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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · LGBTQ+ · #1953126
Holly goes undercover as a stripper to get Bobby locked up,where she meets his sister Ty.

This is the first day of the rest of your lives losers...rang through Holly's head as she stood at the closed door...gripping her gun tightly in her hand as her finger hovered over the trigger she glanced over to her partner Dennis who gave her a quick nod of approval..she stood back as she reminisce those words about her life she was no longer a rookie...no longer a loser for that matter..now here she was Officer Holly Mathews taking a few steps back from the tall wooden door...her right foot risen as she took a deep breath and allowed her boot collid with the door forcing it to burst open as she watched the people inside panic as they seen her uniform...the adrenaline rushed through her after months of paper work and tracking people down it was all because of this...shouting at Nick Turner to place his hands behind his back as her gun pointed directly over his heart..that's if he even had one..Holly had spent the last 6 months on this case she knew everything about him...how he had brought in over 1 billion dollars worth of heroin into the US over the past couple of years making a great name for himself, snatching young teenage girls convincing them he was some agent that could get them somewhere in life with their looks..they all ended up junkies and whoring themselves out for Nick to make a great little profit for himself. He was well known in LA for his drug smuggling and prostitution of underage girls...it was worth it now...all these months of gathering enough evidence by even putting her own life at risk here Holly was watching his smug face crumble as the S.W.A.T team raided his condo.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used in the Court of law" Holly stated as two rookies held the gangster to his feet...the dark haired girl lowered her gun as she stood in front of him
"I want to speak to my lawyer" Nick stated
"He’s already on his way to the station" Holly replied keeping her cool...even though she was stood in front of one of the most violent men in LA she was the one wearing the uniform, holding the gun and arresting him.
"I see you are well prepared" Nick complimented as he allowed his eyes roam over her armed body was he really eye fucking her right now...she needed to remain calm...do her job...normally she would have kicked him in the balls by now..
"Like I said Mr. Turner you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used in the Court of law" she said as she nodded at the two rookies to take him away...he began to walk as the officers pulled him towards the door, stopping as he came face to face with the young officer.
"I'll remember you" he whispered glancing down at her badge "you're a lot like your father" he added
"Go" she snapped at the officers as his evil laughed ringed her ears until he was out of the apartment.
Holly loosened her vest trying to breath she was getting another panic attack...not here..she thought as she tried to relax her rapid breathing..not now...you've got him she reminded herself...she flinched as she felt a hand grip her shoulder
"Holly are you ok" Dennis asked as her noticed the tensed brunette
"Yeh" she lied as she gave him a quick smile "Lets just bag up the evidence and get back to Higgins" she added as she busied herself into her work yet again...
A huge round of applause echoed through the station as Dennis and Holly walked through the office space towards the back.
"Thanks" holly smiled along the way as Senior Officers patted her back and congratulated her..a sense of relief washed over her...this was her first proper case she had lead with her Partner Dennis..she knew at the start of the case it wasn't going to be easy, She was sure Higgins had given her this case just to watch her fail...but here she was..walking into his office with her partner on tail as her bosses face lit up.
"There she is" he cheered as she smiled shyly at her Superior..the grey haired man stepped around his enormous desk as he took the slender girl between his hands giving her a tight squeeze
"Well done Smith" Higgins said as he maintained his grip around Holly..Dennis nodded in appreciation as he pulled out a chair at the desk and sitting down.
"Mathews took the lead in this one...she deserves all the credit" Dennis said as Holly's head snapped back to his giving him a tender smile..Their relationship had started off rather icy..he took her for another young naive rookie who sooner or later was going to mess up and make a sham of the case but he was wrong...she didn’t rush into catching the bad guy like Dennis had witnessed before with the newbies...no she thought every single step through..making sure she got Turner on enough charges that he wouldn't be released from prison for at least 30 years...she had proved Everyone at the station wrong...her looks had proven her wrong..her long slender body with the right amount of curves she could easily be passed as a model with those looks..silky long brown hair complimented her bright blue eyes Dennis knew the first time he'd met the young officer she was not in for an easy ride...criminals found it hard to take her serious with those looks but her ability to be professional and assertive gave Dennis more than a few laughs over the past 6 months...she was a feisty young woman who didn’t let her perfect DNA genes effect how good of a cop she was. She broke away from Higgins as she made her way to the spare chair beside her partner giving him a warm smile before returning her gaze to their boss.

"I’ve got to admit Mathews I gave you this case all those months ago to watch you sink...I like to watch all the newbies being brought down a notch when they leave the rookie stage" Higgins said as Holly's smile remained on her face not acting surprised she knew everyone had underestimated her
"But I was wrong...I knew a couple of months ago you were going to crack this case sooner or later" he added "You've proved to me and everyone else at this station you belong in the PD and this is the beginning of a long successful career for you Holly" he said as the brunette nodded in appreciation for her bosses kind words. Higgins withdrew a case file for his top drawer at the side of his desk and slid it across the desk in front of Holly who's eye diverted between her boss and partner...what was this...she opened the file as she flicked through the few pages..pictures of a swanky club and a man in his late thirties numerous photos smoking, kissing different girls, speaking on a phone..someone had clearly being doing their homework on this guy.

"What's this" Holly asked as she continued to glance through the rest of the photos all of the same man.
"This is your new case Mathews" Higgins said as he retrieved his own copy of the file
"Like Turner this is Bobby Shaw one of New Yorks biggest drug smugglers...I need you to go to New York and help with this case" he said as Holly's eyes widened
"New York" she snapped "That's out of my district..why me" she asked as she glanced at Dennis who appeared uncomfortable clearly knowing about this before she did
"It's complicated" Higgins stuttered
"Why me" she repeated wanting an honest answer
"Well the thing is..you have proven you can lead a case..drugs seems to be your area..this guy is dangerous but we don't have enough dirt on him..so NYPD are opening an undercover case for this..they need an officer to go undercover at one of his strip clubs in Manhattan"
"Unbelievable" Holly sighed as she sat back on her chair kicking her feet out in front of her as she held her head in her hands...she felt stupid thinking she had just busted one of LA's leading drug smugglers and would be now taken seriously as a Police Officer.
"Mathews" Higgins said sternly as the brunette regained her composure she sat up straight "You may think we are just using you for your looks but this is a top case..a case that no one at NYPD have attempted to do in the last 5 years..I gave them your name a couple of months back because you have proven to me that you can do this" he added as the brunette sighed...maybe this is what she needed.. to get away for a while...her girlfriend of 3 years had recently cheated on her in their own home, she was sick of being known because of her Father’s reputation. She had worked very hard to get where she was today and maybe Higgins was telling the truth..they needed her in New York to work on this case.
“Come on Holly” her boss pleaded “You know you can do this”. Holly rolled her eyes as she slouched back on her chair glancing at the mysterious man again
“Tell me more” she asked....

“I’m looking for Bobby” Holly asked a blonde bombshell who stood behind the bar in the empty darkened club.
“Are you a cop” the blonde questioned looking Holly up and down as her eyes squinted slightly
“Do I look like one” Holly replied trying to keep her cool as she glanced down at her own exposed legs and tight dress that clung to her curvy waist...the blonde still appear a bit slow still awaiting a reply from Holly.
“Jesus no...I’m here for an interview” she said slightly more casually as her hand gripped her handbag. The blonde continued to look her up and down suspiciously as Holly pretended to show her nerves...her normal confident cop cover could be smelt a mile off as she walked into places people instantly knowing she was there to interrogate them but she had now spent the last two weeks since arriving in New York learning the tricks of the trade on how to be the perfect undercover cop, starting with a new wardrobe that definitely complimented her natural beauty..Lisa a Detective who had plenty of experience in the Police force had taken her under her wing and had gotten her signed with an agent who hooked her up with this job interview at one of Bobby’s strip clubs called “Big Guns”. Holly was still hesitant about this case she had learnt that like Turner, Bobby was a dangerous man...many associates of Bobby’s have disappeared the last year which is why NYPD had reopen cases against him. He seemed to have been getting more and more dangerous with some serious drug smuggling happening in the city.
“Wait here” the blonde muttered as she stepped around the bar giving Holly an eyeful to look at as she walked through the club in her pink playsuit and high heels she disappeared through a doorway at the back of the club

“Fuck why am I doing this” she muttered suddenly having second thoughts, she panicked as she found herself twirling around to walk right out of the club..she collided with something as her bag fell to the floor she was about to lose her balance when a firm hand gripped her upper arm allowing her to steady her composure she looked up at piercing green eyes staring at her with a slight smirk as she was pulled to the standing position.
“Easy Tiger” came from the girl who reached down and picked Holly’s bag up handing it to the brunette.
“Thanks” Holly muttered feeling her cheeks flush as her eyes diverted to the ground, she flung her handbag over her shoulder
“So can I get you a drink or something” the girl asked
“No..No I was actually just leaving” Holly replied allowing her eyes to meet the girls again she felt her stomach flutter..there was something about this girl...her white teeth complimented her smile as her eyes remained on Holly’s...she seemed confident..comfortable almost as she wore tight jeans with black unlaced combat boots with a matching blank tank top..the girl seemed to be dressed a little too butch to what she actually was..her feminine looks and tied up mousey brown hair there was no denying it Holly felt attracted to her. It wasn’t until a voice broke her from her thoughts she had realised why she was her..she was here to work not eye fuck some random hot girl she had just met.
“Holly Edwards” she heard being repeated as she snapped her eyes away from the green eyes as her eyes now locked with equally green eyes but lacked the spark of the girls..she recognised the man walking towards her..after studying hundreds of captured photos of him how could she not...he seemed slightly shorter in real life than the in the photos as that evil grin she had seen in plenty of the pictures of him plastered across his face. His hand extended to her as she stepped back from the girl and extended her own
“Pleasure to meet you Miss Edwards..I’ve heard you have quite a talent” he purred as he bowed planting his lips on her extended hand..she shuddered feeling his sloppy mouth and stubble against her skin..everything that could possibly repulse her was standing only 2 feet away now...it was people like this that made her want to be a cop in the first place so she could sleep better at night knowing they were locked away. It was also men like this who made her glad she was a lesbian..she retracted her hand as she placed a smile on her face

“Why don’t we go into the back and we can see what you’ve got” he said as his perverted eyes roamed Holly’s body making her slightly nauseous...the sexy brunette could eye fuck her any day of the week but this sicko in front of her was really making her regret her decision to work on this case...all the more reason to get this son of a bitch locked up she thought as she nodded and began walking through the empty club..taking in any information around her
“Ty make sure no one interrupts me for the next hour or so” Bobby winked at his sister. The green eyed beauty gritted her teeth as she nodded keeping her eyes on the innocent brunette who was glancing around the back of the club...watching her brother snake his arm around Holly. Tyler wish had let the brunette leave when she wanted to...working for her brother was the last thing this Holly chick needed...

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