl*, *Caro* and *CarGr* , cars are passing every which way." Another traction came on strong and he paused with concern as I concentrated on my breathing.

Jake was a very big part of this event. We didn't want any sibling rivalry and had tried to include him in as much as possible. He had packed the diaper bag with a *Bottle*, a*Teddy*, 3 *Paci*, *Pacib*, *Pacip*, and a *Toy*. I think the last one was for him. He almost forgot the diapers, but put those in at the last minute. He was so proud of himself.

We were almost to the hospital now, and Jake had picked back up on his song. "*Carp* on the left of us, *Cary* on the right, here we are in the middle with a *Carw*." My mind was all over the place, trying not to dwell on the contractions. I had to chuckle at Jake and his quick whit as he named off the colored cars on the freeway.

As the rain continued on, we pulled off of the highway. There was the hospital right in front of us. The parking lot was like a lake. Getting to the emergency doors was going to be a problem. I don't know why, but I thought back on the day we spent at the beach, talking about pets. Jake really wanted a pet. At first he thought a *Seahorse* in a terrarium would be fun to have, but he quickly changed his mind to the *Crab*. Our house was too small for a pet, so then on the way home, he decided that we needed a farm where he could have all of the animals he wanted. Like a *Cat2* and two *Dog1**Dog2*, some *Duck* *Duck* and *Chicken* *Chicken* and a *Horse*. We did get a larger house just a few months ago, and now the baby was arriving. I guess we might have to get that larger house after all.

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