Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1921643-Cheyenne
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Adult · #1921643
romance story about one country girl and a man she meets.
She awoke with the sun and pulled on her worn levis and buttoned up her blue jean shirt. She made herself a batch of eggs and some orange juice before going out to split wood. Oh it was early alright, so early that had it been her younger years, her brother and she wouldn’t have gotten out of bed. She laughed as she stacked the wood she’d split. Thinking of her younger years always made her laugh. No matter how bad she thought she had it then, she really had it pretty easy.
        She came in for lunch and had three messages on her answering machine.
        ‘Cheyenne, its mom. Just wanted to check in with you. Dad said he talked to you last week and you said you were going to come by. Just wondering when you were coming by. Call us. Love you.’
        ‘Cheyenne, its Jaime. I have off this weekend. Let’s go out on the town Saturday night. I know you need to get out of that house of yours and all that work and flirt with some gorgeous cowboys. Lord knows I need it too! Call me!’
        ‘Cheyenne, well I hope this is Cheyenne. If not, I’m sorry. If so, Cheyenne, it’s Beau. I just wanted to see how you were doing, it’s been awhile since we’ve talked, or seen each other. I have some time off this weekend and I would like to stop by for a visit. My number is 715-678-9854.’

        She sat down; shocked that Beau had called her. She hadn’t seen him in months. Much less talked to him. Between his rodeos and her working all the time, her dad always told her it most likely wouldn’t work with the distance between them and all. But she didn’t want to hear it. She let her heart feel what it felt for Beau and whatever happened to that boy was God’s doing and she couldn’t stop either one of them. But good golly she was going to marry that boy one day. The last time they had talked he had called her to tell her he was riding in Appaloosa and he was going to win the big money. She didn’t know what to say to him. Whatever she said wouldn’t matter too much because he was going to do it anyhow. She wished him luck, and prayed to God that he didn’t get severely injured. 
        She picked up her phone, and sat there. Then she set it down, walked out to her living room and turned on her stereo. Chris Ledoux began to sing ‘This cowboy’s hat’ and she began to cry. It was the song that Beau had introduced her to so many years ago. She laughed to herself once the song had ended. ‘By God if that isn’t a sign from the Lord himself.’ She collected her thoughts and went back to pick up her phone. She grabbed the piece of paper where she jotted down Beau’s number. Her hand shook as she dialed his number. The phone rang once and this rich, deep voice answered. Cheyenne couldn’t speak. She heard him say hello three times. She hung up after the last time. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t talk to him, her heart was too wounded. It would never heal if she talked to him.
        She put down her phone and went and lay down in her room. She lay across her bed, her old blankets and her favorite stuffed animals lay with her. She reached out for the nearest one and clutched it tight and began to cry. When she finally calmed and looked at the stuffed animal, she realized it was Bob, the stuffed dog Beau had given her when he first visited her at her parents house all those years ago. She began to cry again, losing Beau would be the worst thing since her dad leaving that she’d ever dealt with. After giving her heart to Beau and professing her love when she clearly was only looked at like a sex object, she felt betrayed and rejected. Used, like a towel and thrown out to wash. She would not allow that.
She got up, and erased the message Beau had left her. Called her mom and told her she’d visit on Sunday, then called Jaime and told her that she was to cancel all her plans for the next two days because she needed therapy and bad. Jaime knew exactly what Cheyenne meant and she rounded up all her single cowboy friends and ladies and they all went dancing.
Cheyenne danced with many good lookin’ rugged cowboys that night. But none of them struck her fancy. She had a lot of fun, but this one lone boy struck her interest. He stood tall, handsome and appeared to be smart. But that had yet to be determined. His smile was nice. His drawl…a slight mix of southern and Midwestern twang. She swallowed her fear and approached him.
“My name’s Cheyenne. What’s yours?”
He shook her hand firmly and smiled that gorgeous smile Cheyenne liked.
        “Would you like to dance?”
Cheyenne nearly fell over. She tried not to giggle like a school girl. He walked her out to the center of the dance floor as the dj played an old Garth song. She tried so hard not to sing along but she couldn’t help it. She nearly panicked when she heard Nate singing along with her. She looked up at him and smiled. She knew right then that she wanted to get to know him better. They danced through the next two songs and Cheyenne couldn’t tell which ones they were but she knew the last one would stay with her forever.
Nate held Cheyenne in his arms and couldn’t help but smile as he watched her sing along with Shenandoah as they sang, ‘Moon over Georgia”. He loved her smile and the way her eyes danced as she sang and danced with him. He’d never met anyone like her. She was sweet, tenderhearted and full of love. He was amazed that no one had swept her up already. He wanted so bad to ask her why she didn’t have a man on her arm but he decided that he would find out more about her by asking her for her number and then asking her out on a formal date.
Cheyenne left that night in a world of happiness. She had Nate’s number, he had hers, and she could smell his cologne on her button down shirt. Jaime looked at her and laughed.
        “You’re gonna sleep in that button down aren’t you? Why didn’t you just take him home with you? That way you could smell him on you and not just your shirt!”
Cheyenne slapped Jaime in the arm and laughed. Cheyenne was not a ‘take- home-sleep-with-send-home’ kinda girl. She preferred her men stay with her a long time before bringing them home. She learned that the hard way. Cheyenne climbed up the steps and took off her boots. She laughed as she watched Jaime nearly collapse onto the bed with her clothes half on. She helped Jaime out of her shoes and then wrapped her in the blanket and crawled in next to her and laughed.
      It had been almost three years since they last had a night like this. She remembered because it was Jaime’s birthday and she always let Cheyenne bunk with her. Ever since they were kids. It didn’t matter to them. They were cousins, but sisters at heart and sharing a bed was what sisters did. Cheyenne laughed even harder because she could see her future husband having to rescue her from a drunken night out with Jaime and having to pick her up out of Jaime’s bed. She prayed that he would fit in the family really well. Or at least grow into the family.
Jaime woke up to someone singing or at least that’s what she heard. She lay in bed holding her throbbing forehead and realized it was Cheyenne’s phone ringing. She answered it.
        “Hi, this is Nate. Is Cheyenne awake yet?”
Jaime nearly fell out of bed trying to wake up Cheyenne. She tried not to scream as she tried to tell Cheyenne who was on the phone. Cheyenne knew immediately who was on the phone just by how Jaime was acting. Cheyenne took the phone and a breath and answered.
        “Cheyenne, its Nate. I just wondered what you were doing today and if you’d like to join me in an afternoon of lunch, and a tour of the horse stable I work at. If you don’t want to that is ok. I was only……”
Cheyenne didn’t give Nate time to finish as she nearly screamed yes into the receiver. They arranged to meet at a little quiet restaurant that Nate had said was particularly good and hung up. Cheyenne looked at Jaime and squealed.
        “OH MY GOD! I can’t believe this is happening!”
Cheyenne fell onto the bed and sighed. Jaime laughed.
        “Chey, its been way too long since you’ve had a good guy in your life. Maybe Nate is the one for you. I could totally see you two having kids and a huge farm house and everything you dreamed of since we were kids.”
Cheyenne laughed. If anyone knew about her dreams of owning a farm and at least four kids, it was Jaime. Cheyenne raced around trying to find something to wear and laughed when Jaime threw at her a worn pair of wranglers and a cute baby pink button down with a white tank top to go underneath. Only Jaime would know exactly what Cheyenne wanted to wear.
        “Now, leave the first three buttons undone, just to show off a little but not too much. It’ll look cute. Besides, he’ll go crazy looking at you!”  Cheyenne laughed nervously as she hugged Jaime goodbye. She climbed into her trust old ’88 Ford and turned the key. Listening to the engine roar and hum calmed her nerves. She smiled as she remembered when her father found this truck for her. It was just after she finished a summer of drag racing with her uncle in his ’69 Dodge Dart. That girl had a 440 under the hood and had so much power it scared the shit out of Cheyenne when she first got in it. She got out, being she rode passenger with her uncle that firs time, and nearly fell on the ground she was so shaken up.
        Since that summer, Cheyenne had won three thousand dollars and a few men’s hearts. But she was looking for something other than a fast car and an even faster man. This made her snap back to reality when she remembered she had to meet Nate. She almost missed the turn for the restaurant and pulled a u-turn to the parking lot. She parked the truck and quickly checked her makeup in the rearview. She took one last deep breath, muttered a prayer to the Lord and to her grandmother to see her through all of the events planned today and whatever Nate had up his sleeve. She walked to the door and Nate was waiting just inside.
        “Hello Cheyenne darlin’” Nate said as he took her arm and led her to their table in the southwest corner near the view of the lake. He pulled her chair out for her and gently pushed her in close to the table, then seated himself. He smiled at her, catching her eye. He stared at her in complete awe, how one single woman, so gorgeous could in fact be single. Cheyenne stared back into his eyes, a perfect hazel color, stunningly bright. She felt as if she could be lost in those eyes for the rest of her life. Cheyenne wiggled in her chair.
“Nate, how long have you worked at the horse stable?” she asked him intriguingly. He sipped his water and then smiled before answering.
        “I’ve worked there since I was twelve. My father was one of the occasional helpers. We lived next door and so he would take our tractor over to cut the fields or bale hale in the fields that are behind the stable. I first started mucking out the stalls, and now I’m a trainer and I teach young boys and girls how to ride. They are so fun and to watch the little girls interact with the horses is so amazing. The horses really take a shining to the girls. The boys, not so much. The boys just want to be like me and the other men in the stable. Train and ride. But they haven’t yet figured about all the hard work it takes to care of the animals.”
      Cheyenne sat in awe as the waiter came by with there order. Cheyenne could smell her steak and mashed potatoes and green beans. Nate tried not to drool over his plate while he stared at Cheyenne. He dug into his steak an potatoes, trying not to talk with his mouthful, but wanting to know more about Cheyenne.
        “So how long have you lived on your own out here?”
“I’ve lived here all my life. But I just recently bought my own place about 6 months ago. Just a tiny little quiet place. One room, full bath, kitchen, living room. Perfect for a single country girl with no men in her life.”
    ‘Just wait honey, I’ll be in your life soon enough.’ Nate thought to himself as he waited for her to continue telling him about herself.
After lunch Nate helped Cheyenne into his truck. Cheyenne almost died, it was a brand new Ford F-350 crew cab super duty special edition. Decked out with all the trimmings. She settled into the leather seat and nearly had an orgasm from just the smell of the leather. Nate walked around the front of the truck, watching out the corner of his eye as Cheyenne melted into the leather seat. He stifled a laugh as he climbed in the driver’s side.
Cheyenne sat in the passenger seat, looking out the window at the beautiful farms going by. Nate turned on the radio, slightly grazing Cheyenne’s leg as he reached for the dial. Cheyenne gasped at his touch. How could a little brush make her so weak? Nate squeezed her knee as he took note of her reaction to the brush against her leg. He felt her muscles go rigged in her leg at his touch, he smiled. He wanted to touch her, tease her, make her scream for him. But not yet, there would be time for that soon enough. Nate pulled his truck into the gravel driveway, he watched as Cheyenne’s face lit up at the sight of all the horses.
“Do you take care of every single one?” she asked him.
        “Pretty much. But not all at once.” He smiled at her laughing.
He parked the truck in front of the barn and walked around to her side. She was about to get out when Nate had opened her door. She laughed.
        “You do know that I’m not an idiot.”
Nate laughed and lifted her out of the cab. Cheyenne prayed he couldn’t feel the heat radiate from her as he lifted her. She tried so hard not to reach out and run her hands down his chest. Instead, she braced herself against him by resting her hands on his shoulders. Nate set her down and closed the door of the truck, while Cheyenne walked toward the stable. He hung back a little bit watching her walk away from him, enjoy the view. He smiled as he watched her hips move from side to side as she walked, her cute little ass beckoning to him to reach out and touch it. Her jeans hugging every curve of her, making him only want to take them off of her even more.
She knew he was watching, he must have been. So of course she was going to put on a little show. So she did what she knew best, swung her hips a little bit and did her ‘sexy strut’ as Jaime called it. Cheyenne wanted nothing more than for him to walk up behind her and hold her close against him. But she kept walking, tantalizing and teasing his senses. She didn’t know how much more of this she could take so she ducked into the nearest open doorway to calm her nerves and senses.
Nate nearly cried out as he watched her duck behind a doorway. He ached everywhere, his pulse was racing. How he wished he could take her, right here, in one of the empty stalls. There were only the horses there; no one else knew they were there. After a few moments he calmed the raging fire in his blood and went to go seek out Cheyenne. He found her just in one of the stalls, well he heard her before he saw her. He peeked around the doorway slightly, watching her as she slipped her hand inside her jeans.
Cheyenne couldn’t wait for Nate, she had to extinguish the fire now. She was a little nervous about what she was going to do and the fear of getting caught, but she needed to calm the fire. Besides, only the horses would see her. She took a deep breath and unzipped her jeans and slipped her hand inside. She tried to stifle her moan as she slid a finger inside herself. She rested her head against the stall and bent her knees slightly, gaining more access.
Nate watched, nearly drooling. He felt his breath catch as he watched her movements. He turned and leaned against the wall, took a deep breath and ran a shaking hand through his hair. He wanted to touch her, feel her. He could hear her moaning softly and it only made the ache in his jeans worse. He turned back and glanced at Cheyenne. He took one last deep breath and stepped in the doorway.
Cheyenne nearly fell over. She saw Nate out of the corner of her eye and turned to do a double take and she nearly screamed, fumbling and stammering. Nate walked over to her, placing his hands on her arms.
“Shh… it’s ok. You don’t have to be afraid or embarrassed.” He leaned against her, pressing his waist against her, letting her feel him. She gasped, running her hands along his chest. The heat of him was exciting her more.
“Nate… I …” Cheyenne blushed. She didn’t know what to say. Nate had just caught her in a major intimate moment in a public place. What could she say to that? Nate reached around and lifted her up against him; he grimaced as she lid roughly against his crotch. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he slid his hands beneath her tank top. He kissed her full an breathless then whispered.
“It’s ok; I just wish you would have waited for me. I would have helped you.”
Cheyenne leaned against him, needing him, but enjoying this closeness they shared. She felt a connection to him, from her soul. She looked into his hazel eyes, loving how they comforted her and made her feel safe. He stared at her, smiling. Knowing exactly what she was thinking.
“I’ve wanted to claim you as mine since you walked up to me that night. Since I first held you in my arms. I wanted to take you home that night and hold you in my arms as you slept. I couldn’t sleep that night, I wondered how you looked as you slept, what you slept in, how you tasted. God I want to taste you!” he whispered against her lips as he gently kissed them. Slowly working his tongue inside her mouth. She moaned as she tasted him and he slid his hands to her breasts and squeezed gently. She tightened her grip with her legs, and lifted her hips a little bit, grazing his crotch.
Nate nearly came undone with that slight shift of her hips. He softly growled in her ear, unhooking her bra. He stopped abruptly, causing Cheyenne to cry out, as he went to close the door, just incase someone would happen to stop by. He let go of her slightly, and ran his hands up her thighs and cupped her ass in his hands. He moaned against her neck, drawing her closer to him as she lifted his chin and sucked on his lower lip. He turned around and lay her down on the bale of hay sitting near the opposite wall. Sure it wasn’t what he envisioned for his first time with her, but he was going to spontaneously combust if he didn’t get inside her soon.

Cheyenne watched carefully as Nate lay her on the hay bale. He reach his hands inside her jeans and slid them off her body. Kneeling in between her legs, he removed her panties, kissed her stomach and began blowing softly on her pussy. Cheyenne grasped anything she could as he continued his slow sensual assault on her body. She couldn’t find her breath, she was gasping for air, needing to fill her lungs with cool sweet air to extinguish the fire in her blood. She wrapped her fingers in Nate’s hair an pulled gently.
Nate inhaled the sweet scent of her, lightly blowing on her, trying to make her mad with wanting him. He loved to watch her squirm for him, watch her body respond to his touch so eager and needing. He continued his assault on her, but then stopped, unwinding her hands from his hair and took it in his own. He stood above her, placing her hand on his belt buckle, and grinned. Cheyenne looked at him confused for just a moment, and then she slowly unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. Working his jeans down his thighs and onto the floor, she reached out to touch him. Feel his strength in her hands.
Cheyenne played with Nate for a little while, teasing him. Taking hold of his cock in her hands and stroking him gently. She watched as his eyes rolled back in his head a few times. His moans echoed in her ears and she grew wet as he moaned. She couldn’t take it anymore. She had to have him, taste him. Cheyenne slipped her mouth around the tip of his penis and began to suck on him slowly. Testing the waters, listening to his every breath. Once she knew he was alright with it, she increased the pressure and played her tongue along his thick shaft, then alternating between sucking and nibbling on the head. She felt his hand gently on her head, slowly stroking his fingers through her hair. She knew he was almost coming, so she nibbled one last time and ignored his pleas of discontent.
Nate was gone. Completely gone, mind elsewhere, body in the here and now. But he loved Cheyenne teasing him like this. He loved when she sucked on him; even though he was so hard it hurt. He needed release now, but for her, he would wait. He didn’t know what she was doing when she stopped sucking on him. He whimpered as she let him slip from her warm mouth. He pulled her to him and whispered.
        “Baby, that was amazing, but you didn’t have to do that.”
Cheyenne smiled and licked his stomach as she made her way up his torso. She flicked her tongue across his nipples, hearing him gasp at the touch. She leaned in and whispered in his ear.
        “Nate, I wanted to do it. Help me please you.”
Cheyenne looked to Nate for guidance and help. She patiently awaited his reaction and was surprised when he took her hand in his and wrapped it around his penis. He pulled rough, up and down his shaft. With his hand over hers he felt the contrast of her soft hand against his rough calloused one and the feel of her soft skin against his cock made him swell more. He watched as she ran her thumb over the head of his penis, rubbing the bead of pre-cum over it. He moaned as he watched her slip her free hand between her legs, and look at him wild eyed. She took his free hand and slipped it between her legs, letting him feel her heat.
Nate groaned as he felt her heat. He touched, gently, feeling her moans echo in his ears. He heard her gasp as he slipped a finger inside her soaking wet folds. She was so warm, so tight. The more he thought about it, the harder it was to hold back from coming in her hand. He arched his hips into her hand and held them there. Hoping she wouldn’t try to get him to come. Too late. He stopped the movement of his hips and she pulled one last time.
        “OH GOD! CHEYENNE!!!!!!!!!!” Nate hollered out as he came in her hand, spilling his seed between her fingers and in her palm. He breathed heavily, his hips still arching, trying to empty himself completely into her hand. Cheyenne looked at him devilishly; taking his free hand that was exploring her and just rubbing his palm against her pussy. Her wetness soaked his palm, and he reached a finger deep inside her. She moaned loudly as he began a rhythm and then slipped a second finger inside. She began to rock her hips with his movements. She breathed heavily, gasping his name each time he brought her close to orgasm. He thrust harder and further each time she moaned. Cheyenne clutched at him, any part of him she could touch.
        “Nate! Oh God! Please….. Oh……please….. Make me come please!!!!!!!!!!!”
Nate heard Cheyenne’s plea of helplessness as he drove his fingers deeper inside her, feeling her muscles contract around him as she was swept away by her orgasm. 
She came back to earth, leaning against Nate’s shoulder, cradled in his arms. His soft breath in her ear; his scent filing her nose, his stubble grazing her cheek. She lay there enjoying the closeness until one of the horses neighed. Nate laughed as he felt her startle.
“It’s only the horses, girl. Calm down.”
         She laughed as he picked her up and took her to his truck. There would be time to ride the horses later. Right now he had to find out more about this woman he had fallen in love with.

© Copyright 2013 CountryGirl found her good boy (countrygirl88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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