Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1954540-Why-did-they-become-popular-
by Tara
Rated: E · Article · Inspirational · #1954540
Ordinary girl that wants to fit in and stays away from peoples lives well that's life.
Ok ,yeah, I am having a troubled life, but why does a razor solve problems? I learned that the hard way . School is my main problem. Why cant people just be normal and stop judging and stuff like that seriously we are here to learn ( well it is the law ) and the reason why people are failing is because other people are making them to. Why cant I be home schooled . Why cant we be just injected with this fluid that allows us to know all the information we need to know ? Well that is my point of school , mean people and why ?!

It is my first day of 11th grade and so far it really sucks . You have to go down stairs everyday and I am surrounded by idiots . This one girl tried to use rocks as currency at the school store . This one boy ate a fire cracker this summer and had to go to the hospital six times that day . While me and my friend Tasha walk down the busy hallways we were talking about how we can afford to go to a private school , private school is filled with people that doesn't use rocks as currency and is smart enough to not eat fire cracker I think I will fit in very well .

During P.E , while I was changing the snotty popular girls poured water on this one girl , she was soaked and right when she ran to the bathroom I followed her , she went in the darkest stall with the messed up toilet . I heard crying , I knocked on the dark green door , "Go away " , she cried . " I know how you feel , " I said . She stopped sobbing and unlocked the door . Her red face was covered with tears and her red sweater was covered with make up that she wiped of . Her blonde hair and olive skin looked nice with her blue eyes , she looked at me and asked why , why is it me . I shrugged and told her I feel the same way .As we walk out to go to P.E w talked about each other and get to know each other a little better . Kacy and I became best friends instantly .

The next day she wasn't here ( I could see why it was ice cold water ) . As I was walking down the hallway the jocks had squirt guns filled with glue . When I walked by them four out of the five guys squirted glue on my hair . I dropped my books and wiped the glue of f of my hair everybody was laughing at me stares and laughing faces surrounded me . As the laughing died down the fifth guy who had a black t-shirt with a bird and the top right of the shirt came up with the water gun and squirted on my head but it wasn't glue it was water . " Brush your hair while you are taking your shower ," he whispered into my ear . I nodded and he quickly ran away catching up to the rest of the boys . Thankfully I only had science left then the day was done .

I wondered , were they really that bad ( well some of them ) , that guy just saved my hair , yeah its sticky and wet but he helped to get the glue off basically . The next day , Kacy came back with a cough . I old her about everything the glue and everything her eyes were surprised . One of the jocks helped me . According to my school they are the bullies and that is was made the cool somehow . The next day and further on I stayed away from people only hanging out with my two best friends , Tasha and Kacy . I don't care about people or that girl that payed with rocks . But now I have a whole new view of that one jock . Something to think about .
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