Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1902010-Dreams-Come-True
by Nicole
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1902010
A tapping at the inside of the closet reveals that not all monsters are ugly
Chapter One

At first she wasn't certain what had awakened her and the tiniest of frowns marred Shadoe McKenzies forehead as she buried her head under her pillow and tried to go back to sleep,snuggling even deeper into her mattress and hoping to return to the dream she'd been almost sure starred a younger version of Brad Pitt and herself naked on some beach.

She'd almost dozed off again when the annoying tap-tapping of someone at the door disturbed her,making her glance at the clock..thinking that maybe it was her dad and his new wife coming home that had awakened her,but it was well after three a.m...hadn't they promised to be home before one?

Her next thought was of her half brother,Derrick by name,but he liked being called Mook for some unknown reason..but why would he be up at this hour?

When the tapping didn't stop she swung her legs from beneath the blanket and sat up,shoving her thick,tangled mass of reddish blonde curls up over her head before she stood up fully,yawning behind one raised hand.

" So help me God,Mook..If you just want a glass of water why wake me up for it? " She grumbled,moving to the door and opening it on an empty hallway and she scowled as she looked around the semi darkened length,looking for any sign of life but not even seeing a fly buzzing." Seriously,Mook? "

The pale light from the nightlight left on in the bathroom she shared with Mook gave her enough illumination to make it to his bedroom door so she could peer in at him,finding him sprawled out on his bed,the blankets twisted around his thin legs,the battered looking sock monkey he slept with spilled into a heap at the side of the bed,unnoticed by her much younger ' brother ' .

" What the hell-" She muttered softly,sneaking into the room on her tiptoes to return his favorite toy to its rightful place at his side and to straighten the blankets over both of them before she left the room again,chewing on her lip as she glanced toward her fathers room,wondering if she should check to see if they were home yet.

Thankfully she didn't have to peek into their room..she could hear Kyms gentle snores when she got to the half open doo,.telling her that it hadn't even been their headboard hitting the wall..as disgusting as that thought was to her she knew that they still had sex,but..ewww..her father had to be at least forty two if he was a day.

A shiver raced up her spine at that thought and she backed away,shaking her head and closing her eyes.

So,Okay..Everyone else in the house was asleep..who was doing the rapping on what door?

Shadoe went downstairs to look out the peekhole in the front door to see the streetlight lit front porch, then the kitchen window to see the darkened back yard, then she went back upstairs slowly,her forehead wrinkling into a scowl as she neared her room again..already she could hear the tapping..and the sounds of Lucys half whining growl and she hurried to the dogs side,running her hand down the barely noticeable bulge of her growing litter .

" It's okay girl..maybe we're both dreaming this wierd assed dream,huh? " She murmured in a soft voice for the dog,hoping to calm down boththteir racing hearts." I mean people don't come knockin' on closet doors in the middle of the night, right? " As if in answer Lucy whimpered and buried her stout nose under Shadoes arm,her crooked half tail quivering wildly,not sure if it wanted to wag or not.
" I know how you feel,baby..Oh what in the hell is it? " She demanded sharply when a loud stuccato of a knock sounded from the inside of her closet,interrupting her conversation with her dog.

Much to her shock she heard the slight snick of a sound when her closet door began to open..Now Lucy was showing some reaction..her upper lip was curving back to reveal her teeth and she tangeled her hand in the dogs collar,to keep Lucy safe from whatever it was opening the door..and she noticed that she had a sudden need to relieve her bladder that she'd not felt five minutes ago.

" Greetings.." The voice coming from the shadowed depts of the closet was feminine..soft and raspy..and she found herself leaning forward on the bed slightly,holding her breath. " I am Melina,and I am to guide you to where you need to be."

The being who walked out of the closet was the furthest thing from a monster as it could get,model thin and tomboyishly nuilt the young looking woman was a rare beauty with shimmering blue black hair to below her trim waist,a rich caramel colored complexion and large blueish grey eyes set in a finely chisled face..she even wore her miniscule halter type top and loin cloth skirt well..and she was barefooted.

She'd never thought she was bi curious but they say anythong was possible in dreams..at least the girl was hot.

" Where am I supposed to be,Melina?" She retorted,releasing Lucy,,who reluctantly followed her from the bed to stand at its foot with her mistress.

" To where your destiny calls..You were chosen in a vision." When the woman spoke Shadoe caught the flash of small teeth..a few pointed..and her pupils were huge and almost perfectly round." Come with me." She held out a slender hand and finally Shadoe noticed the ends of her slim digits ended in retractable claws instead of fingernails and she bounced back out of her reach." Oh please do make this difficult,I was told to bring you at any cost."She seemed to purr,smiling for the first time,revealing teeth meant more for a cats mouth,not a humans.

She'd seen enough wildlife shows to know that when a large cat spotted prey they rarely missed a meal and Melina was now staring alertly at the pulse beating rapidly at the base of her throat.

" Even as you stand there frozen in fear the young male child is being taken by three of our guards..Are you really going to give him up so easily?"Melina questioned calmly,looking bored to tears. " Would you care to see?"

The woman snapped her fingers and a floating globe of pulsating light appeared in the room between them,showing a view of three leanly built men making their way across the back yard,one held a half dozing Mook in his arms..just when she was about to make a mad dash for the kitchen door the foursome disappeared into nothingness.

" Where'd they go? Where'd they take him?" She demanded,leaping toward Melins..who snapped her fingers again to make the ball fade away,but the other female was ready for it and blocked her move easily." Take us to him." She added,straightening to her full hieght,although she was still short compared to the other woman.

" Us?"

" I'm not going without Lucy..this is my dream,so we do this my way..C'mon Luce!" With that being said she stalked into the closet..Lucy had no choice but to follow since she'd put her leash on..to her surprise when she got to the rear wall she noticed it shimmer wetly and the woman behind her pushed her into that cold nothingness,poor Lucy got yanked in whimpering the entire way.

Spinning around she glanced about for Melina,who had seemingly disappeared from view but when she shook her head to clear it she saw the woman leaning negligently against a gnarled trunked tree,tossing a plump fruit with an oddly orangeish red skin to it into the air then catching it.

" Are you quite ready or shall we continue to play this blase game of cat and mouse,as your kind puts it ? " She all but purred,finally straightening and shoving her curtain of siky hair over one bared shoulder before approacjing her on silent feet,the graceful movements resembling nothing so much as a big cat stalking prey. " Bring your..dog..and follow me."

The word 'dog'was said with a distinct sniff before the woman stalked past her and started along what looked like a deer path cutting through the field she found herself standing in...an honest to God field filled with newly sprouted grasses,wild flowers..or what passed for them here...and smallish shrubs and bushes scattered throughout the field made her get curious enough to look up and a sharp gasp filled her thoat before exploding in a rush of air.

" Oh dear God in heaven.." She murmured,squinting against the bright light of two suns lording over the sparsely cloud dotted ,lilac stained expanse overhead." This is one vivid dream huh Luce?"

In response Lucy raised her face toward her and she saw that she wore a big,goofy canine smile and her nose was twitching eagerly,wanting to investigate every smell.

" Go on,But you be careful missy..you have babies to worry about !"She scolded playfully,releasing the dog from her leash and knowing that no matter how far behind Lucy got she'd still catch up when she was ready to.

She watched the dogs once sleek light reddish brown body go racing off ahead of them and smiled despite herself..at least Lucy was allowed to enjoy her freedom for now...she only had about a month to go before her litter would be born,then she'd be trapped into taking care of the pups she'd never asked for.

She on the other hand had no real choice but to follow Melinas back,since she had not one clue as to where the hell they were going.

" There..That is our destination." Melina offered as if she'd read her mind,the swing of her hand drawing her attention to beyond where they stood and her eyes widened in her paling face,their already bruised purple shade deepening between long lashes.

In the distance that was something that she took to be a city of some sort by the way her selfapppointed guard was acting..all shoulders back and nonexistant chest out in self importance...between where they stood and that city stood various farms.

" Is that where they took Mook to?" Shadoe questioned softly,shoving her as of yet still unbrushed mop of tangles out of her eyes as she drew closer to the taller female.

" Indeed , I am to deliver you with urgency so do come along." Melina sounded so stiff,so utterly formal..that Shadoe wondered if she'd ever had a day where she just relaxed and had fun.

She'd been so lost in thought that she had to hurry to catch up to the leggy stride of the she cat looking woman before she was left behind,because although she knew that this had to be a dream she also knew that it was a very realistic one..she could really smell the scent of the cinnamony perfume coming from the bushes with brilliant crimson powderpuff flowers swayong on a gentle breeze...she could feel the warmth of the soft blades of grass beneath her bare feet..and the screaming cry of an animal she hoped was in the distance sounded all too real.

But since it was a dream there was no reason to be rude..she'd soon wake up in her own bed,warm and safe,with Lucy wrapped around her feet...and Kym would be so pissed if she told her that she hadn't been nice to this unusual woman.

" So exactly where are we anyway? " She questioned as they walked under a low hanging branch of one of the trees." I mean I don't recognize any of this from before." She just assumed that she'd been here in her dreans before now,wasn't that how things were?

" There is no reason for you believe that you should as you have never come here before now ." Melina responded with a chuff of laughter that Shadoe felt was so totally unnecessary.

Was it her imagination or had the other females pace quickened as the path took a decidedly right hand turn ?

Rounding the tree momentarily blocking her biew of the womans back Shadoe came to a swift stop,having come damn near face to face with the large feline sitting at Melinas side now..the woman was facing her too..a slight smile on her face.

" You are right Tam..she doesn't look like much,but the visions are never wrong and Dakarai said to bring them all." Melina crooned to the cat,who had turned great big golden eyes onto the woman." You have transportation ready?" The cat stood and stretched lazily,his tail waving in the air in a bored manner then he turned and loped off in the direction they were going anyway."Call your beast."

Ten minutes later they reach a clearing in the now thicker area of trees and she wasn't really surprised to find a trio of what looked like a leathery hided blend of a Clydesdale and a Quarter Horse standing in that clearing,saddled and waiting..their talon clawed feet ripping great chunks of grass and dead leaves left over from fall from the ground and the cat.

" I don't ride..never been on so much as a pony ride,sorry." She muttered,backing away from the snorting creatures,then Lucy sprang into the clearing,barking her fool head off and she lunged for the dog before the crazy thing collided with the now furiously hissing cat..then the air around the cat shimmered wildly and it was no longer a cat stabding there..it was a man..a very naked man... that could easily make her forget who Brad Pitt even was.

Blushing slightly she let her gaze slide from his mop of shaggy reddish tinged brown hair that reach well below his collarbones to a sculpted chest,a remarkably flat abdomen and trim waist to slender hips and long muscular legs..then she felt her eyes raise of their own will to the juncture of his thighs to find that he was definately anatomically correct.

" You can not even control the hu-man,Melina." The male spoke in a gravely voice and his own golden gaze swept over her." She will have to be cleaned up before she is shown to the council."

© Copyright 2012 Nicole (snicklefritz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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