Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1952708-The-Last-Seduction-Contest-Entry
Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #1952708
This is a contest entry. The ongoing chapters are in my portfolio
Chapter 1

The air was unusually cool for August, a nice change from the sticky humid nights over the last month. The sky was hidden by sky scrapers and bright big city lights, but Gaile wasn’t there to enjoy the scenery. A northern wind caressed her bare shoulders sending goose bumps across her body and she pulled the black silk shawl around her neck as she made her way across the crowded parking lot. There was a young doorman waiting under the crimson awning. His eyes flickered over her face as he opened the door for her. She gave him a sultry eyed half smile that made his pale skin flush.

“Evening ma’am.” He murmured.

While alone in the elevator, she took the time to study herself in the mirrored walls to make sure her hair and makeup was in place. In the soft orange light, her usually auburn hair had more of a red tint to it. She couldn’t decide how she wanted to wear it, so she let it fall loose around her shoulders. There was still a touch of curls from being put up in a twist most of the day. She smoothed over the front of the crimson dress, its velour fabric soft against her skin. It was held in place by a thin strap with a silver clasp at the back of her neck. Where the strap met the dress the fabric gathered in a tear drop shape, showing just a hint of cleavage. The sandals she chose matched the color of the dress and strapped up her ankles with a silky ribbon. Everything was tied together with a pair of faux diamond earrings and a matching pendent hanging from a white gold chain.

She felt like a high priced hooker on her way to a John. Sex wasn’t on the menu, but she was still pimping her services out for a few bills. “A rose by any other name.” She muttered, pulling herself straight at the sound of elevator doors sliding open. As an afterthought, she put the black onyx jewel encrusted mask in place before stepping out into the hall. She couldn’t crash a masquerade without a mask.

In front of her was a high arched breezeway that over looked the four stories below. A brief twitter of nerves limped through her stomach at a long standing fear of heights. Turning her attention back to the gold and maroon carpet, she made her way through another doorway and into a lavishly decorated ballroom that looked like it was taken right out of the renaissance. Electric candelabras lined the high ceilinged walls laced in intricate gold tapestries. The amount of frivolous opulence and wealth was staggering.

Some of the costumes of the other guests were just as tacky. Gayle tried not to ogle the amount of bare flesh that dipped and twirled and undulated around room. A few eyes gave her a once over as she skimmed the outer circle of onlookers, but for the most part she was ignored. She picked a long stemmed chalice from one of the waiter’s trays when it passed and took up an inconspicuous stance near one dim corner. She wasn’t looking at or for anyone in particular. It would be pointless to try and guess anyone’s identity. Besides, she wasn’t there to pick a fight. Her intentions were a little more benign.

By the time she finished her first glass of champagne, she counted four guards, presumably toting guns or other weapons. Humans, more than likely. Not much of a challenge. Unlike the other guests. Luckily, they would be too distracted with the celebrations to give one insignificant woman much attention.

Gayle was about to drop off the empty chalice and go for the door in the far corner when someone held a fresh glass of champagne in front of her. She turned to find a man dressed as Despereaux smiling down at her. She was a tall woman, standing just shy of six foot. The man in front of her was at least a couple of inches taller. Lean and holding himself with a dangerous grace of that of a hunter eyeing his prey. Under his mask, she saw a set of golden eyes unusually iridescent in the low light. His pink lips were turned up on one side giving her much the same smile she’d given the boy downstairs.

“Bravo on your sneaking in.” His breath was hot against her neck. “I would have invited you up had you but asked.”

Instead of panicking that she had been exposed, Gayle leaned into the masked man, inhaling his intoxicating scent of musk and masculinity. “Then you won’t mind if I take a look around. Do a little harmless exploring.”

His laughter came as easily as his smile. “Of course not. Whatever you’re being paid to steal isn’t worth disturbing my guests.”

She took that answer at face value, starting for the rear of the room. Despereaux took hold of her wrist and pulled her back, his other hand sweeping her hair away from her neck. His lips sent tiny volts of electricity throughout her body. Her nipples went erect instantly, and a hungry warmth swelled between her thighs.

She nearly forgot why she was there in the first place. Until he spoke, drawing her back to the severity of her situation.

“I will give you five minutes to find what you’re looking for. Then I am going to send my most loyal hounds after you. And they are very hungry.”

There was no doubt that this man’s threat was real. Gayle, however, would not be swayed from her prize. She drew him to her lips, her tongue sharing one last dance with his. As much as he thought he was in control, the obvious erection straining against her thigh told her he was in much the same need as she.

“Let the games begin.” She whispered.

The hulking behemoth at the back exit didn’t hesitate when she approached. He moved to one side letting her by. Five minutes. That didn’t give her much time. Especially since she wasn’t altogether sure what she was looking for.
She hurried inside what looked like a large study. Books lined each wall from floor to ceiling. Even the air smelled of old pulp and ink. The cherry wood desk across from the door held a neatly organized display of OCD fodder. None of the drawers were locked, but they turned up nothing of importance.

You’ll know it when you see it. That’s all she had to go on. Gayle was beginning to wonder if six digits was worth this headache.

A hand reached out of the dark, wrapping around her throat and pulled her into a tight embrace. She recognized his scent. It both frightened and excited her.

“It hasn’t been five minutes yet. What happened to your dogs?”

“I decided to extend your time.”

His free hand slide up to one of her bound breasts, kneading gently. A ragged moan escaped her parted lips. She didn’t care for this torturous teasing anymore. She reached around the back of her, fighting his costume to release his engorged flesh.

Their arms and hands were a delicate ballet of pushing aside clothing so their exposed heat could find one another. He did not go gently into her slick core. His first forceful thrust brought with it a needful cry.

“Deeper.” She begged. “I want it all.”

He used the desk as leverage, bending her forward so he could sink further inside. Her orgasm was quick and intense, the lip of the desk she held for leverage cracked under the strain.

“Fuck.” Despereaux hissed. “You’re going to make me come and I haven’t even started yet.”

Gayle turned her head so she could watch him take pleasure from her body. He wore no mask this time. His features were as hard and untamed as his body. Seeing the half-moon scar that marred his left temple she now knew what she was looking for.

“Not yet.” She breathed. “Don’t come yet.” She didn’t care about the prize or the money. All that mattered at that moment was the frenzy of nerves coalescing in the hot wet center of her. When she came that time it was too much for Despereaux and he exploded inside her jerking in time with her own pulsing.

He pushed off of her, stumbling back to one of the chairs by the door. His head lolled back, eyes closing.

“I think you earned what you came for.” He said. “Take it and go. I won’t try and stop you.”

Gayle adjusted her panties and smoothed out her dress. “I know.” Her hand went inside the purse, pulling out a syringe. She thought she’d been given it to subdue the guards. Now she realized exactly what she was supposed to do with it.

“Oh, so this was your plan all along? Seduce me into giving you what you want?”

She shook her head. “This was just a bonus fuck. One that I wouldn’t mind repeating again someday.” She slid onto his lap and kissed his exposed neck. She could almost taste his blood. Just a little nibble to tide her over. But her paycheck might hinge on the care with which she shipped her package.

The needle slid into his neck so fast he barely had time to open his eyes much less react before the potent sedative paralyzed him. There was a mixture of shock and anger in his wide eyed stare.

“Nothing personal, love.” She fingered the scar on his temple. “We all have our jobs to do. Thank you for making mine so damn pleasurable.”
© Copyright 2013 xovalee (xovalee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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