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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1952955
An erotic short story about a prostitutes encounter with two men.
The night was winding down. It was late, or early, depending on perspective. For Kayla, though, it was almost time to go home and crash. And that was a good thing. The aches in various parts of her body pulsed with each step, reminding her that she had been abusing herself for far too long. Her wedged heels scraped along the rough concrete sidewalk as the last remaining cars drove by. She was one of three girls left in the area and she felt determined to find one last job before calling it a day. Her clutch, holding her evening spoils, hung uncharacteristically lighter than normal. Mentally calculating to guess her profit, she resolved to ignore the pain slicing up her thighs as she made her way toward the curb.

A dark car was slowly rolling forward, the tinted windows beckoning privacy. One more job and she could go home. The men who come with fancy cars and darkened windows usually make quick work of their pleasure and would drop her back off before she had time to think. She hoped this one would be no different. Her legs ached with the repeated walking, her genitals were heavy and swollen from recent use. But rent was due and her stash was dwindling from recent splurges. A little discomfort now would make a big difference in the long run.

The dark window on the passenger side began to lower as Kayla neared the car. Peering inside, she could see a lone man dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, not her usual clientele, but she wasn't going to deny this man a chance to pay her. She licked her lips and smiled at him, leaning forward to reveal cleavage as she peered into the now stopped vehicle.

“Can I help you, sir?” She purred at the driver, observing the leather interior. She hoped he would make this quick and easy, but her heart sank with the simplicity of the prospect. The man nodded once and popped the locks on the door. Kayla reached for the handle and slid into the cool seat in one fluid movement.

Inside the car, she could see the man more clearly. His clean shaven face was young, much younger than the men she normally serviced, but not younger than her own twenty-six years. She grimaced to herself inwardly, wondering how many times this man could get off before the hour was up and wondered if she could charge him per release instead of per hour like all her other clients. She opened her mouth to speak, taking a beat to think of what to say, when she noticed a slight tremble in his hands. He had yet to look at her properly since she entered the vehicle; Kayla guessed he was nervous, thinking maybe this was his first time.

Feeling a bit sorry for the nervous bloke, she waited to talk and instead scooted toward him to sit in the middle of the bench seat. Placing her palm down on his knee, her hand roamed over his jeans, rubbing toward his crotch. She wanted to ease him and get this job over with so she could go home. The car seemed the perfect cage to play in.

“Stop,” he said rather forcefully, still not looking at her. She felt him stiffen beneath her fingers, but not the stiffness she was used to. Peeking up at him, she watched his profile and noticed the tense grinding of his jaw and the strain pulling at his throat as though he was fighting himself not to look at her.

Obeying her clients was something she prided herself in. She was one of few girls working the streets that would do nearly anything asked of them. But never had any of the men told her to stop enticing arousal, especially the ones sporting rich, fancy cars with tinted windows and leather seats. This was a first.

“Okay,” she said simply, hoping for more. “What is it you want from me?” Her question was met with silence and a bit of heavy breathing. More trembling and jaw grinding.

With no clear direction, Kayla scooted back to the passenger seat and positioned herself to watch the driver. He had maneuvered onto the main road going south through the heart of town. The street lights exposed the various quiet storefronts along the square. Soon the lights would dim and the stores would begin to buzz with activity. Just a few more hours and the city would wake up. She hoped she would be in bed before the first rays of sunshine began to creep up over the bay, but this mans reluctance had her questioning that possibility.

Still, her driver was silent, and the clock was ticking. “It's $100 an hour, and you've already lost five minutes,” she said to him, hoping to get down to business. “I accept oral, vaginal, and anal penetration, anywhere you want, any way you want. Or, I can make you come without penetration using hands, breasts, limbs or any combination of the above. Whatever you like, I have seen most everything and assure you I am good at what I do.”

The driver was still grinding his jaw, clenching his fists around the steering wheel as he turned into a parking garage a couple blocks from the square. The silence and wasted time was driving Kayla insane. She checked her watch again and noticed it was nearly four am. She sighed, wondering if she should just get out and be on her way or if she should stick out this job and make some more cash. As they drove around to a higher level in the garage, she wondered how long it would take her to get back to her spot on the corner and pick up another client before the sun began to rise.

“I'll pay you for your time, and your... services,” the man began to speak, “But you are not here for me. Is that going to be a problem?” He finally turned his face to see her properly and she caught the iciness buried behind his eyes.

Wondering what she was getting herself into, but determined not to have to walk back and start this job over now that he was speaking to her, she nodded in understanding, hoping she wouldn't have to entertain his wife or girlfriend. The last time she was involved in a threesome the night had ended badly for everyone. Since that incident, that client had been picking up the other girls, essentially avoiding her. Kayla's best guess was she made his girlfriend feel inferior and he was embarrassed at how the girlfriend had behaved. It was always sad to loose a paying lay, but after that night she felt better off without the headache.

The driver had stopped the car, parked it on the highest level of the garage. After turning the key over to silence the motor, he looked at her again. “Ben is special to me. He is my lover. You will not hurt him, but you will give him what he wants.”

“What does he want?” Kayla asked, intrigued at the thought of being surrounded by two men. “The same rules apply to him, but why isn't he here?”

He answered with a question of his own, “Does it matter why?”

Kayla thought about it a moment, considering the options. Maybe Ben was curious what it was like to be with a woman, maybe his lover didn't even tell him he was bringing someone over, or maybe it was something else entirely. But the question stilled nagged at her, did the logistics of Ben's release really matter to her? The simple answer was no, it didn't. She cared only about the end result, and payment. In response, she simply shook her head.

“Good. Now, the rules to this interlude are no talking, no kissing, and you will know that his cock is mine and does not go in your pussy or ass. Got it?” He sounded angry and resentful as he spat the words at her across the car seat.

Being a good little sex goddess, Kayla nodded in response to his demands, anticipating the blow job or hand job she was about to give. She followed his lead and exited the car, closing the door securely behind her. Waiting for him to lead her, she noticed the hesitation in his steps. He didn't want to go through with this. Following him to Ben was going to be a gamble, but the alternative was losing nearly two hours of potential pay. She decided to ride this out until it was over and hope she got a bit of cash in the process. And maybe she would have a little fun too, after all, she loved to suck a good cock.


Inside the apartment, all was quiet. Ben was in the bedroom, sprawled out on the bed with four point restraints and a ball-gag in his mouth. A piece of cloth over his eyes prevented him from judging if the lights were on or off. Essentially blind, he tried to calculate how long he had been laying there, bound and gagged, without the help of his clock. He was giddy with anticipation as he awaited his lovers return, hoping he wouldn't be disappointed but afraid he would enjoy it too much.

What was it that James had said before he left? “I'll be back with something new, but we can only use it once.” As Ben lay daydreaming of what that could mean, he felt the pull of his restraints on his wrists and ankles. The nylon tugged at his flesh, pinching it between his weight and the unmoving bedposts. The ceiling fan created a gentle breeze that covered his naked flesh in goose pimples as he realized just how exposed he would look to his lover upon return. He moaned to himself and squirmed around on top of the sheets, pulling at his bonds. The darkness swallowing reality into a neat little pocket of pure exquisite pleasure.

He could hear the lock kick over before the door opened. The noise startled him and excited him further as he lay spread naked in pointed darkness. Footsteps sounded on the linoleum in the kitchen; the car keys went plunk on the counter. Ben waited to hear some sort of wrapping or bag, some sort of indication as to what his borrowed surprise was, but there was nothing. Wait, was that two sets of footsteps? Too many footfalls on the carpet to be just James.

He listened closer, holding his breath to send all his energy into the senses still at his disposal. He couldn't see, the blindfold prevented anything from peeking through. He couldn't taste or smell anything because the ball was overpowering both senses with its plastic. The binds kept him from moving, from walking in to see just what his boyfriend was up to. That left only his sense of hearing. And it was heightened by the lack of other senses. He could hear his lover moving closer, anticipate the pleasure of his dominance as he made his way into the back of the apartment, feel the unimaginable unknown waiting on the other side of darkness.

A small click told Ben the light was off but now was on. The gentle scuff on the carpet had stopped. An intake of breath that wasn't James'. Someone else was there. Panic flared in Ben's belly and he struggled against his bonds again, pulling his arms and legs in an attempt to escape the nylon rope, but failed to do any good. He pushed the ball with his tongue, trying to pop it out, but it stayed put between his teeth and fettered around his head. Moving his head back and forth on the pillows in an attempt to dislodge the blindfold was his last attempt at discovering who had come into his home. The cloth wasn't moving.

“What the fuck,” Ben heard the voice, a light airy voice pulled tight with strain so it came out in a high-pitched squeak. A female voice. The realization that a woman was watching him thrash around on the bed he shared with James, bound, gagged, naked, and fully exposed excited him. He felt his cock begin to stiffen, lengthen, and push forward from his belly.

Moaning into the gag, he jutted his hips into the air, pushing his cock out, hoping the female intruder was enjoying what she saw, wondering and hoping that James knew what he was doing. Anticipating the unknown and eager to experience the submission of being bound at the mercy of an unknown woman, Ben succumbed to whatever was about to happen quicker than he had ever imagined.


James halted in the doorway to his bedroom, anger burning in his cheeks. This prostitute had broken the rule of no speech and Ben knew there was a woman here. He could see the recognition by the way his cock had swollen and bounced against his stomach as he rolled around on the bed. He had hoped to give Ben some fun, but wanted it to be less perceptible as to who he was dealing with so soon in the interlude.

“I'm sorry, what is going on?” Kayla asked, leaning in to whisper to James. The look on his face must have tipped her that he was upset by her outburst. A pointed glare silenced her. What was he supposed to do now?

He pulled out his wallet, a crisp $100 bill, and held it up in front of her face. One word, both a demand and question, “Rules?”

She reached for the cash, determination on her face. James jerked the money away from her before she could grab it and looked pointedly at her, a silent plea to play along, or was his brows angled in warning? He couldn't tell what she saw in his face, but her compliance echoed in the defeated nod as she mimicked zipping her lips before holding her palm up for payment.

James smiled down at her, letting the smile reach his eyes for a moment before realizing what he had set into motion. A little moan from Ben had James walking toward the bed to check on his lover. He beckoned Kayla to follow silently, depositing the bill in her hand.

He stood at the end of the bed and touched Ben's left ankle gently, lovingly, before gripping both legs to hold them still. “Be still,” he said. The instant compliance thrilled James in a way he had never thought was possible. He could sense Kayla coming up behind him, watching him for direction, but he was in new territory himself. He had never been a dominant before and wondered if this new power would enhance or harm his relationship with Ben. For just a second he considered abandoning the game and telling Kayla to leave with her single bill, to just forget the whole thing and release Ben from his bonds and make love to him as he had always done.

But Kayla had other ideas. She climbed gingerly up on the bed, right next to Ben's throbbing cock. The added pressure on the bed made him wiggle again, and moan into the gag. The anticipation in his lovers body assured James that he could sacrifice a bit of uncertainty for the man he loved. He took a deep breath, and let go of all inhibition. He would let his body decide what happened next, and not his mind. Maybe he could enjoy the ride too.


Kayla sensed the fragility of the situation. James was nervous, but willing to please his lover. And Ben, well, Ben was eager to be dominated. She could see it in his cock, the way it swelled and bobbed with each of his little movements. Two men at her disposal, ready to be pleased. She could do this and make both men enjoy her body with release. Glancing at James once more before grasping Ben's hard member Kayla felt the energy spike inside the bedroom. The power she held made her own chest tighten, untethered nipples scratching against the cotton of her tank-top intensified the friction; her used pussy swelled with an unusual excitement at the prospect of something new.

Ben's cock flesh was soft, but the shaft was stiff with his arousal. When her fingers brushed along its length initially, she could hear him moan into the ball-gag. She teased him a little, using just her fingertips to stimulate the sensitive skin around his head. Her middle finger pressed over the hole at the top, her thumb and remaining fingers wrapped around in a feather light touch. His cock throbbed, jumped in her hand. He thrust his hips toward her touch for more friction. But she sensed an overwhelming desire for pleasurable torture from Ben and an uncertain compliance to deliver such novelty from James. She moved her hand away from the throbbing cock and shifted her weight on the bed.

Beckoning James to touch his lover too, to tease him with four hands, she smiled at the man who picked her up. James moved himself closer to the erotic mess by sliding up on the bed opposite Kayla. Ben was naked between them, beginning to moan and thrash again because the suspense was too much for his sense deprived body.

Kayla began to work both hands up Ben's body, starting at his ankles the way James had stilled him initially. The moans intensified once he realized his cock was left to sway on its own. James mirrored Kayla's movements on the left side of Ben's body as she stroked up his tight skin. One palm traveling up his inner leg, the other sought his nipple. She pinched it a little, and then flicked it with her fingertip. Again, James mirrored each movement so Ben could feel one side of his body explored and then the other.

Leaning forward, abandoning the ascent to his genitals, Kayla flicked her tongue around the taught nipple. James leaned in to do the same. With both nipples covered with flicking tongues and warm breath, Ben moaned harder into the gag, pulling his arms against his binds in an attempt to press the devouring mouths harder against his chest. He wanted that warmth against his cock, but James and Kayla could tell his desire for more was driving him crazy. And that is exactly the way they wanted it.

Excited by the control, Kayla was working herself up in such a way as she hadn't felt in a long time. She usually remained detached during her jobs, preferring to give pleasure instead of receive. But this time, well, this job was proving to be interesting. She felt she was leading this foray into eroticism and both these men desired to please and be pleased in their own way, and that thought excited her and begged for her own pleasure.

She wanted a cock in her mouth, to feel the stiffness of the shaft, the softness of the skin, the fullness invading her mouth. Abandoning Ben's nipple, she shifted her weight and leaned lower over him so she could see the object of her desire. She breathed on his cock, letting the warmth warn him of her location, teasing him with the knowledge that her mouth was so very close to his arousal. James stayed near his chest, mouth on one nipple while his fingers played with the one Kayla's mouth left exposed.

Lowering her open mouth over his cock, she licked his head, teased it with her tongue. He tasted clean and manly with the musky scent of arousal mixed with the afterthought of soap. She wanted to taste his release. Never before had she wanted a man to come in her mouth so badly, but the thought of him being forced to expel his cream for her made her want to coax it out of him that much more. He couldn't stop it if he tried.

Remembering the rules, she knew that this lovely cock in her mouth wasn't truly hers, even for the moment. It belonged to James, who was watching her with a mix of jealousy and awe at the ease with which she sank her lips to the core of his lover. His hardness buried in her throat, she swallowed, urging Ben to feel the vice of her contracting muscles. Ben's hips thrust up off the bed and an intake of breath escaped beneath the plastic in his mouth. Kayla breathed through her nose, concentrating on relaxing her throat around the invasion. She began to bob slightly, letting his head pop past her gag-reflex a few times before kissing his core and swallowing once more. The cock in her mouth throbbed, the man before her moaned, his ball-sack tightened and threatened to release.

Kayla felt a palm on the back of her neck, fingers entwining in her hair. She moaned at the pressure keeping her mouth flush against Ben's core. Concentrating further on her breathing, lapping her tongue around the base of the cock within her mouth, Kayla succumbed to the dominance presented by allowing her body to be used without regret.


Ben could feel the warm moist mouth swallowing his swollen cock. His release ached just beneath his core, straining to escape. Just as he was about to let it go, the blindfold was snatched off his face. The assault of light and motion delayed his orgasm as he focused on regaining his sight. What began to form before him had him moaning and aching to suck on something other than a ball of plastic.

James was next to him on the bed, his fingers entangled in blond curls attached to the heavenly crevice in which is cock was buried. The woman was on the other side of him, leaning over to devour Ben's arousal. He could see the jean skirt riding up her ass cheeks, the pink thong partially covering her pussy. Ben wanted to touch her, to feel the slickness he could barely see, but he was still bound, still fettered to the bedposts with the gag in place.

Ben found his lovers eyes; James was watching him adore the pleasure this woman was giving him. Trying to convey the love he felt inside his chest with gentle eyes, pleading with him silently to give him more of this exquisite woman. Slowly, Ben let his eyes travel from James' adoring face to take in more of the barely exposed pussy on the other side of him.

James must have read his mind because Ben saw his lovers hand come into his field of vision. James was cupping the woman's ass, caressing down the fabric of her skirt. He lifted the hem to expose more of her flesh. Her skin was uniformly tanned; she must use a tanning bed naked. The thought of this woman completely exposed as he was created a different ache in Ben's belly.

Her mouth moved on his cock with the exposure of her pussy like she was enjoying the use of her body. He wanted to taste her, to pleasure her with his mouth as she was doing to him. The ache of being denied that pleasure was a form of torture in itself. He kissed the plastic in his mouth instead, pushing it around with his tongue, imagining a claiming of her body.

James had other ideas, however, because he released the hold on Kayla's head and ass to bring his hands up toward Ben's face. He roamed his fingertips across Ben's forehead, down his nose, across the straps of the ball-gag. He pushed the plastic deeper into his mouth, eliciting a glutteral moan from his lover. The dominance was driving him crazy; the sheer lack of freedom to suckle the exposed pussy was making it hard for him to focus on the mouth attached to his cock.

The hands roaming his face released the clasp that held the plastic gag ball in place. He was free to move his lips, to cry out fully if he chose. “Please,” he whimpered, searching for something to latch his mouth on to, like an infant searching for its mothers tit.

James tossed the gag to the floor and replaced the space between Ben's lips with his own mouth, with his tongue. Ben began to suck on it, nibble on it, lick inside the mouth of his lover as another mouth devoured his cock. But his mouth wasn't enough. He wanted something slicker, something foreign, something new. He hesitated in his probing slightly, but just enough for James to recognize the change in desire. The untethered man broke the connection, backed away and looked into his lovers eyes.

The pleading was there, the desire was heavy beneath the dilated pupils. They had already breached the point of no return, Ben's cock was embedded within Kayla's mouth and they both seemed to enjoy it so much. The pleasure within Ben's eyes, in the strain of his muscles as he pulled at his bonds created a solid arousal in James own pants. He reached into the waste-band of his jeans and repositioned his growing cock. Ben knew that look, James wanted Ben inside him.

Kayla felt the shift of bodies as the delicious cock was dislodged from her mouth. She moaned in frustration as it popped away from her lips. She looked back at the men beside her on the bed and discovered the ball-gag had been removed and Ben's puffy lips sought something to suckle. James had slid off the bed and was now removing his own shirt and jeans. Kayla wondered what the plan was, and searched James eyes for direction, refusing to speak and break the rules again. He shrugged imperceptibly, but Kayla caught it. She backed away to watch his next move.

Once he was naked, James straddled Ben's hips, grinding his balls and ass against Ben's swollen genitals. He closed his eyes as though he was savoring the feel of slick solid skin on his heated flesh. The sight alone was erotic to Kayla. She had never seen two men have sex before, but imagined the penetration that was to follow. Her clit throbbed against the taught fabric of her thong. She wondered if she could get in on the action.

She straddled Ben's stomach, blocking his view of Jame's descent onto the cock she had momentarily had within her mouth. It was wet with her saliva and seemed to slide gently into James. He closed his eyes again and moaned into the air, rocking his hips back and forth against his lover.

Kayla saw him fuck himself with Ben's cock and noticed how hard and ready Jame's cock was as it stuck out of the crease created by their stomachs. She tentatively reached out and brushed her fingers along his head, causing his eyes to pop open and his breath to catch erratically.

She smiled at him, reassuringly, gently, and bent forward to taste him. Her pussy was flush against Jame's chest and she was sure he could feel her wetness seeping through the thin fabric of her thong but she didn't care. She wanted to suck on James' cock while he fucked himself with his helpless lover bound beneath him.

As Kayla's mouth enveloped his cock, James focused on the one within his ass. He could feel the spasms of Ben's arousal as he rocked back and forth. He wanted to feel the familiar splash of release inside his colon, but he was enjoying the new sensation of dominance created by Ben's submission. With Kayla leaned forward to suckle his own arousal, he could look over her back to see Ben's face caught in delighted anguish. His mouth was moving, still searching, and yearning for something to suck on.

Jame's next thought was so erotic to him he didn't know if he should follow through with it or not. He envisioned Kayla sitting on Ben's face as she sucked his cock. Ben would like the pressure, but would he like it too much? Jame's didn't want to think about it, he didn't want to care. He wanted his man to feel the love he felt for him, the excitement his presence brought into his life and if this was what he wanted, well, James was going to give it to him with pomp and circumstance.

“Sit on his face,” he said sternly to Kayla as he gripped her curls between his fingers again. She didn't move at first, just slid her mouth down to the base of his cock and swallowed. James cried out in pleasure at the odd feeling of being devoured. She was going to swallow him whole.

“Stop,” he said again, pulling her head off of him. He looked down at her, able to see the desire in her eyes as she licked her lips. “Scoot back and you can have more.”

This time, she complied. Lifting her hips to remove the suction her pussy had created on Ben's chest, she shimmied down and elongated her body so her legs were on the other side of Ben's arms, her pussy was hovering above his opened mouth.

James brought Kayla's mouth back down toward his swollen cock, urging her again to lower her pussy onto his lovers face. She didn't move fast enough for Ben, however, because he cried out. “Please!”

In one swift and defeated movement, Kayla lowered both her pussy and her mouth to receive the men into her body. The soft lap of Ben's tongue invaded her lips probing her pussy to find the extended nub that was her clit. His teeth nibbled there, alternating between plunging his tongue into the hole and teasing her sensitive nub.

She moaned into the crotch of the man in front of her; she let his cock slide all the way into her throat. Concentrating on her breathing again, she let him face-fuck her while his boyfriend tongue-fucked her pussy. The dominance was excruciating and beautiful as they coaxed her body for their own pleasure.

James was rocking on Ben, fucking himself in the ass with his cock while simultaneously invading Kayla's mouth. The pleasure was unexplainable as he found a rhythm. In the back of his mind, he hoped that Kayla was enjoying this, that she wasn't too devastated at being invaded by two gay men, but in that moment, he really didn't care. His man's tongue was in her pussy and he knew what he could do with that extraordinary muscle. That realization sent him over the edge.

Gripping Kayla's hair and holding her head down against him, he released into her throat. She moaned and the vibrations heightened the feeling of release. She swallowed and he shot another spurt directly into her belly. The contractions of his orgasm squeezed his ass muscles tighter and Ben knew his lover was having an orgasm.

The power of two people on top of him, of using his body for pleasure created such an overwhelming desire for release in Ben's belly. James' colon contracting around his cock and sucked the come out of him. He could feel the pressure pulling his own come up from his balls. He could see James holding Kayla's head against his groin and the power displayed in his lover coupled with the vice of his ass was too much for Ben. He spewed his own release deep into James' ass, shooting wave after wave of pleasure as he pumped his hips as best he could to maintain the friction among their bodies.

Kayla felt James coming, felt the hold he had on her head as he shot into her throat. This was her reward. She reveled in the accomplishment of creating such a beautiful release in another human being. Even though she was held against his cock, her pussy was pleasantly tortured by his lovers tongue, she was enjoying his release.

The sudden moan into her pussy doubled her pleasure as she realized Ben was coming as well. She could feel the power beneath her mouth, the erratic rhythm of the tongue on her clit. Shuddering into the pleasure, she rode the feeling of release and ground her hips against the lips, the tongue, the teeth, anything she could find, beneath her.

Experiencing an orgasm on the job was very rare, but the pleasure of dominating and being dominated at once was too much for her to escape. She wondered how much come was pumped into her belly and how much was dripping down her thighs. At the moment, she didn’t care. The body spasm released the pent up pressure of disappointing encounters to leave her feeling delighted in staying for one last job this evening.

James was lifting her face off his deflating cock, gently pulling her up and righting her balance after the face-first bracing of the blowjob. Ben’s cock was sliding out of his ass, a bit of come following its exit. Kayla pushed herself up with her arms and lifted her right leg back over the body beneath her so she could stand on two feet beside the bed.

She looked at the men lying naked before her; she could feel the pull of her own release pooling with the vertical position and she felt quietly out of place. She backed into the hallway, watching James climb off of Ben, careful not to hurt him. Cocks flaccid and momentarily forgotten, James leaned forward and kissed Ben on the mouth tenderly. He whispered something in his ear. Whatever it was made Ben smile and let out a soft chuckle. Turning around to face Kayla, James was blushing as he asked, “What’s your name?”

She tilted her head, unsure of whether to answer professionally or personally, decided on the former and said, “You can call me Butterfly.”

“Well, Butterfly, help my man here get me out of this contraption and I will return you to wherever you need to be,” Ben spoke to her. His voice was smooth and sure, contrasting dramatically with his tethered position.

Kayla blinked at the men, smiled to herself and complied with Ben’s request. Within that moment after their release, both men seemed to switch roles. James was more passive than he had been before, and Ben spoke for both of them. She was intrigued by their dynamic and thankful for the opportunity to experience this encounter with them. Glancing at her watch, she noticed it had been just over an hour and it was time to head home a little richer.

Once Ben was free to roam as he pleased, he mopped himself and James with a stray t-shirt and donned a pair of boxers, tossing a pair to his lover before looking at Kayla completely. He smiled at her, and the brilliance behind his eyes made her heart ache for these two men. She smiled back, began to back out of their bedroom, tucking the $100 bill into her clutch on the way.

Ben followed her into the living room where she gathered her shoes and bee-lined for the door. “Wait, I’ll drive you.” He tried to follow her, but she already had her hand on the knob.

“It’s okay,” she nodded. “Thanks.”

As she walked the quiet hallway of the apartment complex, she wondered what would happen next. She had experienced so much in her short career of selling her body, but these two men intrigued her beyond anything she had ever felt. Contemplating whether or not to put the cash inside their mailbox on the way out the building, she smiled to herself for another job well done, concluding to keep the money for now, if only to return it later.

The sun was making its way up over the bay when she stepped out into the quiet street. A few silent rays promised a new day. She let the prospect cleanse her as nothing else ever could. She crossed four lanes at the crosswalk to enter her own apartment complex. She wondered what the odds were that this intoxicating experience happened so close to home. Most importantly, she wondered when she could pleasure those delicious men again and how she had missed them in the foray of people milling around between the two buildings.

As Kayla drifted off to sleep, tucked safe in her own apartment, she thought maybe she would work a bit closer to home the following evening, if only to learn a little more about the people living deceptively hidden so close to her.

© Copyright 2013 N.R. Wine (lexireanae at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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