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My attempt at a Creepypasta which was instantly deleted off the wikia site. |
“It’s been three years since the incident…” A trainer say crying softly over a grave outside of the Burned Tower of Ecruteak City… The simple little grave beside the tower was well kept by the town who had felt sorry for the trainer who on this very day three years ago lost their trusted partner. —————————————————————————————————- *Three years ago* A young trainer walked into the city of Ecruteak his partner an Eevee who happily sat upon its trainers head. Everyone looked upon this joyful new traveling trainer happy at the innocent youth as he heads toward the Pokémon center to heal both his Partner Eevee and team. “Come to battle the Gym leader young man?” The Nurse Joy asked the trainer who simply gave her a simple yes but plans to do some training in the Burned tower and perhaps catch a rare to find Magmar in there. When Nurse Joy returns his team to the young man he smiles as his Eevee pops out to be beside its trainer for the challenge for Normal types versus Ghost his eevee will need to learn to bite… Everything had been going fine as he and Eevee trained and successfully learned Bite but the simpleness of this training would become much worse as the young trainer decides to go down the ladder to where the three legendary dogs use to be… The basement but the strangest part was of the brightly light upper floor the basement even with the huge holes from the floor above, it was dark… Then things turned terrible. “Why is it so dark down here?” The trainer questions how the light from above does nothing to the lower level even with the holes but he brushes aside the eeriness of the dark lower level of the Burned Tower but by doing so he sealed a terrible fate. The sudden cry of a Pokémon frightens the young trainer and his Eevee. “A ghastly?!” The trainer says in surprise as the Pokedex says that Ghastly don’t reside in the Burned Tower or that they should be White with Red eyes but again ignoring the sense of possible fear the trainer and his Eevee go into battle against the white ghastly prepared to use the newly learned move to win. “Eevee use Bite!” The Trainer declares and his Eevee pounces at the ghastly teeth ready to bite but they go right through the ghastly which was unheard of so the Eevee lands and tries again once again passing through until the Ghastly decides to act a spectral like nail appears and drives itself into the Eevee but unlike any other case of Ghost type using Curse this one caused his Eevee to shriek and flail about in what looks like sheer pain… Shortly after using the move the Ghastly vanished but the trainers Eevee continued to shriek in pain as he picks her them up but is shocked to find them BLEEDING!!! “I HAVE TO GET YOU TO THE POKÉMON CENTER!” The Trainer shouts and runs fighting back tears of fear for his precious Pokémon partner but with every step he takes the Eevee continues to Shriek and thrash about in his arms. The Trainer tries running in hopes he can make it to the center before its to late but this only makes the pain his partner is in get worse. By the time he reached the Pokémon Center his Eevee was silent perhaps from the blood loss but when he hands them to Nurse Joy she rushes the Eevee to ER which terrifies the Trainer. “I’m sorry but, she was to far gone to save.” Nurse Joy tells the trainer that his Eevee had died from a Nail found piercing her heart but when the nail was removed from the poor deceased Pokémon’s heart it vanished… Later that month the trainer had his Eevee buried beside the tower where their final adventure together had taken place. ———————————————————————————————— *Present Day* The Trainer readied to leave and began to walk away from the grave but took a look back… He swore he saw sitting on the grave was the spirit of his Eevee she was looking at him happily unaware she was dead even with a mysterious nail driven into and sticking out of her back. “I’ll see you next year… Visit again master.” The spirit says then fades away as the trainer leaves. |