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A Road trip to clear the mind |
Take it to Roger A Play for TV Roger Mustoe a former precision engineer who took early retirement when he was offered an attractive package and is now the village Mr Fixit. He can repair anything and has a pile of domestic appliances, cars, motorcycles, a caravan, garden equipment, kids toys and other sundry junk needing attention. He has a healthy interest in Motorbikes and in particular Harley Davidson models. His pride and joy is a 2001 Road King with many shiny extras from the H-D option catalogue. The love of his life is Connie, his partner of 12 years, a physiotherapist who specialises in sporting injuries. She met Roger after he had damaged his back co-incidently pulling his Harley Davidson out of the garage. His first wife Merle had no interest in motorbikes and eventually fell for a spotty youth at the local filling station. She left Roger thinking she had found true love at the pumps. After a couple of years the age difference became a problem and she is now on her own in another part of the village. Awkward! Connie and Roger are like two peas in a pod . Their common interest is motorcycling and she rides a H-D Sportster, lovingly maintained by her loyal husband. For sixty-somethings they enjoy a very active sex life with lots of variety initiated by both parties. They had just returned from the Isle of Man TT races when Connie discovers a lump in her breast. She keeps it to herself for a couple of months. Then during one of their very active love making sessions Roger discovers it. They look into each other’s eyes, say nothing but later Connie promises to see the Doctor. A rapid course of treatment is embarked upon. 6 months on and after considerable treatment her lump has been removed but the cancer has spread and the prognosis is not good. There are many secondaries which are spreading throughout her body. Roger’s world is collapsing around him but friends rally round and help where they can. He never leaves her side except to collect the shopping and to continue fixing stuff in his surprisingly tidy workshop for the villagers. Roger nurses her and makes her comfortable each day but the inevitable happens and she dies just before the TT races the following year. He is numb, lost, rudderless and cannot understand why it happened. Friends rally round, support him, cook meals, take him to the pub, generally take an interest. But it is not enough. He wants to remember Connie, but he must move on as he is still a fit lad with needs. At sixty three he can see the door on his life slowly closing and he doesn't want to be alone. Roger immerses himself deeper in his work. Repairing stuff 24/7 he has little sleep but struggles on. A number of the village ladies looking for extra marital fun make advances and he was attracted on a few occasions. But it wasn’t the same. It was just sex, there was no real love or emotion. If this carries on he will be in trouble, he’ll be discovered. His ex even makes advances but from that quarter he is definitely not interested. 'I’m not going back to that he asserts.' He needed more. After 12 months of Connie being gone, but not forgotten Roger needed another one to love and cherish. He decides to look up some of his old flames from the past. From early school or technical college he will search until he finds a new soul-mate. His logic tells him that one of his former girl-friends will have had a loss, or separation and like him will be looking for a soul-mate. It’s a gamble but it may pay off. This is the story of his quest. Roger is in his official workshop, quite well organised with a drawer for this and shelf for that. Outside under a leanto are the knackered old appliances, bicycles, toys even a couple of cars and a caravan. He knows where everything is it just takes a while to find the piece he’s looking for. There is just Roger, his tools and his know-how. The village would grind to a halt without him. Or so he thinks. Scene – Roger's Workshop, early May His pal Duffy, the local postman comes in. Duffy ‘Mornin Rog, how goes it?’ Roger ‘Same as usual , a pile of junk to fix by yesterday. I was hoping to have a few days in the saddle, now that the better weather’s here, fancy coming? Duffy ‘Jeez Rog, that’s short notice. Yer know I can’t just drop everything. Roger ‘I thought you were only working three days a week now’ Duffy ‘Well I was but one of the others posties broke his leg falling down some steps. He’s gonna be off for a couple of months, so I’ve taken his walk as well.’ Roger ‘Bugger. I’ll have to ask one of the others. I know Bud is keen. Duffy ‘ Sorry mate, I’d love to come but I’ve agreed, y’know’ Roger ‘Yeh, I know. There’s always something. We’re all supposed to be semi-retired and enjoying ourselves. But we’re bloody trapped.’I dunno how we ever coped working full-time Duffy 'look , Rog. Y'know I'd be there if I could but I can't. I promised. Simple' Roger 'Don't beat yourself up. I know it's difficult. But I just have to get away' Duffy 'I'll check with the others. If anyone is free I'll get 'em to bell yer'. Roger ' Thanks mate. Sorry.' Rolls his eyes. 'I'll come out with yer. It's gonna be a lovely day eh?' Duffy 'Yer right there, see yer mate.' Duffy leaves the 'shop and departs. Roger walks out with him into the cluttered yard and waves him off. Then he walks over to the garage where he keeps the bikes, his and Connie's under wraps. Slowly he pulls out the remote presses the button to open the door and steps inside. It's like another world. Tidy, clean, tools all in racks, clean floor, and two gorgeous Harley Davidson motorcycles. A couple of years ago the would be preparing for the ride to the Isle of Man but now he has no interest in that. He just likes to ride. Roger walks over to one of the bikes and pulls off the cover. It's Connie's. The grey dust cover falls to the floor. Roger gazes at her bike and as he does tears roll down his cheeks. His thoughts remember the good times (Flashback 1 - to be added later) as he pulls the cover back over the bike. He then wipes away the tears and pulls the dark dust cover off the Road King. After a few moments looking at the tyres and checking the fluid levels he walks over to the rack near the bench and selects an open face helmet, pulls it on and walks back to the bike. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the key, shoves it into the ignition and fires the motor. It rumbles into life, then settles into that rhythmic rattle. All Harley's rattle and shake. They're alive. If you're a biker you either hate 'em or love 'em. Roger (to himself) ' Motorcycles are alive, they have soul, they breathe.' He swings his right leg over the saddle and settles onto the bike. He kicks up the side-stand. A couple of twists on the throttle, the bike jumps and shakes. It feels right. Pull in clutch, select first with a familiar clunk. Slowly he releases the clutch and eases out of the garage. He flicks down the side-stand-stand and parks it briefly. Roger digs in his pocket and presses the garage remote. The door closes. Roger then pulls down visor, the selects first gear and eases out of the drive heading for the village. The sun is out and he feels the warmth on his face. The feel of the bike beneath him washes away all the sadness as he settles into his usual rhythm of riding the big motorcycle. His senses are sharpened as he adopts his normal attitude of self-preservation. Jenny, the local postmistress waves and smiles as he rolls by. Roger returns her warm greeting with a smile and a single nod. Henry, the village butcher smiles and nods through his window. Almost envying Roger as he motors out of the village. Henry is one of the local riders who rides out with Roger and the others. The road opens out into a wide and winding country lane with wide verges, bordered by thick hedges. The road rises gently out of the valley towards the ridge on the horizon. At the top of the climb the landscape changes to a moorland landscape with the road running between dry-stonewalls towards a cattle-grid and on to a more bleak open moor with sheep and wild ponies. The warm sun just invited roger to keep riding. He just wanted to carry on until the fuel ran out. As he came to the top of Barrowgate Hill, the steep double hairpin drop down from the moor, he pulled off the road into the small car park and view-point. He knew he must go back and get on with some more repairs, Then this afternoon he'll plan his trip carefully. That meant some time on the 'net drawing up a list of likely candidates. After a few minutes taking in the view Roger re-mounted and rode back to Mellor Abbas and the warm garage. He enjoyed the warm morning sunshine as he approached the village. Rounding the bend near The Plough pub he spied Jacky the barmaid from The Plough, leaning over her bicycle, fiddling with something. He pulled up beside her. Roger 'Hi Jack, what's up? I spied you leaning over the back end!' Jacky 'Bloody gears have packed up, Dunno why. I was just about to start the lunchtime shift here at the pub' Roger 'Never mind that, you get into the bar an' I'll come and fetch yer bike and fix it this afternoon. It'll only take an hour or so' Jacky 'Oh thanks Rog. Yer a star'. There's a pint for you on the slate. Roger 'Heh, I'll need that at least y'know.' Jacky 'Oh I know that.' Winks at him. Roger 'I'll see you around nine tonight. Got stuff to do first' Roger selects first and sets off towards his house down the main street. He swings into the driveway and drives straight into the opening garage. He manoevers the bike so that it faces outward and switches off. He walks out of the garage and continues through the village back to the pub. Jacky's bike is leaning against the Gents toilet at the back of the Pub wall where she left it. There he looks over the bike, a Trek off-road model with fat tyres, a female seat, and the usual 20 odd gears. He quickly sees the problem, a loose cable nipple on the rear derailleur. Roger casually walks it back to his workshop and gets to work. Whilst leaning over the bike he can't help getting a whiff of her scent off the seat. It's been a while since he's been that close to female smells. It's pleasing and he smiles to himself. Roger 'I hope Connie's smiling too' he mutters to himself' After fixing the gears and tightening the brakes a little, which only took about 45 mins he leans the bike outside the workshop and goes inside the workshop to get on with more jobs. At lunchtime he knocks off and goes over to the house. Out of the freezer he pulls a ready meal. Even though he's been on his own for nearly a year he still keeps the house tidy. Beth, one of the village ladies comes and cleans for him and makes sure that his freezer is stocked. 'Another meal on me own' he thinks. After a meal and a coffee he gets stuck in to his trip planning. Roger grew up in the North and that's where he's headed. Out come maps and old address books but most of all he gets on the computer to see if any old school mates are out there. It's surprising how much information he can find by using Friends Re-aquainted. There are some promising links. After a couple of hours he's got a list of females that he knew from school who are still living in or near his old home town. A couple of old male school mates are also around and seem to have lived there for ever. He decides that he'll just go without letting anyone know and let the element of surprise do the talking. At worst they can only tell him to bugger off. Later on, around nine he rides Jacky's bike back to the pub. It's still quite light so he doesn't have to worry about any lights. All the gears check out and the brakes are sharp. He almost stands the bike on its nose as he tests the front brake 'I'd better warn her or she'll be over the 'bars' he thinks He was greeted with a burst of applause from the regulars. Roger 'What's all this? Mikey ' We saw you testing it in the road, Not bad for an old'un' Roger 'I'll give you old' un yer cheeky bugger. I was doing that before you were a twinkle in your mother's eye' Mikey 'Yeh Yeh, the good old days eh? What'll you have you old git' Jacky' No Mikey, that's on me. Thanks for doing that Rog. It was very kind. Roger ' You havn't seen the bill yet m'dear. I'm a specialist you know. That sort of of knowledge doesn't come cheap.' He winks at her. Jacky is a little younger than Roger, about 54 he estimates. She has been on her own for a while after her hubby ran off with his secretary. Very old-fashioned but true. Jacky was very close to Connie and helped during her illness with visits to the hospital and hospice. It was upsetting for her and Roger. Jacky always said he only had to ask if he needed anything. Until now he hasn't but as the grieving diminishes he now sees her as a woman as well as a friend. Tomo 'Hey Roger, Duffy tells me that you're planning a road trip' Roger 'Great, you coming? Duffy was as good as his word?' Tomo 'Can't mate. Too much on. This is our busy time in the nursery. All the seedlings need constant attention.' Roger 'Yer don't mean to tell me that you're 'aving to water them. Not with all the bloody rain? Tomo 'No it's the pests and mildew from all the rain. It's full on for the next 6 weeks' Roger 'Oh well it's on my Sweeny then. Your loss' Tomo ' You'll be better on yer own. It'll clear yer mind' Jacky 'Whe're yer going then luv? Somewhere warm and sultry?' smiles knowingly. Roger catching her eye 'Well initially I thought I'd start by getting on a 'plane to the US and renting a bike. But when I looked into the costs I could have a great time for a lot longer in the UK. So I'm loading up the Harley with minimum gear and heading North to my roots. Up through the Welsh borders to Manchester. After that I dunno' Mikey 'Dunno what you guys see in motorbikes. You have to put on all that kit then if it pisses with rain you still get wet. And, you're mor'n likely to get killed riding a motorbike than any other vehicle. Roger ' Until you've been on one, experienced the freedom and escape from being confined in a tin box you won't know.' Mikey ' I had a 125 Honda when I was a student and I hated every minute. Never had the right gear, it always seemed to be raining and cars just wanted to mow me down.' Roger 'That's probably because you were riding like a prat. Jus' like now when yer drive yer cars' Mikey ' Hey that's a bit strong. I'm not a prat, and I can drive as well as the next man.' Roger ' Look Mikey can't you take a joke. We all know you're a great driver. (Looks around grinning). But here's a man who drove off from Jim's garage with the nozzle still in the filler, then collided with the refuse truck as he left the forecourt. A great driver.' Mikey(looking sheepish) 'Yeh well, I had lots on my mind' Me missus has just gone off with that finiancial advisor bloke and me business was sufferrin. It was 'ard just then, yer buggers. (Mutters)No bloody sympathy some folk.' Roger 'That's just the point. When you're on a 'bike you've gotta concentrate 100% or you're dead. But where's all this going? I just need to get away, think, plan for the future. I know you guys understand. Tomo 'Yer right mate. We know. But don't forget we'll save all the odd jobs for you. There's no one else in this village can fix 'owt.' Roger 'Thanks boys, I know' (Finishes his pint, and then Jacky fills up the glass again.) 'Heh, I only wanted one then it was off home to get an early night. I wanna watch the TT highlights again. Are you trying to get me tipsy young lady?' (Smiles and winks at her) Jacky 'Would I, now? And thanks for the young lady. Havn't been called that for years' smiling and winking back. Tomo 'Well I'm off, got an early start tomorrow. See yer lads.' Mikey 'Me too. Gotta be in Cambridge by nine. See yer too.' Leaves with Tomo. Roger ' Bye boys, I'll send you a card or two.' There are one or two others in the bar near the fire as Jacky cleared the glasses. Jacky 'If you hang on 'till eleven you can walk me home.' Roger 'Bang goes my early night then.' Smiling Jacky 'Yer could say that.' Smiling back. Roger (Thinks: She seems keen. I never suspected that she was) Around eleven the last of the locals drink up and leave. Jacky clangs the bell for last orders but there are no takers. It's Tuesday so a quiet night. Jacky 'I won't be long. Just have to check the pumps and put these glasses in the washer. Then it's lights out and off we go. Geoff and Maggie won't be back until after midnight. They've been to a licenced victuallers do in Swindon. Roger 'No hurry luv, take your time. Don't want you to upset the boss.' Jacky busies herself with the final cleaning and tidying, switching off all the lights, then she grabs her shoulder bag and then Roger's arm and they leave. Roger 'Quite the odd couple are'nt we as they squeeze through the low doorway and out into the cool evening air. Jacky 'Brhhh that's cold' and she moves closer. They collect her bike from the round the back of the pub and set off for her house at the other end of the village. Roger ' You're not kidding. It's supposed to be nearing mid-summer but you would'nt know it. (he notices the same feminine smell as she bounces along beside him holding his arm quite tightly. Jacky 'Roger? Roger 'Yes?' Jacky 'Y'know I've always fancied you. Even when John was around I was drawn to you. Did you ever sense that.' Roger 'Well, to be honest, no. I suppose me and Connie were so wrapped up with each other no one else got a look in. We were very self-contained y'know. Sorry.' Jacky 'Hey look, it's not a problem. I only wish I'd had as good a relationship. John was always away a lot but I trusted him. As it turned out he didn't have the same committment as me. I got hurt' Roger 'He was a bugger, that John of yours. He's the one that lost out.' They soon get to Jacky's front gate. Roger 'Here you are then, Jacky old girl. Your front door' Jacky 'Less of the old girl you old git. You're coming in for a nightcap? Roger 'Well, if you're sure. We don't want folk talking.' Jacky 'Why not? I don't give a damn what folk think. This is the 21st century after all' Roger 'Yer right. Let's go for it. (Blushes) You know what I mean.' Jacky 'I think so.' (Smiling) Jacky (puts her key in the lock and they both go in.) 'Sit yourself down, I'll just get the drinks. What will it be? Roger 'Well my favourite atthis time of night is a Cointreau but you may not …. Jacky 'I'll have one too. Mmm lovely' She pours two large Cointreaus into two tumblers. 'Ice?' Roger 'Oh no. Just neat, straight out the bottle please.' Jacky 'Here you are' Roger 'Thanks, great. Mmm that's wonderful' The orange liqueur warms as it slowly slips down. Jacky (Sits next to Roger, quite close and kisses him on the cheek) Roger 'What's that for?' Jacky 'C'mon Rog, one kiss for the fixing the bike, then soon another one for bringing it back to the pub. Then later another one for walking me here and .................. Kisses him again. This time Roger turns and their lips meet. They embrace and kiss again and again. Tears appear in Roger's eyes and roll down his cheeks. Jacky pulls away and looks at him. 'What's wrong Rog' Roger 'You're the first girl I've kissed since Connie...............' and he stops. 'Let's not spoil a great evening.' Jacky 'Y'know I've not been with anyone since John. He hurt me really bad.' Roger 'Man, I didn't know. You're always smiling and seem well, together.' Jacky 'No more talking.' She takes his hand and puts it gently on her breast. Roger 'You're sure?' Jacky 'No talking she scolds' He gingerly starts to massage her breast and she puts her hands on his chest. His nipples are hard and she gently strokes each one through his shirt. Her nipples are also becoming prominent as Roger gently strokes the underside of each breast . Jacky closes her eyes and sighs as the feelings of arousal comes back into her body. Roger can feel his penis filling and that sense of arousal in his lower abdomen. Jacky's left hand moves down to his belt, swiftly undoing the buckle. She pushes the top of his trousers down and delves past the elastic of his underpants. His erect penis springs out. Roger. (helps by removing his jeans and pants) Jacky 'Wow, I never saw …...' Roger 'No talking …..... remember' Jacky (massages his now free and very erect shaft. A bead of moisture appears on the tip. Roger. (his left hand leaves her breast and moves down to her crotch. Her jeans are warm but restricting. She reaches for his shirt, unbuttons and pulls it over his head. Jacky. Momentarily stops and quickly slips out of her jeans. Revealing a pair of black lace high cut briefs. Roger. Moves his hand to the soft fabric covering her crotch and begins to rub gently. He feels the two small humps of her swollen labia through the fabric. Jacky. Another sigh and a moan as she moves in time with his fingers. Her attention on his erection continues and she bends to lick the end. Roger. (thinks; bloody good job I had a good scrub before I came out. Must have sensed something was gonna happen.) Jacky. (her full lips slowly slide either side of his glans as her mouth takes a good percentage of his member. She begins to slide up and down up and down) Roger. (Thinks; I must not come, I must not come, I must not come.) 'God, Mmmmm, Noooo... Wow Jacky (Continues with the rhythmic motion, gently moving up and down the shaft.) Roger. 'Jack, easy babe. I don't wanna come too soon.' (Puts both hands on her head) Jacky. (Pulls away) 'Doesn't matter, we've all night. No talking!' (Puts her mouth back over his cock) Roger. (After what seems an eternity, actually 3mins, he comes) Ooooaah Mmmmmm.. Jacky. (Looks up, smiles and swallows) Wow, Rog, that was tasty. Roger. Sorry babe , simpering smile. Jacky. 'I wanted that so much' Now we can really get down to business.' (Grabs his hand and puts it back on her mound.) Roger. 'I've been neglecting you babe.' He continues to rub her mound and his fingers find their way on to her clitoris, now very wet and slippery. His fingers moving round and in and out, round and in and out. Jacky. (Moaning and wriggling she kisses Roger and grabs his already swelling and slippery penis) Roger. (thinks; tastes salty, mmm quite nice.) 'Ok, babe, pants off time.' (he eases her lacy panties off and guides her on to her back on the couch. Then he goes over to the light-switch and kills the main light. Just the two table lamps now creating a much more intimate atmosphere. Jacky. (Sitting back on the couch now she embraces the kneeling Roger around his waist. As he bends towards her, he lowers his head into the warm territory between her thighs. A wonderful musky aroma fills his nostrils and his tongue finds her clitoris. With a rhythmic circular motion he carresses the petit mound, Jacky moving in sympathy and moaning gently. Her hips rise and fall quicker and quicker until she climaxes with a squeal and a sigh. Juices ooze out of her swollen vagina as roger comes up for air. She looks down at him pulls his strong body towards her chest and with her left hand she guides his large now erect penis straight into her wet vagina) 'Gasps ….. ohhhh.' Roger. (Momentarily catches his breath as the warmth of her body envelopes his cock. He holds his position savouring the moment. Then begins ever so slowly to slide in and then out. He feels the head of his penis just rubbing a spot inside her and each time Jacky reacts by closing her eyes and sighing. They continue this rhythmic movement for some time until at last Jacky's second orgasm explodes with a gasp and shortly after he comes another load inside her soft and slippery vagina. They smile and kiss and smile and kiss and lie in each others' arms on the couch. The warm smell of lovemaking all around. Jacky. 'No talking, remember? Our bodies did that' (As if she anticipates that he will say something. Roger. (Nods and closes his eyes). He subsides in her but can still feel every ripple of her inner form. She squeezes him and he reacts in harmony. The juices begin to ooze out and down the side of his leg. The result of the event plain to see. They continue to hug as one as Jacky pulls a throw from the back of the couch and skillfully wraps it around them as they recover from the exertion. They lay together for a while. Roger has no idea how long but when he opens his eyes it is 2am. He has no feeling in his left leg as Jacky' right leg is folded across it. She stirs and pulls him closer. Thinks; Huh so much for the early night. He is still inside her and once more begins to stiffen. Jacky. 'Wow, darling, I never knew you could hold it hard for so long. It's wonderful.' Roger. 'Neither did I!' Jacky. 'Shall we go up to bed? Roger 'I think that would be more comfortable' Jacky 'C'mon then bring your things. I'm just going to freshen up' (She eases off him and his still hard penis stands to attention. 'That's some equipment.' Roger (Smiles and gets up collecting his clothes. He follows her up the stairs.' After she has been to the bathroom he also has a turn and washes everything. Then he follows her into her bedroom where she is waiting completely naked in a large bed with wonderful white sheets and pillows. He slides in beside her, now smelling of talcum powder, and lies down, She embraces him but very soon they are both sound asleep. Next morning: Roger (opens his eyes, sees that Jacky is not there. He can hear noises downstairs, then the stairs creak and in she comes with a tray of toast, marmalade, and coffee) Jacky 'Mornin darling, breakfast is served. Hope you like coffee and toast. I can't begin the day without it' Roger (sits up) 'Me too, looks perfect' (he looks at Jacky who is only dressed in a thin linen gown. Her wonderfully rounded breasts swinging gently as she bends towards him) Perfect. Jacky 'Why thank you sir' (Sits on the bed and places the tray between them) They both enjoy the toast and coffee but say nothing. After a long silence Roger 'You heard about my trip? I don't have to go y'know.' Jacky 'Yes' long pause 'Yes, you do. You must go. It's what you need to do.' Roger 'Last night was fantastic ….....' Jacky 'Don't spoil it Rog. It was more than fantastic. No buts. No ifs. You must go. Last night was a blip. A pause in the plan. After your trip if you feel the same then we'll see each other again. For now just go off and get it all off your chest.' Roger 'Aw Jacky I feel such a heel. I havn't taken advantage have I?' Jacky 'Shut up Rog and enjoy your breakfast' They tuck in to the toast and coffee and say no more. Later Jacky (Opens the front door and steps out) C'mon Rog, time to go. Roger (Steps out behind her) Thanks for taking me in hand. I'll see you before I go. Jacky (Smiles) No I don't think so. Let's just say goodbye now and then you can concentrate on the trip. (holds out her arms pulls him to her and kisses him warmly. Then quickly she disappears inside, shutting the door) Roger (Wow, what a woman) (To himself) 'I will have to go some to better her.' Later in the day Back in the house, Roger starts collecting clothes thinks about the route. He can't stop thinking about Jacky either. Leaving Mellor Abbas he should head for Taunton and the M5. At Bristol he'll turns west across the old Severn Bridge and then up the Wye Valley to Monmouth. Then on to the A40 to Ross. Here he can pick up the A49 to Hereford, Leominster, Ludlow and Shrewsbury. Roger (to himself) 'I'll enjoy that. Just like old times with Connie' |