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A down-on-his-luck Ad Exec. devises a plan to prevent his wife from receiving alimony. |
INT. SUBURBAN HOME - EVENING The following text fades in over black: One out of every two marriages in the United States end in divorce. In an at-fault divorce in the state of Pennsylvania, a spouse who is found guilty of infidelity will be barred from seeking spousal support. SUPER: NEW CASTLE, PA, 2003 DEN A close shot of a framed photograph of a bride and groom. Both are smiling and holding one another. The camera slowly pans over the wall to reveal more framed photos; the couple on a beach; at a New Year's Eve party; at a family barbecue - the man is grilling; another wedding photo, the couple feeding each other cake; the couple sitting on a couch, the woman hiding her face while the man tries to pry her hands away, playfully. The last photo frame that we see is EMPTY. The camera pans down to a man sleeping on a couch, his body turned away from the camera. The man is JOHN AVERY, a successful businessman in his mid-40s. He has a short, stocky build and his head of brown hair is beginning to go bald. As the man stirs uncomfortably in his sleep, the title of the film fades in: A PREEMPTIVE STRIKE The man's alarm clock is shown, the time is 11:29. As the time changes to 11:30, the alarm BEEPS and the man immediately turns it off, as if he's been waiting for it. The man throws the covers off, revealing that he's still dressed. He wipes the sleep from his eyes and runs a hand through his messy hair. After a beat, he stands and walks out of the room. EXT. HIGHWAY - LATER An extended POV shot of a vehicle being driven down a snow-covered highway in the dead of night. The snow is coming down heavy, obscuring the driver's view and drifting across the pavement. The combination of snow and dark highway driving gives off a claustrophobic feeling. FADE TO BLACK INT. WELLINGTON'S PUB - LATER A man is seated at a booth in a fairly run-down bar. He's drinking a pint of beer and he appears bored. The man is ANTON BRODY, a tall, attractive man in his early 50s, with tan skin and a very light beard. He has close-cropped dark hair with specks of grey. The man finishes his drink and looks around the room for the waitress. He catches her eye and signals her to come over with a wave of his hand. WAITRESS How ya doin' hun? Can I getcha' 'nother? ANTON BRODY Yeah, that'd be great. Actually - get me two. I'm expecting company. WAITRESS Two cold ones, comin' right up! The waitress grabs the empty pint glass and walks away. Anton stares at her ass as she walks. Anton is distracted by the FLASH OF HEADLIGHTS coming through the front window of the pub. A moment later, John walks through the front door wearing a heavy winter jacket, a knitted winter hat and heavy winter gloves. John removes his gloves clumsily and takes out his cell phone. He dials a phone number and hears the jingle of a RINGTONE in the distance. John investigates the source of the noise while holding his phone out in front of him awkwardly (and unnecessarily) until he comes upon Anton's table. ANTON BRODY You made it. JOHN AVERY Yeah, sorry. The roads were a mess. Haven't been to Pittsburgh in years. John smiles nervously. ANTON BRODY Well, you're one of the lucky ones then. (beat) Go on, take a seat. I don't bite. John sits down across from Anton, leaving his jacket and hat on. Anton stares at John. ANTON BRODY So things didn't quite work out, huh? My condolences. JOHN AVERY What's that? ANTON BRODY Your marriage. Jesus, I hope that's why you're here. Steve said-- JOHN AVERY Yeah, well...that's not really...I'd prefer not to get into that. ANTON BRODY It's why we're here, isn't it? After a beat: JOHN AVERY What's the plan here? ANTON BRODY The plan... Anton smiles. ANTON BRODY Well, that's what we need to figure out, isn't it? The waitress brings two beers over to the table. ANTON BRODY Ah good timing, thanks so much. WAITRESS Cheers, boys. Anton raises his glass in cheers and holds it there, waiting for John to do the same. JOHN AVERY Oh, no thanks, I'm actually not really much of a drinker. ANTON BRODY Now would be a great time to start. Anton pushes his drink forward a bit in mid-air, spilling some on John's side of the table. ANTON BRODY Cheers. Anton takes a long gulp of beer and sets the mug down on the table. JOHN AVERY So...the plan. ANTON BRODY Well, I guess the plan is to fuck your wife, isn't it? JOHN AVERY (quietly) Jesus Christ! JOHN AVERY Do you mind? John motions to the elderly couple sitting near to them, afraid that they might overhear. JOHN AVERY I was told you'd be professional about this. ANTON BRODY You know what I do, right? John nods. ANTON BRODY And you know this isn't my first time doing this right? JOHN AVERY Listen, I know, I'm just...I mean, are you sure it's gonna work? ANTON BRODY Well, you can never be totally sure, John. If you need some statistics, which I'm assuming you do, I'd say my success rate is...seventy...maybe seventy-five percent. Those are pretty good numbers, all things considered. I take pride in those numbers. JOHN AVERY And what if I'm one of the twenty-five percent? ANTON BRODY Then you'll get your money back, don't worry about it. My word is my bond. Speaking of money though... JOHN AVERY Oh, right. John reaches into his winter jacket and pulls out a large Manila envelope. He passes it across the table. ANTON BRODY Great, the hard part's over then. Now, I will need a few things from you before we move on. JOHN AVERY Sure, like what? ANTON BRODY Well, first of all...does she have any hobbies outside of the home? JOHN AVERY What kinda hobbies? ANTON BRODY I don't know, John, I'm not the one married to her. Oh! Before we even get into that...I need the name and photo. Didja bring that? JOHN AVERY Her name's Rachel and... John reaches into his pocket and pulls out a PHOTO of himself and Rachel at the beach. JOHN AVERY That one's pretty recent...about 6 months old. ANTON BRODY That's perfect, thanks. Hey, you guys make a pretty cute couple. John frowns at Anton. ANTON BRODY Anyways...hobbies. I can't just bump into her at Circuit City and ask for a quickie behind the batteries. That usually doesn't work too well. I need a good reason to talk to her. What's her routine like? John thinks; after a beat: JOHN AVERY She's been going to Yoga for the last few weeks every Wednesday night. I'm not sure where, though. Some place in town, that's all I know. ANTON BRODY And this is where? JOHN AVERY In New Castle...I thought you were told...I know it's a bit of a drive, but-- ANTON BRODY Somehow that part was left out. Don't worry about it, I'll figure out where the place is. Might have to bill you for the mileage though. John looks confused. ANTON BRODY That was a joke. JOHN AVERY All right, real good. So...is that it then? Anton winks at John and takes another drink. ANTON BRODY Here's the deal; we're gonna meet back here next week, same time, same place. Everything should be taken care of...and you'll be one step closer to freedom, my friend. John nods and gets up to leave. ANTON BRODY See you next week, John. And don't worry, I'll pick up the tab...ha ha! Anton nudges the envelope that John gave him. JOHN AVERY Put that away before someone sees it. John puts his gloves back on as he walks to the exit with a look of deep concern on his face. INT. CAR - LATER John is driving back home. The time on the clock radio reads 1:32. The glow of the street lights flickers across John's face as he drives. He still has a look of concern on his face. He runs a hand through his hair and rubs his forehead. EXT. AVERY HOME - LATER John pulls his BMW into the driveway of his home. He parks the car and removes his gloves. He looks down at the ring on his finger. He fiddles with it, taking it off and putting it back on. John exits the car and walks to the front door of the house. He struggles with getting the key in the lock and ends up dropping the key ring on the porch. JOHN AVERY Damn it... John picks up the keys and unlocks the door. INT. AVERY HOME - CONTINUOUS FRONT DOOR The house is dark. As John opens the door, a BEEPING noise begins. John turns to his left and turns off the house alarm by punching in the code. MASTER BEDROOM John opens the door to the bedroom slightly, letting in a bit of light from the hallway. His wife, RACHEL AVERY, is asleep in the middle of the bed. Rachel is an attractive woman in her early 30s. She has long dark hair and a thin build. There are two pillows on the floor in front of the doorway. John stares at Rachel for a few moments and then stares at the floor. He reaches down and picks up the pillows. DEN John is watching TV. All of the lights are off in the room and John's face is illuminated with bright, white light from the television screen. John is looking off to the side with half-closed eyelids, not really paying attention to what's happening on the screen. TV From New York, the greatest city in the world, it's The Late Show with David Letterman! Tonight, Executive Producer of The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson, Peter Lassally and a musical performance from Doc Severinsen! Plus, Paul Shaffer and the CBS Orchestra! And now, the youngest Gabor sister, David Letterman! (applause) A few minutes later, the room is dark and John is lying down on the couch. He stares out at the moon in the night sky and eventually closes his eyes. CUT TO BLACK INT. WELLINGTON'S PUB - LATER Anton is sitting by himself at the same table he's been sitting at all night. There are now four empty beer mugs surrounding him. Anton takes out his flip-top cell phone and scrolls through his contacts until he gets to "Dafino, William". He dials the number. WILLIAM DAFINO (VO) Yeah? ANTON BRODY Hey Bill, how ya doin'? Listen I need a bit of a favour from you. WILLIAM DAFINO (VO) I'm listening...assuming it's a paid favour. ANTON BRODY You'll be paid, don't worry. I need you to put a tail on a 'Rachel Avery' of New Castle. Husband's name is 'John Avery'. He owns some advertising firm down there. See where she goes, what her routine is like. I hear she likes Yoga. Get back to me when you have something. WILLIAM DAFINO (VO) (sarcastically) Of course Anton, anything for you. ANTON BRODY Thanks pal, I owe you one. WILLIAM DAFINO (VO) You don't owe me 'one', you owe me 'money'. A BEAUTIFUL GIRL walks in, heavily bundled in a winter jacket. She walks toward the bar. Anton glances at the woman, distracted. After a beat: ANTON BRODY Right, that's what I meant. Anyways, I gotta go, you say hi to Marge for me OK? Take care. Anton hangs up the phone and takes a sip of his beer, never taking his eyes off of the woman. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded PHOTOGRAPH. He unfolds it to reveal a picture of a young man and the beautiful girl, laughing and hugging in Las Vegas in front of the MGM Grand Casino. Anton gets up from the booth and wanders over to the bar. He stands next to the beautiful girl and tries to get the bartender's attention. The WELLINGTON'S PUB BARTENDER walks over. ANTON BRODY Uh, Rolling Rock please. The Wellington's Pub Bartender nods and walks away. Anton looks around the room and glances at the beautiful girl. They catch each other's glance for a moment and they both smile. WELLINGTON'S PUB BARTENDER five fifty. Anton throws down a five dollar bill and two singles and takes the beer. ANTON BRODY (to the bartender, as the bartender walks away) Cheers. Anton scans the bar area as if searching for an empty seat, even though there's one beside the beautiful girl. ANTON BRODY (to the beautiful girl) This seat taken? The beautiful girl flashes Anton a wide smile and shyly shakes her head no. The sound of a woman SCREAMING and MOANING can be heard over the image of the beautiful girl in the bar smiling at Anton, leading into the next scene... INT. ANTON'S APARTMENT - LATER BEDROOM A close-up view of the beautiful girl's face is seen as she MOANS loudly while having sex. Pulled further away from the action, we can see that she and Anton are having sex in his bed. Anton is on top of her. BEAUTIFUL GIRL Oh God! Oh my gawwwwd! The headboard is WOBBLING back and forth as Anton uses it for support. Another close-up of the girl's face is seen. She continues MOANING loudly. Panning down past the two, as they grind and hump one another, to the floor of the apartment: The moaning reaches it's high point and suddenly stops as the girl climaxes. On the floor of the apartment there are clothes strewn about. Next to a pair of wrinkled jeans is the folded up photo of the beautiful girl and her husband. FADE TO BLACK INT. ANTON'S APARTMENT - LATER An overhead shot is seen of Anton and the girl lying in bed, both seemingly asleep. The girl opens her eyes and looks to her side to see if Anton is asleep. She creeps out of bed slowly and starts putting her clothes back on. She steps on the PHOTO but doesn't notice. The girl puts on her jacket and shoes and leaves the apartment, quietly opening and closing the door behind her. Anton opens his eyes as soon as she leaves. He gets out of bed and watches out the window as she gets into her car. He smiles to himself, scratches his head and starts walking across the room. On his way, he steps on the PHOTO. Anton bends down and picks it up. He shakes his head and tosses it in a garbage can. He wanders over to the dresser where we see a small CAMCORDER is hidden among a pile of clothes. CLOSE-UP OF CAMCORDER BUTTONS Anton hits the 'stop' button. CUT TO BLACK EXT. AVERY ADVERTISING - DAY FLARE TO WHITE WIDE EXTERIOR: THREE-STORY OFFICE BUILDING The building is home to several businesses, including Avery Advertising. The windows are floor to ceiling. Snow is falling and the landscape and sky are mostly white. CLOSER EXTERIOR: BOARDROOM Four men are sitting around a large conference room table. Three of them are having an animated conversation, while the fourth appears uninterested and has his head buried in his laptop. INT. BOARDROOM - CONTINUOUS TIGHT SHOT: SIGN (AVERY ADVERTISING) John, dressed in a suit and tie, is staring at his computer, playing online poker, while the other three are talking loudly. KYLE (speaks with a stutter) The bottom line is, they just don't know what the heck they want! I put the lemon on the top of the bottle and they say it's too dominant. I put it on the middle of the bottle and they say it's too focused. I'm tired of moving this fucking lemon! KYLE is a heavyset man with boyish features. His eyes bug out when he gets excited and he has a tendency to stutter as he speaks. MATT Why don't we suggest a bunch of waves or...I don't know...a water droplet? That's good, right? People see water, they think fresh. It's like a subconscious thing. KYLE We've already been over this, they want a tropical feel to this thing and water isn't tropical. I can go to the kitchen right now and pour you a glass of water, I don't have to be in Honolulu to see a water droplet. TIM And a lemon is tropical? My wife buys lemons every week and last time I checked, FoodLand didn't have a tropical theme going on. MATT Fuck, is it still snowing out there? TIM Yeah...never ends. MATT I don't know, this is a lost cause. I'm hungry, are you guys hungry? I could go for some Roti right about now, anyone wanna grab some Roti with me? TIM That place down on Verlander? I went there last week with Stevens, something was off. KYLE Well I guess it doesn't have to be a lemon. What about a pineapple? The spikes might be a bit too much, though. MATT You nuts? That place is great, it's never off, it must have been a fluke. TIM I had diarrhea for 3 days, I'm not going back there. KYLE Cantaloupe? Kiwi?...Avocado? After a beat: KYLE John, you wanna weigh in here? John looks up with a blank stare on his face. He looks tired. JOHN AVERY Uh, yeah. Don't worry about it. I'll talk to Jennifer later about this and get it all straightened out. Listen, why don't we all take an hour for lunch, meet back here at 1? KYLE I'm sorry John, I'm just frustrated. JOHN AVERY I know, it's fine. KYLE People don't realize, I'm a senior graphic designer, I can make a decision on where to put a fucking... (beat) Never mind. See you after lunch. Everyone nods, stands up and goes towards the door except for John, who remains seated. TIM (in the distance) I'm not getting the runs again, forget it. John opens up his instant messenger program and clicks on Steve Peters' contact icon. A window pops open. JOHN AVERY (text message) I met with the guy STEVE PETERS (text message) u serious? Thought u said u werent gonna go for it? John stares at the screen. After a beat: JOHN AVERY (text message) You hungry? John stares outside at the bright, winter day. The snow is falling quickly and creating a fresh layer on the parking lot outside. INT. OFFICE LOBBY - MOMENTS LATER John is walking out of the building and passes the front desk. He walks past ELIZABETH REISENFELD, the secretary at Avery Advertising. Elizabeth is a young woman in her mid-20s with curly blonde hair and a perpetual smile. ELIZABETH REISENFELD Psst. John turns around. JOHN AVERY (dismissive) Oh, hey Liz. ELIZABETH REISENFELD How ya doin'? You wanna grab lunch with me today? JOHN AVERY Uh, no. No, that's OK, thanks, I'm a bit busy. You faxed that memo to Jennifer yet? ELIZABETH REISENFELD Well, no I-- JOHN AVERY Well, get it out before one, I have a meeting with her this afternoon. Actually, if you could just do it now... ELIZABETH REISENFELD Sorry... John stares at her. After a beat: JOHN AVERY Just... John looks like he wants to say something, but instead waves her off and walks out of the building. Elizabeth stares at him as he walks away, looking far too hurt for simply forgetting a fax. INT. RESTAURANT - LATER Two plates of food are placed on a table. The food looks unappetizing. It's mostly unrecognisable pub grub. WAITRESS Anything else I can get you? JOHN AVERY No...no, thank you, I think we're good. STEVE PETERS, a balding, paunchy man in his mid-40s, starts eating hungrily. John fidgets in his chair. STEVE PETERS This Chicken-Fried Chicken is amazing. You wanna try? JOHN AVERY That's quite possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life. STEVE PETERS All right, I'll agree, it's not five-star dining, but it gets the job done. What's up with you anyway? You've had a sour puss on since you walked in here. JOHN AVERY Just tired, I guess. Been sleeping on the couch all week. Steve grins as he chews noisily. STEVE PETERS I know how it goes, buddy. You're making the right choice though, you know. JOHN AVERY Yeah. STEVE PETERS So how'd that go, anyway? You met with him, everything's cool? JOHN AVERY Yeah, last night. We talked it out, he seemed real OK with the whole situation. We're gonna meet up again in a week. STEVE PETERS Yeah, I told you...the guy acts fast. I don't know how he does it. Well OK, he's a sexy fucking guy, that's how he does it. If I looked like him I'd be getting all kindsa pussy too. JOHN AVERY You sound like you've got a little thing for him there, Steve. STEVE PETERS Hey, there's nothing wrong with a man admitting that another man is good looking. Shows you're comfortable with your own sexuality. JOHN AVERY Yeah, well, when you describe him as "fucking sexy", it doesn't help your case. Steve laughs with his mouth full of food. Some of it sprays out. STEVE PETERS Whatever, man. Oh, hey, I didn't tell you...the divorce was finalized on the weekend. JOHN AVERY No kiddin'? STEVE PETERS Yeah, done deal. I'm a free man! JOHN AVERY So, it worked then? STEVE PETERS Oh, it fuckin' worked. Don't have to pay a dime going forward. Yeah, she got like thirty percent out of the shared account, but it wasn't the end of the world. I like to think of it as a one-time fee to buy back my freedom. Smooth sailing from here on out. You'll see, you'll be there soon too. I just wish I was there when she saw the tape. She probably shit her pants! Steve laughs to himself. JOHN AVERY Yeah... STEVE PETERS Hey, I'm tellin' ya man...it's gonna be fine, just keep your chin up. John picks at his food. STEVE PETERS You see Liz at all this week? JOHN AVERY Naw... John stares at his food. STEVE PETERS You kidding? She's a piece of ass, John. And, let's not forget...you're a free man. Well, let me rephrase that. A free man in the making. Have fun, why not? You deserve it, buddy. The waitress walks up. WAITRESS Aww you didn't like your food? JOHN AVERY It's all right...I'm just not real hungry, I guess. WAITRESS I'll get you a doggy bag. Always good for a midnight snack, right? The waitress smiles and walks off. John's cell phone BUZZES in his pocket. He pulls it out and reads the message. ELIZABETH REISENFELD (text message) Did I do something wrong? Why won't you return my calls? John flips his phone closed and puts it back in his pocket. JOHN AVERY Hey, listen, I think I'm gonna get back. STEVE PETERS Jesus, you just got here! John throws down a twenty dollar bill and stands up, putting his jacket back on. JOHN AVERY Sorry, I've just got a lot on my plate right now. I'll talk to you later. John walks away. STEVE PETERS Let me know how it goes! As John walks away, Steve is in the background reaching across the table with his fork to pick food off of John's plate. FADE TO BLACK |