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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1934738
Losing his family was one act that he could not stand.
         Making it this far into the city had not been easy with half the Candoran army after Matthew.  He would not stop until the man who killed his family was dealt with.  Soon as word of his family’s death had reached him, Matthew rode day and night to Candora.  He reached the outer walls of the palace, but the dangerous part of his night was just beginning.
         Matthew found the secret entrance he had used years before to meet the Princess.  Getting to the deepest part of the palace would be easy with this tunnel.  At the bottom he would find the one thing he sought to carry out his task tonight.  It was known as the sword that could cut through any shield, yet the power required to use it could burnout a weak wizard.  That was a price Matthew was willing to pay.
         At the bottom of the tunnel Matthew peeked around the corner and was surprised to see only one guard.  The tunnel was once used to get soldiers in and out of the palace quietly.  He drew his sword from the scabbard on his hip, snuck up the corridor, and the guard fell to the ground dead before he could raise alarm.
         Matthew stopped at every corner to look for guards; he was surprised to find none.  If memory served him, he was two corners away from the corridor he needed.  Reaching the last corner he looked around.  Two guards stood outside the entrance.
         Walking around the corner, the guards immediately noticed him.  There was no warning to stop or turn around, only two swords bared simultaneously.  Their orders were to kill; no questions asked.  The guards ran at Matthew; before they could get close a small flow of power brought them to their knees.  Pain and destruction were two things Matthew despised, two things he never wanted to use his gift for.  Walking up to the guards a swift flick of his blade claimed two more lives.  Tonight there was no mercy.
         Behind this door was great power, but also great danger.  Matthew’s heart raced as he opened the door.  Inside were enough soldiers to hold a small fortress.  They made one mistake, underestimating his power.  Matthew drew everything he had, the room ignited in a blazing inferno.  He fell to his knees while the flames died.
         After the smoke cleared, no one was left standing.  Ashes and scorch marks were all that remained.  In the center of the room sat an altar with a sword lying atop like nothing had happened.
         A couple years ago using that much power would have killed him, but he had grown immensely.  Even with all the power Matthew had gained, he was exhausted, and getting to his feet was a chore. 
          A thousand years ago, Wizard Argo had created Omnipotens when there was a faction between wizards.  Argo used Omnipotens to kill the leader of one of the groups, but he did not realized how much power it took.  Killing with Omnipotens cost Argo the use of his power.  The sword was ordered to be destroyed, but nothing would even scratch it.  Matthew had read about the history while training in the Wizard’s Keep.
         Looking down at the sword, it radiated power.  Matthew threw down his sword and reached for the leather wrapped hilt.
         “Are you sure you want to do that young wizard?” a man asked behind him.  “I hear one touch can be quite fatal.”
         Matthew turned to stare his former King in the eye.  “What a shame you were not here when I made my grand entrance.”
         “A King does get busy.”
         “Busy planning to murder another family that you fear may take the throne from your undeserving hands.  You may have weaseled your way up to take the crown, but I will take it off with the rest of your head.”
         The smile on Avallin’s face faded quickly.  “Big threats for an untrained wizard who has no idea what he stepped into.  Before I decided to target a wizard’s family I found a few wizards of my own.”
         As he spoke six men walked in and spread out through the room.  Matthew could feel power radiating from these wizards.  This was a twist he had not expected.  If he had the slightest chance of getting out of here alive before, that chance was quickly fleeting.
         “Enjoy your last breaths, Matthew,” Avallin said as he turned for the door.
         Before the door closed, Matthew felt the power increase within the room.  Reaching inside himself,f he was able to draw a fraction of the power that it would take to defend an attack of this scale.  He was left one choice for his survival.
         Reaching for Omnipotens he hoped it was not too late.  Hilt in hand Matthew felt power coming from Omnipotens.  It was said that it absorbed any power used against it.
         Matthew saw six different flows coming at once.  Raising Omnipotens, he prayed for protection.  The flows were about to strike when he felt power flash through Omnipotens turning into a shield catching all six flows.  Matthew could not believe it, and the amazement did not last long.
         After the flows were absorbed Matthew’s arm seared with pain as power rushed through the sword into him.  That much power rushing through knocked him back onto the floor.  He fought to control it or he would be dead as if all six flows had struck him.  Matthew was losing the battle quickly.  On his knees all the power in his body was overwhelming him and if he did not find an outlet for it he would be dead shortly.
         Clearing his head he envisioned the power going back into Omnipotens.  Using all of his will the power began to flow back into the sword; Matthew was able to get to his feet.  All six wizards had looks of shock on their faces.  Before they could recover he used the sword to make a streak of white hot fire, cutting the wizards down.  Matthew went down with them.
         After the commotion came to an end, Avallin came through the door.  “You fools could not kill one man without dying.”
         “They could not kill a dead man,” Matthew said weakly as he strained to his feet.
         “You are too weak to fend off a child,” he laughed.  “I will deal with you myself.”
         As much as Matthew hated it, Avallin was right.  Seeing him draw his sword from its scabbard Matthew stood up and prayed for strength through one last battle.
         “Prepare to join your family in the afterlife.”
         “I will relish the day I am with them again, but today is not that day.”
         Avallin closed the gap in two steps, swinging to take Matthew’s head off.  Somehow he was able to meet the blade with his own.  Avallin quickly followed a jab to the body with a swing, catching Matthew in the ribs.  If it were not for a quick block, that hit would have killed him instead of leaving a gash.
         Matthew fell back into the altar, using it to hold him up.  He was fading fast, but he was not going down without taking Avallin with him.  Wiping blood off his hands, Matthew grabbed Omnipotens and charged.  Catching Avallin off-guard, he pressed the advantage.
         Swinging with everything he had, the rage of losing his family began to build.  He pressed hard enough that they found themselves out in the corridor.  As his rage built, the power inside of him swelled.  He was not sure if it would still be there after wielding Omnipotens.  With a powerful swing Matthew sliced into Avallin’s leg, dropping him to the floor.  He tried to get up but his leg fell out from under him.
         Taking a step back Matthew looked down upon him.  “Your reign of terror is over Avallin.”
         Avallin smiled at him.  “My reign will never be over.  Every day you will wake up knowing your family is dead.”
         Matthew could not believe the man on his knees before him, facing death, would taunt him.  Yet, he was right.  No matter what he did tonight his family would still be gone.  All he had managed to do was kill innocent men to get to another.  Matthew turned to walk away.
         “Where are you going? Your family suffered at my hands and you are going to walk away!”
         “I will not become you.”
         Matthew kept walking until he felt power building behind him.  Swinging Omnipotens around he brought a flow of air down hard enough the walls shook.  Momentum of the sword took him down.  He had reached his physical limit.  Using the wall to stand up Matthew started walking back to the tunnel.  All he left behind was three dead guards and a dead king, who was unrecognizable after the flow of air decimated his body.  More importantly Matthew left behind a part of himself.  After today he would never be the same.

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