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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1948854
His pet is in for a big surprise. What can that be?
This is a short story that's just been hanging around. Thought I'd share it with my writing.com fiends...I mean friends. I'm going to revise it. Constructive criticism and ideas are welcome. This is a rough draft and will be expanded.

Mystery Man

My cell rings. “Good afternoon, Master. How may I serve you?” I wonder to myself why you’re calling. I’ve been good and followed all your orders.

“Tonight’s a special night pet. You know that don’t you?” Your voice is laced with lust and dripping with intent. “Be sure to be home in a half hour no more. You must be properly prepared for this evening’s surprise.”

“Master? Surprise? Tonight? I don’t understand.” I don’t know what to think. You’ve told me nothing about this until now and I still don’t know what you mean. I tremble.

“Yes pet, I’ve planned a special evening for you. I will tell you no more. Just be home in a half an hour as I said. Do not be late. I would hate to have to punish you on such a special night. That means 4pm…not 1 minute after. Do you understand?”

I’m antsy now pacing back and forth wondering what you mean. “Yes, Master. I understand. I will be home no later than 4pm.”

“Good girl. Can’t wait to see you. Good-bye pet.”

“Good-bye, Master.” I place the phone back in my purse. I rush out of the shopping center and to the car. Time is already ticking by and I don’t want to be late. There is much to this evening that I don’t know about. I’m anticipating what you have planned. I wonder just what you’ve been up to, what the surprise is.

I hop into the car and head for home. The traffic is good so I make it to the house with minutes to spare. I open the door. It’s very quiet and wonder where you’re at. It’s then I hear you.

“Come here to me and kneel pet. I have instructions for you.” I can tell from the direction of the sound you’re in the master bath. Quickly I walk to where you are. As I peer through the door I see you standing in the middle of the room. “Crawl to me and kneel pet.”

Obediently, I go to all fours and crawl to you stopping at your feet, kneeling in position.

“Good girl.” You stroke my hair as you talk. “I’ve drawn a bath for you and laid out what I want you to wear. Wash yourself well and oil your skin. I want your skin soft and pliable. Do your hair and makeup.”

Your voice is soothing and sexy. “You will not see me again until the surprise. When you are done walk down to the dungeon, push the purple button beside the door, and go kneel by the table and wait for me there.

The table? WTF? What is going on?

I acknowledge your instructions waiting for you to leave before I rise. The door closes and I get up from position and remove my clothes. My hands are trembling. I lower myself into the bath. It’s scented with lavender and roses. Slowly I lay my head against the bath pillow and relax for a few minutes.

The intercom buzzes. “pet, do not relax too long. You must be ready for me quickly. Get busy and do as I’ve told you.”

Knowing I must move fast, I lather and rinse my body with the special body shampoo that you’ve laid out for me. The lather is rich and soft against my skin. My mind relaxes again and scenes of our previous times together run through my mind. My nipples harden, clit throbs and my pussy becomes wet.

My need is overtaking me. I need to cum so bad. With the finger of one hand I trace circles around my nipple pinching it while the fingers of the other hand slide down to my moist lips. I part my legs feeling the heat and moisture that has pooled between my thighs. Your strong presence and commanding voice flash into my minds eye as I stroke my clit.

I know I shouldn’t do this. I do not have permission but I can’t help myself.

Again the intercom buzzes frightening me out of my dream state. “Stop that now. I have not given you permission. You will be punished.”

I push the button on the wall. “B-but Master…h-how did you?”

“Surveillance cameras pet. Did you think that I would not be making sure that you kept yourself for me?”

“I…I uh…I’m sorry, Master. I couldn’t help myself. Please don’t punish me.” My eyes scan the room trying to spot the camera. I don’t see one.

The slap of the crop rings in my ears. “You’ve disobeyed me pet. I have no choice. Stand where you are and open your pussy lips to me I want to see your arousal level. I need to determine how severe your punishment will be. Do it now.”

Momentarily, I pause still trying to figure out where the camera is. As commanded I run my hands down to my wet netherlips and pull them apart.

“Farther. I want to see your clit, lips and pussy. You brought this on yourself.” More loud slapping comes through the intercom.

I jump with each slap. With shaking fingers I pull my lips farther apart for you exposing my wet, swollen lips and hardened clit. This is so humiliating. I feel so vulnerable and exposed. I swallow hard knowing that my arousal level is very high and it shows.

Your breathing is heavy. “Very bad girl. I see that you were close to cumming. That will mean a hard punishment for you.”

I release the hold on my pussy lips. “No. I did not tell you that you could do that. Open yourself again. I want you open to me until I tell you otherwise.”

Obediently, I open myself to you again, blushing. I want desperately to let go and cover myself but I remain in place with my pussy fully exposed to you. I still can’t seem to find where you’ve placed that camera.

“Very nice. You may take your hands from your pussy now but I want you to turn around and bend over and open your cheeks for me. I want to see your ass.” You know this embarrasses and humiliates me, but you insist on me exposing myself to you.

Carefully, I turn around and bend over at the waist pulling my cheeks apart. My thighs begin to tremble. I can feel your eyes staring into my ass.

“Oh yes. I do love looking at you, your ass, your pussy, all of you. That is my right as your Master. I’m thinking about what I’m going to do to that ass and body of yours tonight. You may stand and turn around facing the direction you were before.”

As quickly as I can I turn around and stand with my hands at my sides staring back in the direction I was in when you caught me. Goose bumps have formed on my flesh. My skin has cooled.

“Finish your bath quickly. You have 45 minutes to finish the bath, do your hair and makeup, put on your outfit and get to the dungeon. Finish up.” The intercom goes silent.

Once again I lower myself into the bath. The water has cooled too but is still warm enough to finish the bath. I finish lathering and rinsing and step out of the tub. Reaching for a plush towel I dry myself off and reach for the fragrant oil you’ve left for me to treat my skin with; it’s a very light rose scented oil. Carefully I apply it all over my freshly bathed skin. It sinks in quickly softening my skin.

Finished. Making good time. Will get the hair and make up done in no time.

Before long I’ve finished drying my body and styling my hair and putting on my makeup. My hair is swept up on my head with tiny ringlets framing my face and neck. I just put on the slightest of makeup, not too heavy. I reach for the clothes, but I don’t find any, just a collar, leash and shiny black high-heeled shoes.

As I reach for the collar I notice a note under it.

Yes pet…no clothes. Put on the collar, attach the leash and put on the shoes.
When you’re done come to the dungeon, push the purple button beside the door
and go kneel in front the table and face the door. Keep your head down with your
leash in your hands held out in front of you. I will be in shortly. Remain in
position until I tell you otherwise.


Oh gawd! No clothes? What will I do?

Quickly, I finish up putting on the collar and shoes while attaching the leash. I open the door to the master bath and walk out feeling terribly exposed, naked. But that is just what you want and I know it. I become wet with anticipation.

My heels click against the floor as I make my way down to the dungeon. Stopping at the door, I push the purple button and the door slides open. I peer inside and gasp. It looks totally different. The atmosphere is haunting. Fog billows across the floor as a haunting chorus permeates the room.

A cold shiver overtakes me when I see a large table in the middle of the room. It’s covered with red velvet and there are steel wrist and ankle shackles lying on top at each corner. Slowly I walk into the room and the door closes behind me. I’m afraid. I see a smaller table beside the larger one with various assorted toys placed neatly on top.

Shaking my head trying to clear my thoughts I lower myself into position with my head down and my leash held out in my hands. I tremble and shake as I wait for you to arrive. Just as I begin to calm down I hear the door open, but keep my head down. I want to look up but know that I was not given permission to do so.

Heavy footsteps come towards me. Chains rattle and the sound of a whip rends the air.

OMG! It’s a whip! I shake violently anticipating the lash of the whip. But it doesn’t come. I’m so frightened.

Where is Master? Who is this with the whip?

The steps stop in front of me. Again the crack of the whip rends the air above me. The smell of leather fills my senses. Carefully, still keeping my head down, I peer at the floor directly in my line of sight. Black leather boots? Whose are those?

The leash is plucked from my hand. I hear your voice coming from another direction. It’s not from the person standing in front of me. “Close your eyes, stand up, turn around and bend over the side of the table. Hang on to the edge and spread your legs. You are going to be punished for pleasuring yourself without my permission. Do it now!”

Shaking profusely, I close my eyes tightly and stand up and turn around. A pair of strong, gloved hands reaches from behind and steadies me feeling my breasts and pinching my nipples. I feel the leather clad body press against my backside as the gloved hands continue to roam down to my pussy lips. I whimper softly. I’m afraid. I really don’t know who this is. I try to pull away but the mystery man pulls me back into him fondling my pussy.
Without a word he guides me from behind to what I presume is the edge of the table and presses down on my shoulders. My heart is racing and I’m beginning to sweat. I lay myself over the edge, grasp the opposite edge of the table, and spread my legs, waiting…

Your voice again emanates from another section of the room. “A blindfold will be placed over your eyes now to make sure that you don’t peak pet.” I feel the soft cloth of the blindfold wrap around my head and tightened down.

But who is this that has come into the room? Oh Master I’m so afraid.

Fear overtakes me and I cry out for you. “Master please! I’m so afraid. Please. Where are you? Who is this in the room with me? Please Master! I’ll be good please!”

The mystery hands come to rest again on my shoulder. The touch seems familiar but who? I can’t see. Leather gloved fingers pry my mouth open and slide something long, hard and cold inside. The object is secured in my mouth by a strap tied around the back of my neck. A muffled scream escapes my lips.

I start to get up but again the strong hands push me back down. I begin to fight more. I hear you again from where ever you’re at in the room. “Calm down pet. Stay.” I feel the weight of the leather clad body laying on mine holding me to the table. My wrists are secured to opposite ends of the table. I move to close my legs.

Five crisp, sharp slaps brandish my quivering cheeks. Your voice commands me again from across the room. “Open them.” I open my legs again not wanting to anger the hands that had just punished me. “Farther.” Slowly I stretch them out as far as I can. It’s then that the clamp of cold steel clamps around one ankle and then the other securing me in place.

Without warning something cold and hard is shoved up my ass. I squirm and cry out around the gag. The gloved hand reaches between my legs and plays with my clit. I jerk trying to get out of its reach.

I hear the swish of a belt being removed from belt loops. I whimper.

Thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap

My cheeks bounce with each punishing blow as I cry out around the gag. My ass stings and burns. Oh how I want to beg for mercy but I can’t. I can’t even see who is doing this. I can feel the welts from the thrashing rise on my burning backside.

The gloved hands spread my pussy sticking what feels like two fingers inside. They twist and thrust in and out stopping to press my g-spot. My pussy becomes wetter. The fingers continue to thrust in and out and at the same time device in my ass is fucking me. I struggle to try to get away from the probing fingers and the device screwing my ass. It’s no use. I’m bound and helpless. The assault suddenly stops and the device is slowly removed from my ass.

I feel the gloved hands spread my cheeks. Something cold and slick is rubbed around my anus. I clinch. I hear you again. “No pet. Relax it or else.” Wondering how you could possibly know I do as you say. My cheeks are spread farther stretching and exposing my hole. I whimper around the gag. Small tears roll down my cheeks from under the blindfold.

Something is pressing against my ass. Frightened I jerk and scream around the gag trying to stop the penetration that I know is coming. No words are spoken. A series of harsh, burning thrashes rain down on my bare, stinging ass. I scream into the gag.

The leather-clad fingers again spread my cheeks wide rubbing around the rim. Fingers slide up my hole finger fucking my ass. The fingers slide out. I feel the bulge of his cock through his pants as he rubs against my exposed hole. I shake hard knowing he has plans to use it.

The sound of a snap coming undone and a zipper lowering reach my ears. I hear the pants hit the floor. The leather-clad hands once again spread my ass cheeks. He rubs his cock up and down my crack. With one hard push his hard shaft pushes through my hole. I squeal and struggle as he holds me down with his hands on my hips thrusting hard and fast.

I feel my ass being stretched, held open as he rams just the head of his cock in and out repeatedly. It hurts. I whimper and cry softly. The pressure building, he rams his hard cock to the hilt, his balls slapping my body. He pulls out.

Again something cold and hard is shoved up my already sore anus and seated there. His cock slams into my pussy and the devise in my ass vibrates. I’m getting wetter and more aroused. It’s hard to hold back my responses. I want to cum but I don’t. I want Master. Where is he?

Suddenly the vibrating stops and he pulls out. My juices are running down my legs. I’m debased, humiliated, scared, and aroused.

I hear him pulling his pants up from the floor. His footsteps are coming close to my head. Chains are jingling. The smell of leather is in front of me. The footsteps stop. The gag is removed from my mouth. As I open my mouth to take a deep breath he shoves his cock inside. Startled, I scream around his hard shaft.

His hands hold my head fucking my mouth relentlessly. His grip tightens when I try to pull my head free. He shoves his cock farther into my mouth, holding it there.

I start to gag. One hand strokes my throat as the other grasps the back of my head holding me in place. I struggle feeling his cock expand stretching my lips. Both hands now grip my head. He fucks my mouth. I’m breathing heavy and my heart is pounding. He stops and pulls out.

Again I hear him pull his pants back up from the floor. Before I can speak he places the gag back in my mouth securing it around the back of my head.

I hear him walk back behind me. The device is removed from my ass as he shoves his hard cock back up my ass fucking me hard. With each thrust he spanks my ass hard thrusting harder. My ass hurts from the relentless assault.

Finally, I hear your voice again from another part of the room. The mystery man is fucking my ass hard. “Good girl, pet. Stay.” I want to ask you where you are and who is this man that is fucking me. But I can’t I’m gagged, bound and blindfolded.

A few more hard slaps and thrusts assault my ass. I jerk and scream around the gag. I feel him pull out. Again and again his hot cum shoots all over my ass and trickles down into my crack. My cheeks part again and he rubs his jism on my hole shoving his gloved fingers inside.

Gloved fingers flick my clit while the others fuck my ass. “Prepare yourself to cum.” I hear you say, still wondering where you are. The thrusting and flicking reach a fever pitch. I need to cum. “Cum for me now, pet. Cum for me.” My pussy and ass muscles contract. My body jerks and I cum hard. The gloved fingers slide from my body.

I hear him put himself back together. He comes around to my face and stops. The blindfold comes off. I gasp. Master!? It’s you? But how?

“Yes, pet. It’s me. I used a voice throwing device that made me sound like I was elsewhere in the room. It also keeps you from hearing the sounds of my pleasure as I use you. Very ingenious device.”

“But Master I was so afraid. I didn’t know…”

You press your finger to my lips. “I know. That was the point. Though afraid you still obeyed me, after some corrective action. You will not pleasure yourself without my permission again will you?”

“No, Master.”

“Good girl.” You remove the restraints and help me up pressing me into your body. Your lips press hard against mine kissing me deeply and passionately. I melt into your embrace.

© Copyright 2013 Desiree Addams (desvamp at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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