Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1937265-A-Letter-of-Farawell
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1937265
Life was fleeting, her life was coming to an end and all she can do is write a letter...
      I am the supreme demonness in which no one can compete with in power. There is one who is but inches of reaching my extent, but still has yet to get there. That single soul would be my youger half- sister, Maria.

      I am crowned the top demonness not only for my powers, but for the cruelty and heartlessness which I am marked by. Everyone has a heart, I included, but it is dusty, and lies buried in a place in which daylight will never find it.

      I have never liked the majority of humans, and truth be told, there is but one whom I will associate with and deal with on an unbeastly level. This is the same person who I've let see the bit of compassion that lies latent within my soul. That person would be the human child known as Maya.


      There is but one other mortal, or demon, even half- demon alike, I have allowed to see what I'm like on the inside, without my evil mask of blood. It was all for such a brief period of time, in which every minute, is treasured deep in that unused hole of mine named a heart. For the few hours in which he was entrusted to me, we spoke, he laughed, and managed to make me choke out what was muffled chuckle in which I would not admit to doing, and we even shared a kiss. Should the Gods find out a heartless demonness like me had softened to a human boy, surely they would ridicule, and laugh at me. Havin feelings for a human boy... a monster like me.

      Humans are such stupid creatures, to do something like that to one another when they are the weaker, recessive species at this time. Demons have not to worry about killing each other, for we will not weaken to their level, which is why humans are such foolish creatures. Ive never understood their way of thinking or got why they do some things they do. Even now that I care for one like a child, and even loved one, and like a true sibling unlike my idiot sister, I still don't get them a bit.

      That boy... whose raven eyes and hair haunt my every thought, and even makes me sometimes think twice before slaughtering his kind... How I wish I could hate him, but I can't. It would not even be possible for me to be with him if the humans didn't protest, for he has already a lover.

      Why can I not just kill this lover? I wish so terribly- that it's eating me alive- I could, but I wish for his happiness since our relationship would never work out, henceforth this disability. I try time after time to defeat this one but I can just never seem to do it, no matter how capable I am of doing so. He's aware I could kill her also. He knows I could even end her life in a heartbeat. Alas, he shows no fear of me, and he seems to realize that I will not kill either of them.

      What exactly was it that happened between I and this mortal boy to make me, the demonness of supremacy, stoop so low as to fall head over heels in love with him? I kidnapped him from his lover, bait to take what she possesses that is rightfully mine. During the time it took for me to find a place in which we would await her, he was knocked out. When we finally reached my home, Hell itself, in which I was keeping him captive, he awoke, and without a struggle sat bound in the place I had tied him. He was well aware he could not escape from me, and we were too far for his princess to come for him yet, henceforth my being capable of killing him before he could think of leaving.

        I told Anamos, my loyal demonic servant, and Maya to leave the place. I wanted to speak with the mortal in privacy. Since they were gone, I asked the boy what she saw in the moronic creature he came to love.


        He smiled, and I quote, replied, "She has a sweet, gentle heart, reaching out for love and for someone to be there with her, so she tries to push me away, fearing it will happen yet again, but I won't let it. I care too much for her to ever betray her or allow myself to be killed without spending all my life at her side. I'll die not unless I'm at her side, but I don't want her to see my death, because of all the tragedy she's already seen in her lifetime, which is why I will not leave him at all. And I won't let her die, either. No matter what you do Sylvie, I don't think you'll be able to kill her. You won't kill me either. I know what you could very well do to us both if you were truly trying, and you'd have killed us long ago, if you really had the intent to do so."

        He then looked at me, those dark eyes piercing through my very flesh. He had crystalline streaks of tears trailing to the edges of his face, and I felt that unused organ called a heart ache insie of my body.

        I still don't know if that was the first time i began to feel love for him, if it was my temporary hatred for those woirds he spoke to me, or if I felt sorrow pass through me, but in any case, I felt uneasy with the new emotion taking over my mind.

        He then suddenly decided he would dare to be the one to interrogate me, at that. He asked me why I even barely wanted them dead. It was then I came to a full realization, that I was in love with the boy. He was brave, and he spoke kindly to me, unlike anyone had other than Maya. But Maya, being a child, could not harbor true love like this young boy could. Of course, he had a lover. Life was always a typical thing, ruling you in which ever way it pleased, mainly as a joke at you expense. The Gods laugh at me and I know it. They must find my life hilarious.

      I amswer him, "Well, despite what you may think of me, I'm no different from her, except thatshe has a heart, and I do not. I, too, have a heart, and feelings, yet they all lie latent and I'm quite afraid they're unreachable. Your relationship with her is extraordinary, and the two of you take out whatever foe crosses your path beside I, and to take such an incredible power down would be an honorous dong. And you are aware she possesses the item I've wanted all of my life, and I intend to get it back."

      He nods, "I know. You wish to have it back from her. And she wishes this could all end. And I wish I could just sette down with her, without any demons attacking us." He suddenly breaks free of the bonds of which I placed him in, using what brute stength he could muster, but I do nothing. I know he's not going to leave until his lover comes for him.

      "I know you've got a heart Sylvie, I wish you could find it. Then, perhaps, the humans could approve of you the way they approve of Maria, and someone could love you too. I think you're a good person, despite anything, anyone, or even what you say. I love you, and I'm sorry it's not the way I love her, but you are a friend to me, whther you like it or not." He then kissed me, and to my surprise, I found myself returning it. How I loved this beautiful, beautiful mortal boy...

        She soon after showed up, and I allowed her to take him. I'd had enough.

        I never told him, or Maria, or Anamos, or even Maya goodbye, but I am leaving now. I said someone was going to die by my hand tonight, and I meant myself. I'm putting my life to an end now, because I've got nothing to live for. He was the only one I could ever show such emotion for, and one day Maya will also leave me.

        With my sword at my throat, I wince as I feel the blood trickle down. Normally pain would have no effect on me but the thought of leaving Teppei inflicts a great amount of pain. Maria once told him he'd never leave him alone, and she meant it. If only I could have been the one to say such a thing to him. I finally go through with my suicide.

        Goodbye cruel word, and goodbye to you Maria, my dear sister, and goodbye Maya, sweet child, and Anamos, my loyal servant. But goodbye most of all to you, Teppei. Know that I love you with all of that dusty heart of mine.



  Teppei Arima           

        Teppei looks up from the letter which she had found next to the rotting corpse of Sylvie. Tears stung his eyes, as he slipped the letter into his pocket. "I'm sorry, Sylvie. It's my fault you died this way..." he stutters.

        He finally leaves, deciding only to tell Maria he found her dead, but not of the letter. He loved Maria more than anything, and sadly the fact killed Sylvie.

© Copyright 2013 Sylvie Mace (sylvie123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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