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Rated: 13+ · Other · Horror/Scary · #1948440
Those voices you hear, the ones that softly speak in your head. You're not alone.
Red Rabbit

Those horror stories on the internet, so laughable, all these stories about hacked games that lead to death or seeing horrific things, experiments on people, or just the unexplainable things that we all fear. Those bumps in the night, it entertains me. I read them and enjoy them, I listen to readers online use their voices as a way to increase the horror. Now this is not to say they don’t scare me, for they do. Sometimes they are horrifying, or in the case of one of my favorites they just have such a sad yet horrific undertone that I find myself crying. I didn’t believe any of this, but that changed. I was browsing around the web just searching for more of these little stories when I got an email for a random anon on the web. It had no subject, but the body read “Hello. I have noticed you enjoy horror stories and the growing trend of ‘creepy pastas’. I thought I would send you a true creepy pasta.” And after that was the blue underlined link. Of course I clicked on it, how could I not. This email was like a challenge!

Inside I found a simple website that had an audio file titled as “NYANA”. I looked at it curiously, NYANA? That was obviously an acronym for something. Though as to what I couldn’t place it, but ignoring that I opened the file and listened to it. It was a boring file speaking simply saying things on how the mind of a human is so easy to invade, how a simple thing can open the mind to many others allowing one mind to host the life of thousands and thousands more. Spirits, demons, angels, it didn’t say at all, but it just rambled about the facts of this and how it works. At the end it played the tone that was supposed to open your mind. That tone though, it hurt, oh did it hurt. It was so high pitch, it was at a frequency so high that the ear could barely pick it up, but god did it hurt. My head became fuzzy from the pain, and my vision blurred. Then it just stopped, thank god it just stopped. If it continued I am sure I would have gone unconscious. Then the last words of the file played saying “Now you are not alone”. Now I am not alone? What kind of crap is this? The voice wasn’t even horrific, it just sounded like a mock attempt at a dark mysterious whisper. I sighed as I closed everything out and replied to the email.
“Thank you for the thought, but that was very dull. I’m sorry.” Was my simple message I sent. No problems, no errors, just sent. Then I got a next to instant reply. It read “Oh my new friend, just leave it out of your mind and it will be quite funny when you remember, just like my old friend that I am with now.” I scoffed at this and let it be, obviously someone was trying to make their own horror story and get screen caps or something to make it seem more valid. I wanted no part in any of it and went about my business.

Later on at 3am I was still awake, nothing abnormal for me, I didn’t fall asleep until around 5-7am anyways, but things in my room were feeling…odd… It was the middle of the summer and I live in a desert so even at that hour it was still very hot, I had fans running to keep me cool, but the room just had a sudden chill. I attributed it to the fan; telling myself that it simply must have picked up a cold wind from outside. Then I heard what sounded like my own voice reply in my head “Yea sure, next you are going to say that you live in an artic wonderland.” I couldn’t help but to laugh at this. I normally would retort at myself like this, maybe it’s a bit of insanity on my part, but it was fun to mock myself and say such things. So that’s what I believed I did. The rest of the night went by and I eventually went to sleep at 6am.

I had a dream that night, which was odd for me because for as long as I could remember I just sleep no dreams, no nightmares, just black. So a dream, a pleasant thing was always welcome. Normally when I had dreams they were always awesome and great, putting me as the hero or powerful being in some kind of world of mystic powers and magic, or in the world of an anime, game, or show I have been watching. This dream was the same, it had me saving countless from the oppression of an army of thousands of demons, but the thing was I killed myself at the end of the dream. I snapped awake instantly, panting as I shook my head. It was nothing, just a dream. I got out of bed and got myself some breakfast and prepared for my day ahead. I already knew I wouldn’t sleep after that dream. I had class today, a communications class, nothing more than a simple prerequisite for my major. So nothing too hard to get through. After breakfast I suited up and went to class.

Going to class I noticed I was acting a bit odd while riding my motorcycle. I am normally a more cautious rider, but today I just was ripping down the road, splitting lanes, passing cars, and all around being one of the sports bike riders most people hate and will probably crash and kill themselves eventually. Parking my bike I took off my helmet as I removed my headphones. “The hell was that C?” I would ask myself, using one of my own nicknames. In my head I heard “Oh just having some fun. C’mon, you have to admit that adrenaline rush was sooo worth it. Don’t worry.”… That was odd… I know I loved to feel a rush and that’s why I rode a sports bike, but being that reckless and rationalizing it to myself like that? I guess maybe I did it to relieve the stress from that dream.
Sitting in class I was bored, tired, and just started to randomly type on my computer instead of taking my usual notes. I was just making a random story for a character I made up, and it was coming along nicely, and the world around me faded as I typed. Then without notice I typed “This is fun. Wonderful work”…Wait…Huh? Why would I type that? Looking up I noticed that we were to start a discussion about our work from last week, so I just picked up what one of my peers said and typed up what I needed.
Class passed and I walked out with a yawn “Ugh, long day” I said to myself quietly as I walked to my bike putting in my headphones and putting on my helmet.

“Long day? What made it long? Sitting in class doing nothing? God, you are lazy. Honestly if that’s a long day I would hate to see what you say after an actual work shift.”

“Oh leave the poor child alone, he’s young let him enjoy the ignorant bliss.”

“Ignorant bliss? He’s in college; he needs to learn some time.”

“Now now, it will come, and he will learn the hard way when it does. No need to be so hasty”

“I think there is plenty of need. Honestly!”

Two voices in my head kept up that argument all the way until I reached half way home. At first I figured I was just giving myself a hard time and trying to rationalize my actions, but then it just continued and continued, this was not me!
“Both of you shut up!”  I ended up shouting out as I pulled up and stopped at a red light. With that it stopped, finally it stopped. Thank god it stopped. Those two were annoying! Silence all the way home and for a nice long time.
Then it started again at around midnight while I was listening to a creepy pasta being read on the internet.

“Hey you think he realizes we are here?”

“No” was a reply that a chorus of voices gave.

“Well why don’t we make him?!” one voice chimed happily, the rest cheered.

“Hell no leave me ALONE!” I would argue in my own head…Wait did I just tell myself that?

“But you are not alone. Now you are not alone” one voice said in response as I sighed. Ok I must be tired; I’m talking to myself and responding like another person. Though in the past I did this to pass the time, this time it was a bit much. I needed to just go to bed, which I did.

The next day was pleasant and normal, no added voices, nothing just pure silence. The silent times continued, and I was sleeping more recently so I guess my lack of sleep brought on the voices. Then came that day…
It was the six year anniversary of my grandfather’s death. He was everything to me, I remembered that so well, and the pain stings every time that day comes around. This year I promised myself I would go up the mountain to where his ashes were spread, because every year I want to I always chickened out crying as I was unable to face it, but I wanted to go there. I had to! I wanted to have a moment where I stood there and in a way let him see that I was growing up, and just to talk out into the wind like he was listening. Yes I’m odd, but I wanted to do it, so I did.

Reaching the spot I went to tree where I had personally spread his ashes around and then mixed the ashes with the dirt as I buried a small pocket knife that he had bought me years ago. It was as much a part of me as it was him, and I left it as a way to always have us together. Sentimental, but that’s how I am.

“Hey gramps. It’s been a long time. I’m sorry that I have not shown up. It took a lot for me to show up today.” I said as sat down under the tree crossing my legs as I would just start talking. Recalling the past years since his death, and telling him all I accomplished and have done. My closing statement was “Though it’s been six years…I still feel so alone without you around.” With that I got up and went home.

Night came as the day played through my head. Then suddenly I heard “Didn’t I tell you. Now you are not alone!” No no no, not this again. “Shut up, when I told gramps that it was meant for me to say that I missed him and it’s lonely without him!” I would shout out at the voice. Then a chorus of them sprang up all saying the same thing “Now you are not alone, now you are not alone” they repeated it over and over.

It was torture. “Stop! Shut up!” I shout as I grab my head. I couldn’t stand it, this burning never ending chorus saying that I’m not alone. I would get up off my bed and stumble down the hall. Water, I need water, something, anything to calm down. “Now you are not alone, now you are not alone!” the chorus grew bigger, louder. I couldn’t take it; I collapsed curling up on the ground as I held my head. “Stop stop stop!” I pleaded at the chorus to no success. I cried, I laid there and cried on the hall floor as the chorus grew and grew and grew, louder and louder and louder. It was thousands of voices strong. Eventually I would pass out, the pain in my head from the chorus knocking me unconscious. I woke to find myself still on the floor, but it was silent.

Picking myself up I would sigh and get a drink and go through my day. “Finally alone in my head” I said as I drank my water before I dropped the glass. It shattered on the kitchens tile floor. “Now you are not alone” I heard the chorus start again. Screaming I would grab my head, this was driving me insane. They said it over and over and over and over. Then I snapped and just slammed my head into the wall. It stopped, but I was dizzy and in pain.

“Thank god.” I said happily as I would rub my head and wait for the dizziness to go. Picking up a knife from the kitchen drawer I started to cut meat for my breakfast. Then it started up again, unprovoked. “Now you are not alone!” the thousands and thousands of voices all chimed and screamed it out. This time I bit down and tried to ignore it as I would keep on with what I was doing. Seconds felt like hours as I did this, the chorus not stopping. I walked a few steps as I stumbled and propped my hand with the knife in it against the wall.
“SHUT UP!!” I screamed out with all my might. My head I couldn’t take it, not again! NOT ONE SINGLE SECOND LONGER! NO! I had to shut them up permanently, I had to! NO MORE! Then I remembered. NYANA…Now You Are Not Alone… My unknown friend was right. This truly would be funny and horrific once I remembered. I heard my own thought for a brief second before I laughed and cry at the same time. This true was unbearable though, and I couldn’t take it. I don’t know what went through my mind much after that, but I know I decided to kill the voices. I just remember that I positioned the knife against the wall, blade facing me, then slammed the side of my head into the blade over and over until I everything was quiet, and that was it. I was finally alone… Everything was finally quiet.

Oh and you may be wondering how I am telling you this… Well I found a new friend, I was lucky to be the first to find him. I am telling him the story and he typed all this up for me. Very kind of him right? I am sorry for him thought, because he has yet to remember and believes I am just a creative muse, but now he is not alone.
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