Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1948045-Devrens-Trial
by Duckie
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1948045
A character that over comes a trial that his family had to do through generations.
The plane flight was one of the longest experiences of his life and there was no way he could fall asleep when he knew what was going to be happening when this machinery landed in the Norf country airport.

Norf was a fairly traditional type of country not liking the new hustle and bustle of high technology being made almost daily in the world of Thors. It was one country that paid more attention to the beauty and power of nature and harnessed it for their own use. Pollution was no issue in this country and the air was the cleanest in the world next to the freshness of the small island dotting the oceans.

The place where young Devren Roust and his father Nathan were heading was a sacred place that was used by his family only. A place where young betta humanoids in his family go to control their unhinged primal instincts when they emerge around the young age of twenty or so and now it was Devren’s turn to be trained by his father like he was by Devren’s grandfather, and so on and so forth.

Devren leans his head back against the fairly comfy airplane seat of his and sighs loudly, he has been in this seat for almost thirteen hours now and he was going stir crazy and kept fidgeting his hands and feet, even his long scaled tail next to him. His father was snoozing next to him near the window that was half closed to keep out the sunlight. Nathan can hear though his son’s annoying noises and tapping sounds so he opens his eyes into slits watching him, it was going to be a long month for Devren going through the hard training that is sure to change him, physically and mentally. Finally Nathan was fed up with the noise and sends his hand out smacking the back of Devren’s head.

“OW!” Devren called out in a muffled tone so as not to disturb the other passengers around him. He turns and looks at his father seeing the annoyed look on his green toned face. His father’s finned ears twitched which was also a good sign showing how he felt. “…Sorry I’m just not used to sitting in one spot for so long.” He finally said crossing his arms and looking down at the flat carpeted flooring.

His dad lets out a small sigh understanding, “I know Devren but fussing about won’t make the plane go faster. We should be there soon though be patient.” He replies in a gruff tone. He had to prepare himself for teaching his boy about the ways to control his dangerous out bursts so no one will get hurt just as he had to learn. He would change a few things that his father taught him finding that some of the ways where a bit too old fashioned for the ways of today in Thors but that was what happens, when each generation trains their children the way of training changes either for the better or worse and it is up to the children to learn from the mistakes for when they become parents themselves. “I’m going to tell you right up front Devren that the stories your grandfather told you when you were younger is all true. None of his stories about his training was exaggerated….This is going to be the worst experience of your life and I won’t baby you through it.” He stated in a parental tone glancing at his son who had turned to look at him when he started speaking.

“…I know….” Devren looks away down at his hands that have interlinked with each other in his lap. He furrows his brow remembering what grandfather told him, the fighting and mentally exhausting tasks he was put through that left Devren with nightmares as a child not wanting to believe a word of it and that it would never happen to him when he got older. Well it had and it scared him enough to believe it was all true. He came willingly back to his father when they had had a falling out when he was seventeen leaving them to not speak or have any contact until that day when Deven had unleashed his hidden primal instincts that almost had him regretting his actions for the rest of his life. He came to his father knowing now that he was right and Devren wanted to learn to control this separate part of himself before he hurt his friend or his beloved. He was still torn up about saying good bye to them at the airport but he would be back more or less the same man he left as. He hopes that they will still want him back when he returns in one month, two tops if he can’t get a hold of the training.

Devren tries not to think of all of that now and leans his head back against the rest spot of his chair closing his eyes to try and get a bit of sleep. His life was about to turn into pure pain and suffering until he can learn to control his other self.


The car ride was almost as bad as the plane ride, another three hours in this car and then two hours of walking on foot to get to the hidden sacred area. Devren was finding it hard to keep his mind from wandering to negative thoughts about what will be happening. He leans against the car window watching to road lined with thick trees passing them by. They were going fast but not fast enough for him since he just wanted to stretch his legs finally.

“Devren when we get there I have a few rules you must follow or this won’t work okay?” Nathan states glancing over at his son, “One, no outside contact at all, phones will be locked up and you cannot speak with anyone until this is done. Any outside interference will back track your mental state with this. Two…whatever I say or do is for your own good do not take it personally for I only want to make it work for you. It will get harsh and you will want to quit and I will say everything possible to get you to come back, you will get angry and you will lose yourself at first. Three, don’t be scared of what might come out of this trial. Being frightened will only cause everything to get worse you hear me? You do what you do best and fight back, fight against those instincts when they try to cloud over your senses.  That’s all I have to say for now but those are the rules I have placed and I urge you to follow them if you want to get back home soon.”

“….I will do more than my best to follow each to the ‘T’.” Devren replies trying to be confident about what was to come. The hardest one would be that last rule; he was terrified when he lost himself for the first time and waking up with no memory of what he had done though he was told by his best friend Gabriel all about it.

After what seemed like a life time Nathan finally parks the car in a holding garage and they get out taking their luggage with them in hand and start walking along a well-trodden dirt path. It was so alien to Devren since he has always been in the city; a dirt path was something he was unfamiliar with. It was nice getting out moving his muscles finally after that long car and plane ride out here. He lets out a satisfied sigh taking in the fresh air and smells of the vastly wooded area now surrounding them. They walked in silence the whole way until finally they come to a large gate with a betta fish carved into it that was well worn out and faded but still visible fully to the naked eye. Nathan goes up to the gate and pushes it hard and it starts up the mechanism which grinds the gears behind it and making it open revealing a large estate before them. It had large windows making up most of the walling in the front letting in all the natural lighting through the treetops. It was breath taking to Devren for he was used to the large magnificent skyscrapers and such but this was just pure architectural genius. He could tell the inside held water for them to live comfortably, the special doorways becoming force fields keeping water in and the outside out only letting in humanoids. There were rough bushes surrounding the front property stretching along to entire front portion of it. Devren could see a large wooden fence blocking off the back part of the place which made him curious to see what secrets it held.

“This way son.” His father calls out already heading up towards the door leaving Devren still staring by the gate, hearing his father he snaps out of it and runs to catch up. Once they were inside they found rooms to set their things in and Nathan starts unpacking right away. Devren though goes out to explore the back behind the fence.

Going out the back door he is greeted with an enormous lawn of soft grass blowing in the wind and just in sight he could see some sort of structure but he couldn’t tell from where he was. There was no trees just flat land with the tall trees spanning along the entire fenced in area. It was almost as amazing as the house and he then sees a large pond with rocks surrounding it and he heads over there to investigate.

Walking over he stops at the start of the beach of rocks and looks off at the pond, it was crystal clear being able to see the bottom that was also all rocks. They looked smooth and slippery and he also saw large ones going across the middle of it now and he had a sneaking suspicion this would be a spot for some kind of training in the future.

“Devren, come on in now you need to rest for when we start tomorrow.” His father called loudly from the home. Devren does as he was told and comes inside though he wanted to explore more. His father hands him some food to eat up before telling him to go straight to sleep because tomorrow started the month of trial.

Even though he felt tired he could not sleep at all and tosses and turned most of the night until finally he doses off for a few hours. Not enough to be fully rested though sadly and when his father came in to get him up he did not want to move. Nathan wasn’t having it though they only had so much time to get this done, so he goes out of his sons room and goes to his own pulling out a fully body length iron pole that was stored in the closet. He comes back in and with no hesitation whacks his boy rights over his head with the pole making him yelp in pain and fall off the bed.

“This is my teaching implement; you will become quite familiar with it as the days go on. Now come on I can’t stress this enough that we need to start right away. I expect to see you outside in five minutes.” He warned and left then.

Devren groans rubbing his head, damn that was painful! He gets dressed in a plain shirt and shorts with no shoes and heads outside seeing his dad waiting for him. “So…how is this going to start?” he asks more nervous than curious right now.

Nathan glances at his son and with a flash he smacks him with the pole right on his side making him cringe and fall to the ground in writhing pain. “First I will bring out what you have hidden to see how bad it is and I will fix up your trial from there. Now get on your feet and fight me!” he yelled intensely taking up a fighting stance. Devren looked up through just one eye, his other closed because of the pain in his side, he wasn’t serious was he? Yeah…yeah he was. Devren grunts getting back up to his feet having one arm wrapped around where he was hit still feeling the throbbing pain. He huffed and took up his own kick boxing style of a fighting stance. “Alright….” was all he replied with a grimace upon his face.

They circled around a few times before his father lunged at him with the pole, for an old man he was lightning fast on his feet and swipes at his sons legs but Devren was a train fighter himself and jumped up over the attack but before he landed Nathan had already brought the pole back around and hit him dead on in the shoulder making him hit the ground hard. “Gah!”

“Get up Devren! Attack me, get angry! Show me what you keep hidden inside you!” he yelled out angrily charging already.

Devren had barely stood back up when his father attacked him once more hitting him along his back now and he face plants onto the grass now unmoving. Nathan walks over and looks down at him, he raises the pole for another attack. He swings down but was stopped, Devren’s hand had sprung up and caught the weapon this time but this was not his son. He could feel the change in him and it sent a shiver down his back. Devren stood up still holding the pole tightly in his grip and when he looked up his vision was clouded and his breath was ragged. His expression was one of pure hatred; this was his hidden primal self that he has to learn to control.

“Oh boy…” his father breaths trying to pull the pole away but there was no give. Suddenly he is flung up into the air by his own weapon and smashed on the ground knocking the wind out of him. He coughs trying to get up, he uses his long fish like tail to prop himself up. Devren was glaring at him with bared teeth breathing heavily. “This is worse than I thought…” he murmured to himself as he ran up to attack again this time he was fast enough to dodge a swipe to his face and hit Devren in the back of the leg making him fall. In this state his son was more of a blundering pile of force than the usual quick on his feet fighter which was good for Nathan.

Everything was black for Devren at least for his conscious mind it was, he knew that he had sunk into his instincts but his mind was too clouded to find his way back to normal. He could feel pain still though and cried out internally with each hit, it was extremely painful to endure for sure. His body moved on its own and as his father attacked this next time around after he got up Devren reach out and grabbed onto Nathan’s ankle squeezing hard and flung him to the ground once more. He could not hear his father’s gasp of pain as he hit the ground.

“Okay Devren….let’s get you back to normal…” he huffs not panting from fighting, he felt sore but he wasn’t going to leave his son in this state for any longer. The way he acted he was definitely in a dangerous place right now. As fast as he feet could carry him Nathan spins slightly around Devren and elbowed hard at the back of his neck and he was successful for Devren fell like stone unconscious into the grass. Nathan stands over his son panting and he sits down next to him with a sad look, this was going to be a long month for Devren. “I will do my best as your father to train you in controlling this force Devren….I promise.” He mumbled as he collected his thoughts.


Devren opens his eyes up to find himself back in his room at the estate, his thoughts were fuzzy and he hurt all over. He sits up to find he has been bandaged up. He runs his hand over the fresh medical gear and then looks around. “….Dad..?” he calls out unsure of what happened though he knew that he had become primal and attacked his father but to what extent?

“Good you’re awake.” His father called back right away walking into his room, “You son have a very difficult hidden part to you…I have contacted you grandfather for advice and I feel I now have a good idea as to what you will need to do to overcome you trial. It mostly has to do with your mental state of mind. For me when I went through this I had a more physical problem where I could be aware of my action but not control my body’s actions. You need to work on your mind and spirit instead of your body; you need to connect your mind and body fully.”  He finished leaning against the door frame. “Just settle here for the rest of the day, I did quite a number on you with my weapon. I will be setting up a few things, there’s food in the kitchen if you get hungry but stay inside and keep your mind calm.”

“….Okay…but before you go….how bad did I uh….get back at you?” Devren asked feeling a bit uneasy.

“Just a few bad bruises and a sore back, I’m not that out of shape where you would really hurt me too bad son.” He laughed though he was in pain he didn’t show it. He leaves now to get things set up for Devren leaving his son to ponder his thoughts.

He watches his father leave before he finally decided that he should get up and eat something. He grimaces feeling the injuries his father inflicted on him. “Geez he couldn’t go a little easy on me…” he grumbled standing up. He walks out and he looks out of the tall glass walls seeing birds fly by but they didn’t seem to fly over the property only near it, strange. He shrugged it off and made his way to the kitchen and raided the fridge finding himself to be more hungry than he remembered when he left his room. After eating he wanders around the house before peeking out one of the smaller windows towards the back of the house, he sees his father setting something up by the pond he had been investigating before. “Called it.” He murmurs seeing Nathan putting in some thin looking wooden poles about the width of his foot perhaps. Guess he will be over there tomorrow though he feels like he is wasting time just staying in the house. He sighs and goes back to his room because he knows he would just be scolded for not resting.


Devren found himself sleeping better that night and once day break hit he was up ready to continue his trial. He leaves his room to find his dad; the sun just barely showing over the trees. He goes to Nathan’s door and knocks once before opening it.

“Hey dad I-“ he was cut off as that pole from yesterday shot towards him out of the room, he leaned back slightly as it stops just an inch from his nose.

“Good your reflexes are still in top form, at least this means you don’t trigger when you sense danger.” His dad was smiling on the other end of the weapon and he then pulls it back and stood up straight.

“You’re still going to give me a heart attack!” he replied annoyed lashing his tail behind him.

“Oh hush c’mon it’s time to start, off to the back near the pond I saw you looking at when we first got here. Chop chop!” he walks quickly out past him and out to the back.

Devren grumbles but follows him to the pond those wooden stakes standing upright in the water; there were three of them there. His dad stops in front of them turning towards Devren.

“Alright get up on one.” He orders pointing over his shoulder with his thumb.

“…On the wooden things?” he asks though it was dumb to say in the first place it was quite obvious and his dad gives him a look saying the exact same thing. “Alright alright…” he walks into the water which it about shin deep and he looks at the stake, there was no way he could stand on that.

“Hurry up Devren.”

“This is way too small to stand on.” He argued turning back towards his dad but Nathan just raised the pole in warning. Devren sighs and tries but as soon as he tries to stand up on it he loses his balance and falls forward into the water. “See I told you!”

His dad shakes his head and goes over to the opposite stake and easily stands up on it with one foot slightly behind the other not touching it at all and Nathan was taller than Devren so it was quite a feat seeing him do it so easily. “This is all about coordinating your body and mind; this will be your first assignment during your trial Devren. Once you are able to do this than you will be so much closer to controlling yourself. Now keep trying, I will watch your progress for the day and give you advice afterwards. Get going now.” He lightly smiled trying to encourage his son to keep at it and he jumps off landing gracefully even though it hurt terribly doing so.

The young betta gets to his feet dripping with water now and sighs before looking at his challenge with determined eyes. The sooner he got this down the closer he was to going home, back to his life, back to Janette… “Let’s do this!” he called out and he goes at it once more.

Hours upon hours pass by and he has yet to become any closer to mastering this balancing act. He falls once more, tired and frustrated he lets out an aggravated yell smashing his fist down into the water he fell into. “This is impossible!” he grumbles just staying in the water just sitting.

“If you give up that easily then you might as well just live here Devren.” He dad stated in a tired tone, he yawned widely. “But right now I’m starving and it’s getting dark out, I say let’s cook over the fire pit tonight.” He says standing up. He was trying to not show his worry for how slow this was going and just keep Devren at it. He knows how stubborn his boy can get so breaks here and there should be fine for now.

As his father left to start up the fire Devren didn’t move, he looked down at his reflection in the water and sighed heavily splashing it so the waves rippled and the mirror of him vanished. He looked up at the sky now and leaned back in the water laying there, it felt refreshing at least and he slowly moved his tail back and forth. Then he starts to realize something, his tail, he completely forgot to use his tail to try and balance! Though it wasn’t a for sure plan he would definitely put it into action when he got back up but before he decided to try it again his father called. Devren turns his head and sees a good going fire in a stone surrounded pit and his dad waving for him to come over.  He gets up on his feet fully soaked but it didn’t bother him of course being a fish humanoid and all. Once he got over there he sees some food grilling over the fire and it smelled of a mixture of charred meat and forest air. Cooking over the fire was some fresh hamburgers that his father must have made during some time in the day since he had taken some breaks from watching Devren fall continuously all day.

Devren sat down on one of the large worn down rocks watching to food cook, the scent was mouthwatering to him after having used up a lot of his energy today. Nathan sat down near him and silence hung over them for a little while until the food was ready and Nathan prepared them on the buns and handed one to his son before he spoke clearing his throat.

“So before I go on a rant about your work today do you have anything to say? You had quite the look on your face lying in the water back there. “

“Yeah… I hadn’t been using my tail to help me balance I was too focused on using just my legs and arms.” He replied taking a big bite of his food.

“Good I noticed that right away but thought you might get it through your thick skull eventually.” He chuckled lightly. He looks off into the distance not touching his food just yet. “I’ve missed this Devren…talking with you and enjoying each other’s company.” He final said with a faraway tone thinking of the past.

Devren looked down now feeling guilty; he had been his fault for starting the fight that had them stop talking for those few years. “I’m sorry…” he replied glancing at him but his dad just patted him on the head with a smile now.

“I forgave you the day after you left son I was just waiting for you to come back home though you did just fine on your own and I am proud of you for that.”


“Yes Devren.”

“….” Hearing his father say he was proud of him really tugged at his heart, it’s like he was waiting all this time to hear those words. He rubs his eyes looking away to try and hid his face. Nathan notices and smiles warmly placing his hand on his sons’ shoulder. “It’s the smoke; it’s getting in my eyes…” Devren mumbles stubbornly which just made his father chuckle since there was no wind right now to blow the smoke even near them.

“Alright tough guy finish up and go to bed already, I am sure you are eager to start back up tomorrow.”


The next morning comes and Nathan gets up and goes to wake his son up for the day but he finds he is not there. Curious he looks out the back window and sure enough there was his son’s silhouette near the pond trying hard to balance though he sees him fall and hears the splash. He chuckles and goes out to meet him.

“Well someone is an early bird.” He calls out coming near the pond now; he looks down seeing Devren resting in the water. “How long have you been up?”

“Uh…I could still see the stars when I last looked up…” he replied slightly panting.

“Didn’t you get any rest?”

“I was too hyped up to try it again but I almost have it I really do!” he smiles and gets back on his feet. Devren starts getting back up on the stakes in the water and moves his tail back and forth, up and down to keep him upright while he stands on the ball of his foot with his other moving shakily next to it. Do to his muscle tone it was hard to find the one little area of perfect balance. Nathan sits down in his spot like yesterday and watches.

Once more, hours go by with the sun now high up over them and Nathan had dozed off a bit with his arms crossed and his head leaning on the iron pole. He was surprised awake by a yell and his eyes opened to find a shadow overlapping him blocking the sun out of his view. He comes to find that his son finally found his center.

“I did it, I actually did it!” Devren cheered standing now completely still with no shaking or wobbling.

“About time you slug, now we can move on. What I need you to do now is just stay right there.”

“…Just like this? For how long?” though his dad was already walking away, “Dad, for how long?!” he yelled but he wasn’t going to reply. He sighs trying to stay in this one spot until his dad came back or he fell down from exhaustion.

Thirty minutes pass and Devren was starting to feel tired and shaky from standing still like this and he couldn’t even see his father anywhere, what the heck was he off doing? He sighs heavily trying to focus because obviously Nathan wouldn’t just leave him here for no reason it had to be part of the trial he was going through. Steadily his energy being used to balance was fading and he was starting to wobble a bit, he lets out a hard breath tensing his tired muscles more though his foot was starting to slip backwards off of the wooden stake and he wasn’t sure to adjust it because if he tried to hop to fix it he might just tip right off then and there.  “C’mon dad, show up already….” He muttered through clenched teeth.

“Having fun?”

“Gah!” he was startled hearing a voice from behind him and almost fell off from surprise but waved his arms enough like an idiot to get his balance once more.  “You are a horrible father you know that?!” he added annoyed looking over his shoulder ever so slightly seeing his father standing behind him with a smile.

He just chuckled, “Well if you were doing this exercise right you would have noticed me coming son.”

“What do you mean…?”

“Come down and I will explain it.”

“Ah thank the stars…” he sighed in relief as he jumped down with a splash though stumbled a bit onto one knee since his legs had been used to that one position for so long. “I…think I will just sit here instead.” He sat down stretching his legs out in the pond.

“Very well… Anyways this exercise was supposed to have you clear your mind and sense your surroundings while being able to control your body, it’s to strengthen your mental resolve and in turn help you become aware when your instincts become aggravated.” Nathan explained with a teacher like tone to his voice as he lectured.

“….That….actually makes sense.” He frowned wishing he would have figured that out thirty minutes ago sheesh.

“Of course it does, I wouldn’t make you do that for nothing…well I would but not under these circumstances. Once you rest up a bit try it again with that in mind and see how well you do then, it won’t be easy and this time I will be seeing if you are paying attention around you as you balance. Also it doesn’t hurt to do the basic work outs to keep your body tuned up, I know it means a lot to you to keep in shape and I won’t keep you from that.” He actually wished he kept up with that kind of stuff when he was younger but between college and his girlfriend, now his wife; he had no time back then.

“Good to know I was actually wondering about that. That’s one thing off my mind at least.” He sighs lying back in the water, it felt cooling as the sun beat down on them with its hot rays.

“You have more on your mind?”

“Just….want to get back home.” He replied sadly.

“Ah you miss your girlfriend huh?  Mmm I know the feeling, when I did this with your grandfather all my thoughts where about your mother. I’ll never forget what he said to me.”  He chuckled.

“What was that?”

“Get the butterflies out of your head you ninny!’ and then he would smack me with this iron pole. Ah bonding back then….”he had a far off look with a smile thinking off the old days.

“Sounds….actually it doesn’t sound like bonding at all…”

“Be quite you ninny!” and he smack Devren in the stomach with the pole making him groan. “See how much we just bonded, fascinating isn’t it?” Nathan laughed then, “Alright fun is over; let’s get you back to training hm?”

Devren sat up holding his stomach lightly, “Ugh yeah….Was that really necessary?” he asked standing back up preparing to get back up on the stake.

“I find everything has a bit of necessary attached to it.” He smiled innocently.

“Riiiiight okay then.” He just rolled his eyes, sometimes his dad was such a dork it was hard to believe they were father and son. He got back up and found his balancing point easily now that he knew where it was and how it felt. He closes his eyes to try now the sensing portion of this now feeling that it was a little more difficult to keep his balance when he was thinking of other things like his surroundings. He frowned feeling himself wobble a bit and he tried to correct himself but did it too much and slipped right off and splashed once more down into the shallow water.

“Tsk tsk tsk, that wasn’t a very long run, now was it?”

“You’re so encouraging dad.” He huffed standing back up shaking his hair dry a bit, it was getting way too long for its own good, he would have to cut for sure when he got back but for now he just pushed it back out of his face and went to get back up. He wasn’t going to give up, now that he had the balancing down he was so close to the rest of it. He couldn’t stop now when he goal could almost be touched.

The minutes tick by and then turned into hours but as darkness starts to fall he is finally comfortable enough sensing his surroundings at least on a novice level.

“I think I got it…” he murmured slowly taking in a shallow breath.

“Have you?” a swipe of the pole came out of nowhere and slams hard against Devren’s side making him fall on his shoulders. Nathan stands over him putting the pole over his own shoulders. “If you can’t sense me attacking then you haven’t gotten there yet son. It’s late I’m going to sleep and you should too, that hit is going to leave a nasty bruise on your side.”


This went on for days, Devren trying to get that zen but whenever his father charged him he just couldn’t get that sense of danger enough to stop it or dodge it in time. He had many bruises on his body now and was exhausted from this day by day routine.

He was resting in the grass catching his breath feeling the sting of his fresh bruises along his body.

“Man…this is tougher than I thought….it’s already been two weeks out here.” He mumbled to himself, he was starting to doubt his resolve in completing this since it seemed hopeless and he had the bruises to prove it. Would he ever truly be able to concur his primal self? He hears footsteps and sits up with a grimace seeing now his dad coming over to him.

“How are you feeling?” he asks with a concerned look, he didn’t want to hold back during the training but he felt awful seeing the injuries he was making on his son. “Maybe you should take a few days to rest hm?”

“What?!” he stood up quickly in shock, how could his father say such a thing?

“Calm down Devren, I’m serious, you’re pretty beat up and if your body is too damaged your training will suffer with it.”

He wanted to argue but he saw his point and sighed heavily, “I know….but I just don’t want to lose any more time than I already have.”

“If you rest but then work extra hard afterwards you won’t lose much time at all I promise.” He would work extra hard as well to make sure Devren can meet his goal, he was working just as much as his son even if he wasn’t on the receiving end of the attacks.

Devren thinks a moment looking down at the grass under his feet; the wind blew through the trees giving a cooling temperature around them. He gave another sigh before he spoke again, “Okay…I’ll rest for a little while but no more than three days I mean that.” He looked up meeting his father’s gaze showing he was serious.

“You got it, three days tops and then back to training. The month is getting closer to finishing up and I know you are worried about your loved ones back there. Just hang in there…don’t give up.” He puts his hand on Devren’s shoulder and squeezed it gently.

“I’m just lingering too much on the negatives I guess….” Then he got a light smack to the face, “Ow…”

“Chin up, you’re doing fine just take it easy for the next few days.” his dad smiles and steps away from him. “I’m going to go for a walk in the woods; it’s nice out you should think of going for one too to clear your head.” He walks away towards the house to exit out the front to get to the woods.

The young betta laid back down in the grass finding it calmly on its own and he closes his eyes thinking of all the good things instead of the bad things he has, has done, and will do. Eventually he falls asleep and started to snooze softly, after a bit it started to drizzle through the canopy and onto his face. He grumbled being woken up and finds that it has started to pour. He sits up trying to see through sheets of rain, it didn’t help that it was freezing cold water coming down on him. “Agh…” He gets up and heads to the house to get warm; he was already shivering and his teeth chattering together when he got inside.

“Ah good you made it, I got caught just as I was coming up the walk way.” Called his father from the kitchen, he was making hot beverages to warm up with. He sees Devren walking in rubbing the sides of his arms to warm himself like one would do normally when coming in from cold weather. At least it was nice and warm inside.

“Yeah though I’m still freezing, can I have one of those drinks?” his father hands him one and he sips it though not soon after he sneezes hard. “Agh….”

“Don’t get sick on me.” His father chuckled and was replied with another sneeze from Devren. “Oh boy…you’re not sick are you?”

“No I’m fine….” Though he was lying out in that rain for a little while before it started really pouring, he was completely soaked in freezing water which was not good for a sea swimmer that tends to stay in warm waters. He sneezed again and just sipped his drink to warm up, “I’ll just go to bed early tonight…” he added already heading to his room.

Nathan watches him go a little concerned, sure betta fish were tough but the cold can really put a burden on their bodies. He would just have to see how he is doing in the morning and so he goes to bed as well.

As the night wanes on Nathan is awoken but not sure why, he had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He gets up to check on Devren, his body had already been weakened by the training so he was fairly vulnerable to sickness with that rain. He opens his son’s door and peaks in but then opens it quickly at the sight he finds. “Devren!” he yelled hurrying to his bed side, his son was on his side breathing heavily with a pained expression. Nathan feels his forehead and he was burning up, “Shit!” he hoped the fever hadn’t been going on for too long as he pulled the covers over his boy and runs to find the medical kit. He finds it in a cupboard near the bathroom and opens it, thank goodness there was the proper supplies he needed to help.

When he got back he sees Devren conscious but his arms wrapped around his stomach in pain. “Devren stay awake okay?” he asks opening the kit, “I’ve got some stuff here for you to hopefully bring your fever down.” He takes out a pill bottle that would help break the fever but only if he had gotten to him in time. “Here.” He bring the medicine up to Devren’s mouth to help him take them, at least he was able to swallow them which was a good sign. Nathan takes out some cold packs and breaks them so that the temperature dropped to chilling and he places one on Devren’s forehead, his wrists and his ankles. “There….that should help a bit. I’ll stay with you tonight okay?” he just received a nod in return. He hoped the fever broke soon; they were not near any hospitals or any doctors so this was bad if he got any worse tonight.

“I…think I’m going to...be sick…” Devren murmured putting a hand over his mouth. He felt absolutely terrible right now, he was rarely sick growing up because he was always fit and ate healthy so this was the worst he has ever felt.

“Just try and relax, that medicine should kick in soon.” He felt guilty for pushing Devren so much over the last week; he was just asking to get sick. “I shouldn’t have p-“

“Don’t start….I’m the one that feel asleep outside….” He murmured cutting off his dad’s sentence. He felt tired now and his eyes were closing in a hurry.

“Devren?” he looked over at him and sighed, “Good, the medicine must be working if he can fall asleep…” he relaxed a little and sat down on the floor leaning against the wall, he tries to stay awake as long as he could but eventually dozed off. He woke up hearing retching sounds and saw that the bed was empty. He got up and saw the bathroom door closed so he waits there with a concerned expression. “Hey…you okay in there…?” he calls knocking on the door.

“Barely….” Devren called back weakly, he’s never felt so helpless being sick like this and he hopes it never happens again in his life time. After a little while longer he comes out and his father helps him get back to his bed to rest.

“Well looks like it’s good you chose now to take a break huh?” he says trying to make him feel better as Devren laid back down putting the ice pack back one his forehead.

“Heh yeah…I must be psychic or something.” He couldn’t really laugh but he smiled a bit.

“How are you feeling now?”

“…Better now that I’m done puking my guts out…”

“That’s good, just rest up now and I will bring you something to eat in the morning if you are feeling up to it. I’ll head back to my room now though to catch some sleep of my own.” He yawned, that floor was not comfortable.

“Okay…” he mumbled already falling back asleep. Nathan headed back to his room and fell back asleep as well.

As the sun rose up into the sky the two of them slept for a while tired from the night’s events, each minute of sleep was well deserved though. Eventually Nathan got up and went to check on how Devren was doing this morning now early afternoon. He walks in rubbing his face with one hand and opening the door with the other.

“Hey rise and shine, how are you feeling?” he asked seeing Devren still lying down.

“Not as bad as last night thank the stars…” he mumbled, his head was killing him though.

“Do you have an appetite yet?”

“Not really surprisingly, maybe later.”

“Alright, well I am going to eat so if you need anything don’t come in the kitchen.” He chuckled just glad that his son was feeling better, that was such a scare.

“Right right.” Devren said as he smiled lightly, pulling the covers over himself to rest more.  He spent the day this way not eating much and slept through that night like a rock. When the sun rose again he was able to eat some but was still recovering until the third day rolled around. He was feeling much better now, back to his old self and his bruises were healing well. He gets up and eats hardily before going to find his dad to start training again. Only a week and three days left before his month was up and he wanted to start working on the trial asap. Devren finds his father outside looking up at the sky; it was cloudy and looked like storm clouds rolling in.

“Looks like we will be getting a big storm out here, hopefully the wind changes so it blows right past us.” Nathan said turning to Devren now. “Well you look better, ready to start again on your training?” Devren nods in reply and started heading to the pond but his dad stopped him by putting the iron pull in his way.  “Ah ah before we go straight to that why don’t you warm up a bit, you’ve just recovered from being ill and injured I don’t want that happening again out here.”

“Okay…” he was a bit disappointed but he did as he was told and did a long warm up with a job, push-ups and sit-ups along with stretching. Once he was sure he was ready he went over to his father who had been waiting by the pond. “Alright I’m all set to go; I have a good feeling about today.”

“Then get your butt up there and show me.” Nathan replied with a light smile glad to see the pep back in Devren’s actions. He watches as the young betta jumps up onto the stake and gets his balance, a lot faster than the last time which was a good sign, maybe today would be the day finally. Nathan readies himself when he sees Devren starting to try and concentrate. Then he attacks lashing out with the pole at Devren’s thigh and although it seemed like today would start of well the attack hits with ease knocking his son right off like last time. He sighs but they continue until the winds started picking up into a howling rampage taking up leaves and small debris.  “Devren let’s head inside the storms heading our way!” he had to yell to reach his voice to him due to the wind.

“No I can do this just a little longer!” Devren yelled back standing up to get back on the stake.

“……Alright just a little longer but then we really need to head inside!” He receives a nod in reply though it would be way harder now for Devren to concentrate with all this distraction. As they were doing this lightning starts the strike around and loud thunder rumbled overhead and soon after pouring rain ran down like machine gun bullets onto the two. He gestures for Devren to head inside with him and though reluctant he comes with and they start running towards the house. Lightning crashed down and hits a large tree near the property and it breaks half way due to the strike. The wind was so loud that they didn’t hear it breaking and start to fall towards them. Nathan made it to the house first being light on his feet as he was but as he turns around his jaw drops in shock, he sees the tree falling right towards his son. He tried to yell out but his voice couldn’t be heard and he freezes in pure terror when he sees that Devren hasn’t noticed and before he could jump out to help his son is swallowed up by the top of the tree.

“DEVREN!” he screeched running out to look for him but the tree was so huge he wasn’t able to get through to where he saw it land on his son. He frantically tries breaking the branches, using the pole as a machete to break through tougher ones. He had to get to his boy, his precious son, to make sure he was alright. He calls out to him but hears no response and he was growing weaker with each branch he broke until he was on his knees panting. “Devren…my boy…” he sobbed feeling defeated at this point. “Please be okay….” He murmured trying to catch his breath, the wind was dying down though thunder still cracked overhead here and there and the rain was still coming down. Once he was able to get back on his feet he continued to get through the tree to keep on his search until he broke until an open area which was odd but in the middle laid Devren. Nathan quickly ran over to him and pushed his onto his back to listen to his heartbeat, still strong. He sighs in relief and sits down heavily feeling exhausted though sees now that his boy had a large gash on the side of his face and neck, he checks them but they are not too deep but enough to leave scars. After a moment he hears his son stir and groan, “Devren? Are you okay?” he asks in a concerned tone though the reply was muffled so he leaned closer. “What was that?”

“I did it.”

“Huh?” he looks at Devren in confusion, “What do you mean?”  he asked as he sees Devren sit himself up and that’s when he noticed the splinters on Devren’s wrists and arms and then looking down he sees them on his legs too.

“I did it…I sensed the tree fall.” He was smiling even though blood ran down his cheek still and he could feel the pain of the splinters. When the tree was about to hit him he sensed it coming and was able to tap into that force he was holding within him to quickly break some of the branches around him so he wouldn’t be too injured. It saved his life in the end and he was actually thankful to be able to have that kind of power in him even though it brought him here in the first place.

Nathan just put his hand roughly on Devren’s head making him grumbled but Nathan just smiled exasperated. “Stupid child of mine….I’m just glad you are in one piece…Let’s get you out of here huh…?” he helps him up and lets Devren lean on him as he limped back into the house, there his dad went to work on pulling the splinters out with tweezers.

“Ouch!” Devren complained fidgeting but his dad made him sit until he got them all out.

“If I don’t find them all they could get infected just sit still and then I will patch up those cuts.” He gets a mumbled reply that most likely was vulgar. Nathan just ignores it and continues to patch him up until he finished. “Now I don’t know about you but after that I am going to sleep before you give me a heart attack.” He chuckled light-heartedly and ruffled his son’s hair before going to his room. The storm was still going on and Devren was not feeling up for resting right now. He walked over to the large windows and sits in one of the comfy chairs to watch the rain fall down the windows.

His thoughts at this time were all about his beloved Janette back in the city across the ocean, he sighs heavily. “I’ll be home soon Janette….I promise….” He vowed quietly.  He watched the rain fall for a long while going over memories, those beautiful memories that he wouldn’t trade for anything but for the one person that made them in the first place. He smiled warmly as he dozed off in the chair.


“Dad wake up, hurry!”

Nathan was awoken in a rush and he sat up, “What, what is it?!?” he said loudly looking around wondering what was going on.

“Dad c’mon get up I want to train.” It was Devren and he was standing next to his father’s bed already dressed and ready to go. He looked eager even after what happened with the storm.

“Ugh okay okay…teacher is getting up. I will meet you outside.” Even before he was done talking his son was out the door heading for the pond. He sighed with a smile and got ready, it didn’t take him long but he sure was sore today that was for sure but he wouldn’t let that keep him from helping Devren. He walked outside seeing the disaster of the tree fall over the property, he wonders if it would be possible to remove it one day. He walks towards the pond and chuckles seeing Devren already up on the stake in the water. He then started sneaking now raising the pole up and when he got close enough he struck but to his surprise it was stopped. Devren caught it in his hand opening his eyes now with a smile. “Well I’ll be…you really did do it.” Nathan was so proud to see this even after everything his son has been through. “Then, that means we can move on and about time too your time is almost up.” He stood up straight and beckoned Devren to follow. They walked together towards the far back area of the property towards were Devren first spotted the odd structure back where they were heading. He finds that it was a stoned ring, like a really ancient fighting arena. “Now I will test on how well you can control you instincts when fighting.”

Devren was a little nervous; he didn’t want to harm his father though he knows Nathan is very capable to handle himself. “Okay…I’m ready.” His father walked with him towards the middle where they faced off.

With a deep breath Nathan charged at Devren and they fought it out with Devren being able to dodge better now thanks to learning how to sense his surroundings. Every vibration and small breath was sent through his finned ears but as his blood got pumping he was starting to feel an odd pressure in the back of his mind. This was it that feeling of losing control to win a fight was trying to take over, he tries fighting it back but it was strong and he started sinking. Blackness coming over his vision and his body went on a rampage until once more Nathan made a swift attack to the back of his neck to incapacitate him.

“He’s fighting it…that’s a good sign but he is still just a breaths away from his goal.” He whispers looking down at Devren lying on the ground. He sighed and sat down to wait for him to come to.

Minutes pass before Devren stirs and wakes up with a groan of pain, his neck hurt and he rubbed it to ease the pain. “Dammit…” he breaths sitting up.  “Can we go again?” he asked looking over at his dad but he was given a head shake as a reply.

“No Devren I’m sorry. One time is enough per day, if we fight like this too much you might not come out of your instincts when I knock you out. You may get damage to your neck as well, just once a day so spend the rest of the day training as you have been and we will pick it back up tomorrow and the day after until you can control yourself.” He looked at how disappointed Devren looked and smiled lightly. “You’re so close keep at it son. I’m very proud of your progress so far.” That seemed to cheer him up a bit since he saw a small smile on his son’s face.

“Okay…then I will meet you back here tomorrow.” He gets up in a huff and starts training like he had with his warm up only a bit more intensely.


Days go by like this and the end of the month was near, just two days remained or they would have to stay another month a start over with new training. Devren was determined though as the clock was running out instead of depressed. He was so close he could almost touch his goal right now. He and his father were once more in the ring facing each other.

“You better get yourself under control fast or you can kiss that plane ticket home goodbye Devren.” Nathan taunted to try and get him fired up which worked, he could see the spirit in his eyes. Nathan grins before attacking.

The fight rages on between father and son, over the last few days Devren has been able to keep the feeling back longer and longer but the goal is to take it over once it comes out. He tells himself mentally that he can do it, he was so close yesterday. This dragged on longer and longer until finally he felt the pressure feeling again. This is it, now or never, he had to concur his primal self or he would never be able to face Janette or anyone else ever again for fear he would hurt them if he lost control and that was his life line. As he felt his consciousness pull back into the darkness he fights it off for as long as he could until he ends up succumbing to it. After all that work he was losing, he felt like giving up at this moment but then he feels a warm feeling and he sees her face flash in his mind.

“Janette…” he murmured and it was like it all became crystal clear, his vision came back and he sees that he had pinned his father to the ground with the pole in his hands. He could feel the overwhelming strength coursing through him but now he was in control and he lets himself calm down now panting from using so much energy.

“Devren?” he father called out cautiously also panting to catch his breath from the fighting.

“The one…and only.” He huffed standing up with a smile.

“Son, you know what this means right?”

“Yeah…I’m going home.”


© Copyright 2013 Duckie (crimsonmallard at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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