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Rated: · Article · Religious · #1942060
There are reasons we will be going through some events and you can know why.
Although We are going To Go Through Some Awesome Events, We Can Prepare.

By Leo Holley

Closer and closer we are approaching a time in the history of man like no other. War is looming around the World, Mans freedom is being taken away as never before and so many are not concerned at all about any of this. Why is it that most individuals do not really care about what is is happening around them? Why do so many seem to be in a complete daze and are like the “Walking Dead”? Do they really believe that we the people will pull ourselves out of this by not doing anything? The truth is no matter what one does at this point in time will not help the situation at all except to pray.

The World in a complete tail spin and out or control and will not be stopped by human hands. Human minds can not understand what is happening nor do they understand why. Although this has been prophesied to happen there are many who have a hard time relating to this because they are continuing to live in their own little world.

But when reality does set in it may be too late for some to do what may be necessary in make it through all the rough times ahead. Individuals have been told in advance many times to prepare for such things but it has fallen on deaf ears and will come to haunt them and their families. Governments are toppling and war drums are sounding louder each and every day as Egypt is now experiencing civil unrest and on the verge of total collapse.

Do individuals really believe that as a Nation we will not face the really big problems that other Nations are now experiencing? Do they believe that because of who we are, we will escape all of this turmoil and strife? The reason why some believe this way is because of the way the media reports what they do and only gives a fragmentation of the truth.

For a corrupt system to accomplish what they want they will do what ever is necessary to keep people in the dark from knowing the truth and will provide them with lies. They want to accomplish what corrupt man has been trying to do for 100’s of years and that is world wide dominance and Dictatorship. Believe me; they will accomplish that goal and much more for a short period of time.

The Bible describes this as a time that will be like no other in the history of mankind. Of course the Bible is not believed by many and they will be part of those who will suffer when this does occur. Because the modern day ministry is teaching individuals not to worry, that they will be taken away by a rapture before all of this will occur is also a trap and will catch many by surprise.

The rapture is a complete lie that has been taught to many and will come and haunt them and their families. The only way an individual will escape this time of trouble will be through death or they will be protected by God here on this Earth, not in Heaven. In Matthew chapter 24 it states that Jesus Christ will not return until after “The Great Tribulation” and not before.

Those who call themselves Christian preachers, pastors, teachers and religious professors are going to be held responsible for perverting the way of the Lord and teaching against true righteousness! And because of their deception in misleading the people, they will be punished severely for their wicked, sinful, religious works!

But if we are to be accounted worthy to escape what is headed for America and all nations, we must study God's Word in order to rise above their deception as presented in today's false Christianity, and come out of this religious Babylon, or we will perish along with the rest of the sinners and evil men of this world!

If one believes that God will shout with a loud verbal voice and give out a warning message that all hell is in the process of breaking lose then they are above all deceived. God is giving warning but not in the way that individuals are expecting. God has called individuals whom He has given His understanding, His teachings and when that information is given only those who have been given the ability to understand, will understand. They will be the ones who will heed the warnings and no one else and they will prepare for what is to come.

Eze 3:17

"Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.

God said to give them warning from Him and that is what we are going to do. Others who understand will do the same and are also thundering said warnings now. But individuals need to seek God now for time is short and if it is meant for one to understand, they will and may be found worthy to escape all things that are coming upon this World.

Eze 3:18

When I say to a wicked person, 'You will surely die,' and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for [fn] their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.

If we know and do not give said warning we will be held accountable for not giving that warning. I do not do this to be spared from persecution, but to give Gods love and concern for His people and what He has in store for us in the future.

e 3:21

But if you do warn the righteous person not to sin and they do not sin, they will surely live because they took warning, and you will have saved yourself."

I pray that there will be some who will take warning and repent, not only for themselves but their children sake also. Children have no where to go but to their parents and if their parents are not preparing for what is coming the children are in danger.

People have been put on this earth for a purpose but only a very select few understand what that purpose is at this time. Those who claim to be Christian know smoothing about this but for the most part it has been hidden from them because of the information they have received from their ministers. Individuals believe what their ministers tell them and what they are being told is not the truth of God.

The problem is that most individuals do not check the information that has been given by their minister to see if what is said is true. As information is given, check it out to see if what has been said is the truth. One can do this and all it takes is a little effort on ones part in seeking out the truth that God has provided for them.

In fact most of the teachings of the main stream ministers are not the truth. The Bible teaches that Gods government will be set up on this Earth and not in Heaven but yet ministers teach that one will go to Heaven and will forever be with God in that place. Another non truth is that one will not burn forever in a Hell fire. An individual is promised one out of two things. They are promised either Eternal Life through Jesus Christ or they are promised Eternal Death by not accepting Jesus Christ.

Is God such a cruel God that He would have a mother in Heaven and her sibling in Hell and her seeing them burn for ever and ever. This would be a

Cruel and evil God but is He that way? Stop and think about this and begin to seek out the truth as it is meant to be.

The Bible is full of Gods warning about this and He is angry because of what is being taught. The truth is that there are only a select few who do understand this at this time and they will hopefully be spared all the catastrophetic events that are coming upon the people and the World now. Some will be called as they seek out Gods truth and others will have to go through the Tribulation and will have to learn a lesson of obedience during that time.

As I have stated before there will not be a so called “rapture” but there will be some who may be protected during this time of trouble. God is a jealous God and He does expect His people to adhere to His Laws and Judgments but they have not been taught this and have been suppressed and said to have been nailed to the cross.

As these events become more evident and as they begin to eat away at the family we all need to pray for Gods will to be done and to really seek out His truth for in it only can we find salvation. Because of Gods love and compassion He will bring those to Him when they see His ways and His truth. God desires that no one be lost and not make it into His coming kingdom.

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