Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1891917-We-will-be-together
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Emotional · #1891917
A tale of two people with a love so strong it survives a decade of no contact.
You appear a couple of meters in front of me and I hold my breath.
Time stands still, the world around us vanishes, there is only you and me. For the first time in so many years there's only you and me.
I cannot control my shaking hands and they swoop up and touch your face. How they have missed the touch of your skin. You remove your sunglasses, revealing the eyes that have haunted my dreams for so long and my skin tingles and burns under millions of sharp, needle-like stings.
Your eyes are the opening to your soul and I can see in, feeling all the love you once felt for me. I am home.
I want to speak. I want to say hello, but I can't. My throat refuses to open and allow sound to travel through. I try and fail so I accept we must stand here in silence.
You have yet to speak which makes me wonder if you're feeling the same way. Your eyes tell me yes but my conscience rears its head and reminds me that this isn't appropriate and that even if you did feel the same way, nothing could eventuate.
This notion hurts me but I take solice in knowing you still love me and that's enough to keep going with my life.
You move closer to me and take my hand in yours. A rush of emotional electricity beats through my arm and up to my shoulder; you still have the same effect on me as you did all those years ago.
Your hand squeezes mine and our fingers interlock. I haven't yet taken my eyes off yours and I'm beginning to feel slightly dizzy.
As your mouth curves into a smile, my eyes leave yours and concentrate on the lips that had always made me feel wanted, needed, loved and adored. Those lips that I had to sneak kisses from, those lips that I longed for every night. Those lips that I have been pining over for more than a decade.
Nothing about you has changed in the slightest. My memory of you is flawless and as I realise this, I also realise that while I've been believing I'm only in love with our memory, I am in fact still in love with you.
I want to ask if you are feeling the eternally strong connection between us too but I cannot, for my brain and mouth will not allow it.
I soon realise we need not say a word as we are already communicating in a way we always have.
I look into your eyes once more, knowing the electricity between us isn't going un-noticed and my heart thuds in my ears as your face moves closer to mine.
I don't want to shut my eyes for fear of you disappearing and this moment just being one of my day dreams but once our lips connect, I know this can't possibly be my imagination as my entire body shudders in response.
The warmth and softness of your lips against mine melts away every single ounce of pain I have felt for so long, renewing my belief in true love and the raw emotion it brings.
I surrender to you as I always have, grasping your face with my tingling hands and aware only of needing to breath.
Your arms slide around my waist, warming my body from the cold harshness of the rest of the world and making me forget the circumstances surrounding our love's tragedy.
I never want this moment to end, I need to kiss you for the rest of my life. I need to touch you and have you comfort my aching heart, but I know we must stop and go back to our lives without eachother no matter how it hurts.
It is now I realise we each have two lives. One without eachother and in relationships that cannot compare to us and then there is 'our' life. Together.
Although we do not physically see each other, we know we are in love; a love much deeper than most people are lucky enough to experience; a love which is un-dying, never ending, desperate, soul captivating and beautiful. It matters not how much it hurts us because we know that one day if we find ourselves alone, we will always have each other to turn to.
We may be old and grey when we finally give in to our love but I know we will be together one day.
We must first attend to our responsibilities and complete our current lives before we can return to our own.

Our lips reluctantly tear away and leave us looking into the other's eyes, watching the flames of desire and love burn strong and I feel numb, not wanting to return to the world just yet but knowing I must.
We say nothing as our eyes say everything we need to before you turn and walk back out of my life, leaving me to surrender to the hot tears prickling my eyes. My heart is once again shattered yet at the same time it is dancing happily because none of this is imagination. You really do love me. What we share is real, and one day perhaps many years from now, we will have our chance to continue our life together.
© Copyright 2012 wordlover44 (l.may4 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1891917-We-will-be-together