Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1901695-Sky-Sonata
by frost
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1901695
ok this fantasy action manga
How much far the pain can torture the ones body …. How much far the injustice can hurts the ones soul …. How limitless the fear can be
but the human ambitions could be revived and existed and find a way to survive and flourish even in the world of one empire ruled by one family in the hands of one man even in this world there is rebels ,bandits and corrupted government individuals all of them are just ambitious .


A torch in a dark place
(Blue-haired youngster) "I finally made it here"
A voice from the back "oi ray did find something"
Ray " nothing yet" "or maybe I did" while he astonished by the mountains of gold and jewels "wait until deactivate the traps" while he walking to a small Altair topped by a cup sculpted with small letters " you the ambitious greedy human you the power thirst being your quest is accomplished and the way how to use it's up to you"
Ray "so this is the real treasure"
A voice from the back" what happened did found something"
Ray " it's alright you can come in " the Altair is broken
After a while some suspicious looking guys enter the room
Anonymous 1 I "I am the rich"
Anonymous 2 " this is unbelievable"
Anonymous 3 " I can rule the world with this"
Anonymous 4 "from now on it'll be full of women, liquor and relaxation"
Everybody "lets party"
A bold man enters with malicious grin on his face "calm down everybody, it's too early for that"
Ray "I'm getting out of here, bill you know where you can find me"
Bill (the bold man) "you trust me too much, may be you'll never see your share again"
Ray " I don't trust you I'm just tired of this place riddles"
Bill "fine"
Outside cave
Ray " I don't care what's inside here I just get what I came here for"
Inside cave
Anonymous 1 " he's stupid leaving all of this in hands thieves"
Bill " he hide something follow him"
Anonymous 1 " I’m not leaving you with the treasure"
Bill "so we have reached this point don't we?" then with loud voice "you maggots don't smear my treasure this thing can't be shared"
Anonymous 1 "you wretched dog I know you will do this" somebody stab him from behind "why you mad I like his idea"
Bill with insane look "yes, this is one man treasure"
In view of small village
Ray reading a sign "verdana village" "I think I'll rest here"
Inside a cave
The cave is full of corpses and sitting on one of them "my dear ray where are you now I should catch up with you before you disappear"
Bill "first boy scout"
Hologram screen appears with a flashing green point
Bill "hmmm... He is north ten o'clock direction …verdana village"
Inside the village
Ray passing by someone
Ray excuse me is there a motel here
Anonymous "yeah you can go to mayor house it's two blocks from here" sign to the left
Ray "thanks"
Ray reaches mayor house and knock its door
An aged woman opens the door
The old woman with sleepy voice "what you want the mayor is sleeping come tomorrow"
Ray "I'm sorry I asked where I can stay tonight so they sent me here"
Suddenly the old woman clothes changes to receptionist and a table between them with bell on it
Ray surprised "what the… when you change your clothes and when this table come here" looking to the bell "is this bell is it working" trying to touch it but the old woman slap his hand
Ray "aaack why you did that for?"
Old woman yells "you can only use when I'm not here"
Old woman nicely "welcome guest to our humble motel you can choose between variety of rooms from single to double beds or you can take our special wing"
Ray thoughts "what a double face hag" "special wing and rooms, isn't this place too small for that"
Old woman "in fact it's one room"
Ray surprised "then don't lie"
Old woman "it's not lie it' a publicity"
Ray "no I'm sure it's a lie, by the way how much cost for staying in your special wing"
Old woman "one thousand nummus"
Ray "what this steal... ahhhm that’s fine"
Ray thoughts "if I was here yesterday I would had slept outside wait a second this always happens" he remembers when he trying sleep when snowing and ended up in ice cube or when trying to sleep in forest trembling with fear and a vicious beasts surrounds him or when he comatose in dumps and a sign in the back "sleeping by a force"
Ray looking down black background "I hate my life"
Old woman "why you so sad if you don't have money you can get lost"
Ray "humph don't have money I can buy this village" while throwing a golden ring
Old woman "it' nice dealing with you"
Ray "yeah right"
In somewhere else
A sign "Tuesday bar"
Bill enters the bar he finds men wearing sleeveless jackets, short pant and broken sun glasses
Bill "where your boss is clowns?"
A sudden calmness is all over the place (roll roll)
Anonymous what did you say? … Lamp head (sword sound effect)
Bill (stare stare)
Anonymous I'm sorry he's over there (directing toward a room)
Bill this is the right choice
Anonymous … (gulp)
Bill breaking through the door
A fat cylindrical man appears before him wearing a very small sleeveless jacket looked like a bolero, a very short pants and broken contacts
The fat guy "who are you?"
Bill "bill"
The fat guy "ok bill why you broke my door?"
Bill "I'm bored so I broke it"
The fat guy "hmmmm good …good"(boooing very elegantly) and falling on his face
The fat guy "aaack…" then stands up yelling "don't you know who I'm Jone … the rolling booze barrel" rolling on the floor literally
Bill "your name looks like an insult … wait I'll give a better name hmmmm … what about the rolling trash basket"
Jone stop rolling "what?" stands up yelling "I had enough of you I'll kill you"
Bill throws gold pouch "calm down trash I want to deal with you"
Jone sitting and his eyes are sparkling "set next to me my friend"
Bill sets down and (punch sfx) get punched on his face rolling through the air and hitting the wall
Jone "did you think that your insult will go like that bald? Now you can make a deal"
In motel room
Ray is sleeping (zzzz) and his slobber flowing on his face and suddenly "rumble rumble" and falling from his bed
Ray " what the … when I get some rest"
The door is knocking "knock knock"
Ray "who is th…" interrupted the door is opened and the old woman appears
Ray "if you want enter without asking don't knock the door"
The old woman "I have a favor to ask"
Ray "huh... what is it?" walking to the door
The old woman "I have problem"
Ray "and" walking to the door
The old woman "I have another customers"
Ray "so ..." walking to the door
The old woman "and our rooms are full"
Ray "you mean the ONLY room" walking to the door
The old woman "so I ..." ray close the door
The door is opened
Ray "I want to sleep damn it"
The old woman "they will stay here tonight"
Ray "whaaaat?"
The old woman "you agree thank you"
Ray "hey wait I didn't agree … ahhhh it didn't matter anyway get them in"
Two kids around twelve years old enter the room with innocent smile on the their faces
The old woman "mister lodger these are monk and moon, monk and moon this is mister lodger"
Ray thoughts "why she remember their names and not mine"
Monk with serious and formal look "we are sorry for disturbance mister lodger please forgives us" (bow)
Ray "it's alright and my name is ray by the way"
Moon with frisky look "nice to meet you ray"
Ray scratching his head and looking to the roof "ha ha ha me too" thoughts "how I ended up agreeing to stay here"
The old woman "you are look like going well together" (shutting the door)
The innocent faces changes to looks of hate and disgust
Monk pointing to ray "don't get near that bed bastard it's ours"
Ray scratch his head "huh ok" stop scratching "what?" an awkward moment between them "what did you say little punk"
Moon fake a cry " *sob* … he said ... he said *sob* repulsive words
Ray "what's up with this fake over acting"
Monk comforting "don't cry ... ok" yelling "you bastard don't say that in front of her"
Ray yells back "you just say that"
Moon "mister ray"
Ray "wha…"and a pillow hit his face
Monk "nice shoot"
Ray "wha…"and a pillow hit his face
Moon "yours better"
Monk "we won this pillow fight" and shaking hands
Two hands catch the pillow "you …won what an idiot"
Monk and moon look sarcastically
Ray voice "you don't reclaim winning until making sure that you destroying him"
Monk and moon look shocked
Ray voice "don't leave your enemy half injured"
Monk and moon look afraid
Ray voice "and the most important"
Monk and moon look panic-stricken
Ray has horns, tail and long sharp teeth "don't turn back to him"
Moon "oh my god"
Monk "he is the devil"
Ray throws up a pillow and the kids looking at it
Ray "your defense is open kid"
Ray "double trouble" rolling around himself and throw the other pillow toward monk and hitting him in his face sending him flying through the air and lands on his shoulders
Moon turning her head "what are you…" didn't find him
Ray "up in here" looking at him
Ray "triple trouble" kicking the pillow while he upside down, the pillow hitting here feet and falling instantly on her face
Ray is landing strongly on the floor *crack* "I won get it back if you can *crack*…. *crack* ……. *Craaaaaack* "huh… whaaaaat I broke the floor"
Monk "did you hear that moon he BROKE the floor" *crack*
Moon "yes indeed"
Monk and moon an evil laugh "ha ha ha" *crack*
Ray shadowed eyes and threatening language "shut your mouths I don't WA….." *crack*... *zwp* falling from broken floor
Monk "oh …so YOU broke the floor"
Moon "yes … he did"
Ray "this is painful …. I fallen right on my ass"
Monk "let's get this straight RAY …. How much you pay for our lip service"
Ray "listen up good MONK …."
Monk "hmmm"
Ray is furious and big and kid are chickening and small "your services is not required"
Monk and moon cowering "sir, yes sir"
Ray fixing his clothes "beside I can fix the damage"
Moon" by the way why there is a hole in place like this"
Ray " huh yeah it is strange but I don't care I'm getting out of here" *fwp* *fwp* step on something
Ray "hmmm …what's this" pick up wrapped up paper
Monk and moon shocked "it is a treasure map"
Ray yelling "how did you know before opening it … humph kids" and open it
Ray shocked "it is a treasure map"
Moon "yeah yeah … just calm down ok"
Ray thoughts "I have been already had a treasure I think I don't need this" throwing the map to the kids
Monk "it is good that you hand it over before I beat you up"
Ray "humph as if you can …. I just don't need it"
Monk and moon are shocked "it's a fountain map"
Ray Struck by a lightning "whaaaaaat?"
Ray "give me the map …now"
Moon "this is impossible it's ours"
Ray "I the one who found it remember"
Monk "but you gave it to us remember"
Ray "I'll buy it from you how much you going to sell it"
Monk "I know what are you trying to do"
Ray "huh"
Monk "don't act stupid"
Ray thoughts "does he know that I have a grail"
Monk "you think you going to buy it cheaply from us to sell it costly"
Ray falls, thoughts "I thought he knows"
Monk "I discovered you … confess"
Moon "no he gave to us when he thoughts it’s a treasure map"
Ray "huh"
Moon "you have a grail don't you"
Ray "ahhhh"
Moon "let's go and see"
Monk "are you crazy, there is a monsters out there it'll be a suicidal it is not worth it"
Ray "you don't want to sell it and you don't want to see such a legend then what you are going to do with it"
Monk "ahhhh ... I don't know why we just go tomorrow in the day light"
Ray "believe me is safer at night at least you can avoid the real monsters"
Monk "no it is still dangerous"
Moon "so why we don't hire him" pointing to ray
Ray looking right and left
Moon "yes you there is nobody else in this room"
Ray "what you going to give me for this" thoughts "the map the map"
Moon "you are going with us right you want the map to go there right"
Ray whitened "so I'm the stupid"
Ray "ok then let's go"
Monk and moon "ok"
Ray thoughts "at the end I couldn't sleep"
Outside the room
The old woman and apparently another costumer are almost at the door
Old woman "oh where are you going?"
Ray "getting out of here … oh by the this is for the damages" giving her a sac of money then tapping on the costumers shoulder "enjoy your staying her and the upcoming company" and winking
Tuesday bar
Jone "then you want to hire us to catch your partner who robbed you"
Bill "yes"
Jone "I don’t know your story is full of gapes"
Bill "the story does not matter what is really matter that I want to catch him"
Beeb beeb beeb
Bill "first boy scout" the map appears and the flashing point is moving
Bill "where are you going ray … let's move"
Jone "now I like your talk"
Jone and bill are getting out of room
Anonymous 1 "what is it he's not out from week"
Anonymous 2 "it must be an important thing"
Anonymous 3 "shut up let's hear him"
Jone "boys let's go and play"
The gang "yeaaaaaaaah"
In the woods
Ray "don't fear anything kids I'm here to protect you, if you see something suspicious tell me immediately" doing some martial arts while he walking
Moon screams
Ray "what … what is it?" turning right and left
Moon "I'm sorry it just you"
Ray angry "don't play around with me"
Monk "we have arrived"
Ray crying from happiness and looking up "thank you"
Monk "the fountain in the summit of this mountain"
Ray shocked "whaaaaaat?"
Moon "hey ... carry us"
Ray is shocked even more "whaaaaaaaaaaat?"
Monk "we hired you remember"
Ray is shocked even more and more "whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?"
After three hours
Ray is carrying kids on his back and his tongue almost touching the ground
Monk "how slow you can get it takes you three hours to reach here"
Ray is angry "you should brought a donkey with you …huh… are you saying we finally arrived"
Monk "yes"
Ray is reviving and tossing the kids "almost died here"
Moon "but where is the cave"
Ray "whaaat don't say I came here for nothing"
Monk "I'm confused"
Ray "there is nothing except this cliff here"
Moon "there is something is glowing in your pocket"
Ray "huh" getting out a shining grail
Monk and moon are surprised "thi…this is a diamond grail"
Ray "these words hadn't been existed before it says you mortal human the power hungry being using it is up to you …. Guardian of the fountain listens to deepest wishes of the one who stands before you and shows him the path to the fountain of lust ….. Fountain of power ….. Fountain of blood"
A face appears in the cliff "your wish is my wish" the mouth is open wide and the eyes are closed"
The three are trembling "scary"
They hear a sound of clapping from behind "good work ray"
Ray turning his head "didn't I tell you to meet at the town?"
Bill "I missed you … so I couldn't wait"
Ray "…….."
Bill snapping his fingers and gang come out
Ray "you formed a new group quickly"
Bill "as you know I'm popular … and money can make miracles"
A moment of silence looking to each other look of defiance
Bill "attack him"
Everybody is attacking ray
Ray "monk … moon hide"
Monk " are you kidding me they outnumbered you let me fight"
Moon "me too"
Ray yelling "back off idiots … joining me won't change anything …. Lesson three read the situation" Turning his face and smiling don't worry I got your back kids"
Monk thumbs up "you got that"
Moon "but…"
Interrupted and monk carries her "he will do it … let's hide in cave it will be easier for him to fight"
six men attacks ray (two with swords, three with iron poles and one with hatchet) one with the sword trying to stab ray but ray get down and kick the sword throwing it up in the air, other one with a pole trying to hit him from the upside but ray rolling to the left side and stands up and one with the second sword trying to hit him from the left side but ray jumps and barely avoiding it and second swordsman hits the first mistakenly ,ray picks up the thrown sword in the air
Bill "what a bunch of clowns"
Ray lands on the one with sword but a plasma wave hit him from the back and thrown on cliff wall
Ray looking to bill with anger "you bastard coward" and stands up
The remaining four attacks ray but he runs on the wall and jumps behind the then running toward bill
Bill "plasma wave"
Ray slides beneath it and the wave hits the four behinds him tossing them away and continues running towards bill "it's your turn"
Bill "shot him"
An archers and bill throwing arrows and plasma balls towards ray but he avoiding or blocking them with the sword
Bill retreats fast and ray reaches the archers, one of the archers trying to shot him, but ray casting off the archers bow and hang it around the archers' neck then throwing him and his bow against the other archers
Bill "take this…. mega plasma ball" ray and bill are clashing with a sword and plasma ball
Bill thoughts "what …. He stopped my mega plasma ball"
Ray "aaaaaaaaaah"
Jone comes out of the pushes "you are weak lamp head" and punches ray
Ray thoughts "who is this" and tossed away from bill then the mega plasma ball pushing him away violently and huge explosion happens
After the smoke is cleared jone and bill didn't find anyone
Jone "where are they"
Bill "inside the cave hurry up"
Inside the cave monk and moon pulling ray
Monk "his body is heavily injured"
Moon "we have to hurry up"
Monk "he is heavy"
Moon "let's getting into here"
Entering and find the fountain
Moon "yuck ….this is disgusting it's full of blood"
Monk "fast.. let's have him drink it"
Moon hit monk head "it's blood idiot it's BLOOD"
Monk "this fountain has miraculous power may it'll heal him"
Moon "you have a point"
Monk takes some with his palm "common drink"
Ray wakes up and vomits "what is this awful taste? .... What are you trying to do?"
Moon "look it' the blood fountain"
Ray is heavily surprised "whaaaaaaat?"
Ray takes out the grail and ladles some of the blood then drinks it, monk and moon look at him with interest
Ray "is this everything I don't feel any change" then feel a sting in his ass "why you little…."
Monk "I have done nothing"
Ray "you sting my ass"
Monk how I can do that while I standing before you"
Ray is whitened "now I'm sure that I the stupid"
A voice "plasma ball"
Ray catches the kids and avoided it "he is here"
Bill enters and heavily surprised "it … it … it's the blood fountain" runs and takes a dip
Moon "disgusting"
Ray "what are you doing?"
Bill comes out (a very epic scene) "prepare for your doom"
Ray "I have drink from it and nothing is happened ... it's fake"
Bill surprised "lair" then stressing himself "aaaaaaaaak"
Monk "what is he doing?"
Ray "I don't know may be this is the right way"
Monk and moon surprised "then do as he doing"
Ray "no drinking from the grail is the right way"
Monk and moon surprised "then don't say it's the right way"
Ray "talk to me grail"
Monk "they are hopeless"
Bill farts
The kids are coughing
Ray "hack ... cough...cough...what is this smell man? ….what you have eaten today?"
Bill "at least I'm not talking to a cup" a spark between them
Jone enters and surprised "so this is the blood fountain"
The rest of the gang enters and surprised "so this is the blood fountain"
Bill attacks one of the gang and take his sword "I can't let you live, the treasure is mine"
Ray "yeah, this is so you kill your partner after getting what you want"
Bill attacks ray but ray blocks him with the sword
Ray wounds open up " *thwack*" and back off, bills sword closing to rays nick, a spark appears from Rays hands
Everybody "huh"
Ray "ah"
A thunderbolt from his hands and struck bill
Everybody is shocked
Monk "cool"
Moon "scary" and sets on her knees
Jone thoughts "impossible diamond power"
Bill burned, white eyes and smoke coming out of his mouth "damn it" and fells down
Ray looking to his hands sparking then looking to threat jone
Jone *gulp* "I'm not scare of you"
Ray "then take this" directing his hand toward jone "aaaaaah" but nothing happens "huh?"
Jone and his gang attacks but a thunderbolt coming out of ray hand (unintentionally) struck them down
Ray "I should learn to control it "and falls on his back
Moon running toward ray and reach him "ray wake up ray"
Monk walking "he will be fine he is our sensei after all" smile
Moon smiles back "you are right"
At the village
Ray wakes up in the motel room "ahh where am I? Is this was a dream" a pillow hit his face "aaack"
Monk "that was real idiot"
Ray yelling "stops it, brat… hmmm how I get here?"
Moon" we brought you here of course"
Monk "that was drag we didn't get a treasure"
Moon "at least we make it safe here"
Monk "but we are still poor"
Ray "may be not"
Monk and moon looking to ray with curiously "huh?"
At dark place
Boy voice "is we arrived yet"
Adult male voice "yes we are"
A torch is ignited
Ray caching a torch while monk and moon are amazed by the scene of gold mountains
Moon "this is unbelievable"
Monk "wow ,is this ours"
Ray "go ahead monk"
Monk "yes sensei" and go taking a dip
Ray "sensei?"
Moon "yes you thought us too much sensei… by the way what is your plans after getting your power?"
Ray " annihilating the empire"
Moon "huh?"
A golden crown hit ray head knocking him down
Ray yells "I said stop it …"another golden crown hit his head"
Monk "common ray don't cry"
Ray "you'll pay for this monk" runs toward monk and take a dip
Moon thoughts "so naive I wonder what world is going turn to if he did it" then she joins them

© Copyright 2012 frost (dark_prince at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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