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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1948859
His pet deserves a special punishment. What has she done? What is the special punishment?
I just keep finding these old short stories. Give me some feedback please. I have more and am debating on whether to put some together and make another book. Make suggestions. These characters don't have names yet or background information.

Special Punishment

“What did I tell you?”

“N-n-ot to look at you Master.”

“Yes that is what I told you. You thought you could steal a glance at me without me seeing it didn’t you?”

Staring at the floor I ponder the consequences of my actions unable to formulate a proper response. “I…I…uh…”

“Answer me. Didn’t you?” Your voice is calm and firm.

“Y-yes Master. I did. I-I’m sorr…” my voice trails off. I know that the apology is fruitless. I have disobeyed you yet again and now I must be punished. I tremble knowing that this time it will hurt worse.

You grasp my chin bringing my face upwards. “Look at me.” You stare down at me. I can feel the disapproval emanating from them. You smile wickedly, tracing your finger over my quivering lip. “Well now. You’ve left me no choice. Kneel and stay here.”

I sink to my knees and watch intently as you walk over to the dresser and open the top drawer. I want to plead with you but think better of it. My body is shaking worse now. I know that when you go to the top drawer I will feel the pain of my disobedience in a more intense way. I whimper sniffling a little.

You fumble around the drawer bringing out several items. You place 2 of them on the bureau top. I shiver again. It’s your small crop and the gag. I know what that means. Not only are you going to spank me hard but you’re going to apply corrective action to my asshole and pussy lips too. I will be so sore then you will fuck my hurting hole hard to drive your point home.

Palming the third item you close the drawer and come back towards me. With your free hand you grasp the back of my head and pull back. The look in your eyes tells me that I’m really in for it now. I get that stare, that unnerving stare that tells me I will be punished but good now. Your mouth curls in an evil grin.

I can tell that the pictures in your mind of my coming pain are exciting you. I become wet but still afraid knowing that I will be made to take more pain though I know eventually the pleasure will be more intense too. The pleas for mercy stop cold in my throat. I know they are hopeless. I remember your words to me earlier, “Always remember your pain is my pleasure. You will take the pain I give you and learn to enjoy it. But I will never hurt you. It is all for your ultimate good.”

You open your palm. There is one item there. I’ve never seen it before. I stare at it wondering...it looks almost like a large bullet. It’s silver, about as big around as a quarter and looks to be about 4 inches long.
For the longest time you stand there watching my internal struggle. You can see the fear in my eyes. Your grasp on my head gets tighter. “Look at it. It’s going up your sweet ass.” You laugh that sadistic laugh that makes me tremble violently.

I look up at you, back at the object in your hand and then back at you searching for the answer. None is yet forthcoming.

You order me to get up and go bend over the back of the couch and spread my legs.

Slowly, I get up from my kneeling position and walk over to the couch. I stand there staring for a moment. I’m afraid. You haven’t told me yet what that thing is I just know from experience it will be painful.

“Quit stalling and bend over the back of the couch. Be a good girl now.”

I swallow hard and do as I am told. I don’t want any more punishment than what I have coming. I drape myself over the back of the couch and spread my legs.

You swat the inside of my thighs. “Wider. No games.” The sting makes me shake as I spread my legs wider. You don’t say a word for what feels like an eternity. Your hands trace over my body feeling all of me. Your groin is pushed up against my ass.

I can feel your hard cock gyrating against my ass. I hear you back up just a little. A sigh of relief escapes my throat. I think that you’re just going to fuck me in the ass with no punishment. But that sense of relief is short lived as I feel your hands on my cheeks spreading them further apart.

“Hold your cheeks open for me. I’m going to go get the small crop. You know what that is used for right my dear?” I feel you back away as I take hold of my ass cheeks and hold them there as commanded. I shiver knowing exactly what it is used for. My tender hole and pussy lips are going to get a thrashing.

“Y-yes Master. I know what it is for.” My voice trembles and cracks. I know you can hear the fear and apprehension in my voice. Your pace quickens and soon you are back behind me. I don’t know what you’ve done with the other implement that was in your hand earlier but I’m sure I will soon find out. I squirm anticipating your correction.

“Yes very nice. Ass spread and ready. Keep it that way. Hold it open until I tell you otherwise or it will be worse for you.”

I know your aim is true and will hit the mark. I have no fear of you hitting my hands just your intended targets.

I feel you trace the special made crop along the cleft of my ass dropping to my wet pussy.
You flick my hardened clit with it. I jump and moan then you shove it in my moist opening.
“Good girl. Stay.” You pull it from me dragging my juices with it up my crack and stop at my hole. You swirl it around my anus wetting my asshole with my own juices. I think that maybe you’re just going to tease me with it again hoping that you’ll forgo the punishment.

Without warning the stinging flap of the crop rains down a series of sharp slaps to my exposed hole. I screech and jump but hold myself open for you. Whimpering I struggle to hold my place knowing that you’ve just started.

“That’s it. Feel your Master’s punishment. Feeling a bit humiliated by your position aren’t you? All bent over your little hole getting the spanking it so richly deserves. You will think twice next time won’t you?”

Gathering my voice I whimper, “Y-es Master. I will think twice before disobeying you again.” I fall silent too humiliated to answer the other question.

Again the series of punishing blows hit my vulnerable hole. I whimper and dance around trying to keep you from hitting the target. I fail.

“Keep it open. I want to see it while I punish that little pussy of yours.” I do my best holding myself open and vulnerable to your view and your punishing whims.

Your first slap comes by surprise…It is your hand. And then again 3 more times. It stings so bad I want to close my legs but I don’t. I know if I do you will start over again and this already hurts bad. Though I’m wet and aroused the pain reminds me of my position before you and my disobedience.

“I want to feel your punished pussy in my hands. Not done yet. Keep it spread.”
You back up and the crop lands its fierce slaps on my wet, swollen netherlips. It stings and burns. I’m horny but in pain. My senses are again confused by the pleasure and pain. I groan and another series of stinging slaps from the crop rain down on my hole and my wet pussy lips. I get more aroused and the pain intensifies…

You give me the ok to release my cheeks. I quickly and gladly do just that. As they come back together I am reminded painfully of your punishment.

“The pain will do you good. You look so nice all freshly disciplined and spread for me. Stay. I’m not done yet.” I turn my head over my shoulder and see you walk over to the bureau again returning with the gag. “Open.” Obediently I open my mouth and you slide it in securing it around my head. “I don’t want your screams to alert the neighbors. This next item is going to hurt.”

Oh how I want to plead with you to please not do this that I will be good I will do anything you say. But I can’t the dick shaped gag keeps me from saying a word. I can only whimper and moan.

“Now get up and come with me. I want you over my lap for this one. One of my favorite positions for you.”

You grasp my arm and help me up leading me to the edge of the bed where you sit and motion for me to get into position. I plead with my eyes. You shake your head no and motion for me again pulling on my wrists and putting me into position.

I wriggle against your legs and you spank me hard a few times to let me know who’s in control and that I’d better just listen.

“Bad girl. I’m going to have to turn up this device once I get it in your ass. Now hold still.” You reach into your pocket and pull out the silver device. I try to scream around the gag but I’m muffled.

I feel your hands spreading my cheeks shoving that hard object in my hurting hole and up my ass seating it firmly. I struggle a bit trying to squirm off your lap and out of your reach. I know this is going to hurt.

You blister my vulnerable cheeks with stinging blows reiterating the fact that you are the Master and I am the slave and that I have been bad.

“You’re really in need of serious correction today. Not good.” Your punishing hands continue reddening my cheeks as they bounce with every blow and I cry out around the gag in my mouth. I do my best to hold back the tears.

Suddenly you stop. “Now as for the device in your ass. It will not damage your tissue. I will not have that. But it will deliver some measured punishing shocks. It’s specially designed to punish without actually hurting the anus. It is called the Anal Punisher for good reason.”

Your hands trail over my stinging flesh pulling my cheeks apart. You rim my tender, disciplined hole with your finger renewing the pain. Your breathing becomes more labored. I feel your hard cock press against my stomach. With every whimper of pain it pulses against me. My pain is further exiting you.

You press and hold me down across your lap. “Now for the test. This will hurt pet. This device is remote control. I’m going to push the button. It is set on two. I skipped one because you’ve been so bad.”

The device buzzes then shocks then buzzes again. I scream around the gag and squirm madly on your lap. The buzzing is a pleasant prelude to the punishing shock. It buzzes shocks then buzzes again.

“I know that had to hurt. But you will learn to mind me now won’t you?” Your hand trails over my quivering ass.

I shake my head violently yes hoping that my acknowledgement will earn me a reprieve from the shocks.

“You know I’m not done yet. I’m going to test the effectiveness of the device by letting you up and giving you some simple commands.” You pick me up from your lap. “Stand.”

On wobbly legs I stand as commanded. I’m shaking.

“Good now…when I tell you to ram your tongue you will ram it good for me now won’t you? Kneel.”

I sink to the floor knowing full well what is coming next.

Buzz. Shock. Buzz.

“Ump!Mo!” I scream around the gag. My eyes question you.

Your hands grasp my head and pull back. “You know when you kneel your legs are to be spread wide for me. Now do it or you will get another.”

Quickly I spread them not wanting another shock. They are a mixture of painful pleasure. Not sure which is more intense the pain or pleasure.

“Good girl. Now finger your pussy for me. But do not come. You do not have permission. I will turn up the device if you do and you really don’t want that.”

Quickly I slide my hand down my body to my wet opening fingering myself as you’ve commanded. I circle slowly first then quicker. My orgasm is immanent. I struggle to hold back. You shock me but it doesn’t hurt as bad as the previous one. I stop.

“You do not have permission to come yet. I turned it down to give you a taste of what would happen if you completed without my permission. Very effective device.” You reach down and remove the gag. “You will need your mouth for the next series of commands.”

You point in the direction of the cage. “Go get in. Now. Crawl.”

I put my hands to the floor and crawl in the direction of the cage. I can feel your eyes boring into my backend enjoying the view. I get to the door and stop. The door is closed and you taught me to always wait for you in the doggie position at the door so that you can open the door for me. I tremble knowing that sometimes you give me a series of good sharp slaps and a good ass fuck for good measure before you open the door. But not this time.

You reach down and stroke my neck. The device goes off.

“Mmaster! Ow!” I want to reach back and hold my hurting ass but I know better.

“That was for not reminding me to put on your collar and leash. You know those are a must. Now go get them. Stay on all fours.”

I crawl to the same bureau where the device was taken from. I stop in front of it and kneel in position opening the bottom drawer. I reach in and get the collar and leash putting them both in my mouth.

“Close the drawer and come here to me.”

Quickly I close the drawer and crawl back to you knowing that I did not have permission to stand. I come to you and stop looking up at you from all fours. My eyes plead with you again. Your eyes tell me that I will do just as you want. I have no choice but to obey you unless I wish more punishment.

You stroke my head and take the collar and leash from my mouth.

“Kneel up and spread.”

I get into position as you reach down and place the collar around my neck securing the leash in the process.

Your hands feel my body, pinch my nipples, and slide down to my wet opening. “Must check you. Hold still.” You finger my clit and stick your fingers in my pussy. “Very nice. Wet and ready. But I’m afraid your punishment is not over with yet.” Your fingers trail farther back and stroke my asshole.

I cringe and shake hoping that you won’t trigger the device again yet.

“Oh yes my little slave girl you must always obey me or pay the consequences. You do understand that now right?”

My voice cracks as I realize your power over me. “Y-yes Master. I understand.”

“Good girl. Now. Back to the cage.” You get up and pull on the leash leading me to the door of the cage. I remain still waiting for you to open it. You reach down and open the door. “In now. Make sure to hand me the leash when you get in.”

I crawl into the special cage. You made sure it was spacious enough not to scare me but enough of a confinement to make sure I obey you. I reach through the bars and hand you my leash.

You wrap the leash around your hand and grasp it firmly. “Very good. Now you’re going to use those lips and that tongue.” You unbuckle your belt and drop your pants. My eyes grow wide seeing how large you’ve become. Your cock bounces and your sacs tighten. The head of your cock is purple and the veins are bulging. I whimper knowing exactly what you have planned. My mouth waters wanting to taste you but I’m afraid because you’re so large. You pull on the leash and shove your cock through the bars. “Suck me now.”

I start to go forward but balk for a moment. You shock my asshole and I respond opening my mouth and taking you in. My hole throbs but is contracting with the pain.

You reach through the bars with your free hand and grab my hair. “That’s it. Good girl. Suck your Master. Take all of me. You must not disobey me.” You thrust hard into my mouth. My jaw aches and my hands and knees grow weak.

I moan around you as your cock fills my mouth. It pulses with every whimper pushing against my throat. I try to pull back your cock triggering my gag reflex. You pull hard on my leash and on my head. “Relax and open your throat. Do not fight me.” You push my head slowly on your swollen cock and hold me there.

One hand releases my head. The device goes off. I scream around your cock and it swells in my mouth. “Oh yeah….love to have you scream on my cock. My bad girl needed a shock.”

Your thrusts continue as you fuck my face. Suddenly you withdrawal. “Now you will lick your Master’s ass. Do it good now or I will shock you.” You turn around with your ass cheeks spread against the bars of my cage.

“Get your tongue up my ass girl now.”

I press my face against the bars searching your ass with my tongue. I kiss it and lick it doing as you’ve taught me to pleasure you.

“What do you say to your Master pet?”

“Thank you Master for allowing me to lick your ass. I love your ass. Please may I kiss it and lick it?”

“Very good pet. Yes you may. Kiss and lick your Master’s asshole. Now.”

I swipe my tongue from your balls to your ass and back again over and over. “Now pet kiss your Master’s asshole. Now.”

Wet and squirming I do as you command knowing that if I don’t you will shock me again.

“Good girl. Now tongue me deep. As you do I want you to thank me with each stroke of your tongue until I tell you to stop.” You push your ass closer against the bars your cheeks spread far apart.
Obediently I plunge my tongue into your ass. “Thank you Master….thank you Master…” I plunge deeper and deeper feeling your velvety muscles on my tongue. “Oh yes girl. You may stop thanking me now but keep tonguing your Master.”

Buzz shock buzz…

My face presses harder against your ass and my tongue rams deeper.

“That’s it girl. I want your tongue deep in my ass. Keep it there. I will shock you if you don’t.” Your hand reaches around and pulls my face deeper into your ass.

I ram my tongue deep not wanting to feel your shocking punishment again. My body still confused from the pain/pleasure of the last shock. I am wet and throbbing. Close to cumming.

“Grab your Master’s cock. Keep your tongue up my ass and jack me off. Do it good.”

I grab your cock from between the bars and grasp it hard with my face against your ass and my tongue up your ass licking and thrusting. I’m becoming wetter and my clit throbs furiously…

“Oh yeah…good girl…jack my cock and lick my ass harder. I want to feel your face against my cheeks, your tongue tasting my ass and your hand jacking my cock hard. Do NOT disappoint me.”

I jack your cock hard pressing my face against your cheeks. I thrust my tongue deep into your asshole swirling it. Your muscles contract around my tongue. I relish the taste of your ass on my tongue. Your cock is pulsing harder….you’re ready to cum…

“Keep that tongue up my ass and jack me harder. I want your face pressed in my crack and your tongue deep in my ass when I come. Oh yeah…now….tongue your Master deep. Coming pet…”

Doing as commanded I jack your hard cock with my face pressed hard against your cheeks and my tongue buried deep in your ass. You scream loudly as your come sprays into the air and your asshole contracts around my tongue.

“Do not move yet. Keep that tongue up my ass. Lick me some more.”

I do as I’m told licking your still spasming asshole.

You pull away from my tongue.

“Very nice pet. Now I shall shock u to orgasm. This device is specially equipped to make you come too. Turn your ass around and spread your legs. I want to see your pussy and your ass when I make u come.”
The device goes off…buzzing shocking buzzing. I beg for release.

“Since you’ve sucked your Master’s cock and licked his ass so well you may come now. But keep yourself spread. I want to see the spasms of your pussy and ass.”

Obediently I keep myself spread waiting for the punishing pleasure from the shocks of the Anal Punisher. They come quickly and fiercely…I beg, “Master please let me come for you please. Please.”

“That you may pet.” One last shock and I’m sent over the edge screaming and creaming myself as you watch from behind seeing my ass and pussy spasm….my juices running down my thighs…

© Copyright 2013 Desiree Addams (desvamp at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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